private Int16 GetTagCanonicalType(string itemName) { const int ItemCanonicalDataTypeProperty = 1; TreeNode rootNode = uiGroupsTab_AllFoldersTreeView.SelectedNode; while (rootNode.Parent != null) { rootNode = rootNode.Parent; } var opcServer = Settings.OpcServers.Where(os => rootNode.FullPath == os.ServerName).Single(); string urlstring = opcServer.URL; Server server = new Server(new Factory(), new URL(urlstring)); server.Connect(); ItemIdentifier [] itemIdentifiers = new ItemIdentifier[] {new ItemIdentifier(itemName)}; PropertyID[] propertyIDs = new PropertyID[] { new PropertyID(ItemCanonicalDataTypeProperty) }; var result = server.GetProperties(itemIdentifiers, propertyIDs, true); server.Disconnect(); var resultType = result[0][0].Value.GetType(); PropertyInfo nameProperty = resultType.GetProperty("Name"); string name = nameProperty.GetValue(result[0][0].Value, null) as string; switch (name.ToLower()) { case "string": case "char": return 0; case "int16": case "int32": case "int64": case "uint16": case "uint32": case "uint64": return 1; case "boolean": return 2; case "decimal": case "double": return 3; case "datetime": case "datetimeoffset": return 4; default: return 0; } }
internal void AddNewPropertyID(PropertyID pid) { if (ContainsID(pid.ID)) Argument.Throw("repeated id"); stringIDs.Add(pid.ID); propertyIDs.Add(pid); }
/// <summary> /// Splits an item identfier into its component parts. /// </summary> private bool ParseItemID(string itemID, out string baseItemID, out PropertyID propertyID) { // set default values. baseItemID = itemID; propertyID = Property.VALUE; // validate item id. if (itemID == null || itemID.Length == 0) { return false; } // check for a property id qualifier. int index = itemID.LastIndexOf(":"); if (index == -1) { return true; } // extract base item id. baseItemID = itemID.Substring(0, index); // parse property id. try { int code = System.Convert.ToInt32(itemID.Substring(index+1)); propertyID = new PropertyID(code); } catch { return false; } // item syntax is valid. return true; }
protected double GetDoubleSetting(PropertyID propID, int inParam = 0);
protected bool[] GetBoolArrSetting(PropertyID propID, int inParam = 0);
protected PropertyChange(BaseObject ob, PropertyID propertyID) : base(ob) { this.PropertyID = propertyID; }
protected void NotifyBool(PropertyID id, bool value) { Debug.Assert(this.IsInitialized); Debug.Assert(!this.IsDestructed); this.World.AddChange(new PropertyValueChange(this, id, value)); }
protected HasEffectProperty(PropertyID pid, int val, IEffectList effectList) : base(pid, val) { this.effectSupports = new List<EffectSupport>(); this.effectList = effectList; }
protected NonEffectProperty(PropertyID pid) : base(pid) { }
public override void SetProperty(PropertyID propertyID, object value) { switch (propertyID) { case PropertyID.HitPoints: this.HitPoints = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.MaxHitPoints: this.MaxHitPoints = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.SpellPoints: this.SpellPoints = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.MaxSpellPoints: this.MaxSpellPoints = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.Strength: this.Strength = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.Dexterity: this.Dexterity = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.Constitution: this.Constitution = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.Intelligence: this.Intelligence = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.Wisdom: this.Wisdom = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.Charisma: this.Charisma = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.Size: this.Size = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.NaturalArmorClass: this.NaturalArmorClass = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.VisionRange: this.VisionRange = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.Hunger: this.Hunger = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.Thirst: this.Thirst = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.Exhaustion: this.Exhaustion = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.Assignment: this.ServerAssignment = (string)value; break; case PropertyID.Gender: this.Gender = (LivingGender)value; break; default: base.SetProperty(propertyID, value); break; } }
//====================================================================== // GetProperties /// <summary> /// Returns the item properties for a set of items. /// </summary> /// <param name="itemIDs">A list of item identifiers.</param> /// <param name="propertyIDs">A list of properties to fetch for each item.</param> /// <param name="returnValues">Whether the property values should be returned with the properties.</param> /// <returns>A list of properties for each item.</returns> public ItemPropertyCollection[] GetProperties( ItemIdentifier[] itemIDs, PropertyID[] propertyIDs, bool returnValues) { if (itemIDs == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("itemIDs"); lock (this) { ArrayList items = new ArrayList(); foreach (ItemIdentifier itemID in itemIDs) { ItemPropertyCollection properties = m_cache.GetProperties(itemID, propertyIDs, returnValues); if (properties != null) { items.Add(properties); } } return (ItemPropertyCollection[])items.ToArray(typeof(ItemPropertyCollection)); } }
public IProperty this[PropertyID key] { get { return properties[key.Index]; } }
public static ObjectVisibility GetPropertyVisibility(PropertyID id) { return s_visibilityArray[(int)id]; }
public override void SetProperty(PropertyID propertyID, object value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override void SetProperty(PropertyID propertyID, object value) { switch (propertyID) { case PropertyID.Quality: this.Quality = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.NutritionalValue: this.NutritionalValue = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.RefreshmentValue: this.RefreshmentValue = (int)value; break; case PropertyID.ReservedByStr: this.ServerReservedBy = (string)value; break; case PropertyID.IsInstalled: this.IsInstalled = (bool)value; break; case PropertyID.IsClosed: this.IsClosed = (bool)value; break; case PropertyID.IsEquipped: this.IsEquipped = (bool)value; break; default: base.SetProperty(propertyID, value); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Reads the value of the specified item property. /// </summary> internal Opc.Da.ItemValueResult Read(PropertyID propertyID) { return(m_settings.Device.Read(m_settings.ItemIndex, propertyID)); }
public RestorableProperty(PropertyID pid, int val) : base(pid, val, new RestorableEffectList()) { }
public void Parse(Stream hs) { NumFiles = hs.ReadDecodedUInt64(); while (true) { PropertyID propertyID = GetPropertyID(this, hs); if (propertyID == PropertyID.kEnd) { break; } FileProperty property = null; switch (propertyID) { case PropertyID.kEmptyStream: property = new PropertyEmptyStream(NumFiles); property.Parse(hs); NumEmptyStreams = (property as PropertyEmptyStream).NumEmptyStreams; break; case PropertyID.kEmptyFile: property = new PropertyEmptyFile(NumFiles, NumEmptyStreams); property.Parse(hs); break; case PropertyID.kAnti: property = new PropertyAnti(NumFiles, NumEmptyStreams); property.Parse(hs); break; case PropertyID.kCTime: case PropertyID.kATime: case PropertyID.kMTime: property = new PropertyTime(propertyID, NumFiles); property.Parse(hs); break; case PropertyID.kName: property = new PropertyName(NumFiles); property.Parse(hs); break; case PropertyID.kWinAttributes: property = new PropertyAttributes(NumFiles); property.Parse(hs); break; case PropertyID.kDummy: property = new PropertyDummy(); property.Parse(hs); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(propertyID.ToString()); } if (property != null) { Properties.Add(property); } } }
public SimpleProperty(PropertyID pid) : base(pid) { }
public ArchiveProperty(PropertyID type) { this.Type = type; this.Size = 0; this.Data = new Byte[0]; }
void HandlePropertyChange(ObjectID objectID, PropertyID propertyID, object value) { var ob = m_world.GetObject<BaseObject>(objectID); Debug.Assert(ob.IsInitialized); ob.SetProperty(propertyID, value); }
/// <summary> /// Helper function to read and ensure a specific PropertyID is next in header stream /// </summary> public static void ExpectPropertyID(IHeaderParser parser, Stream headerStream, PropertyID propertyID) { if (GetPropertyID(parser, headerStream) != propertyID) { throw new SevenZipException(parser.GetType().Name + $": Expected property ID = {propertyID}."); } }
protected void NotifyValue(PropertyID id, ValueType value) { Debug.Assert(this.IsInitialized); Debug.Assert(value.GetType().IsValueType); Debug.Assert(!this.IsDestructed); this.World.AddChange(new PropertyValueChange(this, id, value)); }
public void Parse(Stream hs) { ExpectPropertyID(this, hs, PropertyID.kFolder); // Folders NumFolders = hs.ReadDecodedUInt64(); External = hs.ReadByteThrow(); switch (External) { case 0: Folders = new Folder[NumFolders]; for (ulong i = 0; i < NumFolders; ++i) { Folders[i] = new Folder(); Folders[i].Parse(hs); } break; case 1: DataStreamsIndex = hs.ReadDecodedUInt64(); break; default: throw new SevenZipException("External value must be `0` or `1`."); } ExpectPropertyID(this, hs, PropertyID.kCodersUnPackSize); // CodersUnPackSize (data stored in `Folder.UnPackSizes`) for (ulong i = 0; i < NumFolders; ++i) { Folders[i].UnPackSizes = new UInt64[Folders[i].NumOutStreamsTotal]; for (ulong j = 0; j < Folders[i].NumOutStreamsTotal; ++j) { Folders[i].UnPackSizes[j] = hs.ReadDecodedUInt64(); } } // Optional: UnPackDigests (data stored in `Folder.UnPackCRC`) PropertyID propertyID = GetPropertyID(this, hs); var UnPackDigests = new Digests(NumFolders); if (propertyID == PropertyID.kCRC) { UnPackDigests.Parse(hs); propertyID = GetPropertyID(this, hs); } for (ulong i = 0; i < NumFolders; ++i) { if (UnPackDigests.Defined(i)) { Folders[i].UnPackCRC = UnPackDigests.CRCs[i]; } } // end of UnPackInfo if (propertyID != PropertyID.kEnd) { throw new SevenZipException("Expected kEnd property."); } }
public PropertyStringChange(BaseObject ob, PropertyID propertyID, string value) : base(ob, propertyID) { this.Value = value; }
public void Parse(Stream hs) { PropertyID propertyID = GetPropertyID(this, hs); // Number of UnPack Streams per Folder if (propertyID == PropertyID.kNumUnPackStream) { NumUnPackStreamsInFolders = new UInt64[unPackInfo.NumFolders]; NumUnPackStreamsTotal = 0; for (ulong i = 0; i < unPackInfo.NumFolders; ++i) { NumUnPackStreamsTotal += NumUnPackStreamsInFolders[i] = hs.ReadDecodedUInt64(); } propertyID = GetPropertyID(this, hs); } else // If no records, assume `1` output stream per folder { NumUnPackStreamsInFolders = Enumerable.Repeat((UInt64)1, (int)unPackInfo.NumFolders).ToArray(); NumUnPackStreamsTotal = unPackInfo.NumFolders; } // UnPackSizes UnPackSizes = new List <UInt64>(); if (propertyID == PropertyID.kSize) { for (ulong i = 0; i < unPackInfo.NumFolders; ++i) { UInt64 num = NumUnPackStreamsInFolders[i]; if (num == 0) { continue; } UInt64 sum = 0; for (ulong j = 1; j < num; ++j) { UInt64 size = hs.ReadDecodedUInt64(); sum += size; UnPackSizes.Add(size); } UnPackSizes.Add(unPackInfo.Folders[i].GetUnPackSize() - sum); } propertyID = GetPropertyID(this, hs); } else // If no records, assume one unpack size per folder { for (ulong i = 0; i < unPackInfo.NumFolders; ++i) { ulong num = NumUnPackStreamsInFolders[i]; if (num > 1) { throw new SevenZipException($"Invalid number of UnPackStreams `{num}` in Folder # `{i}`."); } if (num == 1) { UnPackSizes.Add(unPackInfo.Folders[i].GetUnPackSize()); } } } // Digests [Number of Unknown CRCs] UInt64 numDigests = 0; for (UInt64 i = 0; i < unPackInfo.NumFolders; ++i) { UInt64 numSubStreams = NumUnPackStreamsInFolders[i]; if (numSubStreams > 1 || unPackInfo.Folders[i].UnPackCRC == null) { numDigests += numSubStreams; } } if (propertyID == PropertyID.kCRC) { Digests = new Digests(numDigests); Digests.Parse(hs); propertyID = GetPropertyID(this, hs); } if (propertyID != PropertyID.kEnd) { throw new SevenZipException("Expected `kEnd` property ID."); } }
protected byte[] GetByteArrSetting(PropertyID propID, int inParam = 0);
public FileProperty(PropertyID PropertyID, UInt64 NumFiles) { this.PropertyID = PropertyID; this.NumFiles = NumFiles; Size = 0; }
protected short GetInt16Setting(PropertyID propID, int inParam = 0);
public DateTime?[] Times; // [NumFiles] public PropertyTime(PropertyID propertyID, UInt64 NumFiles) : base(propertyID, NumFiles) { }
public static PropertyInfo getProperty(Type type, PropertyID id) { TypeMembers tmember = getMembers(type); var arr =; if (arr != null) { for (var i = -1; i < arr.Length; i++) { PropertyInfo curr; if (i == -1) { if (id.index >= 0 && arr.Length > id.index) curr = arr[id.index]; else continue; } else { curr = arr[i]; } if (curr.Name == { if (matchReturnType(curr.PropertyType, id.retTypeName, id.retTypeFlag) && matchParameters(curr.GetIndexParameters(), id.paramTypeNames, id.paramFlags)) { if (i != -1) id.index = i; return curr; } } } } Debug.LogError(new StringBuilder().AppendFormat("GenericTypeCache.getProperty({0}, {1}) fail", type.Name,; return null; }
public bool ContainsPropertyColumn(PropertyID propertyID, PropertyTypeName propertyTypeName) { int index = FindColumnIndexByPropertyTag(propertyID, propertyTypeName); return(index >= 0); }
/// <summary> /// Reads the value of the specified property. /// </summary> internal object ReadProperty(PropertyID propertyID) { return(ReadProperty(propertyID, m_settings.Device, m_settings.ItemIndex)); }
/// <summary> /// Add column to an empty table context. /// If this is a Contents Table, the caller should call UpdateMessage() afterwards. /// Similarly, for attachment table, the caller should call UpdateAttachment(). /// </summary> public void AddPropertyColumn(PropertyID propertyID, PropertyTypeName propertyType) { TableColumnDescriptor newColumnDescriptor = new TableColumnDescriptor(); newColumnDescriptor.PropertyID = propertyID; newColumnDescriptor.PropertyType = propertyType; newColumnDescriptor.iBit = (byte)m_tcInfo.ColumnCount; newColumnDescriptor.cbData = (byte)GetPropertyDataLength(propertyType); // Set the ibData: // // PidTagLtpRowId and PidTagLtpRowVer must not be relocated if (newColumnDescriptor.DataLengthGroup == TableContextInfo.TCI_4b) { newColumnDescriptor.ibData = m_tcInfo.rgib[TableContextInfo.TCI_4b]; } else if (newColumnDescriptor.DataLengthGroup == TableContextInfo.TCI_2b) { newColumnDescriptor.ibData = m_tcInfo.rgib[TableContextInfo.TCI_2b]; } else { newColumnDescriptor.ibData = m_tcInfo.rgib[TableContextInfo.TCI_1b]; } // We call GetRedistributedRows() before adding the new column: List <byte[]> rows = GetRedistributedRows(newColumnDescriptor.ibData, newColumnDescriptor.cbData); // add the new column m_tcInfo.rgTCOLDESC.Add(newColumnDescriptor); // redistribute column descriptions ushort offset = (ushort)(newColumnDescriptor.ibData + newColumnDescriptor.cbData); for (int groupIndex = newColumnDescriptor.DataLengthGroup + 1; groupIndex < 3; groupIndex++) { for (int index = 0; index < m_tcInfo.rgTCOLDESC.Count; index++) { TableColumnDescriptor descriptor = m_tcInfo.rgTCOLDESC[index]; if (groupIndex == descriptor.DataLengthGroup) { // changes to descriptor will be saved when calling UpdateTableContextInfo() descriptor.ibData = offset; offset += descriptor.cbData; } } } // update the group ending offset m_tcInfo.UpdateDataLayout(); m_rowsPerBlock = (int)Math.Floor((double)DataBlock.MaximumDataLength / RowLength); // Update the rows data if (!m_tcInfo.hnidRows.IsEmpty) { if (m_tcInfo.hnidRows.IsHeapID) { m_heap.RemoveItemFromHeap(m_tcInfo.hnidRows.HeapID); CreateSubnodeForRows(); } else { if (m_subnodeRows == null) { m_subnodeRows = m_subnodeBTree.GetSubnode(m_tcInfo.hnidRows.NodeID); } m_subnodeRows.Delete(); // this will set the subnode data-tree to null // New data tree will be created when the first row will be added m_subnodeBTree.UpdateSubnodeEntry(m_tcInfo.hnidRows.NodeID, null, null); } for (int index = 0; index < rows.Count; index++) { AddRowToSubnode(index, rows[index]); } } UpdateTableContextInfo(); }
public UnrecoverableProperty(PropertyID pid, int val) : base(pid, val, new UnrecoverableEffectList()) { }
public Nullable <bool> GetBooleanProperty(int rowIndex, PropertyID propertyID) { int columnIndex = GetColumnIndexByPropertyTag(propertyID, PropertyTypeName.PtypBoolean); return(GetBooleanProperty(rowIndex, columnIndex)); }
protected NonEffectProperty(PropertyID pid, int val) : base(pid, val) { }
public Nullable <short> GetInt16Property(int rowIndex, PropertyID propertyID) { int columnIndex = GetColumnIndexByPropertyTag(propertyID, PropertyTypeName.PtypInteger16); return(GetInt16Property(rowIndex, columnIndex)); }
public SimpleProperty(PropertyID pid, int val) : base(pid, val) { }
public Nullable <long> GetInt64Property(int rowIndex, PropertyID propertyID) { int columnIndex = GetColumnIndexByPropertyTag(propertyID, PropertyTypeName.PtypInteger64); return(GetInt64Property(rowIndex, columnIndex)); }
public RestorableProperty(PropertyID pid) : base(pid, new RestorableEffectList()) { }
public Nullable <DateTime> GetDateTimeProperty(int rowIndex, PropertyID propertyID) { int columnIndex = GetColumnIndexByPropertyTag(propertyID, PropertyTypeName.PtypTime); return(GetDateTimeProperty(rowIndex, columnIndex)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the set of elements in the address space that meet the specified criteria. /// </summary> public Opc.Da.BrowseElement[] Browse( ItemIdentifier itemID, BrowseFilters filters, ref Opc.Da.BrowsePosition position) { lock (this) { if (m_disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("Opc.Da.Cache"); } BrowseElement element = m_addressSpace; // find desired element. string browsePath = (itemID != null) ? itemID.ItemName : null; if (browsePath != null && browsePath.Length > 0) { element = m_addressSpace.Find(browsePath); if (element == null) { // check if browsing a property item. PropertyID property = Property.VALUE; string rootID = LookupProperty(browsePath, out property); if (rootID != null) { element = m_addressSpace.Find(rootID); } if (element == null) { throw new ResultIDException(ResultID.Da.E_UNKNOWN_ITEM_NAME); } // property items never contain children. return(new Opc.Da.BrowseElement[0]); } } // check if no elements exist. if (element.Count == 0) { return(new Opc.Da.BrowseElement[0]); } // determine start position. int start = 0; if (position != null) { start = ((BrowsePosition)position).Index; position.Dispose(); position = null; } // process child nodes. ArrayList results = new ArrayList(); for (int ii = start; ii < element.Count; ii++) { BrowseElement child = element.Child(ii); // exclude elements without children. if (filters.BrowseFilter == browseFilter.branch && child.Count == 0) { continue; } // check if an element is an item. CacheItem item = (CacheItem)m_items[child.ItemID]; // exclude elements which are not items. if (filters.BrowseFilter == browseFilter.item && item == null) { continue; } // apply name filter (using the SQL LIKE operator). if (filters.ElementNameFilter != null && filters.ElementNameFilter.Length > 0) { if (!Opc.Convert.Match(child.Name, filters.ElementNameFilter, true)) { continue; } } // add element to list of results. Opc.Da.BrowseElement result = new Opc.Da.BrowseElement(); result.Name = child.Name; result.ItemName = child.ItemID; result.ItemPath = null; result.IsItem = item != null; result.HasChildren = child.Count > 0; result.Properties = null; // add properties to results. if (filters.ReturnAllProperties || filters.PropertyIDs != null) { result.Properties = GetProperties(item, (filters.ReturnAllProperties) ? null : filters.PropertyIDs, filters.ReturnPropertyValues); } results.Add(result); // check if max elements exceeded. if (filters.MaxElementsReturned > 0 && results.Count >= filters.MaxElementsReturned) { if (ii + 1 < element.Count) { position = new BrowsePosition(itemID, filters); ((BrowsePosition)position).Index = ii + 1; } break; } } // return results. return((Opc.Da.BrowseElement[])results.ToArray(typeof(Opc.Da.BrowseElement))); } }
public string GetStringProperty(int rowIndex, PropertyID propertyID) { int columnIndex = GetColumnIndexByPropertyTag(propertyID, PropertyTypeName.PtypString); return(GetStringProperty(rowIndex, columnIndex)); }
protected void NotifyString(PropertyID id, string value) { Debug.Assert(this.IsInitialized); Debug.Assert(!this.IsDestructed); this.World.AddChange(new PropertyStringChange(this, id, value)); }
public byte[] GetBytesProperty(int rowIndex, PropertyID propertyID) { int columnIndex = GetColumnIndexByPropertyTag(propertyID, PropertyTypeName.PtypBinary); return(GetBytesProperty(rowIndex, columnIndex)); }
/// <returns>True if property column was added</returns> public bool AddPropertyColumnIfNotExist(PropertyName propertyName, PropertyTypeName propertyType) { PropertyID propertyID = m_map.ObtainIDFromName(propertyName); return(AddPropertyColumnIfNotExist(propertyID, propertyType)); }
/// <param name="value">set value to null to mark the row as in use</param> public void SetBytesProperty(int rowIndex, PropertyID propertyID, byte[] value) { int columnIndex = GetColumnIndexByPropertyTag(propertyID, PropertyTypeName.PtypBinary); SetPropertyValue(rowIndex, columnIndex, value); }
public PropertyIntChange(BaseObject ob, PropertyID propertyID, int value) : base(ob, propertyID) { this.Value = value; }
/// <summary> /// For discovery purposes /// </summary> public List <string> ListTable() { List <string> result = new List <string>(); result.Add("Number of Columns: " + this.ColumnCount); for (int index = 0; index < m_tcInfo.rgTCOLDESC.Count; index++) { TableColumnDescriptor descriptor = m_tcInfo.rgTCOLDESC[index]; result.Add(String.Format("Column {0}, Property Type: {1}, PropertyName: {2}, Data Length: {3}, Offset: {4}, iBit: {5}", index, descriptor.PropertyType, GetPropertyIDString((ushort)descriptor.PropertyID), descriptor.cbData, descriptor.ibData, descriptor.iBit)); } result.Add("Number of Rows: " + m_rowIndex.Count); result.Add("4-byte entries length: " + (m_tcInfo.rgib[TableContextInfo.TCI_4b])); result.Add("2-byte entries length: " + (m_tcInfo.rgib[TableContextInfo.TCI_2b] - m_tcInfo.rgib[TableContextInfo.TCI_4b])); result.Add("1-byte entries length: " + (m_tcInfo.rgib[TableContextInfo.TCI_1b] - m_tcInfo.rgib[TableContextInfo.TCI_2b])); result.Add("Row length (net): " + m_tcInfo.rgib[TableContextInfo.TCI_1b]); result.Add("Row length: " + this.RowLength); for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < m_rowIndex.Count; rowIndex++) { result.Add("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); result.Add("Row ID: " + m_rowIndex[rowIndex].dwRowID); result.Add("Data Length: " + m_rowIndex[rowIndex].DataLength); result.Add("Row Index: " + m_rowIndex[rowIndex].dwRowIndex); for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < m_tcInfo.rgTCOLDESC.Count; columnIndex++) { TableColumnDescriptor descriptor = m_tcInfo.rgTCOLDESC[columnIndex]; PropertyTypeName propertyType = descriptor.PropertyType; PropertyID propertyID = descriptor.PropertyID; string value; if (IsCellInUse(rowIndex, propertyID, propertyType)) { if (propertyType == PropertyTypeName.PtypBoolean) { bool boolValue = GetBooleanProperty(rowIndex, propertyID).Value; value = boolValue.ToString(); } else if (propertyType == PropertyTypeName.PtypInteger16) { value = GetInt16Property(rowIndex, propertyID).ToString() + " (Int16)"; } else if (propertyType == PropertyTypeName.PtypInteger32) { value = GetInt32Property(rowIndex, propertyID).ToString(); } else if (propertyType == PropertyTypeName.PtypInteger64) { value = GetInt64Property(rowIndex, propertyID).ToString() + " (Int64)"; } else if (propertyType == PropertyTypeName.PtypTime) { value = GetDateTimeProperty(rowIndex, propertyID).ToString(); } else if (propertyType == PropertyTypeName.PtypString) { value = GetStringProperty(rowIndex, propertyID); } else if (propertyType == PropertyTypeName.PtypBinary) { value = StringHelper.GetByteArrayString(GetBytesProperty(rowIndex, propertyID)); } else { value = "-" + propertyType.ToString(); } } else { value = "(Unused)"; } result.Add(GetPropertyIDString((ushort)propertyID) + ": " + value); } } return(result); }
public PropertyValueChange(BaseObject ob, PropertyID propertyID, ValueType value) : base(ob, propertyID) { this.Value = value; }
private void MainCamera_PropertyChanged(Camera sender, PropertyEventID eventID, PropertyID propID, int parameter) { if (sendToUnity != null) { sendToUnity.Invoke("{\"" + eventID + "\":\"" + propID + "\"}"); } }
protected bool GetBoolSetting(PropertyID propID, int inParam = 0);
/// <summary> /// Returns the specified properties for the item. /// </summary> public Opc.Da.ItemPropertyCollection GetAvailableProperties( PropertyID[] propertyIDs, bool returnValues) { return m_device.GetAvailableProperties(m_itemID, propertyIDs, returnValues); }
protected byte GetByteSetting(PropertyID propID, int inParam = 0);
/// <summary> /// Reads the value of the specified item property. /// </summary> public Opc.Da.ItemValueResult Read(PropertyID propertyID) { return m_device.Read(m_itemID, propertyID); }
protected void GetHistogram(PropertyID propID, IntPtr evfImageRef, uint[] histogram);
/// <summary> /// Reads the value of the specified property. /// </summary> public object ReadProperty(PropertyID propertyID) { ItemValueResult result = m_device.Read(m_itemID, propertyID); if (result == null || result.ResultID.Failed()) { return null; } return result.Value; }
protected int[] GetInt32ArrSetting(PropertyID propID, int inParam = 0);
/// <summary> /// Writes the value of the specified item property. /// </summary> public Opc.IdentifiedResult Write( string itemID, PropertyID propertyID, Opc.Da.ItemValue value) { return null; }