public void Destroy(int id ) { try { SessionInitializeTransaction(); PropertyEN propertyEN = (PropertyEN)session.Load(typeof(PropertyEN), id); session.Delete(propertyEN); SessionCommit(); } catch (Exception ex) { SessionRollBack(); if (ex is MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.ModelException) { throw ex; } throw new MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.DataLayerException("Error in PropertyCAD.", ex); } finally { SessionClose(); } }
public PropertyEN ReadOIDDefault(int id ) { PropertyEN propertyEN = null; try { SessionInitializeTransaction(); propertyEN = (PropertyEN)session.Get(typeof(PropertyEN), id); SessionCommit(); } catch (Exception ex) { SessionRollBack(); if (ex is MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.ModelException) { throw ex; } throw new MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.DataLayerException("Error in PropertyCAD.", ex); } finally { SessionClose(); } return(propertyEN); }
public int New_(PropertyEN property) { try { SessionInitializeTransaction(); if (property.DeviceTemplate != null) { // Argumento OID y no colección. property.DeviceTemplate = (MoSIoTGenNHibernate.EN.MosIoT.DeviceTemplateEN)session.Load(typeof(MoSIoTGenNHibernate.EN.MosIoT.DeviceTemplateEN), property.DeviceTemplate.Id); property.DeviceTemplate.Property .Add(property); } session.Save(property); SessionCommit(); } catch (Exception ex) { SessionRollBack(); if (ex is MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.ModelException) { throw ex; } throw new MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.DataLayerException("Error in PropertyCAD.", ex); } finally { SessionClose(); } return(property.Id); }
public void Modify(PropertyEN property) { try { SessionInitializeTransaction(); PropertyEN propertyEN = (PropertyEN)session.Load(typeof(PropertyEN), property.Id); propertyEN.Name = property.Name; propertyEN.IsWritable = property.IsWritable; propertyEN.IsCloudable = property.IsCloudable; session.Update(propertyEN); SessionCommit(); } catch (Exception ex) { SessionRollBack(); if (ex is MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.ModelException) { throw ex; } throw new MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.DataLayerException("Error in PropertyCAD.", ex); } finally { SessionClose(); } }
public int New_(int p_deviceTemplate, string p_name, bool p_isWritable, bool p_isCloudable) { PropertyEN propertyEN = null; int oid; //Initialized PropertyEN propertyEN = new PropertyEN(); if (p_deviceTemplate != -1) { // El argumento p_deviceTemplate -> Property deviceTemplate es oid = false // Lista de oids id propertyEN.DeviceTemplate = new MoSIoTGenNHibernate.EN.MosIoT.DeviceTemplateEN(); propertyEN.DeviceTemplate.Id = p_deviceTemplate; } propertyEN.Name = p_name; propertyEN.IsWritable = p_isWritable; propertyEN.IsCloudable = p_isCloudable; //Call to PropertyCAD oid = _IPropertyCAD.New_(propertyEN); return(oid); }
public PropertyEN ReadOID(int id ) { PropertyEN propertyEN = null; propertyEN = _IPropertyCAD.ReadOID(id); return(propertyEN); }
public void Modify(int p_Property_OID, string p_name, bool p_isWritable, bool p_isCloudable) { PropertyEN propertyEN = null; //Initialized PropertyEN propertyEN = new PropertyEN(); propertyEN.Id = p_Property_OID; propertyEN.Name = p_name; propertyEN.IsWritable = p_isWritable; propertyEN.IsCloudable = p_isCloudable; //Call to PropertyCAD _IPropertyCAD.Modify(propertyEN); }
public static PropertyEN Convert(PropertyDTO dto) { PropertyEN newinstance = null; try { if (dto != null) { newinstance = new PropertyEN(); if (dto.DeviceTemplate_oid != -1) { MoSIoTGenNHibernate.CAD.MosIoT.IDeviceTemplateCAD deviceTemplateCAD = new MoSIoTGenNHibernate.CAD.MosIoT.DeviceTemplateCAD(); newinstance.DeviceTemplate = deviceTemplateCAD.ReadOIDDefault(dto.DeviceTemplate_oid); } newinstance.Id = dto.Id; newinstance.Name = dto.Name; newinstance.IsWritable = dto.IsWritable; newinstance.IsCloudable = dto.IsCloudable; if (dto.Telemetry_oid != null) { MoSIoTGenNHibernate.CAD.MosIoT.ITelemetryCAD telemetryCAD = new MoSIoTGenNHibernate.CAD.MosIoT.TelemetryCAD(); newinstance.Telemetry = new System.Collections.Generic.List <MoSIoTGenNHibernate.EN.MosIoT.TelemetryEN>(); foreach (int entry in dto.Telemetry_oid) { newinstance.Telemetry.Add(telemetryCAD.ReadOIDDefault(entry)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(newinstance); }
public static PropertyDTOA Convert(PropertyEN en, NHibernate.ISession session = null) { PropertyDTOA dto = null; PropertyRESTCAD propertyRESTCAD = null; PropertyCEN propertyCEN = null; PropertyCP propertyCP = null; if (en != null) { dto = new PropertyDTOA(); propertyRESTCAD = new PropertyRESTCAD(session); propertyCEN = new PropertyCEN(propertyRESTCAD); propertyCP = new PropertyCP(session); // // Attributes dto.Id = en.Id; dto.Name = en.Name; dto.IsWritable = en.IsWritable; dto.IsCloudable = en.IsCloudable; // // TravesalLink // // Service } return(dto); }
public PropertyEN ValueProperty(int id) { PropertyEN result = null; try { SessionInitializeTransaction(); String sql = @"select self.Property FROM IMPropertyEN self " + "where self.Id = :p_Id"; IQuery query = session.CreateQuery(sql).SetParameter("p_Id", id); result = query.UniqueResult <PropertyEN>(); SessionCommit(); } catch (Exception ex) { SessionRollBack(); if (ex is MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.ModelException) { throw ex; } throw new MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.DataLayerException("Error in IMPropertyRESTCAD.", ex); } finally { SessionClose(); } return(result); }
public HttpResponseMessage ReadOID(int idProperty) { // CAD, CEN, EN, returnValue PropertyRESTCAD propertyRESTCAD = null; PropertyCEN propertyCEN = null; PropertyEN propertyEN = null; PropertyDTOA returnValue = null; try { SessionInitializeWithoutTransaction(); propertyRESTCAD = new PropertyRESTCAD(session); propertyCEN = new PropertyCEN(propertyRESTCAD); // Data propertyEN = propertyCEN.ReadOID(idProperty); // Convert return if (propertyEN != null) { returnValue = PropertyAssembler.Convert(propertyEN, session); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.GetType() == typeof(HttpResponseException)) { throw e; } else if (e.GetType() == typeof(MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.ModelException) && e.Message.Equals("El token es incorrecto")) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden); } else if (e.GetType() == typeof(MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.ModelException) || e.GetType() == typeof(MoSIoTGenNHibernate.Exceptions.DataLayerException)) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } else { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } } finally { SessionClose(); } // Return 404 - Not found if (returnValue == null) { return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); } // Return 200 - OK else { return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, returnValue)); } }