        private void Init(AutomationProperty property, object val, PropertyConditionFlags flags)
            Utility.ValidateArgumentNonNull(property, "property");

            this._obj = (UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationPropertyCondition)
        private System.Windows.Automation.Condition BuildPropertyCondition(XmlNode xnPropCondition)
            System.Windows.Automation.Condition condition = null;
            PropertyConditionFlags none = PropertyConditionFlags.None;
            string str = string.Empty;

            if (xnPropCondition.InnerText == null)
            str = UIAHelperMethods.GetXmlAttribute(xnPropCondition, "Name").Value;
            Type type = AutomationPropReturnTypes[str];

            if (type.Equals(typeof(string)))
                none = PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase;
            return(new PropertyCondition(AutomationProperties[str], this.ConvertStringtoObject(xnPropCondition.InnerText, AutomationPropReturnTypes[str]), none));
        public PropertyCondition(AutomationProperty property,
                                 object value,
                                 PropertyConditionFlags flags) : base()
            if (property == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("property");
            this.property = property;

            // NotSupported is handled the same way for all properties
            if (value == AutomationElement.NotSupported)
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                this.val   = value;
                this.flags = flags;

            if (property == AEIds.AcceleratorKeyProperty ||
                property == AEIds.AccessKeyProperty ||
                property == AEIds.AutomationIdProperty ||
                property == AEIds.ClassNameProperty ||
                property == AEIds.HelpTextProperty ||
                property == AEIds.ItemStatusProperty ||
                property == AEIds.ItemTypeProperty ||
                property == AEIds.LocalizedControlTypeProperty ||
                property == AEIds.NameProperty ||
                property == AEIds.FrameworkIdProperty ||
                property == ValuePatternIdentifiers.ValueProperty)
                if (value != null && !(value is string))
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if (value == null && (flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = value;
            else if (property == AEIds.BoundingRectangleProperty)
                Rect?rect = null;
                if (value == null || !(rect = value as Rect?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = new double [] {
            else if (property == AEIds.ClickablePointProperty)
                Point?point = null;
                if (value == null || !(point = value as Point?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = new double [] {
            else if (property == AEIds.ControlTypeProperty)
                ControlType controlType = null;
                if (value != null && (controlType = value as ControlType) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                if (controlType != null)
                    val = controlType.Id;
            else if (property == AEIds.CultureProperty)
                CultureInfo culture = null;
                if (value != null && (culture = value as CultureInfo) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                if (culture != null)
                    val = culture.LCID;
            else if (property == AEIds.HasKeyboardFocusProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsContentElementProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsControlElementProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsDockPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsEnabledProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsGridItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsGridPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsInvokePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsKeyboardFocusableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsMultipleViewPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsOffscreenProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsPasswordProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsRangeValuePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsRequiredForFormProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsScrollItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsScrollPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsSelectionItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsSelectionPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsTableItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsTablePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsTextPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsTogglePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsTransformPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsValuePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsWindowPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.IsReadOnlyProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.HorizontallyScrollableProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.VerticallyScrollableProperty ||
                     property == SelectionItemPatternIdentifiers.IsSelectedProperty ||
                     property == SelectionPatternIdentifiers.CanSelectMultipleProperty ||
                     property == SelectionPatternIdentifiers.IsSelectionRequiredProperty ||
                     property == TransformPatternIdentifiers.CanMoveProperty ||
                     property == TransformPatternIdentifiers.CanResizeProperty ||
                     property == TransformPatternIdentifiers.CanRotateProperty ||
                     property == ValuePatternIdentifiers.IsReadOnlyProperty ||
                     property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.CanMaximizeProperty ||
                     property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.CanMinimizeProperty ||
                     property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.IsModalProperty ||
                     property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.IsTopmostProperty)
                bool?boolVal = null;
                if (value == null || !(boolVal = value as bool?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = boolVal.Value;
            else if (property == AEIds.LabeledByProperty ||
                     property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.ContainingGridProperty ||
                     property == SelectionItemPatternIdentifiers.SelectionContainerProperty)
                AutomationElement element = null;
                if (value != null && (element = value as AutomationElement) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                if (element != null)
                    val = element.GetRuntimeId();
            else if (property == AEIds.NativeWindowHandleProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.ProcessIdProperty ||
                     property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.ColumnProperty ||
                     property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.ColumnSpanProperty ||
                     property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.RowProperty ||
                     property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.RowSpanProperty ||
                     property == GridPatternIdentifiers.ColumnCountProperty ||
                     property == GridPatternIdentifiers.RowCountProperty ||
                     property == MultipleViewPatternIdentifiers.CurrentViewProperty)
                int?intVal = null;
                if (value == null || !(intVal = value as int?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = intVal.Value;
            else if (property == AEIds.OrientationProperty)
                OrientationType?orientation = null;
                if (value == null || !(orientation = value as OrientationType?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = orientation.Value;
            else if (property == AEIds.RuntimeIdProperty ||
                     property == MultipleViewPatternIdentifiers.SupportedViewsProperty)
                int [] runtimeId = null;
                if (value != null && (runtimeId = value as int []) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                if (runtimeId != null)
                    val = runtimeId;
            else if (property == DockPatternIdentifiers.DockPositionProperty)
                DockPosition?position = null;
                if (value == null || !(position = value as DockPosition?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = position.Value;
            else if (property == ExpandCollapsePatternIdentifiers.ExpandCollapseStateProperty)
                ExpandCollapseState?state = null;
                if (value == null || !(state = value as ExpandCollapseState?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = state.Value;
            else if (property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.LargeChangeProperty ||
                     property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.SmallChangeProperty ||
                     property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.ValueProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.HorizontalScrollPercentProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.HorizontalViewSizeProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.VerticalScrollPercentProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.VerticalViewSizeProperty)
                double?doubleVal = null;
                if (value == null || !(doubleVal = value as double?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = doubleVal.Value;
            else if (property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.MaximumProperty ||
                     property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.MinimumProperty)
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase &&
                    !(value is string))
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = value;
            else if (property == SelectionPatternIdentifiers.SelectionProperty ||
                     property == TableItemPatternIdentifiers.ColumnHeaderItemsProperty ||
                     property == TableItemPatternIdentifiers.RowHeaderItemsProperty ||
                     property == TablePatternIdentifiers.ColumnHeadersProperty ||
                     property == TablePatternIdentifiers.RowHeadersProperty)
                AutomationElement [] elements = null;
                if (value != null && (elements = value as AutomationElement []) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                if (elements != null)
                    val = elements;
            else if (property == TablePatternIdentifiers.RowOrColumnMajorProperty)
                RowOrColumnMajor?state = null;
                if (value == null || !(state = value as RowOrColumnMajor?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = state.Value;
            else if (property == TogglePatternIdentifiers.ToggleStateProperty)
                ToggleState?state = null;
                if (value == null || !(state = value as ToggleState?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = state.Value;
            else if (property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.WindowInteractionStateProperty)
                WindowInteractionState?state = null;
                if (value == null || !(state = value as WindowInteractionState?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = state.Value;
            else if (property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.WindowVisualStateProperty)
                WindowVisualState?state = null;
                if (value == null || !(state = value as WindowVisualState?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = state.Value;

            this.flags = flags;
 public PropertyCondition(PropertyId property, object value, PropertyConditionFlags propertyConditionFlags)
     Property = property;
     Value    = value;
     PropertyConditionFlags = propertyConditionFlags;
 public PropertyCondition(AutomationProperty property, object value, PropertyConditionFlags flags)
     this.Init(property, value, flags);
 public PropertyCondition2(AutomationProperty property, object value, PropertyConditionFlags flags) : base(property, value, flags)
     realValue = value;
 internal static PropertyCondition FromId(string id, PropertyConditionFlags propertyConditionFlags = PropertyConditionFlags.None)
     return(FromProperty(AutomationElementIdentifiers.AutomationIdProperty, id, propertyConditionFlags));
 internal static PropertyCondition FromName(string name, PropertyConditionFlags propertyConditionFlags = PropertyConditionFlags.None)
     return(FromProperty(AutomationElementIdentifiers.NameProperty, name, propertyConditionFlags));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a condition to search by a name.
 /// </summary>
 public PropertyCondition ByName(string name, PropertyConditionFlags conditionFlags = PropertyConditionFlags.None)
     return(new PropertyCondition(_propertyLibrary.Element.Name, name, conditionFlags));
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor to create a condition that checks whether a property has the specified value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="property">The property to check</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value to check the property for</param>
 /// <param name="flags">Flags that affect the comparison</param>
 public PropertyCondition( AutomationProperty property, object value, PropertyConditionFlags flags )
     Init(property, value, flags);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a condition to search by a value.
 /// </summary>
 public PropertyCondition ByValue(string value, PropertyConditionFlags conditionFlags = PropertyConditionFlags.None)
     return(new PropertyCondition(_propertyLibrary.Value.Value, value, conditionFlags));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a condition to search by an automation id.
 /// </summary>
 public PropertyCondition ByAutomationId(string automationId, PropertyConditionFlags conditionFlags = PropertyConditionFlags.None)
     return(new PropertyCondition(_propertyLibrary.Element.AutomationId, automationId, conditionFlags));
		private void VerifyPropertyConditionConstructor (AutomationProperty property,
			object val,
			object expectedPropVal,
			PropertyConditionFlags? flags)
			bool exceptionRaised = false;
			bool ignoreCaseAllowed = val is string;
			bool exceptionExpected = flags.HasValue &&
				flags.Value == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase &&
			try {
				PropertyCondition cond;
				if (flags.HasValue)
					cond = new PropertyCondition (property, val, flags.Value);
					cond = new PropertyCondition (property, val);
				Assert.AreEqual (property, cond.Property,
				Assert.AreEqual (expectedPropVal, cond.Value,
					"PropertyCondition.Value for " +
				Assert.AreEqual (flags.HasValue ? flags.Value : PropertyConditionFlags.None,
			} catch (ArgumentException) {
				exceptionRaised = true;
			Assert.AreEqual (exceptionExpected,
				string.Format ("For {0} expected '{1}' with {2} to be a {3}",
					val ?? "(null)",
					flags.HasValue ? flags.Value.ToString () : "no flag specified",
					exceptionExpected ? "bad value" : "good value, but instead received ArgumentException"));
 public virtual extern IUIAutomationCondition IUIAutomation3_CreatePropertyConditionEx(
     [In] int propertyId,
     [MarshalAs(unmanagedType: UnmanagedType.Struct), In]
     Variant value,
     [In] PropertyConditionFlags flags);
        public static AutomationElement GetControlElement(this AutomationElement parentElement, object value, AutomationProperty property = null, PropertyConditionFlags flags = PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase, TreeScope treeScope = TreeScope.Descendants)
            if (property == null)
                property = AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty;

            Condition         condition      = new PropertyCondition(property, value, flags);
            AutomationElement controlElement = parentElement.FindFirst(treeScope, condition);

        private void Init(AutomationProperty property, object val, PropertyConditionFlags flags)
            Utility.ValidateArgumentNonNull(property, "property");

            this._obj = (UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationPropertyCondition)
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a condition to search by a text (same as <see cref="ByName"/>).
 /// </summary>
 public PropertyCondition ByText(string text, PropertyConditionFlags conditionFlags = PropertyConditionFlags.None)
     return(ByName(text, conditionFlags));
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods

        void Init(AutomationProperty property, object val, PropertyConditionFlags flags )
            Misc.ValidateArgumentNonNull(property, "property");

            AutomationPropertyInfo info;
            if (!Schema.GetPropertyInfo(property, out info))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.UnsupportedProperty));

            // Check type is appropriate: NotSupported is allowed against any property,
            // null is allowed for any reference type (ie not for value types), otherwise
            // type must be assignable from expected type.
            Type expectedType = info.Type;
            if (val != AutomationElement.NotSupported &&
                ((val == null && expectedType.IsValueType)
                || (val != null && !expectedType.IsAssignableFrom(val.GetType()))))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.PropertyConditionIncorrectType, property.ProgrammaticName, expectedType.Name));

            if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) != 0)
                Misc.ValidateArgument(val is string, SRID.IgnoreCaseRequiresString);

            // Some types are handled differently in managed vs unmanaged - handle those here...
            if (val is AutomationElement)
                // If this is a comparison against a Raw/LogicalElement,
                // save the runtime ID instead of the element so that we
                // can take it cross-proc if needed.
                val = ((AutomationElement)val).GetRuntimeId();
            else if (val is ControlType)
                // If this is a control type, use the ID, not the CLR object
                val = ((ControlType)val).Id;
            else if (val is Rect)
                Rect rc = (Rect)val;
                val = new double[] { rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width, rc.Height };
            else if (val is Point)
                Point pt = (Point)val;
                val = new double[] { pt.X, pt.Y };
            else if (val is CultureInfo)
                val = ((CultureInfo)val).LCID;

            _property = property;
            _val = val;
            _flags = flags;
            SetMarshalData(new UiaCoreApi.UiaPropertyCondition(_property.Id, _val, _flags));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a condition to search by a Framework Id.
 /// </summary>
 public PropertyCondition ByFrameworkId(string frameworkId, PropertyConditionFlags conditionFlags = PropertyConditionFlags.None)
     return(new PropertyCondition(_propertyLibrary.Element.FrameworkId, frameworkId, conditionFlags));
        //  Private Methods

        #region Private Methods

        void Init(AutomationProperty property, object val, PropertyConditionFlags flags)
            Misc.ValidateArgumentNonNull(property, "property");

            AutomationPropertyInfo info;

            if (!Schema.GetPropertyInfo(property, out info))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.UnsupportedProperty));

            // Check type is appropriate: NotSupported is allowed against any property,
            // null is allowed for any reference type (ie not for value types), otherwise
            // type must be assignable from expected type.
            Type expectedType = info.Type;

            if (val != AutomationElement.NotSupported &&
                ((val == null && expectedType.IsValueType) ||
                 (val != null && !expectedType.IsAssignableFrom(val.GetType()))))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.PropertyConditionIncorrectType, property.ProgrammaticName, expectedType.Name));

            if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) != 0)
                Misc.ValidateArgument(val is string, SRID.IgnoreCaseRequiresString);

            // Some types are handled differently in managed vs unmanaged - handle those here...
            if (val is AutomationElement)
                // If this is a comparison against a Raw/LogicalElement,
                // save the runtime ID instead of the element so that we
                // can take it cross-proc if needed.
                val = ((AutomationElement)val).GetRuntimeId();
            else if (val is ControlType)
                // If this is a control type, use the ID, not the CLR object
                val = ((ControlType)val).Id;
            else if (val is Rect)
                Rect rc = (Rect)val;
                val = new double[] { rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width, rc.Height };
            else if (val is Point)
                Point pt = (Point)val;
                val = new double[] { pt.X, pt.Y };
            else if (val is CultureInfo)
                val = ((CultureInfo)val).LCID;
            else if (val is AutomationHeadingLevel)
                AutomationHeadingLevel automationHeadingLevel = (AutomationHeadingLevel)(val);
                switch (automationHeadingLevel)
                case AutomationHeadingLevel.None:
                    val = HeadingLevel.None;

                case AutomationHeadingLevel.Level1:
                    val = HeadingLevel.Level1;

                case AutomationHeadingLevel.Level2:
                    val = HeadingLevel.Level2;

                case AutomationHeadingLevel.Level3:
                    val = HeadingLevel.Level3;

                case AutomationHeadingLevel.Level4:
                    val = HeadingLevel.Level4;

                case AutomationHeadingLevel.Level5:
                    val = HeadingLevel.Level5;

                case AutomationHeadingLevel.Level6:
                    val = HeadingLevel.Level6;

                case AutomationHeadingLevel.Level7:
                    val = HeadingLevel.Level7;

                case AutomationHeadingLevel.Level8:
                    val = HeadingLevel.Level8;

                case AutomationHeadingLevel.Level9:
                    val = HeadingLevel.Level9;

                    val = HeadingLevel.None;

            _property = property;
            _val      = val;
            _flags    = flags;
            SetMarshalData(new UiaCoreApi.UiaPropertyCondition(_property.Id, _val, _flags));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a condition to search by a localized control type.
 /// </summary>
 public PropertyCondition ByLocalizedControlType(string localizedControlType, PropertyConditionFlags conditionFlags = PropertyConditionFlags.None)
     return(new PropertyCondition(_propertyLibrary.Element.LocalizedControlType, localizedControlType, conditionFlags));
 internal static PropertyCondition FromProperty(AutomationProperty property, object value, PropertyConditionFlags propertyConditionFlags = PropertyConditionFlags.None)
     return(new PropertyCondition(property, value, propertyConditionFlags));
 public PropertyCondition(PropertyId property, object value, PropertyConditionFlags propertyConditionFlags)
     this.Property = property;
     this.Value    = value;
     this.PropertyConditionFlags = propertyConditionFlags;
 /// <summary>
 /// Optional.  Specify <see cref="PropertyConditionFlags"/> to use when performing <see cref="Condition"/> comparison.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="propertyConditionFlags"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public WrappedPropertyCondition <T> WithFlags(PropertyConditionFlags propertyConditionFlags)
     _propertyConditionFlags = propertyConditionFlags;
		public PropertyCondition2(AutomationProperty property, object value, PropertyConditionFlags flags) : base(property, value, flags) {
           	realValue = value;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a condition to search by a help text.
 /// </summary>
 public PropertyCondition ByHelpText(string helpText, PropertyConditionFlags conditionFlags = PropertyConditionFlags.None)
     return(new PropertyCondition(_propertyLibrary.Element.HelpText, helpText, conditionFlags));
		public PropertyCondition (AutomationProperty property,
		                          object value,
		                          PropertyConditionFlags flags) : base ()
			if (property == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("property");
			this.property = property;

			// NotSupported is handled the same way for all properties
			if (value == AutomationElement.NotSupported) {
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				this.val = value;
				this.flags = flags;

			if (property == AEIds.AcceleratorKeyProperty ||
			    property == AEIds.AccessKeyProperty ||
			    property == AEIds.AutomationIdProperty ||
			    property == AEIds.ClassNameProperty ||
			    property == AEIds.HelpTextProperty ||
			    property == AEIds.ItemStatusProperty ||
			    property == AEIds.ItemTypeProperty ||
			    property == AEIds.LocalizedControlTypeProperty ||
			    property == AEIds.NameProperty ||
			    property == AEIds.FrameworkIdProperty ||
			    property == ValuePatternIdentifiers.ValueProperty) {
				if (value != null && !(value is string))
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if (value == null && (flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = value;
			} else if (property == AEIds.BoundingRectangleProperty) {
				Rect? rect = null;
				if (value == null || !(rect = value as Rect?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = new double [] {
					rect.Value.Height };
			} else if (property == AEIds.ClickablePointProperty) {
				Point? point = null;
				if (value == null || !(point = value as Point?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = new double [] {
					point.Value.Y };
			} else if (property == AEIds.ControlTypeProperty) {
				ControlType controlType = null;
				if (value != null && (controlType = value as ControlType) == null)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				if (controlType != null)
					val = controlType.Id;
			} else if (property == AEIds.CultureProperty) {
				CultureInfo culture = null;
				if (value != null && (culture = value as CultureInfo) == null)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				if (culture != null)
					val = culture.LCID;
			} else if (property == AEIds.HasKeyboardFocusProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsContentElementProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsControlElementProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsDockPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsEnabledProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsGridItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsGridPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsInvokePatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsKeyboardFocusableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsMultipleViewPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsOffscreenProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsPasswordProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsRangeValuePatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsRequiredForFormProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsScrollItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsScrollPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsSelectionItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsSelectionPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsTableItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsTablePatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsTextPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsTogglePatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsTransformPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsValuePatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.IsWindowPatternAvailableProperty ||
			           property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.IsReadOnlyProperty ||
			           property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.HorizontallyScrollableProperty ||
			           property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.VerticallyScrollableProperty ||
			           property == SelectionItemPatternIdentifiers.IsSelectedProperty ||
			           property == SelectionPatternIdentifiers.CanSelectMultipleProperty ||
			           property == SelectionPatternIdentifiers.IsSelectionRequiredProperty ||
			           property == TransformPatternIdentifiers.CanMoveProperty ||
			           property == TransformPatternIdentifiers.CanResizeProperty ||
			           property == TransformPatternIdentifiers.CanRotateProperty ||
			           property == ValuePatternIdentifiers.IsReadOnlyProperty ||
			           property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.CanMaximizeProperty ||
			           property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.CanMinimizeProperty ||
			           property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.IsModalProperty ||
			           property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.IsTopmostProperty) {
				bool? boolVal = null;
				if (value == null || !(boolVal = value as bool?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = boolVal.Value;
			} else if (property == AEIds.LabeledByProperty ||
			           property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.ContainingGridProperty ||
			           property == SelectionItemPatternIdentifiers.SelectionContainerProperty) {
				AutomationElement element = null;
				if (value != null && (element = value as AutomationElement) == null)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				if (element != null)
					val = element.GetRuntimeId ();
			} else if (property == AEIds.NativeWindowHandleProperty ||
			           property == AEIds.ProcessIdProperty ||
			           property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.ColumnProperty ||
			           property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.ColumnSpanProperty ||
			           property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.RowProperty ||
			           property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.RowSpanProperty ||
			           property == GridPatternIdentifiers.ColumnCountProperty ||
			           property == GridPatternIdentifiers.RowCountProperty ||
			           property == MultipleViewPatternIdentifiers.CurrentViewProperty) {
				int? intVal = null;
				if (value == null || !(intVal = value as int?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = intVal.Value;
			} else if (property == AEIds.OrientationProperty) {
				OrientationType? orientation = null;
				if (value == null || !(orientation = value as OrientationType?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = orientation.Value;
			} else if (property == AEIds.RuntimeIdProperty ||
			           property == MultipleViewPatternIdentifiers.SupportedViewsProperty) {
				int [] runtimeId = null;
				if (value != null && (runtimeId = value as int []) == null)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				if (runtimeId != null)
					val = runtimeId;
			} else if (property == DockPatternIdentifiers.DockPositionProperty) {
				DockPosition? position = null;
				if (value == null || !(position = value as DockPosition?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = position.Value;
			} else if (property == ExpandCollapsePatternIdentifiers.ExpandCollapseStateProperty) {
				ExpandCollapseState? state = null;
				if (value == null || !(state = value as ExpandCollapseState?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = state.Value;
			} else if (property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.LargeChangeProperty ||
			           property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.SmallChangeProperty ||
			           property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.ValueProperty ||
			           property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.HorizontalScrollPercentProperty ||
			           property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.HorizontalViewSizeProperty ||
			           property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.VerticalScrollPercentProperty ||
			           property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.VerticalViewSizeProperty) {
				double? doubleVal = null;
				if (value == null || !(doubleVal = value as double?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = doubleVal.Value;
			} else if (property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.MaximumProperty ||
			           property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.MinimumProperty) {
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase &&
				    !(value is string))
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = value;
			} else if (property == SelectionPatternIdentifiers.SelectionProperty ||
			           property == TableItemPatternIdentifiers.ColumnHeaderItemsProperty ||
			           property == TableItemPatternIdentifiers.RowHeaderItemsProperty ||
			           property == TablePatternIdentifiers.ColumnHeadersProperty ||
			           property == TablePatternIdentifiers.RowHeadersProperty) {
				AutomationElement [] elements = null;
				if (value != null && (elements = value as AutomationElement []) == null)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				if (elements != null)
					val = elements;
			} else if (property == TablePatternIdentifiers.RowOrColumnMajorProperty) {
				RowOrColumnMajor? state = null;
				if (value == null || !(state = value as RowOrColumnMajor?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = state.Value;
			} else if (property == TogglePatternIdentifiers.ToggleStateProperty) {
				ToggleState? state = null;
				if (value == null || !(state = value as ToggleState?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = state.Value;
			} else if (property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.WindowInteractionStateProperty) {
				WindowInteractionState? state = null;
				if (value == null || !(state = value as WindowInteractionState?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = state.Value;
			} else if (property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.WindowVisualStateProperty) {
				WindowVisualState? state = null;
				if (value == null || !(state = value as WindowVisualState?).HasValue)
					throw new ArgumentException ("value");
				if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
					throw new ArgumentException ("flags");
				val = state.Value;

			this.flags = flags;