public override void ExecuteSimple()
                // extract input data
                var grid         = arguments.Grid;
                var contactDepth = arguments.ContactDepth;

                if (grid == null)
                    PetrelLogger.ErrorStatus("CreateDistanceAboveContactPropertyWorkstep: Must provide input grid");
                PropertyCollection properties           = grid.PropertyCollection;
                PropertyCollection oceanProperties      = FindOrCreatePropertyCollection("Ocean Properties", grid);;
                Property           property             = Property.NullObject;
                Template           aboveContactTemplate = PetrelProject.WellKnownTemplates.GeometricalGroup.AboveContact;

                using (var transaction = DataManager.NewTransaction())
                    property      = oceanProperties.CreateProperty(aboveContactTemplate);
                    property.Name = "Above Contact " + contactDepth;
                    // we are computing the difference from the constant contact and the grid.Z value
                    double constantDepth = PetrelUnitSystem.ConvertFromUI(grid.Domain, contactDepth);
                    // set data on the property for all the cells in the grid
                    double cellCenterDepth = double.NaN;
                    double propertyValue   = double.NaN;
                    Index3 currentCell     = new Index3();
                    for (int i = 0; i < grid.NumCellsIJK.I; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < grid.NumCellsIJK.J; j++)
                            for (int k = 0; k < grid.NumCellsIJK.K; k++)
                                currentCell.I = i;
                                currentCell.J = j;
                                currentCell.K = k;
                                // if the cell is defined and has volume, set property value
                                if (grid.IsCellDefined(currentCell) && grid.HasCellVolume(currentCell))
                                    // get cell center depth, Z value
                                    cellCenterDepth = grid.GetCellCenter(currentCell).Z;
                                    // if the cell center is above the constant depth, set the property value as the difference
                                    propertyValue = cellCenterDepth > constantDepth
                                        ? cellCenterDepth - constantDepth
                                        : 0.0;
                                    property[currentCell] = (float)propertyValue;
                // update output arguments
                arguments.AboveContact = property;