        /// <summary>Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.</summary>
        /// <param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the current object is equal to the <paramref name="other">other</paramref> parameter; otherwise, false.</returns>
        public bool Equals(OasSchema other)
            if (other is null) return false;
            if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;

            if (JsonType != other.JsonType) return false;
            if (Format != other.Format) return false;
            if (Options != other.Options) return false;
            if (!NumberRange.Equals(other.NumberRange)) return false;
            if (!ItemsRange.Equals(other.ItemsRange)) return false;
            if (!LengthRange.Equals(other.LengthRange)) return false;
            if (!PropertiesRange.Equals(other.PropertiesRange)) return false;
            if (!ExternalDocumentation.Equals(other.ExternalDocumentation)) return false;
            if (!StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(Title, other.Title)) return false;
            if (!StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(Description, other.Description)) return false;
            if (!StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(Pattern, other.Pattern)) return false;
            if (!Enum.NullableSetEquals(other.Enum)) return false;
            if (!AllOf.NullableSetEquals(other.AllOf)) return false;
            if (!OneOf.NullableSetEquals(other.OneOf)) return false;
            if (!AnyOf.NullableSetEquals(other.AnyOf)) return false;
            if (!Not.NullableSetEquals(other.Not)) return false;
            if (Items != other.Items) return false;
            if (!Properties.NullableDictionaryEquals(other.Properties)) return false;
            if (!AdditionalProperties.NullableDictionaryEquals(other.AdditionalProperties)) return false;

            return true;
        /// <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
        /// <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance.</returns>
        public override int GetHashCode()
                var hc = 17L;

                hc = (hc * 23) + JsonType.GetHashCode();
                hc = (hc * 23) + Options.GetHashCode();
                hc = (hc * 23) + NumberRange.GetHashCode();
                hc = (hc * 23) + ItemsRange.GetHashCode();
                hc = (hc * 23) + LengthRange.GetHashCode();
                hc = (hc * 23) + PropertiesRange.GetHashCode();
                if (ExternalDocumentation != null)
                    hc = (hc * 23) + ExternalDocumentation.GetHashCode();
                if (Title != null)
                    hc = (hc * 23) + StringComparer.Ordinal.GetHashCode(Title);
                if (Format != null)
                    hc = (hc * 23) + StringComparer.Ordinal.GetHashCode(Format);
                if (Description != null)
                    hc = (hc * 23) + StringComparer.Ordinal.GetHashCode(Description);
                if (Pattern != null)
                    hc = (hc * 23) + StringComparer.Ordinal.GetHashCode(Pattern);
                hc = (hc * 23) + Enum.Count;
                hc = (hc * 23) + AllOf.Count;
                hc = (hc * 23) + OneOf.Count;
                hc = (hc * 23) + AnyOf.Count;
                hc = (hc * 23) + Not.Count;
                hc = (hc * 23) + Items.GetHashCode();
                hc = (hc * 23) + Properties.Count;
                hc = (hc * 23) + AdditionalProperties.Count;

                return(((int)(hc >> 32)) ^ (int)hc);