        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the set of roles not filled. Numbers in the set correspond to the argument positions in the frame file for the
        /// current verbal predicate. Only valid for root nodes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="considerNullElementNodes">Whether or not to consider null-element nodes when checking whether a role is filled</param>
        public Set <int> GetUnfilledRoles(bool considerNullElementNodes)
            if (!IsRoot)
                throw new Exception("Not valid for non-root nodes");

            Set <int> unfilledRoles = new Set <int>();

            /* check for a node that fills each role in the set. some annotations in propbank don't
             * have a role set specified, so we can't determine which roles are unfilled.*/
            if (RoleSet != null)
                foreach (Role role in RoleSet)
                    bool filled = false;
                    PropBankNodeLabel.NodeType argType = (PropBankNodeLabel.NodeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PropBankNodeLabel.NodeType), "Arg" + role.Number);
                    foreach (PropBankNode node in GetDescendants(argType))
                        if (!node.IsNullElement || considerNullElementNodes)
                            filled = true;

                    if (!filled)

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets descendant nodes by their type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Type of node to get</param>
        /// <returns>Descendant nodes</returns>
        public List <PropBankNode> GetDescendants(PropBankNodeLabel.NodeType type)
            List <PropBankNode> nodes = new List <PropBankNode>();

            foreach (PropBankNode n in Descendants)
                if (n.Label != null && n.Label.Type == type)

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a predicate tree for a PropBank propositions entry
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vi">VerbInfo specifying tree to look up</param>
        /// <returns>PropBankNode</returns>
        public PropBankNode GetPropBankTree(VerbInfo vi)
            TreeBankNode parse    = GetParseTree(vi.File, vi.SentenceNumber);
            PropBankNode predTree = new PropBankNode(parse);

            predTree.Information = vi;

            // label information is space-delimited
            string[] labels = vi.LabeledNodeLocations.Split(' ');
            foreach (string label in labels)
                // label columns are dash-delimited
                string[] labelCols = label.Split('-');

                // get label type
                PropBankNodeLabel.NodeType labelType = PropBankNodeLabel.GetNodeType(labelCols[1]);

                // get label feature if any
                PropBankNodeLabel.NodeFeature labelFeature = PropBankNodeLabel.NodeFeature.None;
                if (labelCols.Length > 2)
                    // sometimes the feature is the actual preposition, so this might fail
                    string featureStr = labelCols[2];
                    if (!PropBankNodeLabel.TryGetNodeFeature(featureStr, out labelFeature))
                        // use PRP as the feature, which we have added for this case
                        featureStr   = "PRP";
                        labelFeature = PropBankNodeLabel.GetNodeFeature(featureStr);

                    if (labelCols.Length > 3)
                        throw new Exception("Missed feature");

                // create new labeled node collection
                PropBankLabeledNodeCollection labeledNodes = new PropBankLabeledNodeCollection(new PropBankNodeLabel(labelType, labelFeature, 1));
                AddNodesToCollection(predTree, labelCols[0], labeledNodes);

                // add to root's list of nodes

            // make sure one of the predicate leaves has the leaf number from the propositions file entry
            bool foundMatch = false;

            foreach (PropBankNode predicateNode in predTree.PredicateNodes)
                foreach (PropBankNode leaf in predicateNode.Leaves)
                    if (leaf.LeafNumber == vi.LeafNumber)
                        foundMatch = true;

                if (foundMatch)

            if (!foundMatch)
                throw new Exception("Mismatch between VerbInfo predicate leaf number and actual predicate leaf number");
