public void TestCreateProp2d()
            // create new 2D property
            GsaProp2d prop = new GsaProp2d();

            Prop2D apiProp = new Prop2D
                AxisProperty             = 1,
                MaterialGradeProperty    = 4,
                MaterialAnalysisProperty = 42,
                MaterialType             = MaterialType.GENERIC,
                Name        = "mariam",
                Description = "awesome property",
                Type        = Property2D_Type.LOAD

            prop.Prop2d = apiProp;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, prop.Prop2d.AxisProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, prop.Prop2d.MaterialGradeProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual(42, prop.Prop2d.MaterialAnalysisProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual("mariam", prop.Prop2d.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("awesome property", prop.Prop2d.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, prop.ID);
        public void TestDuplicateProp2d()
            // create new 2D property
            GsaProp2d orig = new GsaProp2d
                ID     = 14,
                Prop2d = new Prop2D
                    AxisProperty             = 0,
                    MaterialGradeProperty    = 2,
                    MaterialAnalysisProperty = 13,
                    MaterialType             = MaterialType.UNDEF,
                    Name        = "mariam",
                    Description = "awesome property",
                    Type        = Property2D_Type.SHELL

            // duplicate prop
            GsaProp2d dup = orig.Duplicate();

            // make some changes to original
            orig.ID = 4;
            Prop2D apiProp = new Prop2D
                AxisProperty             = 1,
                MaterialGradeProperty    = 4,
                MaterialAnalysisProperty = 42,
                MaterialType             = MaterialType.FABRIC,
                Name        = "kris",
                Description = "less cool property",
                Type        = Property2D_Type.CURVED_SHELL

            orig.Prop2d = apiProp;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dup.Prop2d.AxisProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dup.Prop2d.MaterialGradeProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual(13, dup.Prop2d.MaterialAnalysisProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual("mariam", dup.Prop2d.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("awesome property", dup.Prop2d.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(14, dup.ID);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, orig.Prop2d.AxisProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, orig.Prop2d.MaterialGradeProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual(42, orig.Prop2d.MaterialAnalysisProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual("kris", orig.Prop2d.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("less cool property", orig.Prop2d.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, orig.ID);
        //GsaMaterial m_material;

        #region constructors
        public GsaProp2d()
            m_prop2d = new Prop2D();
            m_idd    = 0;
        public static void ConvertProp2d(List <GsaProp2d> prop2Ds,
                                         ref Dictionary <int, Prop2D> existingProp2Ds, ref Dictionary <Guid, int> prop2d_guid,
                                         GrasshopperAsyncComponent.WorkerInstance workerInstance = null,
                                         Action <string, double> ReportProgress = null)
            // create a counter for creating new properties
            int prop2didcounter = (existingProp2Ds.Count > 0) ? existingProp2Ds.Keys.Max() + 1 : 1; //checking the existing model

            // Prop2Ds
            if (prop2Ds != null)
                if (prop2Ds.Count != 0)
                    // update counter if new prop2ds have set ID higher than existing max
                    int existingProp2dMaxID = prop2Ds.Max(x => x.ID); // max ID in new
                    if (existingProp2dMaxID > prop2didcounter)
                        prop2didcounter = existingProp2dMaxID + 1;

                    for (int i = 0; i < prop2Ds.Count; i++)
                        if (workerInstance != null)
                            if (workerInstance.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            ReportProgress("Prop2D ", (double)i / (prop2Ds.Count - 1));

                        if (prop2Ds[i] != null)
                            GsaProp2d prop2d    = prop2Ds[i];
                            Prop2D    apiProp2d = prop2d.Prop2d;

                            if (prop2d_guid.ContainsKey(prop2d.GUID))
                                prop2d_guid.TryGetValue(prop2d.GUID, out int sID);
                                // if guid exist in our dictionary it has been added to the model

                            if (prop2d.ID > 0) // if the ID is larger than 0 than means the ID has been set and we sent it to the known list
                                existingProp2Ds[prop2d.ID] = apiProp2d;
                                // set guid in dictionary
                                prop2d_guid.Add(prop2d.GUID, prop2d.ID);
                                existingProp2Ds.Add(prop2didcounter, apiProp2d);
                                // set guid in dictionary
                                prop2d_guid.Add(prop2d.GUID, prop2didcounter);
            if (workerInstance != null)
                ReportProgress("Prop2D assembled", -2);
 public GsaProp2d()
     m_prop2d = new Prop2D();
     m_guid   = Guid.NewGuid();
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to import 1D and 2D Elements from a GSA model.
        /// Will output a tuple of GhSA GsaElement1d and GsaElement2d.
        /// Filter elements to import using elemList input;
        /// "all" or empty string ("") will import all elements. Default is "all"
        /// "Join" bool = true; will try to join 2D element mesh faces into a joined meshes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="elemList"></param>
        /// <param name="join"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Tuple <DataTree <GsaElement1dGoo>, DataTree <GsaElement2dGoo> > GsaGetElem(Model model, string elemList = "all", bool join = true)
            // Create dictionaries to read list of elements and nodes:
            IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Element> eDict;

            eDict = model.Elements(elemList);
            IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Node> nDict;

            nDict = model.Nodes("all");
            IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Section> sDict;

            sDict = model.Sections();
            IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Prop2D> pDict;

            pDict = model.Prop2Ds();

            GsaElement2d elem2d = new GsaElement2d();

            // Create lists for Rhino lines and meshes
            DataTree <GsaElement1dGoo> elem1ds  = new DataTree <GsaElement1dGoo>();
            DataTree <GsaElement2dGoo> elem2ds  = new DataTree <GsaElement2dGoo>();
            DataTree <Element>         elements = new DataTree <Element>();
            DataTree <Mesh>            meshes   = new DataTree <Mesh>();
            List <Point3d>             pts      = new List <Point3d>();

            GH_Path path = new GH_Path();

            if (!join)
                int max = eDict.Count;
                if (max > 0)
                    //elem1ds.Branches[0].. = new List<GsaElement1dGoo>(max);
                    //elem2ds.Branches[0] = new List<GsaElement2dGoo>(max);
                    //for (int i = 0; i < eDict.Keys.ElementAt(max - 1); i++)
                    //    elem1ds.Branches[0].Add(null);
                    //    elem2ds.Branches[0].Add(null);

            // Loop through all nodes in Node dictionary and add points to Rhino point list
            foreach (var key in eDict.Keys)
                if (eDict.TryGetValue(key, out Element elem))
                    List <int> topo = elem.Topology.ToList();
                    int        prop = 0;
                    if (join)
                        prop = elem.Property - 1; // actually branch not property
                    // Beams (1D elements):
                    if (topo.Count == 2)
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            if (nDict.TryGetValue(topo[i], out Node node))
                                    var p = node.Position;
                                    pts.Add(new Point3d(p.X, p.Y, p.Z));
                        Line         line   = new Line(pts[0], pts[1]);
                        LineCurve    ln     = new LineCurve(line);
                        GsaElement1d elem1d = new GsaElement1d(ln)
                            Element = elem
                        elem1d.ReleaseStart = new GsaBool6()
                            X  = elem.Release(0).X,
                            Y  = elem.Release(0).Y,
                            Z  = elem.Release(0).Z,
                            XX = elem.Release(0).XX,
                            YY = elem.Release(0).YY,
                            ZZ = elem.Release(0).ZZ

                        elem1d.ReleaseEnd = new GsaBool6()
                            X  = elem.Release(1).X,
                            Y  = elem.Release(1).Y,
                            Z  = elem.Release(1).Z,
                            XX = elem.Release(1).XX,
                            YY = elem.Release(1).YY,
                            ZZ = elem.Release(1).ZZ

                        GsaSection section = new GsaSection
                            ID = elem.Property
                        Section tempSection = new Section();
                        if (sDict.TryGetValue(section.ID, out tempSection))
                            section.Section = tempSection;
                        elem1d.Section = section;
                        elem1d.ID      = key;

                        path = new GH_Path(prop);
                        if (join)
                            elem1ds.Add(new GsaElement1dGoo(elem1d), path);
                            elem1ds.Insert(new GsaElement1dGoo(elem1d), path, key - 1);
                        //elem1ds[path, key - 1] = new GsaElement1dGoo(elem1d.Duplicate());

                    // Shells (2D elements)
                    if (topo.Count > 2) // & topo.Count < 5)
                        Mesh tempMesh = new Mesh();
                        // Get verticies:
                        for (int i = 0; i < topo.Count; i++)
                            if (nDict.TryGetValue(topo[i], out Node node))
                                    var p = node.Position;
                                    tempMesh.Vertices.Add(new Point3d(p.X, p.Y, p.Z));

                        // Create mesh face (Tri- or Quad):
                        if (topo.Count == 3)
                            tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(0, 1, 2);
                        if (topo.Count == 4)
                            tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(0, 1, 2, 3);
                            //it must be a TRI6 or a QUAD8
                            List <Point3f> tempPts = tempMesh.Vertices.ToList();
                            double         x = 0; double y = 0; double z = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < tempPts.Count; i++)
                                x += tempPts[i].X; y += tempPts[i].Y; z += tempPts[i].Z;
                            x /= tempPts.Count; y /= tempPts.Count; z /= tempPts.Count;
                            tempMesh.Vertices.Add(new Point3d(x, y, z));

                            if (topo.Count == 6)
                                tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(0, 3, 6);
                                tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(3, 1, 6);
                                tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(1, 4, 6);
                                tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(4, 2, 6);
                                tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(2, 5, 6);
                                tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(5, 0, 6);

                            if (topo.Count == 8)
                                tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(0, 4, 8, 7);
                                tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(1, 5, 8, 4);
                                tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(2, 6, 8, 5);
                                tempMesh.Faces.AddFace(3, 7, 8, 6);
                        List <int> ids = new List <int>

                        elem2d.ID = ids;

                        List <GsaProp2d> prop2Ds = new List <GsaProp2d>();
                        GsaProp2d        prop2d  = new GsaProp2d
                            ID = elem.Property
                        Prop2D tempProp = new Prop2D();
                        if (pDict.TryGetValue(prop2d.ID, out tempProp))
                            prop2d.Prop2d = tempProp;
                        elem2d.Properties = prop2Ds;

                        if (join)
                            path = new GH_Path(prop);

                            meshes.Add(tempMesh.DuplicateMesh(), path);
                            elements.Add(elem, path);
                            elem2d = new GsaElement2d(tempMesh);
                            List <Element> elemProps = new List <Element>
                            elem2d.Elements   = elemProps;
                            elem2d.Properties = prop2Ds;
                            elem2d.ID         = ids;
                            elem2ds.Insert(new GsaElement2dGoo(elem2d), path, key - 1);
                            //elem2ds[path, key - 1] = new GsaElement2dGoo(elem2d.Duplicate());
                            //elem2ds.Add(new GsaElement2dGoo(elem2d.Duplicate()));


            if (join)
                foreach (GH_Path ipath in meshes.Paths)
                    //##### Join meshes #####

                    //List of meshes in each branch
                    List <Mesh> mList = meshes.Branch(ipath);

                    //new temp mesh
                    Mesh m = new Mesh();
                    //Append list of meshes (faster than appending each mesh one by one)

                    //split mesh into connected pieces
                    Mesh[] meshy = m.SplitDisjointPieces();

                    //clear whatever is in the current branch (the list in mList)
                    //rewrite new joined and split meshes to new list in same path:
                    for (int j = 0; j < meshy.Count(); j++)
                        meshes.Add(meshy[j], ipath);
                foreach (GH_Path ipath in meshes.Paths)
                    List <Mesh> mList = meshes.Branch(ipath);
                    foreach (Mesh mesh in mList)
                        elem2d = new GsaElement2d(mesh);
                        List <Element> elemProps = new List <Element>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Faces.Count(); i++)
                            elemProps.Add(elements[ipath, 0]);
                        elem2d.Elements = elemProps;
                        List <GsaProp2d> prop2Ds = new List <GsaProp2d>();
                        GsaProp2d        prop2d  = new GsaProp2d
                            ID = ipath.Indices[0] + 1
                        Prop2D tempProp = new Prop2D();
                        if (pDict.TryGetValue(prop2d.ID, out tempProp))
                            prop2d.Prop2d = tempProp;
                        elem2d.Properties = prop2Ds;

                        elem2ds.Add(new GsaElement2dGoo(elem2d));

            return(new Tuple <DataTree <GsaElement1dGoo>, DataTree <GsaElement2dGoo> >(elem1ds, elem2ds));