public JsonResult RemoveDetail(PromotionDetail model) { _promotionDetailRepository.Delete(o => o.id_ == model.id_); _promotionRepository.ClearBannerCache(); _unitOfWork.Commit(); return(Json(new {}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void AddProgressToPromotion(Guid accoundId, PromotionDetail promotionDetail, ActivePromotion activePromotion) { var progressDetail = _promotionDao.GetProgress(accoundId, promotionDetail.Id); activePromotion.Progress = GetProgress(promotionDetail, progressDetail); activePromotion.UnlockGoal = GetUnlockGoal(promotionDetail); }
public ActionResult GiaSalePage() { string barcode = Request.QueryString.Get("barcode"); int Idmenu = 0; decimal gia = 0; decimal giakm = 0; MenuOption menuOption = _menuOptionRepository.Get(o => o.Barcode == barcode); // kiem tra barcode đó có khuyến mãi hay không PromotionDetail HasSalePage = _promotionDetailRepository.CheckKhuyenMaiSalePage(barcode); GiaSalePageModel model = new GiaSalePageModel(); if (menuOption != null) { Idmenu = menuOption.IdMenu; Menu menu = _menuRepository.Get(o => o.id_ == Idmenu); if (HasSalePage != null) { // co khuyen mai giakm = HasSalePage.PriceDiscount; } gia = Convert.ToInt32(menu.PricePro); model = new GiaSalePageModel() { GiaKM = giakm, HasSalePage = HasSalePage, Gia = gia }; } return(View("GiaSalepage", model)); }
public void Handle(PromotionCreated @event) { using (var context = _contextFactory.Invoke()) { var promotionDetail = new PromotionDetail { Id = @event.SourceId, Name = @event.Name, Description = @event.Description, StartDate = @event.StartDate, EndDate = @event.EndDate, StartTime = @event.StartTime, EndTime = @event.EndTime, DaysOfWeek = @event.DaysOfWeek.ToJson(), AppliesToCurrentBooking = @event.AppliesToCurrentBooking, AppliesToFutureBooking = @event.AppliesToFutureBooking, DiscountValue = @event.DiscountValue, DiscountType = @event.DiscountType, MaxUsagePerUser = @event.MaxUsagePerUser, MaxUsage = @event.MaxUsage, Code = @event.Code, PublishedStartDate = @event.PublishedStartDate, PublishedEndDate = @event.PublishedEndDate, TriggerSettings = @event.TriggerSettings, Active = true, Deleted = false }; context.Save(promotionDetail); } }
public void DeletePromotionDetail(int Id) { PromotionDetail deletedPromotion = GetPromotionDetailById(Id); Context.PromotionDetail.Remove(deletedPromotion); Context.Entry(deletedPromotion).State = EntityState.Deleted; Context.SaveChanges(); }
//PromotionDetail #region public static PromotionDetailDto MappingDto(this PromotionDetail promotionDetail) { return(new PromotionDetailDto { Id = promotionDetail.Id, Content = promotionDetail.Content, Discount = promotionDetail.Discount, PromotionId = promotionDetail.PromotionId }); }
private bool IsExpired(PromotionDetail promo, DateTime now) { var endDateTime = promo.GetEndDateTime(); if (endDateTime.HasValue && endDateTime.Value <= now) { return(true); } return(false); }
public ActionResult ThemPromotion(Promotion pro, PromotionDetail detail) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { QuanLy ql = new QuanLy(); ql.AddPromotion(pro, detail); return(RedirectToAction("Promotion")); } ViewBag.IDPromo = new SelectList(__db.Promotions, "ID", "Name", pro.ID); return(View(pro)); }
private double?GetUnlockGoal(PromotionDetail promotionDetail) { if (promotionDetail.TriggerSettings.Type == PromotionTriggerTypes.RideCount) { return(promotionDetail.TriggerSettings.RideCount); } else if (promotionDetail.TriggerSettings.Type == PromotionTriggerTypes.AmountSpent) { return(promotionDetail.TriggerSettings.AmountSpent); } return(null); }
// Xuất danh sách Promotions public List <PromotionDetail> LoadPromotions(string productid) { List <PromotionDetail> promotionsList = new List <PromotionDetail>(); DataTable data = DataProvider.Instance.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM PromotionDetail WHERE PRODUCTID = N'" + productid + "'"); foreach (DataRow item in data.Rows) { PromotionDetail promotions = new PromotionDetail(item); promotionsList.Add(promotions); } return(promotionsList); }
public ActionResult SuaPromotion(Promotion pro, PromotionDetail detail) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { QuanLy ql = new QuanLy(); ql.UpdatePromotion(pro, detail); __db.Entry(pro).State = EntityState.Modified; __db.SaveChanges(); __db.Entry(detail).State = EntityState.Modified; __db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.IDPromotion = new SelectList(__db.Brands, "ID", "Name", pro.ID); return(RedirectToAction("Promotion")); } return(View(pro)); }
private PromotionDetailViewModel MapToPromotionDetailViewModel(PromotionDetail entity) { if (entity == null) { return(null); } var pDetailVM = entity.To <PromotionDetailViewModel>(); var listGiftDetailVM = new List <GiftDetailViewModel>(); foreach (var gD in entity.GiftDetails) { var gDetailVM = gD.To <GiftDetailViewModel>(); GiftDetailViewModel tmpGDVM = gD.GiftDetail1 != null?gD.GiftDetail1.To <GiftDetailViewModel>() : null; gDetailVM.AndDetailVM = tmpGDVM; var tmpGD = gD.GiftDetail1; while (tmpGD.GiftDetail1 != null) { tmpGDVM.AndDetailVM = tmpGD.GiftDetail1.To <GiftDetailViewModel>(); tmpGDVM = tmpGDVM.AndDetailVM; tmpGD = tmpGD.GiftDetail1; } listGiftDetailVM.Add(gDetailVM); } pDetailVM.GiftDetailsVM = listGiftDetailVM; var situationList = new List <int>(); foreach (var s in entity.PromotionApplySituations) { situationList.Add(s.ApplySituation); } pDetailVM.ApplySituations = situationList; var typeList = new List <int>(); foreach (var t in entity.PromotionTypes) { typeList.Add(t.Type); } pDetailVM.PromotionTypes = typeList; pDetailVM.CustomerCashbackDetailsVM = entity.CustomerCashbackDetails.ToListVM <CustomerCashbackDetail, CustomerCashbackDetailViewModel>(); pDetailVM.AffliatorCashbackDetailsVM = entity.AffliatorCashbackDetails.ToListVM <AffliatorCashbackDetail, AffliatorCashbackDetailViewModel>(); return(pDetailVM); }
public BaseResponse <PromotionDetail> IsPromotionDetailValidFor(PromotionDetail pDetail, IEnumerable <OrderDetailAPIViewModel> OrderDetailAPIViewModels, Membership membership = null) { foreach (var oD in OrderDetailAPIViewModels) { if (pDetail.BuyProductCode != null && pDetail.BuyProductCode != oD.ProductCode) { throw ApiException.Get(false, "Có sản phẩm không hợp lệ", ResultEnum.VoucherNotAvailable, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } if (pDetail.MinBuyQuantity != null) { if (oD.Quantity < pDetail.MinBuyQuantity) { throw ApiException.Get(false, "Số lượng sản phẩm không phù hợp", ResultEnum.VoucherNotAvailable, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } } if (pDetail.MaxBuyQuantity != null) { if (oD.Quantity > pDetail.MaxBuyQuantity) { throw ApiException.Get(false, "Số lượng sản phẩm không phù hợp", ResultEnum.VoucherNotAvailable, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } } var cashbackAcc = membership.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Type == (int)AccountTypeEnum.PointAccount); if (cashbackAcc == null) { throw ApiException.Get(false, "Không thể tìm thấy tài khoản tích điểm", ResultEnum.VoucherNotAvailable, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } if (pDetail.MinPoint != null) { if (cashbackAcc.Balance < pDetail.MinPoint) { throw ApiException.Get(false, "Điểm thành viên không hợp lệ", ResultEnum.VoucherNotAvailable, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } } if (pDetail.MaxPoint != null) { if (cashbackAcc.Balance > pDetail.MaxPoint) { throw ApiException.Get(false, "Điểm thành viên không hợp lệ", ResultEnum.VoucherNotAvailable, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } } } return(BaseResponse <PromotionDetail> .Get(true, "PromotionDetail can be applied", pDetail, ResultEnum.Success, null)); }
private double?GetProgress(PromotionDetail promotionDetail, PromotionProgressDetail progressDetail) { if (promotionDetail.TriggerSettings.Type == PromotionTriggerTypes.RideCount) { return((progressDetail == null || progressDetail.RideCount == null) ? 0 : progressDetail.RideCount); } else if (promotionDetail.TriggerSettings.Type == PromotionTriggerTypes.AmountSpent) { return((progressDetail == null || progressDetail.AmountSpent == null) ? 0.0 : progressDetail.AmountSpent); } return(null); }
public ActionResult View(Int32 pid) { var mainInfo = new PromotionDetail(); try { mainInfo.PromotionInfo = promotionBLL.GetPromotionInfoModel(pid); if (mainInfo.PromotionInfo == null) { return(new TransferResult("/Error/404.html")); } mainInfo.SkuList = promotionBLL.GetPromotionSkuList(pid); } catch (Exception ext) { LogHelper.Error(ext); } return(View(mainInfo)); }
public PromoCodeModel(PromotionDetail promoDetail) : this() { Id = promoDetail.Id; Name = promoDetail.Name; Description = promoDetail.Description; StartDate = promoDetail.StartDate; EndDate = promoDetail.EndDate; StartTime = promoDetail.StartTime; EndTime = promoDetail.EndTime; DaysOfWeek = promoDetail.DaysOfWeek.FromJson <DayOfWeek[]>(); AppliesToCurrentBooking = promoDetail.AppliesToCurrentBooking; AppliesToFutureBooking = promoDetail.AppliesToFutureBooking; DiscountValue = promoDetail.DiscountValue; DiscountType = promoDetail.DiscountType; MaxUsagePerUser = promoDetail.MaxUsagePerUser; MaxUsage = promoDetail.MaxUsage; Code = promoDetail.Code; Active = promoDetail.Active; PublishedStartDate = promoDetail.PublishedStartDate; PublishedEndDate = promoDetail.PublishedEndDate; TriggerSettings = promoDetail.TriggerSettings ?? new PromotionTriggerSettings(); }
public BaseResponse <PromotionDetail> IsPromotionDetailValidFor(PromotionDetail pDetail, OrderAPIViewModel order, Membership membership = null) { if (pDetail.MinOrderAmount != null) { if (order.TotalAmount < pDetail.MinOrderAmount) { throw ApiException.Get(false, "Tổng thanh toán không hợp lệ", ResultEnum.VoucherNotAvailable, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } } if (pDetail.MaxOrderAmount != null) { if (order.TotalAmount > pDetail.MaxOrderAmount) { throw ApiException.Get(false, "Tỏng thanh toán không hợp lệ", ResultEnum.VoucherNotAvailable, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } } var cashbackAcc = membership.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Type == (int)AccountTypeEnum.PointAccount); if (cashbackAcc == null) { throw ApiException.Get(false, "Không thể tìm thấy tài khoản tích điểm", ResultEnum.VoucherNotAvailable, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } if (pDetail.MinPoint != null) { if (cashbackAcc.Balance < pDetail.MinPoint) { throw ApiException.Get(false, "Điểm thành viên không hợp lệ", ResultEnum.VoucherNotAvailable, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } } if (pDetail.MaxPoint != null) { if (cashbackAcc.Balance > pDetail.MaxPoint) { throw ApiException.Get(false, "Điểm thành viên không hợp lệ", ResultEnum.VoucherNotAvailable, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } } return(BaseResponse <PromotionDetail> .Get(true, "PromotionDetail can be applied", pDetail, ResultEnum.Success, null)); }
public async Task <ApiResult <string> > AddProductToPromotion(string promotionId, PromotionDetailForCreationDto creationDto) { var checkPromotion = await _context.Promotions.Where(x => x.Id == promotionId).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); if (checkPromotion == null) { return(new ApiResult <string>(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, $"Không tìm thấy chương trình khuyến mãi có mã: {promotionId}")); } if (checkPromotion.ToDate <= DateTime.Now) { return(new ApiResult <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, $"Không thể thêm sản phẩm vào chương trình khuyến mãi đã hết hạn")); } var checkProduct = await(from pd in _context.PromotionDetails join p in _context.Promotions on pd.PromotionId equals p.Id where p.Id == promotionId && pd.ProductId == creationDto.ProductId select pd).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); if (checkProduct != null) { return(new ApiResult <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, $"Chương trình khuyến mãi đã có sản phẩm này")); } var promotionDetails = new PromotionDetail() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"), DiscountType = creationDto.DiscountType, DiscountValue = creationDto.DiscountValue, ProductId = creationDto.ProductId, PromotionId = checkPromotion.Id }; await _context.PromotionDetails.AddAsync(promotionDetails); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(new ApiResult <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK) { ResultObj = promotionDetails.Id }); }
public static void MappingPromotionDetail(this PromotionDetailDto promotionDetailDto, PromotionDetail promotionDetail) { promotionDetail.Id = promotionDetailDto.Id; promotionDetail.Content = promotionDetailDto.Content; promotionDetail.Discount = promotionDetailDto.Discount; promotionDetail.PromotionId = promotionDetailDto.PromotionId; }
public void UpdatePromotionDetail(PromotionDetail PromotionDetail) { Context.Entry(PromotionDetail).State = EntityState.Modified; Context.SaveChanges(); }
public ActionResult Submit(FormOrderSalePage model) { // lấy giá và tên sản phẩm từ barcode if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Barcode)) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { int idsanpham = _menuOptionRepository.Get(o => o.Barcode.Equals(model.Barcode)).IdMenu; Menu sanpham = _menuRepository.Get(o => o.id_ == idsanpham); #region Insert DetailMenuComment DetailMenuComment order = new DetailMenuComment() { id_Menu = 9999, idBrand = 48611, // đẩy hết về Phú Nhuận Name = model.Name, Link = model.Phone.Trim().TrimEnd().TrimStart(), Code = "Đặt hàng từ Website", Content = model.Note, HuongDanSuDung = "", GiaoHang = model.Adress, sDate = DateTime.Now, sDateOk = DateTime.Now }; _detailMenuCommentRepository.Add(order); #endregion IList <string> str = new List <string>(); IList <KHLHProduct> khlhProducts = new List <KHLHProduct>(); DetailMenuCommentItem detail = new DetailMenuCommentItem(); //kiem tra khuyen mai string giakm = ""; PromotionDetail HasSalePage = _promotionDetailRepository.CheckKhuyenMaiSalePage(model.Barcode); if (HasSalePage != null) { // co khuyen mai giakm = HasSalePage.PriceDiscount.ToString(); #region Insert DetailMenuCommentItem // co khuyen mai detail = new DetailMenuCommentItem() { id_Menu = order.id_, Name = sanpham.NameProduct, Link = idsanpham + "", Price = sanpham.PricePro + "", PriceOf = giakm, Content = string.Format("Mã đơn hàng<#{0}#>", order.id_), Number = 1, BarCode = model.Barcode, sDate = DateTime.Now, sDateOk = DateTime.Now, Img = sanpham.Img }; khlhProducts.Add(new KHLHProduct() { Code = detail.BarCode, GiaWeb = int.Parse(detail.PriceOf), NgayTao = detail.sDate, SL = 1, //1 là số lượng sản phẩm đặt hàng LinkImage = "" + sanpham.Img }); } else { // không co khuyen mai detail = new DetailMenuCommentItem() { id_Menu = order.id_, Name = sanpham.NameProduct, Link = idsanpham + "", Price = sanpham.PricePro + "", PriceOf = sanpham.PricePro + "", Content = string.Format("Mã đơn hàng<#{0}#>", order.id_), Number = 1, BarCode = model.Barcode, sDate = DateTime.Now, sDateOk = DateTime.Now, Img = sanpham.Img }; khlhProducts.Add(new KHLHProduct() { Code = detail.BarCode, GiaWeb = int.Parse(detail.PriceOf), NgayTao = detail.sDate, SL = 1, //1 là số lượng sản phẩm đặt hàng LinkImage = "" + sanpham.Img }); } _detailMenuCommentItemRepository.Add(detail); str.Add(string.Format("{0}({1})", model.Barcode, 1)); //1 là số lượng sản phẩm đặt hàng #endregion #region insert KH_LH string dh = string.Format("{0}#,{1}", order.id_, string.Join(",", str)); string sql = string.Format( "INSERT INTO [].dbo.KH_LH (NguoiNhap,Nguon,Ten,Phone,DiaChi,GhiChu,idTinh,TrangThai,DonHang,idShop) values (" + " '{0}',{1},N'{2}','{3}',N'{4}',N'{5}',{6},{7},'{8}',{9} " + ")", "system", 1, order.Name, order.Link, order.GiaoHang, order.Content, 1, 0, dh, order.idBrand ); int id = _detailMenuCommentRepository.InsertIntoKHLH(sql, order.Link); #endregion #region Insert KH_LH_product if (khlhProducts.Any() && id != 0) { foreach (var khlhProduct in khlhProducts) { khlhProduct.IdKH = id; } _detailMenuCommentRepository.InsertKHLHProduct(khlhProducts); } #endregion _unitOfWork.Commit(); return(RedirectToAction("DatHangThanhCong", new { barcode = model.Barcode })); } }
private void UnlockPromotionIfNecessary(double promotionProgress, double promotionThreshold, PromotionTriggerTypes triggerType, Guid accountId, PromotionDetail promotion) { // Check if promotion needs to be unlocked bool isPromotionUnlocked = false; if (triggerType == PromotionTriggerTypes.RideCount) { isPromotionUnlocked = promotionProgress != 0 && promotionProgress >= promotionThreshold && (promotionProgress % promotionThreshold) == 0; } else if (triggerType == PromotionTriggerTypes.AmountSpent) { isPromotionUnlocked = promotionProgress >= promotionThreshold; } if (isPromotionUnlocked) { _commandBus.Send(new AddUserToPromotionWhiteList { AccountIds = new[] { accountId }, PromoId = promotion.Id, LastTriggeredAmount = promotionProgress }); } }
//[trungtran] public OrderAPIViewModel ApplyPromotionToOrder(OrderAPIViewModel order, Promotion promotion, PromotionDetail pDetail) { //temp: apply only for discount promotion if (promotion.ApplyLevel == (int)PromotionApplyLevelEnum.Order) { if (pDetail.DiscountAmount != null) { order.Discount = (double)pDetail.DiscountAmount.Value; order.FinalAmount = order.TotalAmount - order.Discount; } else if (pDetail.DiscountRate != null) { order.Discount = order.TotalAmount * pDetail.DiscountRate.Value / 100; order.FinalAmount = order.TotalAmount - order.Discount; order.DiscountRate = pDetail.DiscountRate.Value; } } else if (promotion.ApplyLevel == (int)PromotionApplyLevelEnum.OrderDetail) { if (pDetail.DiscountAmount != null) { var discount = 0.0; foreach (var oD in order.OrderDetails) { oD.Discount = (double)pDetail.DiscountAmount.Value; oD.FinalAmount = oD.TotalAmount - oD.Discount; discount += oD.Discount; } order.Discount = order.TotalAmount - discount; order.FinalAmount = order.TotalAmount - order.Discount; } else if (pDetail.DiscountRate != null) { var rate = pDetail.DiscountRate.Value; var discount = 0.0; foreach (var oD in order.OrderDetails) { oD.Discount = oD.TotalAmount * rate / 100; oD.FinalAmount = oD.TotalAmount - oD.Discount; discount += oD.Discount; } order.Discount = order.TotalAmount - discount; order.FinalAmount = order.TotalAmount - order.Discount; } } return(order); }
private bool IsStarted(PromotionDetail promo, DateTime now) { var startDateTime = promo.GetStartDateTime().GetValueOrDefault(DateTime.MinValue); return(startDateTime <= now); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns> /// <param name="details"></param> /// <param name="message"></param> /// </returns> public async Task <(PromotionDetail details, string message)> UpgradeDownGrade(AdminPowers model) { //User user = new User(); var userContext = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name; if (model == null) { return(null, $"{userContext}, Pass the right parameter"); } var getTheUsers = await repository.LoadWhere(u => (u.Id == model.UserId || u.Username == model.Username) || u.Username == userContext); if (getTheUsers == null) { return(null, $"No user found."); } var user = getTheUsers.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Username == model.Username); var admin = getTheUsers.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Username == userContext); if (admin.Role == UserRoles.Admin) { if (model.PromoteOrDemote) { if (user.Role == UserRoles.Noob) { user.Role = UserRoles.Elite; var msg = $"Role changed to {user.Role}"; user.ActionTaken = msg; user.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; user.ModifiedBy = admin.Username; await repository.Update(user); var detail = new PromotionDetail(); detail.IsRoleChanged = true; detail.Message = user.ActionTaken; detail.UpdatedRole = user.Role; return(details : detail, message : msg); } if (user.Role == UserRoles.Elite) { var msge = $"Role unchanged because the user is already an {user.Role} user"; var detail = new PromotionDetail { IsRoleChanged = false, Message = msge, UpdatedRole = user.Role }; return(details : detail, message : msge); } } // Demote user. if (user.Role == UserRoles.Noob) { var msg = $"Role unchanged because the user is already a {user.Role} user"; var detail = new PromotionDetail(); detail.IsRoleChanged = false; detail.Message = msg; detail.UpdatedRole = user.Role; return(details : detail, message : msg); } if (user.Role == UserRoles.Elite) { user.Role = UserRoles.Noob; var msge = $"Role changed to {user.Role}"; user.ActionTaken = msge; user.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; user.ModifiedBy = admin.Username; await repository.Update(user); var detail = new PromotionDetail(); detail.IsRoleChanged = true; detail.Message = user.ActionTaken; detail.UpdatedRole = user.Role; return(details : detail, message : msge); } } return(details : null, message : $"An Error Occured."); }
public void Read(TProtocol iprot) { iprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { TField field; iprot.ReadStructBegin(); while (true) { field = iprot.ReadFieldBegin(); if (field.Type == TType.Stop) { break; } switch (field.ID) { case 1: if (field.Type == TType.I32) { PromotionType = (PromotionType)iprot.ReadI32(); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; case 51: if (field.Type == TType.Struct) { BuddyInfo = new PromotionBuddyInfo(); BuddyInfo.Read(iprot); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; case 2: if (field.Type == TType.Struct) { PromotionDetail = new PromotionDetail(); PromotionDetail.Read(iprot); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; default: TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); break; } iprot.ReadFieldEnd(); } iprot.ReadStructEnd(); } finally { iprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
public JsonResult Save(PromotionModel.PromotionSaveModel model) { Promotion promotion; IList <PromotionDetail> promotionDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IList <PromotionDetail> >(model.Details); DateTime start = DateTimeHelper.ConvertToLongDay(model.StartDay); DateTime end = DateTimeHelper.ConvertToLongDay(model.EndDay); if (model.id_ == 0) { promotion = new Promotion() { Active = model.Active, Discount = model.Discount, EndDay = end, StartDay = start, IdUserOk = 0, ProductCategoryIds = model.ProductCategoryIds, ProductIds = model.ProductIds, Region = model.Region, Title = model.Title, IdUser = 15 }; _promotionRepository.Add(promotion); _unitOfWork.Commit(); } else { promotion = _promotionRepository.GetById(model.id_); promotion.Active = model.Active; promotion.Discount = model.Discount; promotion.EndDay = end; promotion.StartDay = start; promotion.ProductCategoryIds = model.ProductCategoryIds; promotion.ProductIds = model.ProductIds; promotion.Region = model.Region; promotion.Title = model.Title; _promotionRepository.Update(promotion); } #region IList <PromotionDetail> oldDetails = model.id_ != 0 ? _promotionDetailRepository.GetMany(o => o.PromotionId == model.id_).ToList() : new List <PromotionDetail>(); foreach (var dt in promotionDetails) { if (dt.id_ == 0) { PromotionDetail promotionDetail = new PromotionDetail() { Percent = dt.Percent, ProductId = dt.ProductId, PriceDiscount = dt.PriceDiscount, PromotionId = promotion.id_, Price = dt.Price }; _promotionDetailRepository.Add(promotionDetail); } else { PromotionDetail promotionDetail = oldDetails.FirstOrDefault(o => o.id_ == dt.id_); if (promotionDetail != null) { promotionDetail.Percent = dt.Percent; promotionDetail.PriceDiscount = dt.PriceDiscount; promotionDetail.Price = dt.Price; _promotionDetailRepository.Update(promotionDetail); } } } #endregion _promotionRepository.ClearBannerCache(); _unitOfWork.Commit(); return(Json(new { PromotionId = promotion.id_ }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void InsertPromotionDetail(PromotionDetail PromotionDetail) { Context.PromotionDetail.Add(PromotionDetail); Context.Entry(PromotionDetail).State = EntityState.Added; Context.SaveChanges(); }