 public LocalRunner(string schemaPath, int port, ProjectRunArgs args, ImageCredentials image)
     Port           = port;
     ProjectRunArgs = args;
     SchemaPath     = schemaPath;
     this.image     = image;
     watcher        = new FileSystemWatcher();
        public async Task DeployLocally(FileInfo csdl, string portString, bool seedData)
            if (csdl != null)
                app.Out.WriteLine($"Schema Path: {csdl.FullName}");

            Random r    = new Random();
            int    port = r.Next(4000, 9000);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(portString))
                port = int.Parse(portString);

            string Schema = File.ReadAllText(csdl.FullName);

            var args = new ProjectRunArgs()
                SeedData = seedData

            var image = await imageProvider.GetCredentials();

            app.Out.WriteLine("Updating core service...");
            var updater = new ServiceUpdater(image);


            using (var serverRunner = new LocalRunner(csdl.FullName, port, args, image))
                Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, args) =>
                    // dispose server if terminated with Ctrl+C

                serverRunner.OnError        = e => app.Error.WriteLine(e.Message);
                serverRunner.OnSchemaChange = () => app.Out.WriteLine($"Changes detected to {csdl.FullName}...");
                serverRunner.BeforeRestart  = (path, port) => app.Out.WriteLine("Restarting server...");
                serverRunner.AfterRestart   = (path, port) => app.Out.WriteLine($"Server running on http://localhost:{port}/odata");
                serverRunner.OnTerminate    = () => app.Out.WriteLine("Terminating server...");

                app.Out.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
        public async Task DeployRemotely(FileInfo csdl, string appId, string tenantId, string subscriptionId, bool seedData)
            var config = configManager.GetRootConfig();

            if (appId == null)
                throw new Exception("Please specify unique app name for remote deployment");

            if (csdl == null)
                throw new Exception("Please specify the schema file for your project");

            tenantId ??= config.Tenant;
            subscriptionId ??= config.Subscription;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenantId))
                throw new Exception("Please provide value for tenant");

            app.Out.WriteLine($"Schema Path: {csdl.FullName}");
            app.Out.WriteLine($"App name: {appId}");
            app.Out.WriteLine($"Tenant Id: {tenantId}");
            app.Out.WriteLine($"Subscription Id: {subscriptionId}");

            var args = new ProjectRunArgs()
                SeedData = seedData

            var image = await imageProvider.GetCredentials();

            var remoteManager = new RemoteServiceManager(tenantId, subscriptionId, image)
                OnAuthenticating = () => app.Out.WriteLine("Signing into your Azure subscription...")

            var deployment = await remoteManager.Create(appId, csdl.FullName, args);

            var project = deployment.Project;

            app.Out.WriteLine($"App created successfully. Your app URL is: {project.AppUrl}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a remote service based on the specified schema and deploys it on Azure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appId"></param>
        /// <param name="schema"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <RemoteDeployment> Create(string appId, string schemaPath, ProjectRunArgs projectRunArgs)
            await InitClient();


            var project = new RemoteProject();

            project.AppId           = appId;
            project.SubScriptionId  = azure.SubscriptionId;
            project.TenantId        = tenantId;
            project.SeedData        = projectRunArgs.SeedData;
            project.LocalSchemaPath = schemaPath;

            var deployment = new RemoteDeployment();

            deployment.Project        = project;
            deployment.StartedAt      = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            deployment.DeploymentName = $"dep{appId}";

            var rgName             = $"rg{appId}";
            var storageAccountName = $"st{appId}";
            var shareName          = $"share{appId}";

            project.ResourceGroup      = rgName;
            project.StorageAccountName = storageAccountName;
            project.AzureFileShare     = shareName;

            var region = Region.USCentral;

            project.Region = region.Name;

            await azure.ResourceGroups.Define(rgName).WithRegion(region).CreateAsync();

            // create storage account
            var storage = await azure.StorageAccounts.Define(storageAccountName).WithRegion(region)

            var stKey = storage.GetKeys().First().Value;

            project.StorageAccountKey = stKey;

            var storageConnString = $"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={storage.Name};AccountKey={stKey}";
            var shareClient       = new ShareClient(storageConnString, shareName);
            await shareClient.CreateAsync();

            // upload CSDL
            await UploadSchema(shareClient, schemaPath, RemoteCsdlFileDir, RemoteCsdlFileName);

            var template     = TemplateHelper.CreateDeploymentTemplate(project, image);
            var templateJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(template);
            await azure.Deployments.Define(deployment.DeploymentName)

            deployment.FinishedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now;
