/// <summary> /// Generates the projects for the targets and the solution for the workspace. /// </summary> public static void GenerateProjects() { using (new ProfileEventScope("GenerateProjects")) { // Pick the project format ProjectFormat projectFormat = Platform.BuildPlatform.DefaultProjectFormat; if (Configuration.ProjectFormatVS2019) { projectFormat = ProjectFormat.VisualStudio2019; } else if (Configuration.ProjectFormatVS2017) { projectFormat = ProjectFormat.VisualStudio2017; } else if (Configuration.ProjectFormatVS2015) { projectFormat = ProjectFormat.VisualStudio2015; } else if (Configuration.ProjectFormatVSCode) { projectFormat = ProjectFormat.VisualStudioCode; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration.ProjectFormatCustom)) { projectFormat = ProjectFormat.Custom; } // Setup var rules = GenerateRulesAssembly(); var rootProject = Globals.Project; var projectFiles = rootProject.GetAllProjects(); var targetGroups = rules.Targets.GroupBy(x => x.ProjectName); var workspaceRoot = rootProject.ProjectFolderPath; var projectsRoot = Path.Combine(workspaceRoot, "Cache", "Projects"); var projects = new List <Project>(); var dotNetProjectGenerator = ProjectGenerator.Create(projectFormat, TargetType.DotNet); var projectToBinaryModule = new Dictionary <Project, KeyValuePair <string, HashSet <Module> > >(); var projectToModulesBuildOptions = new Dictionary <Project, Dictionary <Module, BuildOptions> >(); Project mainSolutionProject = null; ProjectGenerator nativeProjectGenerator = ProjectGenerator.Create(projectFormat, TargetType.NativeCpp); // Setup projects for target groups (before actual generation to handle cross-project references like) foreach (var e in targetGroups) { var projectName = e.Key; using (new ProfileEventScope(projectName)) { var targets = e.ToArray(); if (targets.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("No targets in a group " + projectName); } TargetType type = targets[0].Type; for (int i = 1; i < targets.Length; i++) { if (targets[i].Type != type) { Log.Error(string.Format($"Invalid targets group. Project {projectName} uses type {type} from target {targets[0].Name} but target {targets[i].Name} is type of {targets[i].Type}")); } } var projectInfo = targets[0] is ProjectTarget projectTarget ? projectTarget.Project : projectFiles.First(x => targets[0].FolderPath.Contains(x.ProjectFolderPath)); // Create project Project mainProject; var binaryModules = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <Module> >(); var modulesBuildOptions = new Dictionary <Module, BuildOptions>(); using (new ProfileEventScope("CreateProject")) { var generator = ProjectGenerator.Create(projectFormat, type); var project = mainProject = generator.CreateProject(); if (targets[0].CustomExternalProjectFilePath == null) { project.Type = TargetType.NativeCpp; } project.Name = projectName; project.Targets = targets; project.SearchPaths = new string[0]; project.WorkspaceRootPath = projectInfo.ProjectFolderPath; if (targets[0].CustomExternalProjectFilePath == null) { project.Path = Path.Combine(projectsRoot, project.Name + '.' + generator.ProjectFileExtension); } else { project.Path = targets[0].CustomExternalProjectFilePath; } if (project.WorkspaceRootPath.StartsWith(rootProject.ProjectFolderPath)) { project.GroupName = Utilities.MakePathRelativeTo(project.WorkspaceRootPath, rootProject.ProjectFolderPath); } else if (projectInfo != Globals.Project) { project.GroupName = projectInfo.Name; } project.SourceDirectories = new List <string> { Path.GetDirectoryName(targets[0].FilePath) }; SetupProjectConfigurations(project, projectInfo); // Get all modules aggregated into all binary modules used in all configurations of this target foreach (var configurationData in mainProject.Configurations) { var configurationBinaryModules = GetBinaryModules(rules, configurationData.Target, configurationData.Modules); foreach (var configurationBinaryModule in configurationBinaryModules) { // Skip if none of the included binary modules is inside the project workspace (eg. merged external binary modules from engine to game project) if (!configurationBinaryModule.Any(y => y.FolderPath.StartsWith(project.WorkspaceRootPath))) { continue; } if (!binaryModules.TryGetValue(configurationBinaryModule.Key, out var modules)) { binaryModules[configurationBinaryModule.Key] = modules = new HashSet <Module>(); } modules.AddRange(configurationBinaryModule); foreach (var module in configurationBinaryModule) { if (!modulesBuildOptions.ContainsKey(module)) { modulesBuildOptions.Add(module, configurationData.Modules[module]); } } } foreach (var reference in projectInfo.References) { var referenceTargets = GetProjectTargets(reference.Project); foreach (var referenceTarget in referenceTargets) { try { var referenceBuildOptions = GetBuildOptions(referenceTarget, configurationData.TargetBuildOptions.Platform, configurationData.TargetBuildOptions.Toolchain, configurationData.Architecture, configurationData.Configuration, reference.Project.ProjectFolderPath); var referenceModules = CollectModules(rules, referenceBuildOptions.Platform, referenceTarget, referenceBuildOptions, referenceBuildOptions.Toolchain, referenceBuildOptions.Architecture, referenceBuildOptions.Configuration); var referenceBinaryModules = GetBinaryModules(rules, referenceTarget, referenceModules); foreach (var binaryModule in referenceBinaryModules) { project.Defines.Add(binaryModule.Key.ToUpperInvariant() + "_API="); } } catch { // Ignore exceptions } } } } foreach (var binaryModule in binaryModules) { project.Defines.Add(binaryModule.Key.ToUpperInvariant() + "_API="); } // Skip using C++ project if any included binary module is C#-only if (binaryModules.Any(x => x.Value.Any(y => y.BuildNativeCode)) && !rootProject.IsCSharpOnlyProject) { projects.Add(project); if (mainSolutionProject == null && projectInfo == rootProject) { mainSolutionProject = project; } } else if (targets[0].CustomExternalProjectFilePath != null) { projects.Add(project); } } // Create API bindings projects foreach (var binaryModule in binaryModules) { var binaryModuleName = binaryModule.Key; // Skip excluded modules with empty BinaryModuleName if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(binaryModuleName)) { continue; } // Skip bindings projects for prebuilt targets (eg. no sources to build/view - just binaries) if (targets[0].IsPreBuilt) { continue; } using (new ProfileEventScope(binaryModuleName)) { // TODO: add support for extending this code and support generating bindings projects for other scripting languages // Get source files var sourceFiles = new List <string>(); var generatedSourceFiles = new List <string>(); foreach (var module in binaryModule.Value) { // C# sources included into build source files sourceFiles.AddRange(modulesBuildOptions[module].SourceFiles.Where(x => x.EndsWith(".cs"))); } sourceFiles.RemoveAll(x => x.EndsWith(BuildFilesPostfix)); foreach (var target in targets) { foreach (var configurationData in mainProject.Configurations) { if (target != configurationData.Target) { continue; } foreach (var q in configurationData.Modules) { if (!q.Key.FolderPath.StartsWith(target.FolderPath)) { continue; } // Generated C# bindings source files (per-target, per-platform, per-configuration) var intermediateFolder = Path.Combine(q.Value.WorkingDirectory, Configuration.IntermediateFolder, target.Name, configurationData.PlatformName, configurationData.ArchitectureName, configurationData.ConfigurationName); var path = Path.Combine(intermediateFolder, q.Key.Name, q.Key.Name + ".Bindings.Gen.cs"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); File.WriteAllText(path, string.Empty, new UTF8Encoding()); } generatedSourceFiles.Add(path); } } } sourceFiles.Add(Path.Combine(targets[0].FolderPath, binaryModuleName + ".Gen.cs")); if (mainSolutionProject == null) { // Add shaders sources to C# bindings project if not using C++ project var shadersSourcePath = Path.Combine(projectInfo.ProjectFolderPath, "Source/Shaders"); if (Directory.Exists(shadersSourcePath)) { sourceFiles.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(shadersSourcePath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)); } } sourceFiles.Sort(); // Create project description var project = dotNetProjectGenerator.CreateProject(); project.Type = TargetType.DotNet; project.Name = binaryModuleName; project.OutputType = TargetOutputType.Library; project.Targets = targets; project.SearchPaths = new string[0]; project.WorkspaceRootPath = mainProject.WorkspaceRootPath; project.GroupName = mainProject.GroupName; if (project.WorkspaceRootPath.StartsWith(workspaceRoot)) { // Place project targets binary modules bindings in the Source folder of the project (Visual Studio handles C# source files better in that way) project.Path = Path.Combine(project.WorkspaceRootPath, "Source", project.Name + '.' + dotNetProjectGenerator.ProjectFileExtension); } else { // Default project files location project.Path = Path.Combine(projectsRoot, project.Name + '.' + dotNetProjectGenerator.ProjectFileExtension); } project.SourceFiles = sourceFiles; project.GeneratedSourceFiles = generatedSourceFiles; project.CSharp.UseFlaxVS = true; project.Configurations.AddRange(mainProject.Configurations); projectToBinaryModule.Add(project, binaryModule); projectToModulesBuildOptions.Add(project, modulesBuildOptions); projects.Add(project); if (mainSolutionProject == null && projectInfo == rootProject) { mainSolutionProject = project; } } } } } // Setup cross-project references using (new ProfileEventScope("ProjectReferences")) { foreach (var project in projects) { if (!projectToBinaryModule.TryGetValue(project, out var binaryModule) || !projectToModulesBuildOptions.TryGetValue(project, out var modulesBuildOptions)) { continue; } foreach (var module in binaryModule.Value) { if (!modulesBuildOptions.TryGetValue(module, out var moduleBuildOptions)) { continue; } // Combine build options from this module project.CSharp.SystemReferences.AddRange(moduleBuildOptions.ScriptingAPI.SystemReferences); project.CSharp.FileReferences.AddRange(moduleBuildOptions.ScriptingAPI.FileReferences); // Find references based on the modules dependencies (external or from projects) foreach (var dependencyName in moduleBuildOptions.PublicDependencies.Concat(moduleBuildOptions.PrivateDependencies)) { var dependencyModule = rules.GetModule(dependencyName); if (dependencyModule != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependencyModule.BinaryModuleName) && dependencyModule.BinaryModuleName != binaryModule.Key) { var dependencyProject = projects.Find(x => x != null && x.Generator.Type == project.Generator.Type && x.Name == dependencyModule.BinaryModuleName); if (dependencyProject != null) { // Reference that project project.Dependencies.Add(dependencyProject); } else if (dependencyModule.BinaryModuleName == "FlaxEngine") { // TODO: instead of this hack find a way to reference the prebuilt target bindings binary (example: game C# project references FlaxEngine C# prebuilt dll) project.CSharp.FileReferences.Add(Path.Combine(Globals.EngineRoot, "Binaries/Editor/Win64/Development/FlaxEngine.CSharp.dll")); } } } } } } // Setup custom projects GenerateCustomProjects?.Invoke(projects); nativeProjectGenerator.GenerateCustomProjects(projects); // Generate projects using (new ProfileEventScope("GenerateProjects")) { foreach (var project in projects) { Log.Verbose(project.Name + " -> " + project.Path); project.Generate(); } } // Generate C# project for build scripts files string rulesProjectName = "BuildScripts"; using (new ProfileEventScope(rulesProjectName)) { // Create dummy target var target = new Target { Name = rulesProjectName, ProjectName = rulesProjectName, FilePath = null, FolderPath = null, Type = TargetType.DotNet, OutputType = TargetOutputType.Library, Platforms = new[] { Platform.BuildPlatform.Target }, Configurations = new[] { TargetConfiguration.Debug }, Architectures = new[] { TargetArchitecture.AnyCPU }, }; // Create project description Project project; using (new ProfileEventScope("CreateProject")) { project = dotNetProjectGenerator.CreateProject(); project.Type = TargetType.DotNet; project.Name = rulesProjectName; project.Targets = new[] { target }; project.SearchPaths = new string[0]; project.WorkspaceRootPath = workspaceRoot; project.Path = Path.Combine(projectsRoot, project.Name + '.' + dotNetProjectGenerator.ProjectFileExtension); project.CSharp.OutputPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Cache", "Intermediate", "Unused"); project.SourceFiles = new List <string>(); foreach (var e in rules.Targets) { project.SourceFiles.Add(e.FilePath); } foreach (var e in rules.Modules) { project.SourceFiles.Add(e.FilePath); } project.CSharp.SystemReferences = new HashSet <string> { "System", "System.Core", }; SetupProjectConfigurations(project, rootProject); if (project.Configurations.Count == 0) { // Hardcoded dummy configuration even if platform tools are missing for this platform var platform = Platform.BuildPlatform; var architecture = TargetArchitecture.x64; var configuration = TargetConfiguration.Debug; project.Configurations.Add(new Project.ConfigurationData { Platform = platform.Target, PlatformName = platform.Target.ToString(), Architecture = architecture, ArchitectureName = architecture.ToString(), Configuration = configuration, ConfigurationName = configuration.ToString(), Target = target, TargetBuildOptions = GetBuildOptions(target, platform, null, architecture, configuration, project.WorkspaceRootPath), Modules = new Dictionary <Module, BuildOptions>(), }); } var c = project.Configurations[0]; c.Name = "Debug|AnyCPU"; c.Text = "Debug"; project.Configurations[0] = c; // Add reference to Flax.Build so rules can be validated in the IDE project.CSharp.FileReferences.Add(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); } // Generate project using (new ProfileEventScope("GenerateProject")) { Log.Verbose("Project " + rulesProjectName + " -> " + project.Path); dotNetProjectGenerator.GenerateProject(project); } projects.Add(project); } // Generate solution using (new ProfileEventScope("Solution")) { Solution solution; using (new ProfileEventScope("CreateSolution")) { solution = nativeProjectGenerator.CreateSolution(); solution.Name = rootProject.Name; solution.WorkspaceRootPath = workspaceRoot; solution.Path = Path.Combine(workspaceRoot, solution.Name + '.' + nativeProjectGenerator.SolutionFileExtension); solution.Projects = projects.ToArray(); solution.MainProject = mainSolutionProject; } using (new ProfileEventScope("GenerateSolution")) { Log.Verbose("Solution -> " + solution.Path); nativeProjectGenerator.GenerateSolution(solution); } } } }
private void createProject(string name) { var projectDir = theSolutionDir.AppendPath("src", name); ProjectGenerator.Create(projectDir, name); }