        public static async Task <ProjectData> CreateProject(HttpClient project, ProjectCreationData user, bool isLocal = false)
            string url;

            if (isLocal)
                url = "/api/Projects";
                url = "https://projects-service.api.converge-app.net/api/projects";

            var response = await project.PostAsJsonAsync(url, user);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                return(await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ProjectData>());
                throw new Exception("Was unsuccessful");
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateProject([FromBody] ProjectCreationData data)
            var db = Database;

            var currentDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var currentUser = await(from u in db.Query <User>()
                                    where u.Key == HttpContext.User.Identity.Name
                                    select u).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            if (currentUser == null)

            var groupGraph = db.Graph("GroupUsersGraph");

            // obtenemos los usuarios
            var usersToAdd = from u in db.Query <User>()
                             from ud in data.Members
                             where u.Username == ud
                             select u;

            if (data.Members.Count != usersToAdd.Count())
                return(BadRequest(new { message = "Some users are invalid" }));

            // En caso de que el usuario haya puesto su nombre de usuario, lo eliminamos, el se añade aparte puesto que será administrador
            usersToAdd = from u in usersToAdd
                         where u.Key != currentUser.Key
                         select u;

            var projectGroup = new Group
                CreationDate = currentDate,
                Name         = data.Name,
                GroupOwner   = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name,
                IsRoot       = true,
                Description  =
                    $"# {data.Name}\nEsta descripción es generada automaticamente, si eres el administrador puedes cambiarla en el panel de administrador",
                KanbanBoards = new List <KanbanBoard> {
                    new KanbanBoard(data.Name)
                Events          = new List <CalendarEvent>(),
                PreviousProject = data.PreviousProject

            // Default kanban creation
            projectGroup.KanbanBoards[0].Members = await usersToAdd.Select(u => new Models.Kanban.KanbanGroupMember
                UserId = u.Key

            projectGroup.KanbanBoards[0].Members.Add(new Models.Kanban.KanbanGroupMember
                UserId            = currentUser.Key,
                MemberPermissions = Models.Kanban.KanbanMemberPermissions.Admin

            var createdGroup = await db.InsertAsync <Group>(projectGroup);

            var admin = new UsersInGroup
                IsAdmin  = true,
                JoinDate = currentDate,
                Group    = createdGroup.Id,
                User     = "******" + currentUser.Key,
                AddedBy  = currentUser.Key
            // create a relation between root group and the creator
            await groupGraph.InsertEdgeAsync <UsersInGroup>(admin);

            foreach (var user in usersToAdd)
                var userToAdd = new UsersInGroup
                    IsAdmin  = false,
                    JoinDate = currentDate,
                    Group    = createdGroup.Id,
                    User     = "******" + user.Key,
                    AddedBy  = currentUser.Key
                await groupGraph.InsertEdgeAsync <UsersInGroup>(userToAdd);

                var notificationMessage = string.Format($"{currentUser.Username} te ha agregado " +
                                                        $"al proyecto '{projectGroup.Name}'", projectGroup.Name);

                var notification = new Notification
                    Read     = false,
                    Message  = notificationMessage,
                    Priority = NotificationPriority.Medium,
                    Context  = $"project/{createdGroup.Key}"

                // enviar la notificación
                await NotificationHub.Clients
                .Group("Users/" + user.Key)
                .SendAsync("notificationReceived", notification);

                await db.UpdateByIdAsync <User>(user.Id, user);

            return(Created("/api/projects/" + createdGroup.Key, null));