        /// <summary>
        /// Permette di esportare tutte le immagini della collezione in una cartella
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PathOut"></param>
        /// <param name="OriginalName"></param>
        /// <param name="FormatoOutput"></param>
        public void Export(String PathOut, String OriginalName, FormatoOut FormatoOutput = FormatoOut.jpg)
            StateChange?.Invoke(this, State.InWorking);

            if (!Directory.Exists(PathOut))

            if (ic.IsEmpty)
                StateChange?.Invoke(this, State.Finish);

            ImageFormat format;

            if (FormatoOutput == FormatoOut.jpg)
                format = ImageFormat.Jpeg;
            else if (FormatoOutput == FormatoOut.png)
                format = ImageFormat.Png;
            else if (FormatoOutput == FormatoOut.bmp)
                format = ImageFormat.Bmp;
                format = ImageFormat.Jpeg;

            String Ext = FormatoOutput.ToString();

            int current = 0;
            int tot     = ic.Collection.Count;

            foreach (Image i in ic.Collection)
                ProgressChange?.Invoke(this, current++, tot);
                ExportSingle(i, format, Path.Combine(PathOut, OriginalName + "_" + current + "." + Ext));

            StateChange?.Invoke(this, State.Finish);
        public void MakeProgress(float deltaTime)
            float currentProgress = Mathf.Min(Duration, CurrentProgress + deltaTime * AssignedDesk.Skill);

            m_UI.SetProgressBar(currentProgress / Duration);

            CurrentProgress = currentProgress;
            if (CurrentProgress >= Duration)
                IsCompleted = true;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public PackingResult PlaceRects(int width, int height, IEnumerable <PPRect> rects, CancellationToken token = default)
            Progress = 0;
            if (rects == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"The {nameof(rects)} cannot be null");

            var sortedRects = imageSorter.SortImages(rects);

            freeRectanglesList.Add(new PPRect(0, 0, width, height));

            List <PPRect> packing = new List <PPRect>(sortedRects.Count());

            int inputSize   = packing.Count;
            int placedRects = 0;

            foreach (var rectToPlace in sortedRects)
                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    Progress = 0;

                PPRect?freeRectToUse = freeRectExtractor.ExtractFreeRectangle(freeRectanglesList, rectToPlace); //parametrizable part
                if (freeRectToUse == null)                                                                      //unable to pack
                    Progress = 100;
                var rectRotated = DecideOrientationOfRect(rectToPlace);
                var freeRects   = freeRectangleSplitter.SplitFreeRectangle(freeRectToUse.Value, rectToPlace);    //parametrizable part
                freeRectangleMerger.MergeFreeRectangles(freeRectanglesList, freeRects);                          //parametrizable part
                var rectToPlaceOriented = rectOrientationSelector.DetermineAndApplyRectOrientation(rectToPlace); //parametrizable part
                packing.Add(new PPRect(freeRectToUse.Value.Left, freeRectToUse.Value.Top, freeRectToUse.Value.Left + rectToPlace.Width, freeRectToUse.Value.Top + rectToPlace.Height, rectToPlaceOriented.Image));
                freeRectanglePostProcessor?.PostProcess(freeRectanglesList, packing.Last());
                Progress = (int)((++placedRects / (double)inputSize) * 100.0);
                ProgressChange?.Invoke(this, Progress);
            return(new PackingResult(width, height, packing));
 protected void SetProgress(float p)
     p        = Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(0f, p));
     Progress = p;
 public void Report(float progress)
     Logger.Log <ProgressRepporter>(LoggerLevel.Info, $"{Status}: {(int)(progress * 100)}%");
     Progress = progress;
     ProgressChange?.Invoke(this, Progress);
        /// <summary>
        /// Permette di esportare tutte le immagini in un unico file ( file sprite ); i dati vengono inviati ad uno stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sw"></param>
        /// <param name="FormatoOutput"></param>
        public void Export(StreamWriter sw, FormatoOut FormatoOutput = FormatoOut.jpg)
            StateChange?.Invoke(this, State.InWorking);

            if (ic.IsEmpty)
                StateChange?.Invoke(this, State.Finish);

            //Ottengo dimensione reale di un frame
            Size OriginalSize = ic.Collection[0].Size;

            //Ottengo il numero di frame
            int NumeroFrame = ic.Count;

            //Calcolo le righe

            int Righe = (int)Math.Ceiling(NumeroFrame / (float)Colonne);

            //Calcolo grandezza immagine finale
            Size FinalSize = new Size(Colonne * OriginalSize.Width, Righe * OriginalSize.Height);

            Bitmap b = new Bitmap(FinalSize.Width, FinalSize.Height);

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b);

            int r = 0, c = 0;

            int current = 0;

            foreach (Image i in ic.Collection)
                ProgressChange?.Invoke(this, current++, NumeroFrame);

                //Calcolo il punto di inserimento del frame nell'immagine grande
                Point p = new Point(c * OriginalSize.Width, r * OriginalSize.Height);
                g.DrawImageUnscaled(i, p);

                if (c >= Colonne)
                    c = 0;

                if (r >= Righe)

            if (FormatoOutput == FormatoOut.jpg)
                b.Save(sw.BaseStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            else if (FormatoOutput == FormatoOut.png)
                b.Save(sw.BaseStream, ImageFormat.Png);
            else if (FormatoOutput == FormatoOut.bmp)
                b.Save(sw.BaseStream, ImageFormat.Bmp);


            StateChange?.Invoke(this, State.Finish);
 public void Report(double newProgress)
     ProgressChange?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs(newProgress));
        private void PatchFile(string idxPath, string mulPath, string newIdxPath, string newMulPath, List <Patch> patches)
            if (StatusChange != null)
                StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(String.Format("Creating temp mul/idx file(s)...")));

            File.Copy(idxPath, newIdxPath, true);
            File.Copy(mulPath, newMulPath, true);

            if (StatusChange != null)
                StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(String.Format("Applying {0} patches to {1}...", patches.Count, Path.GetFileName(newMulPath))));

            FileInfo  idxFileInfo = new FileInfo(newIdxPath);
            FileIndex index       = new FileIndex(Path.GetFileName(idxPath), Path.GetFileName(mulPath), (int)(idxFileInfo.Length / 12));

            BinaryWriter idx = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(newIdxPath, FileMode.Open));
            BinaryWriter mul = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(newMulPath, FileMode.Open));

            int oldPercent = 0;

            for (int p = 0; p < patches.Count; p++)
                Patch patch = patches[p];
                int   a     = 0;
                if (patch.BlockID == 0xEEEE)
                    a = 4;

                 * int pos;
                 * if (index[patch.BlockID].length > patch.Length)
                 *      pos = index[patch.BlockID].lookup;
                 * else
                 */int pos = Convert.ToInt32(mul.BaseStream.Length);

                idx.Seek(patch.BlockID * 12, SeekOrigin.Begin);


                if (patch.Length >= 0)
                    mul.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    mul.Write(patch.Data, 0, patch.Length);

                if (p != 0 && ProgressChange != null)
                    int percent = (p * 100) / patches.Count;

                    if (percent != oldPercent)
                        ProgressChange.Invoke(this, new ProgressChangeEventArgs(percent, p, patches.Count));
                        oldPercent = percent;


            if (idx != null)
            if (mul != null)

            if (StatusChange != null)
                StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(String.Format("Moving temp mul/idx file(s)...")));

            if (File.Exists(newIdxPath.Substring(0, newIdxPath.Length - 4)))
                File.Delete(newIdxPath.Substring(0, newIdxPath.Length - 4));

            File.Move(newIdxPath, newIdxPath.Substring(0, newIdxPath.Length - 4));

            if (File.Exists(newMulPath.Substring(0, newMulPath.Length - 4)))
                File.Delete(newMulPath.Substring(0, newMulPath.Length - 4));

            File.Move(newMulPath, newMulPath.Substring(0, newMulPath.Length - 4));

            if (this.StatusChange != null)
                this.StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(string.Format("Cleaning up...", new object[0])));


            #region Meh for now

             * if (StatusChange != null)
             *      StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(String.Format("Creating temp mul/idx file(s)...")));
             * FileInfo info = new FileInfo(idxPath);
             * FileIndex oldIndex = new FileIndex(Path.GetFileName(idxPath), Path.GetFileName(mulPath), (int)(info.Length / ((long)12)));
             * BinaryWriter idx = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(newIdxPath, FileMode.Create));
             * idx.Seek((int)new FileInfo(idxPath).Length, SeekOrigin.Begin);
             * BinaryWriter mul = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(newMulPath, FileMode.Create));
             * mul.Seek((int)new FileInfo(mulPath).Length, SeekOrigin.Begin);
             * idx.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
             * mul.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
             * if (StatusChange != null)
             *      StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(String.Format("Applying {0} patches to {1}...", patches.Count, Path.GetFileName(newMulPath))));
             * int patchIndex = 0;
             * int oldPercent = 0;
             * int offset = 0;
             * for (int i = 0; i < oldIndex.IndexCount; i++)
             * {
             *      if (patchIndex < patches.Count && patches[patchIndex].BlockID == i)//Write the patch
             *      {
             *              if (StatusChange != null)
             *                      StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(String.Format("Applying patch id: {0}...", i)));
             *              Patch patch = patches[patchIndex];
             *              idx.Write((int)mul.BaseStream.Position);
             *              idx.Write(patch.Length);
             *              idx.Write(patch.Extra);
             *              if (patch.Length > 0)
             *                      mul.Write(patch.Data, 0, patch.Length);
             *              patchIndex++;
             *      }
             *      else//Write the regular data
             *      {
             *              if (StatusChange != null && (i % 200 == 0))
             *                      StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(String.Format("Writing index: {0}...", i)));
             *              idx.Write((int)mul.BaseStream.Position);
             *              idx.Write(oldIndex[i].length);
             *              idx.Write(oldIndex[i].extra);
             *              if (oldIndex[i].length > 0)
             *              {
             *                      BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(oldIndex.Seek(i));
             *                      mul.Write(reader.ReadBytes(oldIndex[i].length), 0, oldIndex[i].length);
             *              }
             *      }
             *      if (i != 0 && ProgressChange != null)
             *      {
             *              int percent = (i * 100) / oldIndex.IndexCount;
             *              if (percent != oldPercent)
             *              {
             *                      ProgressChange(this, new ProgressChangeEventArgs(percent, i, oldIndex.IndexCount));
             *                      oldPercent = percent;
             *              }
             *      }
             * }
             * //Patches out of idx range? Is this possible?
             * if (patchIndex < patches.Count - 1)
             * {
             *      if (StatusChange != null)
             *              StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(String.Format("Applying left over patches...")));
             *      int count = (patches.Count - 1) - patchIndex;
             *      int i = 0;
             *      while (i < count)
             *      {
             *              if (StatusChange != null)
             *                      StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(String.Format("Applying patch id: {0}...", i)));
             *              Patch patch = patches[patchIndex];
             *              idx.Write((int)mul.BaseStream.Position);
             *              idx.Write(patch.Length);
             *              idx.Write(patch.Extra);
             *              if (patch.Length >= 0)
             *                      mul.Write(patch.Data, 0, patch.Length);
             *              if (i != 0 && ProgressChange != null)
             *              {
             *                      int percent = (i * 100) / count;
             *                      if (percent != oldPercent)
             *                      {
             *                              ProgressChange(this, new ProgressChangeEventArgs(percent, i, count));
             *                              oldPercent = percent;
             *                      }
             *              }
             *              patchIndex++;
             *              i++;
             *      }
             * }
             * oldIndex.Close();
             * if (idx != null)
             *      idx.Close();
             * if (mul != null)
             *      mul.Close();
             * if (StatusChange != null)
             *      StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(String.Format("Moving temp mul/idx file(s)...")));
             * if (File.Exists(newIdxPath.Substring(0, newIdxPath.Length - 4)))
             *      File.Delete(newIdxPath.Substring(0, newIdxPath.Length - 4));
             * File.Move(newIdxPath, newIdxPath.Substring(0, newIdxPath.Length - 4));
             * if (File.Exists(newMulPath.Substring(0, newMulPath.Length - 4)))
             *      File.Delete(newMulPath.Substring(0, newMulPath.Length - 4));
             * File.Move(newMulPath, newMulPath.Substring(0, newMulPath.Length - 4));
             * if (this.StatusChange != null)
             *      this.StatusChange(this, new StatusChangeEventArgs(string.Format("Cleaning up...", new object[0])));
             * File.Delete(newIdxPath);
             * File.Delete(newMulPath);*/
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public PackingResult PlaceRects(int width, int height, IEnumerable <PPRect> rects, CancellationToken token = default)
            Progress = 0;
            if (width < 0 || height < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"The {nameof(width)} and {nameof(height)} should be non-negative");

            var sortedInput = sorter.SortImages(rects);

            int inputSize   = rects.Count();
            int placedRects = 0;

            int actualWidth  = 0;
            int actualHeight = 0;

            RectComparer       rectComparer              = new RectComparer();
            PointComparer      ptComparer                = new PointComparer();
            SortedSet <PPRect> currentPacking            = new SortedSet <PPRect>(rectComparer);
            SortedDictionary <SKPointI, int> pointsToTry = new SortedDictionary <SKPointI, int>(ptComparer)
                { new SKPointI(0, 0), -1 } //the current packing is empty, so only point to try is point [0,0]

            SKPointI[] pointsToAdd = new SKPointI[2];
            foreach (var x in sortedInput)
                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    Progress = 0;
                SKPointI?pointToRemove = null;
                foreach (var ptToTry in pointsToTry)
                    PPRect tested = new PPRect(ptToTry.Key.X, ptToTry.Key.Y, ptToTry.Key.X + x.Width, ptToTry.Key.Y + x.Height);
                    var    possibleIntersections = currentPacking.AsEnumerable();                                                             //have to test everything
                    if (ptToTry.Key.X + x.Width <= width && ptToTry.Key.Y + x.Height <= height && !Intersects(tested, possibleIntersections)) //safe to pack here
                        if (ptToTry.Key.X + x.Width > actualWidth)
                            actualWidth = ptToTry.Key.X + x.Width;

                        if (ptToTry.Key.Y + x.Height > actualHeight)
                            actualHeight = ptToTry.Key.Y + x.Height;

                        int improved = 0;
                        if (TryImprove(ref tested, currentPacking, 0)) //Try to position it further to the top / left

                        //Add it to the packing
                        tested.Image = x.Image;
                        if (improved == 0)
                            pointToRemove = ptToTry.Key;

                        pointsToAdd[0] = new SKPointI(ptToTry.Key.X + x.Width, ptToTry.Key.Y);
                        pointsToAdd[1] = new SKPointI(ptToTry.Key.X, ptToTry.Key.Y + x.Height);


                if (pointToRemove != null)
                    pointsToTry[pointsToAdd[0]] = -1;
                    pointsToTry[pointsToAdd[1]] = -1;

                    Progress = (int)((++placedRects / (double)inputSize) * 100.0);
                    ProgressChange?.Invoke(this, Progress);
                    Progress = 100;
                    return(null); //we cannot pack it anywhere

            //var result = new PackingResult(width, height, currentPacking.Select(x => (x.Value, x.Key))); // probably better to return result with actual width & height instead of those needed
            //actual height can be lower than height specified, width also BUT THIS IS NOT DESIRED, BECAUSE THIS CAN BE CALLED FROM FIXEDSIZE..? OR chhange size in FixedSize..
            var result = new PackingResult(actualWidth, actualHeight, currentPacking);
