public void ReadModsFromFiles(List <Mod> activeMods, ProgressBarManipulator progressBarManipulator) { progressBarManipulator.Increment(); //check if mod directory exists var modDirectoryPath = $"{Paths.ModPath}\\{Paths.ModDirectoryName}"; if (!Directory.Exists(modDirectoryPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(modDirectoryPath); } progressBarManipulator.Increment(); //read last active mods var appSettingsFilePath = $"{Paths.ExePath}\\{Paths.AppSettingsName}"; if (File.Exists(appSettingsFilePath)) { var json = File.ReadAllText(appSettingsFilePath, Encoding.Default); var appSettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AppSettings>(json); foreach (var pair in appSettings.ActiveMods) { if (Directory.Exists($"{Paths.ModPath}\\{Paths.ModDirectoryName}\\{pair.Key}")) { activeMods.Add(new Mod(pair.Key, pair.Value)); } } } progressBarManipulator.Increment(); }
public int LetsMod(Mod mod, DirectoryInfo modDirectory, DirectoryInfo gameDirectory, List <Mod> activeMods, ProgressBarManipulator progressBarManipulator) { var modFiles = modDirectory.GetFiles(); var gameFiles = gameDirectory.GetFiles(); var returnValue = SUCCESS_CODE; //if Texture directory deactivate texmaps.bin if (gameDirectory.Name.ToLower() == "texture") { foreach (var gameFile in gameFiles) { if (gameFile.Name.ToLower() == "texmaps.bin") { RememberForRestore(gameFile, "res"); gameFile.MoveTo(gameFile.FullName + CopyFileSuffix); break; } } } //add or override game files foreach (var modFile in modFiles) { //detect mode var mode = "replace"; var filename = modFile.Name; //skip some files in root directory if (modDirectory.Name.Equals(mod.ModDirectoryName)) { if (filename.Equals(Paths.ModConfigName) || filename.Equals("LICENSE") || filename.Equals("")) { progressBarManipulator.Increment(); continue; } } if (filename.StartsWith(ChangeFilePrefix)) { mode = "change"; filename = filename.Substring(ChangeFilePrefix.Count()); } FileInfo rightGameFile = null; var copyExists = false; foreach (var gameFile in gameFiles) { //Only compare lower case strings to support other languages of the game. //Polish game version has i.e. LAGER.TCL instead of lager.tcl. var lowerCaseFilename = filename.ToLower(); var lowerCaseGameFilename = gameFile.Name.ToLower(); //check for game file if (lowerCaseGameFilename == lowerCaseFilename) { rightGameFile = gameFile; } //check for copy if (lowerCaseGameFilename == lowerCaseFilename + CopyFileSuffix) { copyExists = true; } } var type = "del"; //type for delete at restore if (rightGameFile != null && !copyExists) { //rename game file Console.WriteLine($"Rename game file: {rightGameFile.FullName} --> {rightGameFile.FullName}{CopyFileSuffix}"); rightGameFile.CopyTo(rightGameFile.FullName + CopyFileSuffix, true); type = "res"; //type for restore } FileInfo newModFile = null; //switch mode if (mode == "replace") //replacement mode { //copy file to game folder Console.WriteLine($"Copy file: {modFile.FullName} --> {gameDirectory.FullName}\\{filename}"); newModFile = modFile.CopyTo($"{gameDirectory.FullName}\\{filename}", true); //replace variables var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(newModFile.FullName, Encoding.Default); foreach (var modVar in mod.Config.SettingsVariables) { fileContent = fileContent.Replace($"$print:{modVar.ID}", modVar.Value.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine($"Replace content for {newModFile.FullName}"); File.WriteAllText(newModFile.FullName, fileContent, Encoding.Default); } else if (mode == "change" && rightGameFile != null) //file change mode { //change game file type = "res"; newModFile = rightGameFile; var origFileContent = File.ReadAllText(newModFile.FullName, Encoding.Default); var reader = new StreamReader(modFile.FullName, Encoding.Default); string line; var started = false; var ifStack = new Stack <bool>(); var commandCount = -1; string[] command = { "", "" }; string[] commandText = { "", "" }; var lineNumber = 0; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { lineNumber++; //check for if ending if (line.StartsWith("$ifend") && ifStack.Count > 0) { ifStack.Pop(); continue; } //if clause if (line.StartsWith("$if:")) { if (ifStack.Count > 0 && ifStack.Contains(false)) { //skip check, because it is already false ifStack.Push(false); } else { //check if statement var ifStatement = line.Substring("$if:".Length).TrimEnd(); var not = false; if (ifStatement.StartsWith("!")) { not = true; ifStatement = ifStatement.Substring(1); } //check if-type if (ifStatement.StartsWith("mod:")) { //$if:mod: ifStatement = ifStatement.Substring("mod:".Length); //search mod var modFound = activeMods.Any(m => m.ModDirectoryName.Equals(ifStatement)); ifStack.Push(modFound != not); } else { //$if:varname //look for variable var modVarFound = false; foreach (var modVariable in mod.Config.SettingsVariables) { if (!modVariable.ID.Equals(ifStatement)) { continue; } //supports only bool variables if (modVariable.Type == ModVariableType.Bool) { modVarFound = true; ifStack.Push(((bool)modVariable.Value) != not); } break; } if (!modVarFound) { Log.Error($"Boolean mod variable '{ifStatement}' not found for '$if' statement", modFile, lineNumber); returnValue = ERROR_CODE; break; } } } } //skip when if clause was false if (ifStack.Count > 0 && ifStack.Contains(false)) { continue; } //start tag if (line.StartsWith("$start")) { if (!started) { started = true; commandCount = -1; } else { Log.Error("'$start' at wrong place", modFile, lineNumber); returnValue = ERROR_CODE; break; } //end tag } else if (line.StartsWith("$before")) { commandCount++; if (started && commandCount < 2) { command[commandCount] = "before"; commandText[commandCount] = ""; } else { Log.Error("'$before' at wrong place", modFile, lineNumber); returnValue = ERROR_CODE; break; } } else if (line.StartsWith("$after")) { commandCount++; if (started && commandCount < 2) { command[commandCount] = "after"; commandText[commandCount] = ""; } else { Log.Error("'$after' at wrong place", modFile, lineNumber); returnValue = ERROR_CODE; break; } } else if (line.StartsWith("$put")) { commandCount++; if (started && commandCount < 2) { command[commandCount] = "put"; commandText[commandCount] = ""; } else { Log.Error("'$put' at wrong place", modFile, lineNumber); returnValue = ERROR_CODE; break; } } else if (line.StartsWith("$replace")) { commandCount++; if (started && commandCount < 2) { command[commandCount] = "replace"; commandText[commandCount] = ""; } else { Log.Error("'$replace' at wrong place", modFile, lineNumber); returnValue = ERROR_CODE; break; } } else if (line.StartsWith("$with")) { commandCount++; if (started && commandCount < 2) { command[commandCount] = "with"; commandText[commandCount] = ""; } else { Log.Error("'$with' at wrong place", modFile, lineNumber); returnValue = ERROR_CODE; break; } } else if (line.StartsWith("$end")) { if (started) { started = false; //replace var oldValue = ""; var newValue = ""; if (command.Contains("before") && command.Contains("put")) { if (command[0] == "before") { oldValue = commandText[0]; newValue = commandText[1] + commandText[0]; } else { oldValue = commandText[1]; newValue = commandText[0] + commandText[1]; } } else if (command.Contains("after") && command.Contains("put")) { if (command[0] == "after") { oldValue = commandText[0]; newValue = commandText[0] + commandText[1]; } else { oldValue = commandText[1]; newValue = commandText[1] + commandText[0]; } } else if (command.Contains("replace") && command.Contains("with")) { if (command[0] == "replace") { oldValue = commandText[0]; newValue = commandText[1]; } else { oldValue = commandText[1]; newValue = commandText[0]; } } else { if (commandCount > -1) { var commandsAsString = command[0]; for (int i = 1; i < commandCount; i++) { commandsAsString += $", {command[i]}"; } Log.Error($"Found commands that do not match: {commandsAsString}", modFile, lineNumber); } else { Log.Error("'$end' at wrong place", modFile, lineNumber); } returnValue = ERROR_CODE; break; } //replace old value with new value if (oldValue != "") { //before: replace variables foreach (var modVar in mod.Config.SettingsVariables) { newValue = newValue.Replace($"$print:{modVar.ID}", modVar.Value.ToString()); } //replace old value with new value Console.WriteLine($"Replace content for {newModFile.FullName}"); origFileContent = origFileContent.Replace(oldValue, newValue); } } else { Log.Warning("Unnecessary '$end' found", modFile, lineNumber); returnValue = WARNING_CODE; } //other commands } else if (commandCount == 0 || commandCount == 1) { //add text if (commandText[commandCount] != "") { //add break line commandText[commandCount] += "\r\n"; } commandText[commandCount] += line; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && !line.StartsWith("$if:")) { Log.Warning($"Unnecessary content found: '{line}'", modFile, lineNumber); returnValue = WARNING_CODE; } } reader.Close(); //write content to file Console.WriteLine($"Write to file: {newModFile.FullName} --> {gameDirectory.FullName}\\{filename}"); File.WriteAllText(newModFile.FullName, origFileContent, Encoding.Default); } //remember if (newModFile != null && !copyExists) { RememberForRestore(newModFile, type); } progressBarManipulator.Increment(); } //if an error occurred do not mod sub directories if (returnValue == ERROR_CODE) { return(returnValue); } var modDirectories = modDirectory.GetDirectories(); var gameDirectories = gameDirectory.GetDirectories(); foreach (var modDir in modDirectories) { //skip .git directories if (modDir.Name.Equals(".git")) { //increment progress bar for all files in git directory progressBarManipulator.Increment(modDir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length); continue; } DirectoryInfo rightGameDir = null; //check for mod directories, that are handled in a different way if (mod.Config.Directories.Count > 0) { var relativePath = modDir.FullName.Replace(mod.ModDirectoryInfo.FullName, ""); //replace all backslashes with slashes relativePath = relativePath.Replace("\\", "/"); var skipDirectory = false; foreach (var directory in mod.Config.Directories) { if (directory.Path.Equals(relativePath)) { // if this is a special directory, check the condition if (directory.Condition != null && !directory.Condition.IsTrue(mod, activeMods)) { //if a condition exists and is false, skip this directory skipDirectory = true; break; } // if the condition is true or no condition exists switch (directory.Type) { case ModDirectoryType.Data: //set the data directory as game directory rightGameDir = new DirectoryInfo(Paths.DataPath); break; case ModDirectoryType.Optional: if (directory.Condition == null) { Log.Warning($"{mod.ModDirectoryName}: The optional directory {directory.Path} should have a condition"); returnValue = WARNING_CODE; } //do nothing, because it is now a normal directory break; default: Log.Warning($"{mod.ModDirectoryName}: Unhandled ModDirectoryType \"{directory.Type}\""); returnValue = WARNING_CODE; break; } break; } } if (skipDirectory) { continue; } } if (rightGameDir == null) { //search for game directory foreach (var gameDir in gameDirectories) { if (gameDir.Name.ToLower() == modDir.Name.ToLower()) { rightGameDir = gameDir; break; } } } //if game directory does not exist, create it if (rightGameDir == null) { rightGameDir = gameDirectory.CreateSubdirectory(modDir.Name); //TODO merke neues verzeichnis fuer wiederherstellung } //same procedure for subdirectrory var subReturnValue = LetsMod(mod, modDir, rightGameDir, activeMods, progressBarManipulator); if (subReturnValue == ERROR_CODE) { //cancel when error occurred returnValue = subReturnValue; break; } else if (subReturnValue == WARNING_CODE) { //remember warning state returnValue = subReturnValue; } } return(returnValue); }
public void ReadModsFromFiles(List<Mod> activeMods, ProgressBarManipulator progressBarManipulator) { progressBarManipulator.Increment(); //check if mod directory exists var modDirectoryPath = Paths.ModPath + "\\" + Paths.ModDirectoryName; if (!Directory.Exists(modDirectoryPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(modDirectoryPath); } progressBarManipulator.Increment(); //read last active mods var lastActiveMods = new List<string>(); var activeModsFilePath = Paths.ExePath + "\\" + Paths.ActiveModsFileName; if (File.Exists(activeModsFilePath)) { var reader = new StreamReader(activeModsFilePath); string mod; while ((mod = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { lastActiveMods.Add(mod); } reader.Close(); } //read JSON-AppSettings var appSettingsFilePath = $"{Paths.ExePath}\\{Paths.AppSettingsName}"; if (File.Exists(appSettingsFilePath)) { var json = File.ReadAllText(appSettingsFilePath, Encoding.Default); var appSettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AppSettings>(json); lastActiveMods = new List<string>(); foreach (var pair in appSettings.ActiveMods) if (Directory.Exists($"{Paths.ModPath}\\{Paths.ModDirectoryName}\\{pair.Key}")) activeMods.Add(new Mod(pair.Key, pair.Value)); } progressBarManipulator.Increment(); //add to active mods foreach (var modAndSettings in lastActiveMods) { //read settings values var separatorIndex = modAndSettings.IndexOf('|'); var mod = modAndSettings; string settings = null; if (separatorIndex > 0) { settings = modAndSettings.Substring(separatorIndex + 1); mod = modAndSettings.Substring(0, separatorIndex); } //add active mod if (Directory.Exists(Paths.ModPath + "\\" + Paths.ModDirectoryName + "\\" + mod)) { activeMods.Add(new Mod(mod, settings)); } } progressBarManipulator.Increment(); }