public static AjaxCallResult InitializeExpensifyProcessing(string guidFiles, string guidProgress) { // Start an async thread that does all the work, then return AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture(); ProgressBarBackend progress = new ProgressBarBackend(guidProgress); progress.Set(0); // Set to 0 first, esp. in case of previous files progress.Set(1); // Then to 1, just to indicate life Thread initThread = new Thread(ProcessExpensifyUploadThread); ProcessThreadArguments args = new ProcessThreadArguments { GuidFiles = guidFiles, GuidProgress = guidProgress, Organization = authData.CurrentOrganization, CurrentUser = authData.CurrentUser }; initThread.Start(args); return(new AjaxCallResult { Success = true }); }
private static void ProcessExpensifyUploadThread(object args) { string guidProgress = ((ProcessThreadArguments)args).GuidProgress; string guidFiles = ((ProcessThreadArguments)args).GuidFiles; Person currentUser = ((ProcessThreadArguments)args).CurrentUser; Organization organization = ((ProcessThreadArguments)args).Organization; ProgressBarBackend progress = new ProgressBarBackend(guidProgress); try { Documents documents = Documents.RecentFromDescription(guidFiles); progress.Set(2); // indicate more life if (documents.Count != 1) { return; // abort } Document uploadedDoc = documents[0]; // TODO: ATTEMPT TO DETERMINE CURRENCY FROM FILE, USING ORIGINAL CURRENCY + ORIGINAL AMOUNT string csvEntire; using (StreamReader reader = uploadedDoc.GetReader(1252)) { csvEntire = reader.ReadToEnd(); } GuidCache.Set("ExpensifyRaw-" + guidFiles, csvEntire); string[] csvLines = csvEntire.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }); string[] fieldNames = csvLines[0].Split(','); // Map fields to column indexes Dictionary <ExpensifyColumns, int> fieldMap = new Dictionary <ExpensifyColumns, int>(); for (int loop = 0; loop < fieldNames.Length; loop++) { switch (fieldNames[loop].ToLowerInvariant().Trim('\"')) { case "timestamp": fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.Timestamp] = loop; break; case "amount": fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.AmountFloat] = loop; break; case "merchant": fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.Merchant] = loop; break; case "comment": fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.Comment] = loop; break; case "category": fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.CategoryCustom] = loop; break; case "mcc": fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.CategoryStandard] = loop; break; case "vat": fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.VatFloat] = loop; break; case "original currency": fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.OriginalCurrency] = loop; break; case "original amount": fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.OriginalCurrencyAmountFloat] = loop; break; case "receipt": fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.ReceiptUrl] = loop; break; default: // ignore any unknown fields break; } } ExpensifyColumns[] requiredData = { ExpensifyColumns.AmountFloat, ExpensifyColumns.CategoryCustom, ExpensifyColumns.CategoryStandard, ExpensifyColumns.Comment, ExpensifyColumns.Merchant, ExpensifyColumns.OriginalCurrency, ExpensifyColumns.OriginalCurrencyAmountFloat, ExpensifyColumns.ReceiptUrl, ExpensifyColumns.Timestamp }; foreach (ExpensifyColumns requiredColumn in requiredData) { if (!fieldMap.ContainsKey(requiredColumn)) { // Abort as invalid file GuidCache.Set("Results-" + guidFiles, new AjaxCallExpensifyUploadResult { Success = false, ErrorType = "ERR_INVALIDCSV", DisplayMessage = Resources.Pages.Financial.FileExpenseClaim_Expensify_Error_InvalidCsv }); progress.Set(100); // terminate progress bar, causes retrieval of result documents[0].Delete(); // prevents further processing return; // terminates thread } } // TODO: Much more general-case error conditions if not all fields are filled bool vatEnabled = organization.VatEnabled; if (vatEnabled && !fieldMap.ContainsKey(ExpensifyColumns.VatFloat)) { // Error: Organization needs a VAT field GuidCache.Set("Results-" + guidFiles, new AjaxCallExpensifyUploadResult { Success = false, ErrorType = "ERR_NEEDSVAT", DisplayMessage = Resources.Pages.Financial.FileExpenseClaim_Expensify_Error_NeedsVat }); progress.Set(100); // terminate progress bar, causes retrieval of result documents[0].Delete(); // prevents further processing return; // terminates thread } List <ExpensifyRecord> recordList = new List <ExpensifyRecord>(); CsvHelper.Configuration.Configuration config = new CsvHelper.Configuration.Configuration(); config.HasHeaderRecord = true; using (TextReader textReader = new StringReader(csvEntire)) { CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(textReader, config); csvReader.Read(); // bypass header record -- why isn't this done automatically? while (csvReader.Read()) { ExpensifyRecord newRecord = new ExpensifyRecord(); Int64 amountExpensifyCents = newRecord.AmountCents = Formatting.ParseDoubleStringAsCents( csvReader.GetField(fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.AmountFloat]), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); newRecord.OriginalCurrency = Currency.FromCode(csvReader.GetField(fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.OriginalCurrency])); newRecord.OriginalAmountCents = Formatting.ParseDoubleStringAsCents( csvReader.GetField(fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.OriginalCurrencyAmountFloat]), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); newRecord.Timestamp = DateTime.Parse(csvReader.GetField(fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.Timestamp])); bool amountNeedsTranslation = false; if (newRecord.OriginalCurrency.Identity != organization.Currency.Identity) { amountNeedsTranslation = true; // May or may not be the same as Expensify calculated newRecord.AmountCents = new Money(newRecord.OriginalAmountCents, newRecord.OriginalCurrency, newRecord.Timestamp) .ToCurrency(organization.Currency).Cents; } newRecord.Description = csvReader.GetField(fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.Merchant]); string comment = csvReader.GetField(fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.Comment]).Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment)) { newRecord.Description += " / " + comment; } newRecord.CategoryCustom = csvReader.GetField(fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.CategoryCustom]); newRecord.CategoryStandard = csvReader.GetField(fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.CategoryStandard]); newRecord.ReceiptUrl = csvReader.GetField(fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.ReceiptUrl]); newRecord.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (vatEnabled) { Int64 vatOriginalCents = Formatting.ParseDoubleStringAsCents( csvReader.GetField(fieldMap[ExpensifyColumns.VatFloat]), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (amountNeedsTranslation) { double vatRatio = vatOriginalCents / (double)amountExpensifyCents; newRecord.VatCents = (Int64)(newRecord.AmountCents * vatRatio); } else { newRecord.VatCents = vatOriginalCents; } } recordList.Add(newRecord); } } progress.Set(10); // We now need to get all the receipt images. This is a little tricky as we don't have the URL // of the receipt directly, we only have the URL of a webpage that contains JavaScript code // to fetch the receipt image. // Get relative date part string relativePath = Document.DailyStorageFolder.Substring(Document.StorageRoot.Length); // Get all receipts for (int loop = 0; loop < recordList.Count; loop++) { progress.Set(loop * 90 / recordList.Count + 10); using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { string receiptResource = client.DownloadString(recordList[loop].ReceiptUrl); // We now have the web page which holds information about where the actual receipt is located. Regex regex = new Regex(@"\s*var transaction\s*=\s*(?<jsonTxInfo>{.*});", RegexOptions.Multiline); Match match = regex.Match(receiptResource); if (match.Success) { string txInfoString = match.Groups["jsonTxInfo"].ToString(); JObject txInfo = JObject.Parse(txInfoString); recordList[loop].ExtendedInfo = txInfoString; string expensifyFileName = (string)txInfo["receiptFilename"]; string actualReceiptUrl = "" + expensifyFileName; string newGuidString = recordList[loop].Guid; string fullyQualifiedFileName = Document.DailyStorageFolder + newGuidString; string relativeFileName = relativePath + newGuidString; client.DownloadFile(actualReceiptUrl, fullyQualifiedFileName); recordList[loop].ReceiptFileNameHere = newGuidString; // If original file name ends in PDF, initiate conversion. if (expensifyFileName.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".pdf")) { // Convert low resolution Documents docs = new PdfProcessor().RasterizeOne(fullyQualifiedFileName, recordList[loop].Description, newGuidString, currentUser, organization); recordList[loop].Documents = docs; // Ask backend for high-res conversion RasterizeDocumentHiresOrder backendOrder = new RasterizeDocumentHiresOrder(docs[0]); backendOrder.Create(); } else { Document doc = Document.Create(relativePath + newGuidString, expensifyFileName, 0, newGuidString, null, currentUser); recordList[loop].Documents = Documents.FromSingle(doc); } } } } // We now have the individual expenses and all accompanying receipts. // Create the expense claim group, then the individual expense records, // and assign the Documents to the records and the records to the Group, // so the user can review all of it. // TODO: Suggest initial budgets List <ExpensifyOutputRecord> outputRecords = new List <ExpensifyOutputRecord>(); string docString = "<a href='/Pages/v5/Support/StreamUpload.aspx?DocId={0}&hq=1' data-caption=\"{1}\" class='FancyBox_Gallery' data-fancybox='{2}'>"; string documentsAll = String.Empty; foreach (ExpensifyRecord record in recordList) { foreach (Document document in record.Documents) { documentsAll += String.Format(docString, document.Identity, document.ClientFileName.Replace("\"", "'"), "D" + record.Documents[0].Identity.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } AjaxCallExpensifyUploadResult result = new AjaxCallExpensifyUploadResult { Success = true, Data = FormatExpensifyOutputRecords(recordList), Footer = FormatExpensifyFooter(recordList), Documents = documentsAll }; GuidCache.Set("Results-" + guidFiles, result); GuidCache.Set("ExpensifyData-" + guidFiles, recordList); } catch (Exception exception) { // Abort as exception GuidCache.Set("Results-" + guidFiles, new AjaxCallExpensifyUploadResult { Success = false, ErrorType = "ERR_EXCEPTION", DisplayMessage = exception.ToString() }); } finally { progress.Set(100); // terminate progress bar, causes retrieval of result } }