public string PcToCNC(string ncProgramData, string MacId, string filename, string vernoval) { string reply = ""; int RetVal = 0; int userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); int MacID = Convert.ToInt32(MacId); int versionNo = Convert.ToInt32(vernoval); tblprogramtransferhistory pth = new tblprogramtransferhistory(); pth.IsDeleted = 0; pth.MachineID = MacID; pth.ProgramName = filename; pth.UploadedTime = DateTime.Now; pth.Version = versionNo; pth.UserID = userId; db.tblprogramtransferhistories.Add(pth); db.SaveChanges(); int programTransferHistoryId = pth.PTHID; object ip = db.tblmachinedetails.Where(m => m.MachineID == MacID).Select(m => m.IPAddress).FirstOrDefault(); ushort port = 8193; ProgramTransfer PT = new ProgramTransfer(ip.ToString()); string fileLocation = @"C:\NCProgram\NcProgram.txt"; PT.CreateFileForProgramTransfer(ncProgramData); reply = PT.UploadCNCProgram(programTransferHistoryId, fileLocation, out RetVal); PT.DeleteFileProgramTransfer(); return(reply); }
public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file, string PlantID, string ShopID = null, string CellID = null, string WorkCenterID = null) { if ((Session["UserId"] == null) || (Session["UserId"].ToString() == String.Empty)) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login", null)); } ViewBag.Logout = Session["Username"].ToString().ToUpper(); ViewBag.roleid = Session["RoleID"]; Session["MachineID"] = WorkCenterID; ViewBag.ReturnStatusMsg = null; if (Request.Files["file"].ContentLength > 0) { //Folder Names also MachineID //Based on MachineID Push the File into Respective Directory. //string Path = @"D:\SRKSSoftwareSolutions-Bangalore\Applications\ProgramTransferData"; string Path = @"C:\TataReport\ProgramTransferData"; int WCID = Convert.ToInt32(WorkCenterID); String MachineInv = db.tblmachinedetails.Where(m => m.MachineID == WCID).Select(m => m.MachineDisplayName).FirstOrDefault(); string fileLocation = Server.MapPath("~/Content/") + Request.Files["file"].FileName; if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileLocation)) { System.IO.File.Delete(fileLocation); } Request.Files["file"].SaveAs(fileLocation); //Copy File into machine Folder string filename = Request.Files["file"].FileName; string MacWiseFolder = @Path + @"\" + MachineInv; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(MacWiseFolder)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(MacWiseFolder); } string destinationPathWithFileName = @Path + @"\" + MachineInv + @"\" + Request.Files["file"].FileName; System.IO.File.Copy(fileLocation, destinationPathWithFileName, true); //var dirName = new DirectoryInfo(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(destinationPathWithFileName)).Name; //Works ////string [] PathArray = destinationPathWithFileName.Split('\\'); ////string FolderName = PathArray[PathArray.Length - 2]; //var dirName1 = new DirectoryInfo(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(dirName)).Name; //Works //var a = 0; //object ip = ""; // "" or "CNC-1.FACTORY" //ushort port = 0 ; // FOCAS1/Ethernet or FOCAS2/Ethernet (TCP) function //int timeout = 0; //seconds if 0 infinitely waits //Log this event. int MacID = Convert.ToInt32(WorkCenterID); tblprogramtransferhistory pth = new tblprogramtransferhistory(); pth.IsDeleted = 0; pth.MachineID = MacID; pth.ProgramName = Request.Files["file"].FileName; pth.UploadedTime = DateTime.Now; pth.Version = 1; pth.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); db.tblprogramtransferhistories.Add(pth); db.SaveChanges(); //Based on WorkCenterID get IpAddress. object ip = db.tblmachinedetails.Where(m => m.MachineID == MacID).Select(m => m.IPAddress).FirstOrDefault(); ushort port = 8193; // FOCAS1/Ethernet or FOCAS2/Ethernet (TCP) function int timeout = 0; //seconds if 0 infinitely waits int RetVal = 0; int pthID = pth.PTHID; //Session["pthID"] = pthID; //DownloadNCProg d = new DownloadNCProg(ip, port, timeout, fileLocation); //string retString = d.UploadCNCProgram(pthID, out RetVal); ProgramTransfer PT = new ProgramTransfer(ip.ToString()); string retString = PT.UploadCNCProgram(pthID, fileLocation, out RetVal); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100000); if (retString == "Success") { var pthData = db.tblprogramtransferhistories.Find(pthID); if (pthData != null) { pthData.ReturnStatus = 1; pthData.ReturnDesc = "Success"; pthData.ReturnTime = DateTime.Now; pthData.IsCompleted = 1; db.Entry(pthData).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.ReturnStatusMsg = "The NC Program : " + filename.Split('.')[0].ToString() + " wsa successfully uploaded on the CNC Machine " + MachineInv; TempData["toaster_success"] = "The NC Program : " + filename.Split('.')[0].ToString() + " wsa successfully uploaded on the CNC Machine " + MachineInv; } else //Hope fully this don't get executed. { retString = "Success but Unable to comply."; TempData["toaster_warning"] = retString; } } else //Upload failed. { var pthData = db.tblprogramtransferhistories.Find(pthID); if (pthData != null) { pthData.ReturnStatus = 0; pthData.ReturnDesc = retString; pthData.ReturnTime = DateTime.Now; pthData.IsCompleted = 1; db.Entry(pthData).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.ReturnStatusMsg = retString; } else //Hope fully this don't get executed. { retString += "Failure and Unable to comply."; TempData["toaster_error"] = retString; } } } else { //Not a Valid File. try { //Log this event. tblprogramtransferhistory pth = new tblprogramtransferhistory(); pth.IsDeleted = 0; pth.MachineID = Convert.ToInt32(WorkCenterID); pth.ProgramName = Request.Files["file"].FileName; pth.UploadedTime = DateTime.Now; pth.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); pth.ReturnTime = DateTime.Now; pth.ReturnStatus = 999; pth.ReturnDesc = "Not a Valid File(FileLength)."; pth.IsCompleted = 1; db.tblprogramtransferhistories.Add(pth); db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.ReturnStatusMsg = "Not a Valid File(FileLength)."; TempData["toaster_error"] = "Not a Valid File(FileLength)."; // int pthID = pth.PTHID; // Session["pthID"] = pthID; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30000); } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.ReturnStatusMsg = "Error." + e; } } ViewBag.GetConnected = 1; ViewData["GetConnected"] = 1; int PlantIDInt = 0, ShopIDInt = 0, CellIDInt = 0, MacIDInt = 0; int.TryParse(PlantID, out PlantIDInt); int.TryParse(ShopID, out ShopIDInt); int.TryParse(CellID, out CellIDInt); int.TryParse(WorkCenterID, out MacIDInt); ViewData["PlantID"] = new SelectList(db.tblplants.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "PlantID", "PlantName", PlantIDInt); ViewData["ShopID"] = new SelectList(db.tblshops.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.PlantID == PlantIDInt), "ShopID", "ShopName", ShopIDInt); ViewData["CellID"] = new SelectList(db.tblcells.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.PlantID == PlantIDInt && m.ShopID == ShopIDInt), "CellID", "CellName", CellIDInt); ViewData["WorkCenterID"] = new SelectList(db.tblmachinedetails.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.PlantID == PlantIDInt && m.ShopID == ShopIDInt && m.CellID == CellIDInt), "MachineID", "MachineDisplayName", MacIDInt); return(View()); }