internal static void Read(ProfileLog parser, uint numValues) { // NetworkNode.__init__(self, "%s-D%d" % (,id), parent) //var bits = new uint[numValues]; //var missCounts = new uint[numValues]; //var decLossCounts = new uint[numValues]; //var incHitCounts = new uint[numValues]; //var totalCount = var hitCount = var allMissCount = 0 //if parser: var totalCount = parser.readVarInt(); var hitCount = parser.readVarInt(); var allMissCount = parser.readVarInt(); for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++) { /*bits[i] */ var bits = parser.readVarInt(); /*missCounts[i] */ var missCounts = parser.readVarInt(); /*//if parser.version > 4: * /*decLossCounts[i] */ var decLossCounts = parser.readVarInt(); /*incHitCounts[i] */ var incHitCounts = parser.readVarInt(); } }
public ShellViewModel(IWindowManager windowManager, IEventAggregator events) { WindowManager = windowManager; Events = events; RecentFiles = Properties.Settings.Default.RecentLogs; var startupTrace = RecentFiles.FirstOrDefault()?.Filepath; if (Application.Current.Properties["StartupFile"] != null) { startupTrace = (string)Application.Current.Properties["StartupFile"]; } if (File.Exists(startupTrace)) { try { CurrentPLog = new ProfileLog(startupTrace); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace, "Exception while opening ProfileLog"); } } ActivateItem(new FrameTimeViewModel(Events)); //just use an empty ProfileLog if one was not loaded already CurrentPLog = CurrentPLog ?? new ProfileLog(); events.Subscribe(this); }
internal static void Read(ProfileLog parser) { var count = parser.readVarInt(); var messageBytes = parser.readVarInt(); var sentCount = parser.readVarInt(); var sentBytes = parser.readVarInt(); }
public static void Checkbox(ProfileLog log) { if (AlertFilter.TryGetValue(log.type, out var value)) { AlertFilter[log.type] = !value; } else { AlertFilter.Add(log.type, true); } }
internal static void Read(ProfileLog parser) { var baseCount = parser.readVarInt(); // how many bits written; var baseBits = parser.readVarInt(); // how many times; var diffCount = parser.readVarInt(); // how many bits written; var diffBits2 = parser.readVarInt(); // how many times; var deltaStatsCount = parser.readVarInt(); if (deltaStatsCount > 0) { NetworkDeltaStats.Read(parser, deltaStatsCount); } }
public Guid StartOperation(int userId, string page, string action) { var log = new ProfileLog { UserID = userId, Page = page, Action = action, OperationID = Guid.NewGuid(), TimeStamp = Helper.ServerDateTime, }; Repository.Add(log); return(log.OperationID); }
internal static void Read(ProfileLog parser) { //NetworkNode.__init__(self, "%s-%d" % (,id), parent) //self.values = [] //id = id; //if parser: //className = self.parent.parent.parent.getName() var length = parser.readVarInt(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { //self.values.append( parser.readVarInt(); } }
internal static void Read(ProfileLog parser) { var overheadBits = parser.readVarInt(); var totalBits = parser.readVarInt(); var baselineBits = parser.readVarInt(); var diffBits = parser.readVarInt(); var name = parser.readStringId(); while (name != "class-end") { //NetworkField NetworkField.Read(parser); //if version > 3: name = parser.readStringId(); } }
public void OpenProfileLog(string path) { ProfileLog tlog; try { tlog = new ProfileLog(path); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace, "Exception while opening ProfileLog"); return; } View.RecentLogs.InsertFile(path); Properties.Settings.Default.RecentLogs = RecentFiles; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); CurrentPLog = tlog; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,UserId,HomeAddress,IV")] Profile profile) { //Set the UserId to the currently logged-in user profile.UserId = GetLoggedInUserId(); //Create an Aes object, using the private key using (Aes aesEncryptor = Aes.Create()) { //Use the main private key & IV aesEncryptor.Key = PrivateKey; //Save the generated IV to the account record profile.IV = Convert.ToBase64String(aesEncryptor.IV); // Create an encryptor var encryptor = aesEncryptor.CreateEncryptor(); //Encrypt the phone using the shared private key, and the user specific IV byte[] homeAddressInBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(profile.HomeAddress); byte[] encryptedHomeAdressInBytes = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(homeAddressInBytes, 0, homeAddressInBytes.Length); profile.HomeAddress = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedHomeAdressInBytes); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(profile); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); ProfileLog newLogRecord = new ProfileLog() { UserId = _userManager.GetUserId(User), AccountId = profile.Id, Action = "Create" }; _context.Add(newLogRecord); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["UserId"] = new SelectList(_context.Users, "Id", "Id", profile.UserId); return(View(profile)); }
internal static void Read(ProfileLog parser, uint numLines) { var longestLine = 0; var count = parser.readVarInt(); for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { //lines.append( NetworkDeltaStatsLine.Read(parser); // longestLine = max(var longestLine, len(var lines[-1].values)); } var numDeltas = parser.readVarInt(); for (int i = 0; i < numDeltas; i++) { NetworkDeltaStatsPerDeltaLine.Read(parser, numLines); } }
public void CloseCurrentLog() { CurrentPLog = new ProfileLog(); }
static void PrintStats(ProfileLog log) { var formatter = new TableFormatter(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); var frames = log.Frames.Skip(2).Where(f => f.Calls.Length != 0); var frameTimes = frames.Where(f => f.RawTime > 0).Select(f => f.RawTime).ToArray(); Array.Sort(frameTimes); var avgFrameMs = frameTimes.Average() / 1000.0; var medianFrameMs = frameTimes.Median() / 1000.0; var percentile90 = frameTimes.Take((int)(frameTimes.Length * 0.90)).Average() / 1000.0; var toppercentile90 = frameTimes.Skip((int)(frameTimes.Length * 0.90)).Average() / 1000.0; var top1percent = frameTimes.Skip((int)(frameTimes.Length * 0.99)).Average() / 1000.0; Console.WriteLine($"FrameTime Avg: {avgFrameMs:F3} Median: {medianFrameMs:F3} top 10%: {toppercentile90:F3}\n"); var gcframes = frames.Select(f => (f.MainThread?.GCTime ?? 0) * 10.0 / 1000.0).ToList(); var maxFrameStep = gcframes.OrderByDescending(t => t).ToList(); if (log.WaitForGCJobId != -1) { PrintNode(log.NodeStatsLookup[log.WaitForGCJobId], "WaitForGC"); var gcTimesFull = log.GetNodeTimes(log.WaitForGCJobId); Array.Sort(gcTimesFull); var gcTimes = gcTimesFull.SkipWhile(t => t == 0).ToArray(); var gcMedian = gcTimes.Median() * 10 / 1000.0; var gcVariance = gcTimes.Variance() * 10 / 1000.0; var gc90avg = gcTimes.Skip((int)(gcTimes.Length * 0.90)).Average() * 10 / 1000.0; var gc99avg = gcTimes.Skip((int)(gcTimes.Length * 0.99)).Average() * 10 / 1000.0; } if (log.WaitForGPUId != -1) { PrintNode(log.NodeStatsLookup[log.WaitForGPUId], "WaitForGPU"); } var top15 = log.NodeStats. OrderByDescending(n => n.AvgExclusiveTime). Take(15). Select(n => new { Name = n.Name, AvgTime = n.AvgExclusiveTime, PeakAvg = n.MaxAvgExclusiveTime, TotalTime = n.TotalExclusiveTime, Calls = n.CallCount, }); Console.Write(formatter.FormatObjects(top15)); }
public static List <NodeStatsDiff> GetNameDiff(ProfileLog old, ProfileLog _new, string name) { var nodes = old.GetMatchingNodes(name); return(_new.GetNodeStatsDiff(nodes).OrderByDescending(n => n.Old.AvgExclusiveTime).ToList()); }
public ActionResult ProfileDetail(string userName) { ViewBag.VideoHeight = (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice) ? 100 : 277; ViewBag.VideoWidth = (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice) ? 225 : 400; ua = new UserAccount(userName); UserAccountDetail uad = new UserAccountDetail(); uad.GetUserAccountDeailForUser(ua.UserAccountID); uad.BandsSeen = ContentLinker.InsertBandLinks(uad.BandsSeen, false); uad.BandsToSee = ContentLinker.InsertBandLinks(uad.BandsToSee, false); MembershipUser mu = Membership.GetUser(); ProfileModel model = new ProfileModel(); if (ua.UserAccountID > 0) { model.UserAccountID = ua.UserAccountID; model.PhotoCount = PhotoItems.GetPhotoItemCountForUser(ua.UserAccountID); model.CreateDate = ua.CreateDate; } if (mu != null) { ViewBag.IsBlocked = BlockedUser.IsBlockedUser(ua.UserAccountID, Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey)); ViewBag.IsBlocking = BlockedUser.IsBlockedUser(Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey), ua.UserAccountID); if (ua.UserAccountID == Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey)) { model.IsViewingSelf = true; } else { UserConnection ucon = new UserConnection(); ucon.GetUserToUserConnection(Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey), ua.UserAccountID); model.UserConnectionID = ucon.UserConnectionID; if (BlockedUser.IsBlockedUser(Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey), ua.UserAccountID)) { return RedirectToAction("index", "home"); } } } else { if (uad.MembersOnlyProfile) { return RedirectToAction("Account", "LogOn"); } } // model.UserName = ua.UserName; model.CreateDate = ua.CreateDate; model.LastActivityDate = ua.LastActivityDate; // model.DisplayAge = uad.DisplayAge; model.Age = uad.YearsOld; model.BandsSeen = uad.BandsSeen; model.BandsToSee = uad.BandsToSee; model.HardwareAndSoftwareSkills = uad.HardwareSoftware; model.MessageToTheWorld = uad.AboutDescription; model.YouAreFull = uad.Sex; model.InterestedInFull = uad.InterestedFull; model.RelationshipStatusFull = uad.RelationshipStatusFull ; model.RelationshipStatus = uad.RelationshipStatus; model.InterestedIn = uad.InterestedIn; model.YouAre = uad.YouAre; model.Website = uad.ExternalURL; model.CountryCode = uad.Country; model.CountryName = uad.CountryName; model.IsBirthday = uad.IsBirthdayToday; model.ProfilePhotoMain = uad.FullProfilePicURL; model.ProfilePhotoMainThumb = uad.FullProfilePicThumbURL; model.DefaultLanguage = uad.DefaultLanguage; model.EnableProfileLogging = uad.EnableProfileLogging; model.Handed = uad.HandedFull; model.RoleIcon = uad.SiteBages; // StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(); su.GetMostRecentUserStatus(ua.UserAccountID); if (su.StatusUpdateID > 0) { model.LastStatusUpdate = su.CreateDate; model.MostRecentStatusUpdate = su.Message; } model.ProfileVisitorCount = ProfileLog.GetUniqueProfileVisitorCount(ua.UserAccountID); PhotoItems ptiems = new PhotoItems(); ptiems.GetUserPhotos(ua.UserAccountID); if (ptiems.Count > 0) { ptiems.Sort((PhotoItem x, PhotoItem y) => (y.CreateDate.CompareTo(x.CreateDate))); PhotoItems ptiemsDisplay = new PhotoItems(); int maxPhotos = 8; foreach (PhotoItem pitm1 in ptiems) { pitm1.UseThumb = true; if (ptiemsDisplay.Count < maxPhotos) { ptiemsDisplay.Add(pitm1); } else break; } ptiemsDisplay.UseThumb = true; ptiemsDisplay.ShowTitle = false; model.HasMoreThanMaxPhotos = (ptiems.Count > maxPhotos); ptiemsDisplay.IsUserPhoto = true; model.PhotoItems = ptiemsDisplay.ToUnorderdList; } Contents conts = new Contents(); conts.GetContentForUser(ua.UserAccountID); model.NewsCount = conts.Count; if (conts.Count > 0) { conts.Sort((Content x, Content y) => (y.ReleaseDate.CompareTo(x.ReleaseDate))); Contents displayContents = new Contents(); int maxCont = 1; int currentCount = 0; foreach (Content ccn1 in conts) { currentCount++; if (maxCont >= currentCount) { displayContents.Add(ccn1); } else break; } displayContents.IncludeStartAndEndTags = false; model.NewsArticles = displayContents.ToUnorderdList; } model.MetaDescription = ua.UserName + " " + BootBaronLib.Resources.Messages.Profile + " " + FromDate.DateToYYYY_MM_DD(ua.LastActivityDate); // playlist BootBaronLib.AppSpec.DasKlub.BOL.Playlist plyst = new Playlist(); plyst.GetUserPlaylist(ua.UserAccountID); if (plyst.PlaylistID > 0 && PlaylistVideos.GetCountOfVideosInPlaylist(plyst.PlaylistID) > 0) { ViewBag.AutoPlay = plyst.AutoPlay; ViewBag.AutoPlayNumber = (plyst.AutoPlay) ? 1 : 0; ViewBag.UserPlaylistID = plyst.PlaylistID; } if (uad.UserAccountID > 0) { model.Birthday = uad.BirthDate; if (uad.ShowOnMapLegal) { byte[] myarray2 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(string.Empty); // because of the foreign cultures, numbers need to stay in the English version unless a javascript encoding could be added string currentLang = Utilities.GetCurrentLanguageCode(); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(SiteEnums.SiteLanguages.EN.ToString()); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(SiteEnums.SiteLanguages.EN.ToString()); Encoding iso = Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8; model.DisplayOnMap = uad.ShowOnMapLegal; Random rnd = new Random(); int offset = rnd.Next(10, 100); SiteStructs.LatLong latlong = GeoData.GetLatLongForCountryPostal(uad.Country, uad.PostalCode); if (latlong.latitude != 0 && latlong.longitude != 0) { model.Latitude = Convert.ToDecimal(latlong.latitude + Convert.ToDouble("0.00" + offset)).ToString(); model.Longitude = Convert.ToDecimal(latlong.longitude + Convert.ToDouble("0.00" + offset)).ToString(); } else { model.DisplayOnMap = false; } Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(currentLang); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(currentLang); } ViewBag.ThumbIcon = uad.FullProfilePicThumbURL; LoadCurrentImagesViewBag(uad.UserAccountID); } ViewBag.UserAccountDetail = uad; ViewBag.UserAccount = ua; UserConnections ucons = new UserConnections(); ucons.GetUserConnections(ua.UserAccountID); ucons.Shuffle(); UserAccounts irlContacts = new UserAccounts(); UserAccounts CyberAssociates = new UserAccounts(); UserAccount userCon = null; foreach (UserConnection uc1 in ucons) { if (!uc1.IsConfirmed) continue; switch (uc1.StatusType) { case 'C': if (CyberAssociates.Count >= maxcountusers) continue; if (uc1.ToUserAccountID != ua.UserAccountID) { userCon = new UserAccount(uc1.ToUserAccountID); } else { userCon = new UserAccount(uc1.FromUserAccountID); } CyberAssociates.Add(userCon); break; case 'R': if (irlContacts.Count >= maxcountusers) continue; if (uc1.ToUserAccountID != ua.UserAccountID) { userCon = new UserAccount(uc1.ToUserAccountID); } else { userCon = new UserAccount(uc1.FromUserAccountID); } irlContacts.Add(userCon); break; default: break; } } if (irlContacts.Count > 0) { model.IRLFriendCount = irlContacts.Count; } if (CyberAssociates.Count > 0) { // ViewBag.CyberAssociatesCount = Convert.ToString( CyberAssociates.Count ); model.CyberFriendCount = CyberAssociates.Count; } mu = Membership.GetUser(); UserAccountDetail uadLooker = null; if (mu != null) { uadLooker = new UserAccountDetail(); uadLooker.GetUserAccountDeailForUser(Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey)); } if (mu != null && ua.UserAccountID > 0 && uadLooker.EnableProfileLogging && uad.EnableProfileLogging) { ProfileLog pl = new ProfileLog(); pl.LookedAtUserAccountID = ua.UserAccountID; pl.LookingUserAccountID = Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey); if (pl.LookingUserAccountID != pl.LookedAtUserAccountID) pl.Create(); ArrayList al = ProfileLog.GetRecentProfileViews(ua.UserAccountID); if (al != null && al.Count > 0) { UserAccounts uas = new UserAccounts(); UserAccount viewwer = null; foreach (int ID in al) { viewwer = new UserAccount(ID); if (!viewwer.IsLockedOut && viewwer.IsApproved) { if (uas.Count >= maxcountusers) break; uas.Add(viewwer); } } // model.ViewingUsers = uas.ToUnorderdList; } } UserAccountVideos uavs = null; if (ua.UserAccountID > 0) { uavs = new UserAccountVideos(); uavs.GetRecentUserAccountVideos(ua.UserAccountID, 'F'); if (uavs.Count > 0) { Videos favvids = new Videos(); Video f1 = new Video(); foreach (UserAccountVideo uav1 in uavs) { f1 = new Video(uav1.VideoID); if (f1.IsEnabled) favvids.Add(f1); } SongRecord sng1 = null; SongRecords sngrcds2 = new SongRecords(); foreach (Video v1 in favvids) { sng1 = new SongRecord(v1); sngrcds2.Add(sng1); } sngrcds2.IsUserSelected = true; ViewBag.UserFavorites = sngrcds2.VideosList();//.ListOfVideos(); } } // this is either a youtube user or this is a band Artist art = new Artist( ); art.GetArtistByAltname(userName); if (art.ArtistID > 0) { // try this way for dashers model.UserName = art.Name; } Videos vids = new Videos(); SongRecords sngrs = new SongRecords(); if (art.ArtistID == 0) { vids.GetAllVideosByUser(userName); uavs = new UserAccountVideos(); uavs.GetRecentUserAccountVideos(ua.UserAccountID, 'U'); Video f2 = null; foreach (UserAccountVideo uav1 in uavs) { f2 = new Video(uav1.VideoID); if (!vids.Contains(f2)) vids.Add(f2); } vids.Sort((Video x, Video y) => (y.PublishDate.CompareTo(x.PublishDate))); model.UserName = userName; } else { // photo ArtistProperty aprop = new ArtistProperty(); aprop.GetArtistPropertyForTypeArtist(art.ArtistID, SiteEnums.ArtistPropertyType.PH.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aprop.PropertyContent)) { ViewBag.ArtistPhoto = System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(aprop.PropertyContent); ViewBag.ThumbIcon = System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(aprop.PropertyContent); } // meta descriptione aprop = new ArtistProperty(); aprop.GetArtistPropertyForTypeArtist(art.ArtistID, SiteEnums.ArtistPropertyType.MD.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aprop.PropertyContent)) ViewBag.MetaDescription = aprop.PropertyContent; // description aprop = new ArtistProperty(); aprop.GetArtistPropertyForTypeArtist(art.ArtistID, SiteEnums.ArtistPropertyType.LD.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aprop.PropertyContent)) ViewBag.ArtistDescription = ContentLinker.InsertBandLinks(aprop.PropertyContent, false); #region rss ///// rss //RssResources rssrs = new RssResources(); //rssrs.GetArtistRssResource(art.ArtistID); //if (rssrs.Count > 0) //{ // RssItems ritems = new RssItems(); // RssItems ritemsOUT = new RssItems(); // foreach (RssResource rssre in rssrs) // { // ritems.GetTopRssItemsForResource(rssre.RssResourceID); // //ritm = new RssItem(rssre..ArtistID); // } // ritems.Sort((RssItem x, RssItem y) => (y.PubDate.CompareTo(x.PubDate))); // foreach (RssItem ritm in ritems) // { // if (ritemsOUT.Count < 10) // { // ritemsOUT.Add(ritm); // } // } // ViewBag.ArtistNews = ritemsOUT.ToUnorderdList; //} //else //{ // ViewBag.ArtistNews = null; //} //ViewBag.DisplayName = art.DisplayName; #endregion Songs sngss = new Songs(); sngss.GetSongsForArtist(art.ArtistID); SongRecord snrcd = new SongRecord(); foreach (Song sn1 in sngss) { vids.GetVideosForSong(sn1.SongID); } } vids.Sort(delegate(Video p1, Video p2) { return p2.PublishDate.CompareTo(p1.PublishDate); }); foreach (BootBaronLib.AppSpec.DasKlub.BOL.Video v1 in vids) { sngrs.Add(new SongRecord(v1)); } if (mu != null && ua.UserAccountID != Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey)) { UserConnection uc1 = new UserConnection(); uc1.GetUserToUserConnection(ua.UserAccountID, Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey)); if (uc1.UserConnectionID > 0) { switch (uc1.StatusType) { case 'C': if (uc1.IsConfirmed) { model.IsCyberFriend = true; } else { model.IsWatingToBeCyberFriend = true; } break; case 'R': if (uc1.IsConfirmed) { model.IsRealFriend = true; } else { model.IsWatingToBeRealFriend = true; } break; default: model.IsDeniedCyberFriend = true; model.IsDeniedRealFriend = true; break; } } } if (sngrs == null || sngrs.Count == 0 && art.ArtistID == 0 && ua.UserAccountID == 0) { // no longer exists Response.RedirectPermanent("/"); return new EmptyResult(); } //sngrs.Sort((SongRecord x, SongRecord y) => (y.cre.CompareTo(x.CreateDate))); SongRecords sngDisplay = new SongRecords(); Video vidToShow = null; foreach (SongRecord sr1 in sngrs) { vidToShow = new Video(sr1.VideoID); if (vidToShow.IsEnabled) { sngDisplay.Add(sr1); } } model.SongRecords = sngDisplay.VideosList(); return View(model); }
public static bool Selected(Profiler _, ProfileLog log) => !(AlertFilter.TryGetValue(log.type, out var active) && active);
public ActionResult ProfileDetail(string userName) { ViewBag.VideoHeight = (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice) ? 100 : 277; ViewBag.VideoWidth = (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice) ? 225 : 400; _ua = new UserAccount(userName); var uad = new UserAccountDetail(); uad.GetUserAccountDeailForUser(_ua.UserAccountID); uad.BandsSeen = ContentLinker.InsertBandLinks(uad.BandsSeen, false); uad.BandsToSee = ContentLinker.InsertBandLinks(uad.BandsToSee, false); var model = new ProfileModel(); model.ProfilePhotoMainRaw = uad.RawProfilePicUrl; if (_ua.UserAccountID > 0) { model.UserAccountID = _ua.UserAccountID; model.PhotoCount = PhotoItems.GetPhotoItemCountForUser(_ua.UserAccountID); model.CreateDate = _ua.CreateDate; } if (_mu != null) { ViewBag.IsBlocked = BlockedUser.IsBlockedUser(_ua.UserAccountID, Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)); ViewBag.IsBlocking = BlockedUser.IsBlockedUser(Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey), _ua.UserAccountID); if (_ua.UserAccountID == Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)) { model.IsViewingSelf = true; } else { var ucon = new UserConnection(); ucon.GetUserToUserConnection(Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey), _ua.UserAccountID); model.UserConnectionID = ucon.UserConnectionID; if (BlockedUser.IsBlockedUser(Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey), _ua.UserAccountID)) { return RedirectToAction("index", "home"); } } } else { if (uad.MembersOnlyProfile) { return RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account"); } } ViewBag.ThumbIcon = uad.FullProfilePicURL; SetModelForUserAccount(model, uad); // var su = new StatusUpdate(); su.GetMostRecentUserStatus(_ua.UserAccountID); if (su.StatusUpdateID > 0) { model.LastStatusUpdate = su.CreateDate; model.MostRecentStatusUpdate = su.Message; } model.ProfileVisitorCount = ProfileLog.GetUniqueProfileVisitorCount(_ua.UserAccountID); GetUserPhotos(model); GetUserNews(model); model.MetaDescription = _ua.UserName + " " + Messages.Profile + " " + FromDate.DateToYYYY_MM_DD(_ua.LastActivityDate); GetUserPlaylist(); ForumThreads(_ua.UserAccountID, model); if (uad.UserAccountID > 0) { model.Birthday = uad.BirthDate; if (uad.ShowOnMapLegal) { // because of the foreign cultures, numbers need to stay in the English version unless a javascript encoding could be added string currentLang = Utilities.GetCurrentLanguageCode(); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(SiteEnums.SiteLanguages.EN.ToString()); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(SiteEnums.SiteLanguages.EN.ToString()); model.DisplayOnMap = uad.ShowOnMapLegal; var rnd = new Random(); int offset = rnd.Next(10, 100); SiteStructs.LatLong latlong = GeoData.GetLatLongForCountryPostal(uad.Country, uad.PostalCode); if (latlong.latitude != 0 && latlong.longitude != 0) { model.Latitude = Convert.ToDecimal(latlong.latitude + Convert.ToDouble("0.00" + offset)) .ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); model.Longitude = Convert.ToDecimal(latlong.longitude + Convert.ToDouble("0.00" + offset)) .ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { model.DisplayOnMap = false; } Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(currentLang); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(currentLang); } ViewBag.ThumbIcon = uad.FullProfilePicThumbURL; LoadCurrentImagesViewBag(uad.UserAccountID); } ViewBag.UserAccountDetail = uad; ViewBag.UserAccount = _ua; GetUserContacts(model); UserAccountDetail uadLooker = null; if (_mu != null) { uadLooker = new UserAccountDetail(); uadLooker.GetUserAccountDeailForUser(Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)); } if (uadLooker != null && (_mu != null && _ua.UserAccountID > 0 && uadLooker.EnableProfileLogging && uad.EnableProfileLogging)) { var pl = new ProfileLog { LookedAtUserAccountID = _ua.UserAccountID, LookingUserAccountID = Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey) }; if (pl.LookingUserAccountID != pl.LookedAtUserAccountID) pl.Create(); ArrayList al = ProfileLog.GetRecentProfileViews(_ua.UserAccountID); if (al != null && al.Count > 0) { var uas = new UserAccounts(); foreach (UserAccount viewwer in al.Cast<int>().Select(id => new UserAccount(id)) .Where(viewwer => !viewwer.IsLockedOut && viewwer.IsApproved) .TakeWhile(viewwer => uas.Count < Maxcountusers)) { uas.Add(viewwer); } } } GetUserAccountVideos(); // this is either a youtube user or this is a band var art = new Artist(); art.GetArtistByAltname(userName); if (art.ArtistID > 0) { // try this way for dashers model.UserName = art.Name; } var vids = new Videos(); var sngrs = new SongRecords(); if (art.ArtistID == 0) { vids.GetAllVideosByUser(userName); var uavs = new UserAccountVideos(); uavs.GetRecentUserAccountVideos(_ua.UserAccountID, 'U'); foreach (Video f2 in uavs.Select(uav1 => new Video(uav1.VideoID)).Where(f2 => !vids.Contains(f2))) { vids.Add(f2); } vids.Sort((x, y) => (y.PublishDate.CompareTo(x.PublishDate))); model.UserName = _ua != null ? _ua.UserName : userName; } else { GetArtistProfile(art, vids); } vids.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.PublishDate.CompareTo(p1.PublishDate)); sngrs.AddRange(vids.Select(v1 => new SongRecord(v1))); if (_mu != null && _ua.UserAccountID != Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)) { var uc1 = new UserConnection(); uc1.GetUserToUserConnection(_ua.UserAccountID, Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)); if (uc1.UserConnectionID > 0) { switch (uc1.StatusType) { case 'C': if (uc1.IsConfirmed) { model.IsCyberFriend = true; } else { model.IsWatingToBeCyberFriend = true; } break; case 'R': if (uc1.IsConfirmed) { model.IsRealFriend = true; } else { model.IsWatingToBeRealFriend = true; } break; default: model.IsDeniedCyberFriend = true; model.IsDeniedRealFriend = true; break; } } } if (sngrs.Count == 0 && art.ArtistID == 0 && _ua.UserAccountID == 0) { // no longer exists Response.RedirectPermanent("/"); return new EmptyResult(); } var sngDisplay = new SongRecords(); sngDisplay.AddRange(from sr1 in sngrs let vidToShow = new Video(sr1.VideoID) where vidToShow.IsEnabled select sr1); model.SongRecords = sngDisplay.VideosList(); return View(model); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string appdata = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), @"Natural Selection 2"); string path = ""; if (args.Length == 0) { var plogs = new DirectoryInfo(appdata).EnumerateFiles("*.plog").ToList(); if (plogs.Count == 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Expected plog path"); return; } else { Console.WriteLine("No plog path provided defaulting to loading last created plog in %appdata%/Natural Selection 2"); } var newestPlog = plogs.MaxBy(f => f.CreationTime); path = Path.Combine(appdata, newestPlog.Name); } else { path = args[0]; } if (!File.Exists(path)) { var appdataPath = path.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) == -1 ? Path.Combine(appdata, path) : ""; if (File.Exists(appdataPath)) { path = appdataPath; } else { Console.Error.WriteLine($"plog file '{path}' doesn't exist"); return; } } ProfileLog log1, log2; using (new Timer("Loading plog")) { log1 = new ProfileLog(path); } PrintStats(log1); var path2 = args.Length > 1 ? args[1] : null; if (path2 != null) { using (new Timer("Loading plog")) { log2 = new ProfileLog(path2); } var diff = log2.GetNodeStatsDiff(log1.NodeStats); diff = diff.OrderByDescending(n => n.Old.AvgExclusiveTime).ToList(); var diff2 = diff.OrderByDescending(n => n.New.AvgExclusiveTime).ToList(); var ModelMixin = GetNameDiff(log1, log2, "ModelMixin"); } return; }