/// <summary>
        /// Update Products based on selected supplier.
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateProducts(ProductsDO products)
            string currentMethod = "UpdateProducts";

            //Opening SQL connection.
                using (SqlConnection northWndConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                    //Creating a new SqlCommand to use a stored procedure.
                    SqlCommand enterCommand = new SqlCommand("UPDATE_PRODUCTS", northWndConn);

                    //Parameters that are being passed to the stored procedures.
                    enterCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    enterCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductId", products.ProductId);
                    enterCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductName", products.ProductName);
                    enterCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@QuantityPerUnit", products.QuantityPerUnit);
                    enterCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UnitPrice", products.UnitPrice);
                    enterCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UnitsInStock", products.UnitsInStock);
                    enterCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UnitsOnOrder", products.UnitsOnOrder);
                    enterCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReorderLevel", products.ReorderLevel);

                    //Opening connection.
                    //Execute Non Query.
            catch (SqlException ex)
                //Prints error to console and logs.
                ProductsErrorHandler(ex, currentClass, currentMethod, ex.StackTrace);
                throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps all products from the datarow and returns the ProductsDO object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataRow"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ProductsDO MapAllProducts(DataRow dataRow)
            string currentMethod = "MapAllProducts";

                ProductsDO products = new ProductsDO();

                //If the Product Id is not null then add values to the product object from the database.
                if (dataRow["ProductID"] != DBNull.Value)
                    products.ProductId = (int)dataRow["ProductID"];
                products.ProductName     = dataRow["ProductName"].ToString();
                products.QuantityPerUnit = dataRow["QuantityPerUnit"].ToString();
                products.UnitPrice       = (decimal)dataRow["UnitPrice"];
                products.UnitsInStock    = (Int16)dataRow["UnitsInStock"];
                products.UnitsOnOrder    = (Int16)dataRow["UnitsOnOrder"];
                products.ReorderLevel    = (Int16)dataRow["ReorderLevel"];

                //Returning the object with a row updated from SQL.
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Prints error to console and logs.
                ProductsErrorHandler(ex, currentClass, currentMethod, ex.StackTrace);
                throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// View Products from selected supplier.
        /// </summary>
        public List <ProductsDO> ViewProducts(ProductsDO products)
            string currentMethod = "ViewProducts";

                List <ProductsDO> allProducts = new List <ProductsDO>();

                //Opening SQL connection.
                using (SqlConnection northWndConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                    //Creating a new SqlCommand to use a stored procedure.
                    SqlCommand enterCommand = new SqlCommand("DISPLAY_PRODUCTS", northWndConn);
                    enterCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    enterCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SupplierId", products.SupplierId);

                    //Using SqlDataAdapter to get SQL table.
                    DataTable ProductInfo = new DataTable();
                    using (SqlDataAdapter productAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(enterCommand))

                    //Putting datarow into a List of the products object.
                    foreach (DataRow row in ProductInfo.Rows)
                        ProductsDO mappedRow = MapAllProducts(row);
                //Returning an updated list of the products object.
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Prints error to console and logs.
                ProductsErrorHandler(ex, currentClass, currentMethod, ex.StackTrace);
                throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets User input for the products menu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ProductsDO GetUserInputForProducts()
            string currentMethod = "GetUserInputForProducts";

                    ProductsDO products = new ProductsDO();

                    //Collect information from the user.
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter product name.");
                    products.ProductName = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter quantity per unit.");
                    products.QuantityPerUnit = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter unit price.");
                    decimal.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out decimal unitPrice);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter units in stock.");
                    int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int unitsInStock);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter units on order.");
                    int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int unitsOnOrder);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter reorder level.");
                    int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int reorderLevel);
                    products.UnitsInStock = unitsInStock;
                    products.UnitPrice    = unitPrice;
                    products.UnitsOnOrder = unitsOnOrder;
                    products.ReorderLevel = reorderLevel;

                    //returning object back to who called it.
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string      currentClass = "Program";
                    ProductsDAO productsDAO  = new ProductsDAO();

                    //Prints error to console, logs, and restarts the menu.
                    productsDAO.ProductsErrorHandler(ex, currentClass, currentMethod, ex.StackTrace);
                    throw ex;
            } while (true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes user to a products menu.
        /// </summary>
        static void ProductsMenu()
            string currentMethod = "ProductsMenu";

            //Instantiating objects.
            ProductsDAO productsDAO = new ProductsDAO();

            //Add display method for products here------------------------------------------------------------------
                    ProductsDO products = new ProductsDO();

                    //Menu Options.
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\tPlease select option by pressing a key:\n");
                    Console.WriteLine(" 1) Display all products");
                    Console.WriteLine(" 2) Update existing products");
                    Console.WriteLine(" 3) Return to Supplier menu");
                    Console.WriteLine(" 4) Exit Application");

                    //Allows user to press either number keys on keyboard or use num pad.
                    ConsoleKeyInfo keyPressed = Console.ReadKey();

                    //Determines which key was pressed.
                    switch (keyPressed.Key)
                    case ConsoleKey.NumPad1:
                    case ConsoleKey.D1:
                        //Creates a new list object called items to store our list object returned from ViewProducts().
                        Console.WriteLine("Which Supplier Id would you like to view products for?");
                        int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int supplierId);
                        products.SupplierId = supplierId;
                        //Getting a list of our object returned from ViewProducts()
                        List <ProductsDO> items = productsDAO.ViewProducts(products);

                    case ConsoleKey.NumPad2:
                    case ConsoleKey.D2:

                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter product Id for the row you would like to change.");
                        //Getting the product Id that user wants to update.
                        int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int productId);

                        //Adding information returned from GetUserInputForProducts() into our object.
                        products = GetUserInputForProducts();

                        //Setting the value of our object variable for productId.
                        products.ProductId = productId;

                        //Passing all the user input into UpdateProducts() using our object named products.

                    //Return to menu()----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    case ConsoleKey.NumPad3:
                    case ConsoleKey.D3:

                    case ConsoleKey.NumPad4:
                    case ConsoleKey.D4:

                catch (Exception ex)
                    string currentClass = "Program";

                    //Prints error to console, logs, and restarts the menu.
                    productsDAO.ProductsErrorHandler(ex, currentClass, currentMethod, ex.StackTrace);
                    throw ex;
            } while (true);