public async Task <ActionResult <Product> > getProduct(int id)
            var spec    = new ProductWithBrandAndTypesSpecification(id); //criteria will be set
            var product = await _productRepo.GetEntityBySpec(spec);      //data access code in the cotroller.P

            if (product == null)
                return(NotFound(new ApiResponse(400)));
            return(Ok(_mapper.Map <Product, ProductDto>(product)));
        public async Task <ActionResult <Pagination <ProductDto> > > getProducts([FromQuery] ProductsSpecParams ProductParams)
            var spec      = new ProductWithBrandAndTypesSpecification(ProductParams);
            var countSpec = new ProductsWithFiltersSpecification(ProductParams); //to send the count of items that fulfil the query.
            var products  = await _productRepo.ListAsync(spec);

            var count = await _productRepo.CountAsync(countSpec);

            var data = _mapper.Map <IReadOnlyList <Product>, IReadOnlyList <ProductDto> >(products);

            return(Ok(new Pagination <ProductDto>(ProductParams.PageIndex, ProductParams.PageSize,
                                                  count, data)));