public AdventureWorksQuery(ProductRepository productRepository, ProductSubcategoryRepository productSubcategoryRepository)
            /*-- Simple test query --
             *  query Products {
             *      products(productId: 1) {
             *          productId: productId
             *          name,
             *          makeFlag,
             *          finishedGoodsFlag,
             *          productNumber,
             *          color
             *          transactionHistory{
             *              transactionId,
             *              transactionDate,
             *              transactionType,
             *              quantity,
             *              actualCost,
             *              modifiedDate
             *          }
             *          productSubcategory{
             *              productSubcategoryId
             *              name
             *              rowguid
             *              modifiedDate
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }

            //    "products",
            //    resolve: context => productRepository.GetAll());

            /*Version: 2 filtering*/
            Field <ListGraphType <ProductType> >(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(new List <QueryArgument>
                new QueryArgument <IdGraphType> {
                    Name = "productId"
                //new QueryArgument<ListGraphType<IdGraphType>> { Name = "productIds" },
                //new QueryArgument<StringGraphType> { Name = "name" },
                //new QueryArgument<BooleanGraphType> { Name = "makeFlag" },
                //new QueryArgument<BooleanGraphType> { Name = "finishedGoodsFlag" },
                //new QueryArgument<StringGraphType> { Name = "productNumber" },
                //new QueryArgument<StringGraphType> { Name = "color" },
                //new QueryArgument<DecimalGraphType> { Name = "standardCost" },
                //new QueryArgument<DecimalGraphType> { Name = "listPrice" },
                //new QueryArgument<StringGraphType> { Name = "size" },
                //new QueryArgument<StringGraphType> { Name = "sizeUnitMeasureCode" },
                //new QueryArgument<StringGraphType> { Name = "weightUnitMeasureCode" },
                //new QueryArgument<DateTimeGraphType> { Name = "sellStartDate" },
                //new QueryArgument<DateTimeGraphType> { Name = "sellEndDate" },
                new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                    Name = "order"
                resolve: context =>
                //var user = (ClaimsPrincipal)context.UserContext;
                //var isUserAuthenticated = ((ClaimsIdentity)user.Identity).IsAuthenticated;

                var productId = context.GetArgument <int?>("productId");
                var order     = context.GetArgument <string>("order", null);

                if (productId.HasValue && productId.Value != -411)
                    if (productId.Value <= 0 || productId.Value >= 10000)
                        context.Errors.Add(new ExecutionError("productId must be number between 1 and 9999!"));
                        return(new List <Product>());
                    //List<int> listProductId = new List<int>();
                    //return productRepository.GetProductsAsync(listProductId);
                    return(productRepository.GetAll(order, productId.Value));

                var productIds = context.GetArgument <List <int?> >("productIds");
                if (productIds != null /*|| productIds.Any()*/)
                    List <int> listProductIds = new List <int>();
                    listProductIds            = productIds.Where(u => u != null)
                                                .Select(u => u.Value)
                //if (productIds == null || !productIds.Any())
                //    List<int> intList = new List<int>();
                //    var tmp5 = productRepository.GetProductsAsync(new List<int>());
                //    return tmp5;

                var name = context.GetArgument <string>("name");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    return(productRepository.GetAll().Where(r => r.Name == name));

                var makeFlag = context.GetArgument <bool?>("makeFlag");
                if (makeFlag.HasValue)
                           .Where(r => r.MakeFlag == makeFlag.Value));

                var finishedGoodsFlag = context.GetArgument <bool?>("finishedGoodsFlag");
                if (finishedGoodsFlag.HasValue)
                           .Where(r => r.FinishedGoodsFlag == finishedGoodsFlag.Value));

                //var checkoutDate = context.GetArgument<DateTime?>("checkoutDate");
                //if (checkoutDate.HasValue)
                //    return reservationRepository.GetQuery()
                //        .Where(r => r.CheckoutDate.Date >= checkoutDate.Value.Date);

                //var allowedSmoking = context.GetArgument<bool?>("roomAllowedSmoking");
                //if (allowedSmoking.HasValue)
                //    return reservationRepository.GetQuery()
                //        .Where(r => r.Room.AllowedSmoking == allowedSmoking.Value);

                //var roomStatus = context.GetArgument<RoomStatus?>("roomStatus");
                //if (roomStatus.HasValue)
                //    return reservationRepository.GetQuery().Where(r => r.Room.Status == roomStatus.Value);

                var query = productRepository.GetAll();

            /*-- Simple test query --
             * query ProductSubcategory{
             *  productSubcategories{
             *      productSubcategoryId
             *      name
             *      rowguid
             *      modifiedDate
             *      product{
             *          productId
             *          name
             *          weight
             *      }
             *      productCategory{
             *          productCategoryId
             *          name
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/

            Field <ListGraphType <ProductSubcategoryType> >(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(new List <QueryArgument>
                new QueryArgument <IdGraphType> {
                    Name = "productSubcategoryId"
                new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                    Name = "name"
                new QueryArgument <IdGraphType> {
                    Name = "Rowguid"
                new QueryArgument <DateTimeGraphType> {
                    Name = "ModifiedDate"
                resolve: context =>
                //var query = productSubcategoryRepository.GetAllAsync();
                var query = productSubcategoryRepository.GetAll();
 public ProductCategoryRepository(DbContext context) : base(context)
     subRepo = new ProductSubcategoryRepository(context);