 /// <summary>
 /// Search products
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
 /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
 /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
 /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="warehouseId">Warehouse identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="productType">Product type; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="visibleIndividuallyOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "visible individually"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "visible individually" only</param>
 /// <param name="markedAsNewOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "new"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "marked as new" only</param>
 /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
 /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
 /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions</param>
 /// <param name="searchManufacturerPartNumber">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in manufacturer part number</param>
 /// <param name="searchSku">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product SKU</param>
 /// <param name="searchProductTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags</param>
 /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
 /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
 /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
 /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
 /// <param name="overridePublished">
 /// null - process "Published" property according to "showHidden" parameter
 /// true - load only "Published" products
 /// false - load only "Unpublished" products
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>Products</returns>
 public virtual IPagedList <Product> SearchProducts(
     int pageIndex                     = 0,
     int pageSize                      = int.MaxValue,
     IList <Guid> categoryIds          = null,
     Guid manufacturerId               = default,
     Guid storeId                      = default,
     Guid vendorId                     = default,
     Guid warehouseId                  = default,
     ProductType?productType           = null,
     bool visibleIndividuallyOnly      = false,
     bool markedAsNewOnly              = false,
     bool?featuredProducts             = null,
     decimal?priceMin                  = null,
     decimal?priceMax                  = null,
     int productTagId                  = 0,
     string keywords                   = null,
     bool searchDescriptions           = false,
     bool searchManufacturerPartNumber = true,
     bool searchSku                    = true,
     bool searchProductTags            = false,
     Guid languageId                   = default,
     IList <int> filteredSpecs         = null,
     ProductSortingEnum orderBy        = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
     bool showHidden                   = false,
     bool?overridePublished            = null)
     return(SearchProducts(out var _, false,
                           pageIndex, pageSize, categoryIds, manufacturerId,
                           storeId, vendorId, warehouseId,
                           productType, visibleIndividuallyOnly, markedAsNewOnly, featuredProducts,
                           priceMin, priceMax, productTagId, keywords, searchDescriptions, searchManufacturerPartNumber, searchSku,
                           searchProductTags, languageId, filteredSpecs,
                           orderBy, showHidden, overridePublished));
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Search celebrities
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        ///// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        ///// <param name="celebrityTagId">Celebrity tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        ///// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        ///// <param name="searchCelebrityTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in celebrity tags</param>
        ///// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
        ///// </param>
        ///// <returns>Celebrities</returns>
        //public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchCelebrities(
        //    int pageIndex = 0,
        //    int pageSize = int.MaxValue,
        //    int celebrityTagId = 0,
        //    string keywords = null,
        //    bool searchCelebrityTags = false,
        //    int languageId = 0,
        //    ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
        //    bool showHidden = false
        //    )
        //    return SearchCelebrities(pageIndex, pageSize, celebrityTagId, keywords, searchCelebrityTags, languageId, orderBy, showHidden);

        /// <summary>
        /// Search celebrities
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="celebrityTagId">Celebrity tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="searchCelebrityTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in celebrity tags</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Celebrities</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList <Celebrity> SearchCelebrities(
            int pageIndex              = 0,
            int pageSize               = int.MaxValue,
            int storeId                = 0,
            int celebrityTagId         = 0,
            bool searchCelebrityTags   = false,
            int languageId             = 0,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position
            //search by keyword
            var searchLocalizedValue = false;

            if (languageId > 0)
                //ensure that we have at least two published languages
                var totalPublishedLanguages = _languageService.GetAllLanguages().Count;
                searchLocalizedValue = totalPublishedLanguages >= 2;

            //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
            if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

            //prepare input parameters
            var pStoreId             = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("StoreId", !_catalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations ? storeId : 0);
            var pCelebrityTagId      = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("CelebrityTagId", celebrityTagId);
            var pSearchCelebrityTags = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("SearchCelebrityTags", searchCelebrityTags);
            var pUseFullTextSearch   = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("UseFullTextSearch", _commonSettings.UseFullTextSearch);
            var pFullTextMode        = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("FullTextMode", (int)_commonSettings.FullTextMode);
            var pLanguageId          = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("LanguageId", searchLocalizedValue ? languageId : 0);
            var pOrderBy             = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("OrderBy", (int)orderBy);
            var pPageIndex           = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("PageIndex", pageIndex);
            var pPageSize            = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("PageSize", pageSize);

            var pTotalRecords = SqlParameterHelper.GetOutputInt32Parameter("TotalRecords");

            //invoke stored procedure
            var celebrities = _celebrityRepository.EntityFromSql("CelebrityLoadAllPaged",

            //return celebrities
            var totalRecords = pTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt32(pTotalRecords.Value) : 0;

            return(new PagedList <Celebrity>(celebrities, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords));
        public IPagedList<Advertisement> SearchAdvertisements(
            int pageIndex = 0,
            int pageSize = int.MaxValue,
            int storeId = 0,
            int vendorId = 0,
            string keywords = null,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position)
            #region Search products

            var query = _advertisementRepository.Table;
            query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);

            if (storeId > 0)
                query = query.Where(ad => ad.StoreId == storeId);

            if (vendorId > 0)
                query = query.Where(ad => ad.VendorId == vendorId);

            if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                //otherwise sort by name
                query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc)
                //Name: A to Z
                query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)
                //Name: Z to A
                query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                //creation date
                query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc);
                //actually this code is not reachable
                query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

            var products = new PagedList<Advertisement>(query, pageIndex, pageSize);

            return products;
        public IPagedList <Advertisement> SearchAdvertisements(
            int pageIndex              = 0,
            int pageSize               = int.MaxValue,
            int storeId                = 0,
            int vendorId               = 0,
            string keywords            = null,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position)
            #region Search products

            var query = _advertisementRepository.Table;
            query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);

            if (storeId > 0)
                query = query.Where(ad => ad.StoreId == storeId);

            if (vendorId > 0)
                query = query.Where(ad => ad.VendorId == vendorId);

            if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                //otherwise sort by name
                query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc)
                //Name: A to Z
                query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)
                //Name: Z to A
                query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                //creation date
                query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc);
                //actually this code is not reachable
                query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

            var products = new PagedList <Advertisement>(query, pageIndex, pageSize);

        private void OrderBy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            StackPanel s      = new StackPanel();
            var        Picker = new ListPicker();

            Picker.SetValue(ListPicker.ItemCountThresholdProperty, 6);
            var PickerItems = new string[] { ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn.ToString(), ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc.ToString(),
                ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc.ToString(), ProductSortingEnum.Position.ToString(), ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc.ToString(), ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc.ToString() };

            Picker.ItemsSource = PickerItems;
            CustomMessageBox messageBox = new CustomMessageBox()
                Caption            = "Order By",
                Message            = "Select the order you want the products to be displayed",
                LeftButtonContent  = "Submit",
                Content            = s,
                RightButtonContent = "Cancel"

            messageBox.Dismissed += async(s1, e1) => {
                ProductSortingEnum Result = ProductSortingEnum.Position;
                if (e1.Result.Equals(CustomMessageBoxResult.LeftButton))
                    foreach (ProductSortingEnum pse in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ProductSortingEnum)))
                        if (pse.ToString().Equals(Picker.SelectedItem.ToString()))
                            Result = pse;
                    var Count = 0;
                    foreach (PivotItem pivot in CategoryPivot.Items)
                        var Listbox = Helper.FindFirstElementInVisualTree <ListBox>(pivot);
                        if (Listbox.ItemTemplate.Equals(Application.Current.Resources["ProductCategoryTemplate"] as DataTemplate))
                            var Prods = await api.CategoryProductsSortedFiltered(Categories[Count].Id, true, false, Result, 0, 0);

                            foreach (ProductDTO p in Prods)
                                Listbox.Items.Add(new MainPage.ProductData {
                                    Id = p.Id, Description = p.Description, Image = Helper.ConvertToBitmapImage(p.Image.First()), ProductName = p.Name, Value = p.Price.ToString("0.0#") + " " + Currency
文件: Product.cs 项目: sang-nm/mphc
 public static int GetCountBySearch(
     int siteId                 = -1,
     string zoneIds             = null,
     int publishStatus          = -1,
     int languageId             = -1,
     int manufactureId          = -1,
     int productType            = -1,
     decimal?priceMin           = null,
     decimal?priceMax           = null,
     int position               = -1,
     int showOption             = -1,
     string propertyCondition   = null,
     string productIds          = null,
     string keyword             = null,
     bool searchCode            = false,
     string stateIds            = null,
     ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position)
     return(DBProduct.GetCountBySearch(siteId, zoneIds, publishStatus, languageId, manufactureId, productType, priceMin, priceMax, position, showOption, propertyCondition, productIds, keyword, searchCode, stateIds, (int)orderBy));
        public CatalogSearchQuery SortBy(ProductSortingEnum sort)
            switch (sort)
            case ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOnAsc:
            case ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn:
                return(SortBy(SearchSort.ByDateTimeField("createdon", sort == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)));

            case ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc:
            case ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc:
                return(SortBy(SearchSort.ByStringField("name", sort == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)));

            case ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc:
            case ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc:
                return(SortBy(SearchSort.ByDoubleField("price", sort == ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc)));

            case ProductSortingEnum.Relevance:

        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryId">Category identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param>//add by hz
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="searchProductTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">A value indicating whether we should load the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">The specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <returns>Product collection</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(int categoryId, int manufacturerId,
            int vendorId, //add by hz
            bool? featuredProducts,
            decimal? priceMin, decimal? priceMax, int productTagId,
            string keywords, bool searchDescriptions, bool searchProductTags, int languageId,
            IList<int> filteredSpecs, ProductSortingEnum orderBy,
            int pageIndex, int pageSize,
            bool loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds, out IList<int> filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
            bool showHidden = false)
            var categoryIds = new List<int>();
            if (categoryId > 0)

            return SearchProducts(categoryIds, manufacturerId,
                vendorId, //add by hz
                priceMin, priceMax, productTagId,
                keywords, searchDescriptions,searchProductTags, languageId,
                filteredSpecs, orderBy, pageIndex, pageSize,
                loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds, out filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets all products
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="categoryId">Category identifier</param>
 /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier</param>
 /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier</param>
 /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
 /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price</param>
 /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price</param>
 /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
 /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search in descriptions</param>
 /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
 /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
 /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
 /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier</param>
 /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
 /// <param name="totalRecords">Total records</param>
 /// <returns>Product collection</returns>
 public List<Product> GetAllProducts(int categoryId,
     int manufacturerId, int productTagId, bool? featuredProducts,
     decimal? priceMin, decimal? priceMax, 
     string keywords, bool searchDescriptions, int pageSize,
     int pageIndex, List<int> filteredSpecs, int languageId,
     ProductSortingEnum orderBy, out int totalRecords)
     return GetAllProducts(categoryId,
         manufacturerId, productTagId, featuredProducts,
         priceMin, priceMax, 0,
         keywords, searchDescriptions, pageSize,
         pageIndex, filteredSpecs, languageId,
         orderBy, out totalRecords);
        protected void BindData()
            var category = CategoryManager.GetCategoryById(this.CategoryId);

            rptrCategoryBreadcrumb.DataSource = CategoryManager.GetBreadCrumb(this.CategoryId);

            lDescription.Text = category.Description;

            var subCategoryCollection = CategoryManager.GetAllCategories(this.CategoryId);

            if (subCategoryCollection.Count > 0)
                rptrSubCategories.DataSource = subCategoryCollection;
                rptrSubCategories.Visible = false;

            //featured products
            var featuredProducts = category.FeaturedProducts;

            if (featuredProducts.Count > 0)
                dlFeaturedProducts.DataSource = featuredProducts;
                pnlFeaturedProducts.Visible = false;

            //price ranges
            this.ctrlPriceRangeFilter.PriceRanges = category.PriceRanges;

            //page size
            int totalRecords = 0;
            int pageSize     = 10;

            if (category.PageSize > 0)
                pageSize = category.PageSize;

            //price ranges
            decimal?minPrice          = null;
            decimal?maxPrice          = null;
            decimal?minPriceConverted = null;
            decimal?maxPriceConverted = null;

            if (ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange != null)
                minPrice = ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange.From;
                if (minPrice.HasValue)
                    minPriceConverted = CurrencyManager.ConvertCurrency(minPrice.Value, NopContext.Current.WorkingCurrency, CurrencyManager.PrimaryStoreCurrency);

                maxPrice = ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange.To;
                if (maxPrice.HasValue)
                    maxPriceConverted = CurrencyManager.ConvertCurrency(maxPrice.Value, NopContext.Current.WorkingCurrency, CurrencyManager.PrimaryStoreCurrency);

            //specification filter
            var psoFilterOption = ctrlProductSpecificationFilter.GetAlreadyFilteredSpecOptionIds();

            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position;

            if (SettingManager.GetSettingValueBoolean("Common.AllowProductSorting"))
                CommonHelper.SelectListItem(this.ddlSorting, CommonHelper.QueryStringInt("orderby"));
                orderBy = (ProductSortingEnum)Enum.ToObject(typeof(ProductSortingEnum), int.Parse(ddlSorting.SelectedItem.Value));

            var productCollection = ProductManager.GetAllProducts(this.CategoryId,
                                                                  0, 0, false, minPriceConverted, maxPriceConverted,
                                                                  string.Empty, false, pageSize, this.CurrentPageIndex,
                                                                  psoFilterOption, orderBy, out totalRecords);

            if (productCollection.Count > 0)
                this.catalogPager.PageSize     = pageSize;
                this.catalogPager.TotalRecords = totalRecords;
                this.catalogPager.PageIndex    = this.CurrentPageIndex;

                this.lvCatalog.DataSource = productCollection;
                this.lvCatalog.Visible  = false;
                this.pnlSorting.Visible = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sorts the elements of a sequence in order according to a product sorting rule
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="productsQuery">A sequence of products to order</param>
        /// <param name="currentLanguage">Current language</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Product sorting rule</param>
        /// <param name="localizedPropertyRepository">Localized property repository</param>
        /// <returns>An System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable`1 whose elements are sorted according to a rule.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If <paramref name="orderBy"/> is set to <c>Position</c> and passed <paramref name="productsQuery"/> is
        /// ordered sorting rule will be skipped
        /// </remarks>
        public static IQueryable <Product> OrderBy(this IQueryable <Product> productsQuery, IRepository <LocalizedProperty> localizedPropertyRepository, Language currentLanguage, ProductSortingEnum orderBy)
            if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc || orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)
                var currentLanguageId = currentLanguage.Id;

                var query =
                    from product in productsQuery
                    join localizedProperty in localizedPropertyRepository.Table on new
                    languageId = currentLanguageId,
                    keyGroup   = nameof(Product),
                    key        = nameof(Product.Name)
                equals new
                    Id         = localizedProperty.EntityId,
                    languageId = localizedProperty.LanguageId,
                    keyGroup   = localizedProperty.LocaleKeyGroup,
                    key        = localizedProperty.LocaleKey
                } into localizedProperties
                from localizedProperty in localizedProperties.DefaultIfEmpty(new LocalizedProperty {
                    LocaleValue = product.Name
                select new { localizedProperty, product };

                if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc)
                    productsQuery = from item in query
                                    orderby item.localizedProperty.LocaleValue, item.product.Name
                    select item.product;
                    productsQuery = from item in query
                                    orderby item.localizedProperty.LocaleValue descending, item.product.Name descending
                    select item.product;


            return(orderBy switch
                ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc => productsQuery.OrderBy(p => p.Price),
                ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc => productsQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.Price),
                ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn => productsQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc),
                ProductSortingEnum.Position when productsQuery is IOrderedQueryable => productsQuery,
                _ => productsQuery.OrderBy(p => p.DisplayOrder).ThenBy(p => p.Id)
        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">The specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">A value indicating whether we should load the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="warehouseId">Warehouse identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productType">Product type; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="visibleIndividuallyOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "visible individually"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "visible individually" only</param>
        /// <param name="markedAsNewOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "new"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "marked as new" only</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="searchManufacturerPartNumber">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in manufacturer part number</param>
        /// <param name="searchSku">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product SKU</param>
        /// <param name="searchProductTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <param name="overridePublished">
        /// null - process "Published" property according to "showHidden" parameter
        /// true - load only "Published" products
        /// false - load only "Unpublished" products
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Products</returns>
        public override IPagedList <Product> SearchProducts(
            out IList <int> filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
            bool loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = false,
            int pageIndex                     = 0,
            int pageSize                      = int.MaxValue,
            IList <int> categoryIds           = null,
            int manufacturerId                = 0,
            int storeId                       = 0,
            int vendorId                      = 0,
            int warehouseId                   = 0,
            ProductType?productType           = null,
            bool visibleIndividuallyOnly      = false,
            bool markedAsNewOnly              = false,
            bool?featuredProducts             = null,
            decimal?priceMin                  = null,
            decimal?priceMax                  = null,
            int productTagId                  = 0,
            string keywords                   = null,
            bool searchDescriptions           = false,
            bool searchManufacturerPartNumber = true,
            bool searchSku                    = true,
            bool searchProductTags            = false,
            int languageId                    = 0,
            IList <int> filteredSpecs         = null,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy        = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
            bool showHidden                   = false,
            bool?overridePublished            = null)
            filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = new List <int>();

            //validate "categoryIds" parameter
            if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Contains(0))

            //Access control list. Allowed customer roles
            var allowedCustomerRolesIds = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetCustomerRoleIds();

            //pass category identifiers as comma-delimited string
            var commaSeparatedCategoryIds = categoryIds == null ? string.Empty : string.Join(",", categoryIds);

            //pass customer role identifiers as comma-delimited string
            var commaSeparatedAllowedCustomerRoleIds = string.Join(",", allowedCustomerRolesIds);

            //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
            if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

            var query = new StringBuilder();

FROM Product p");

            var filter = new StringBuilder();

            filter.AppendLine(" WHERE p.Deleted = 0");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                filter.AppendLine($"AND (p.Name LIKE '%{keywords}%'");

                if (searchSku)
                    filter.Append($" OR p.Sku = '{keywords}'");


            if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Any())
                query.AppendLine("INNER JOIN Product_Category_Mapping pcm ON p.Id = pcm.ProductId");
                filter.AppendLine($"AND pcm.CategoryId IN ({commaSeparatedCategoryIds})");

                if (featuredProducts.HasValue)
                    filter.AppendLine($"AND pcm.IsFeaturedProduct = {(featuredProducts.Value ? 1 : 0)}");

            if (manufacturerId > 0)
                query.AppendLine("INNER JOIN Product_Manufacturer_Mapping pmm ON p.Id = pmm.ProductId");
                filter.AppendLine($"AND pmm.ManufacturerId = {manufacturerId}");

                if (featuredProducts.HasValue)
                    filter.AppendLine($"AND pmm.IsFeaturedProduct = {(featuredProducts.Value ? 1 : 0)}");

            if (vendorId > 0)
                filter.AppendLine($"AND p.VendorId = {vendorId}");

            if (warehouseId > 0)
				    (p.UseMultipleWarehouses = 0 AND p.WarehouseId = {warehouseId})
				    (p.UseMultipleWarehouses > 0 AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ProductWarehouseInventory pwi
					    WHERE pwi.WarehouseId = {warehouseId} AND pwi.ProductId = p.Id))
			    )"            );

            if (productType != null)
                filter.AppendLine($"AND p.ProductTypeId = {(int)productType}");

            if (visibleIndividuallyOnly)
                filter.AppendLine("AND p.VisibleIndividually = 1");

            if (markedAsNewOnly)
                filter.AppendLine(@"AND p.MarkAsNew = 1
		        AND (UTC_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN IFNULL(p.MarkAsNewStartDateTimeUtc, '1900-1-1') and IFNULL(p.MarkAsNewEndDateTimeUtc, '2999-1-1'))"        );

            if (productTagId != 0)
                query.AppendLine("INNER JOIN Product_ProductTag_Mapping pptm ON p.Id = pptm.Product_Id");
                filter.AppendLine($"AND pptm.ProductTag_Id = {productTagId}");

            if (overridePublished == null && !showHidden)
                filter.AppendLine("AND p.Published = 1");
            else if (overridePublished.HasValue && overridePublished.Value)
                filter.AppendLine("AND p.Published = 1");
            else if (overridePublished.HasValue && !overridePublished.Value)
                filter.AppendLine("AND p.Published = 0");

            if (!showHidden)
                filter.AppendLine(@"AND p.Deleted = 0
                    AND(UTC_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN IFNULL(p.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc, '1900-1-1') and IFNULL(p.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc, '2999-1-1'))");

            if (priceMin != null)
                filter.AppendLine($"AND p.Price >= {priceMin}");
            if (priceMax != null)
                filter.AppendLine($"AND p.Price <= {priceMax}");

            if (!_catalogSettings.IgnoreAcl && !showHidden && allowedCustomerRolesIds != null && allowedCustomerRolesIds.Any())
                filter.AppendLine($@"AND (p.SubjectToAcl = 0 OR 
                    EXISTS (
			            SELECT 1
					    FROM AclRecord acl
					    WHERE acl.EntityId = p.Id AND acl.EntityName = 'Product' 
                            AND acl.CustomerRoleId IN ({commaSeparatedAllowedCustomerRoleIds})
			        ))"            );

            if (!_catalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations && storeId > 0)
                filter.AppendLine($@"AND (p.LimitedToStores = 0 OR EXISTS (
			        SELECT 1 FROM StoreMapping sm
			        WHERE sm.EntityId = p.Id AND sm.EntityName = 'Product' and sm.StoreId={storeId}
			        ))"            );

            var orderBySql = string.Empty;

            switch (orderBy)
            case ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc:
                orderBySql = " p.Name ASC";

            case ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc:
                orderBySql = " p.Name DESC";

            case ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc:
                orderBySql = " p.Price ASC";

            case ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc:
                orderBySql = " p.Price ASC";

            case ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn:
                orderBySql = " p.CreatedOnUtc DESC";

                if (categoryIds?.Count > 0)
                    orderBySql = " pcm.DisplayOrder ASC";
                if (manufacturerId > 0)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBySql))
                        orderBySql = orderBySql + ", ";
                    orderBySql = orderBySql + " pmm.DisplayOrder ASC";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBySql))
                    orderBySql = orderBySql + ", ";
                orderBySql = orderBySql + " p.Name ASC";

            filter.AppendLine($"ORDER BY {orderBySql}");

            query.AppendLine("COMMIT ;");

            var queryable    = _dbContext.EntityFromSql <Product>(query.ToString()).AsNoTracking();
            var totalRecords = queryable.Count();
            var products     = queryable.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();

            //return products
            return(new PagedList <Product>(products, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords));
        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">The specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">A value indicating whether we should load the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="warehouseId">Warehouse identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productType">Product type; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="visibleIndividuallyOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "visible individually"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "visible individually" only</param>
        /// <param name="markedAsNewOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "new"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "marked as new" only</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="searchManufacturerPartNumber">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in manufacturer part number</param>
        /// <param name="searchSku">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product SKU</param>
        /// <param name="searchProductTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <param name="overridePublished">
        /// null - process "Published" property according to "showHidden" parameter
        /// true - load only "Published" products
        /// false - load only "Unpublished" products
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Products</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList <Product> SearchProducts(
            out IList <int> filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
            bool loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = false,
            int pageIndex                     = 0,
            int pageSize                      = int.MaxValue,
            IList <Guid> categoryIds          = null,
            Guid manufacturerId               = default,
            Guid storeId                      = default,
            Guid vendorId                     = default,
            Guid warehouseId                  = default,
            ProductType?productType           = null,
            bool visibleIndividuallyOnly      = false,
            bool markedAsNewOnly              = false,
            bool?featuredProducts             = null,
            decimal?priceMin                  = null,
            decimal?priceMax                  = null,
            int productTagId                  = 0,
            string keywords                   = null,
            bool searchDescriptions           = false,
            bool searchManufacturerPartNumber = true,
            bool searchSku                    = true,
            bool searchProductTags            = false,
            Guid languageId                   = default,
            IList <int> filteredSpecs         = null,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy        = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
            bool showHidden                   = false,
            bool?overridePublished            = null)
            filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = new List <int>();

            //validate "categoryIds" parameter
            if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Contains(Guid.Empty))

            //pass category identifiers as comma-delimited string
            var commaSeparatedCategoryIds = categoryIds == null ? string.Empty : string.Join(",", categoryIds);

            //pass specification identifiers as comma-delimited string
            var commaSeparatedSpecIds = string.Empty;

            if (filteredSpecs != null)
                ((List <int>)filteredSpecs).Sort();
                commaSeparatedSpecIds = string.Join(",", filteredSpecs);

            //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
            if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

            //prepare input parameters
            var pCategoryIds                  = SqlParameterHelper.GetStringParameter("CategoryIds", commaSeparatedCategoryIds);
            var pManufacturerId               = SqlParameterHelper.GetGuidParameter("ManufacturerId", manufacturerId);
            var pStoreId                      = SqlParameterHelper.GetGuidParameter("StoreId", storeId);
            var pVendorId                     = SqlParameterHelper.GetGuidParameter("VendorId", vendorId);
            var pWarehouseId                  = SqlParameterHelper.GetGuidParameter("WarehouseId", warehouseId);
            var pProductTypeId                = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("ProductTypeId", (int?)productType);
            var pVisibleIndividuallyOnly      = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("VisibleIndividuallyOnly", visibleIndividuallyOnly);
            var pMarkedAsNewOnly              = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("MarkedAsNewOnly", markedAsNewOnly);
            var pProductTagId                 = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("ProductTagId", productTagId);
            var pFeaturedProducts             = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("FeaturedProducts", featuredProducts);
            var pPriceMin                     = SqlParameterHelper.GetDecimalParameter("PriceMin", priceMin);
            var pPriceMax                     = SqlParameterHelper.GetDecimalParameter("PriceMax", priceMax);
            var pKeywords                     = SqlParameterHelper.GetStringParameter("Keywords", keywords);
            var pSearchDescriptions           = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("SearchDescriptions", searchDescriptions);
            var pSearchManufacturerPartNumber = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("SearchManufacturerPartNumber", searchManufacturerPartNumber);
            var pSearchSku                    = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("SearchSku", searchSku);
            var pSearchProductTags            = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("SearchProductTags", searchProductTags);
            var pUseFullTextSearch            = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("UseFullTextSearch", _commonSettings.UseFullTextSearch);
            var pFullTextMode                 = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("FullTextMode", (int)_commonSettings.FullTextMode);
            var pFilteredSpecs                = SqlParameterHelper.GetStringParameter("FilteredSpecs", commaSeparatedSpecIds);
            var pLanguageId                   = SqlParameterHelper.GetGuidParameter("LanguageId", languageId);
            var pOrderBy                      = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("OrderBy", (int)orderBy);
            var pAllowedCustomerRoleIds       = SqlParameterHelper.GetStringParameter("AllowedCustomerRoleIds", string.Empty);
            var pPageIndex                    = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("PageIndex", pageIndex);
            var pPageSize                     = SqlParameterHelper.GetInt32Parameter("PageSize", pageSize);
            var pShowHidden                   = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("ShowHidden", showHidden);
            var pOverridePublished            = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("OverridePublished", overridePublished);
            var pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = SqlParameterHelper.GetBooleanParameter("LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds", loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds);

            //prepare output parameters
            var pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = SqlParameterHelper.GetOutputStringParameter("FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds");

            pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Size = int.MaxValue - 1;
            var pTotalRecords = SqlParameterHelper.GetOutputInt32Parameter("TotalRecords");

            //invoke stored procedure
            var products = _productRepository.EntityFromSql("ProductLoadAllPaged",

            //get filterable specification attribute option identifier
            var filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIdsStr =
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value != DBNull.Value
                    ? (string)pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value
                    : string.Empty;

            if (loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds &&
                filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIdsStr
                                                            .Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                                            .Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Trim()))
            //return products
            var totalRecords = pTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt32(pTotalRecords.Value) : 0;

            return(new PagedList <Product>(products, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords));
 /// <summary>
 /// Search products
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
 /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
 /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
 /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
 /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
 /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions</param>
 /// <param name="searchProductTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags</param>
 /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
 /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
 /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
 /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
 /// <returns>Products</returns>
 public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(
     int pageIndex = 0,
     int pageSize = 2147483647, //Int32.MaxValue
     IList<int> categoryIds = null,
     int manufacturerId = 0,
     int storeId = 0,
     int vendorId = 0,
     bool? featuredProducts = null,
     decimal? priceMin = null,
     decimal? priceMax = null,
     int productTagId = 0,
     string keywords = null,
     bool searchDescriptions = false,
     bool searchProductTags = false,
     int languageId = 0,
     IList<int> filteredSpecs = null,
     ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
     bool showHidden = false)
     IList<int> filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = null;
     return SearchProducts(out filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds, false,
         pageIndex, pageSize, categoryIds, manufacturerId, storeId, vendorId, featuredProducts,
         priceMin, priceMax, productTagId, keywords, searchDescriptions,
         searchProductTags, languageId, filteredSpecs, orderBy, showHidden);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sorts the elements of a sequence in order according to a product sorting rule
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="productsQuery">A sequence of products to order</param>
 /// <param name="orderBy">Product sorting rule</param>
 /// <returns>An System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable`1 whose elements are sorted according to a rule.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// If <paramref name="orderBy"/> is set to <c>Position</c> and passed <paramref name="productsQuery"/> is
 /// ordered sorting rule will be skipped
 /// </remarks>
 public static IQueryable <Product> OrderBy(this IQueryable <Product> productsQuery, ProductSortingEnum orderBy)
     return(orderBy switch
         ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc => productsQuery.OrderBy(p => p.Name),
         ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc => productsQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name),
         ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc => productsQuery.OrderBy(p => p.Price),
         ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc => productsQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.Price),
         ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn => productsQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc),
         ProductSortingEnum.Position when productsQuery is IOrderedQueryable => productsQuery,
         _ => productsQuery.OrderBy(p => p.DisplayOrder).ThenBy(p => p.Id)
 /// <summary>
 /// Search products
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
 /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
 /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
 /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="warehouseId">Warehouse identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="productType">Product type; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="visibleIndividuallyOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "visible individually"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "visible individually" only</param>
 /// <param name="markedAsNewOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "new"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "marked as new" only</param>
 /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
 /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
 /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
 /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions</param>
 /// <param name="searchManufacturerPartNumber">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in manufacturer part number</param>
 /// <param name="searchSku">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product SKU</param>
 /// <param name="searchProductTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags</param>
 /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
 /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
 /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
 /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
 /// <param name="overridePublished">
 /// null - process "Published" property according to "showHidden" parameter
 /// true - load only "Published" products
 /// false - load only "Unpublished" products
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>Products</returns>
 public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(
     int pageIndex = 0,
     int pageSize = int.MaxValue,
     IList<int> categoryIds = null,
     int manufacturerId = 0,
     int storeId = 0,
     int vendorId = 0,
     int warehouseId = 0,
     ProductType? productType = null,
     bool visibleIndividuallyOnly = false,
     bool markedAsNewOnly = false,
     bool? featuredProducts = null,
     decimal? priceMin = null,
     decimal? priceMax = null,
     int productTagId = 0,
     string keywords = null,
     bool searchDescriptions = false,
     bool searchManufacturerPartNumber = true,
     bool searchSku = true,
     bool searchProductTags = false,
     int languageId = 0,
     IList<int> filteredSpecs = null,
     ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
     bool showHidden = false,
     bool? overridePublished = null)
     IList<int> filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds;
     return SearchProducts(out filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds, false,
         pageIndex, pageSize, categoryIds, manufacturerId,
         storeId, vendorId, warehouseId,
         productType, visibleIndividuallyOnly, markedAsNewOnly, featuredProducts,
         priceMin, priceMax, productTagId, keywords, searchDescriptions, searchManufacturerPartNumber, searchSku,
         searchProductTags, languageId, filteredSpecs,
         orderBy, showHidden, overridePublished);
        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">The specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="RoleType">会员类型</param>
        /// <param name="isAgreeActive">是否同意参与活动</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <returns>Products</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList <Product> SearchProducts(
            out IList <int> filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
            bool loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
            int pageIndex               = 0,
            int pageSize                = int.MaxValue,
            IList <int> categoryIds     = null,
            IList <int> manufacturerIds = null,
            int carId                  = 0,
            int RoleId                 = 0,
            bool album                 = false,
            bool isAgreeActive         = false,
            bool?featuredProducts      = null,
            decimal?priceMin           = null,
            decimal?priceMax           = null,
            string keywords            = null,
            IList <int> filteredSpecs  = null,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
            DbGeography location       = null,
            bool showHidden            = false)
            filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = new List <int>();

            //validate "categoryIds" parameter
            if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Contains(0))

            //stored procedures aren't supported. Use LINQ

            #region Search products

            var query = _ProductRepository.Table;
            query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);

            if (!showHidden)
                query = query.Where(p => p.Published);

            if (isAgreeActive)
                query = query.Where(p => p.isAgreeActive);

            if (album)
                query = query.Where(p => p.IsVipAlbum);

            //The function 'CurrentUtcDateTime' is not supported by SQL Server Compact.

            if (priceMin.HasValue)
                bool searchVipPrice = RoleId >= (int)RoleType.Member;
                //min price
                query = query.Where(p =>
                                    //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                    //((p.SpecialPrice.HasValue &&
                                    //  ((!p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue ||
                                    //    p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) &&
                                    //   (!p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue ||
                                    //    p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) &&
                                    // (p.SpecialPrice >= priceMin.Value))
                                    //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                    (p.Price >= priceMin.Value) || (searchVipPrice && p.VipPrice >= priceMin.Value));

            if (priceMax.HasValue)
                bool searchVipPrice = RoleId >= (int)RoleType.Member;
                //max price
                query = query.Where(p =>
                                    //special price (specified price and valid date range)

                                    //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                    (p.Price <= priceMax.Value) || (searchVipPrice && p.VipPrice <= priceMax));

            //searching by keyword
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))
                query = query.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(keywords));

            //category filtering
            if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Any())
                query = query.Where(p => categoryIds.Contains(p.CategoryId));
            if (isAgreeActive)
                query = query.Where(p => p.isAgreeActive);

            if (manufacturerIds != null && manufacturerIds.Any())
                query = query.Where(p => manufacturerIds.Contains(p.ManufacturerId));

            if (carId > 0)
                query = from p in query
                        from pm in p.ProductCarCate.Where(pc => pc.CarCateId == carId || p.IsMatchAllCar)
                        select p;

            if (loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds)
                var querySpecs = from p in query
                                 join psa in _ProductSpecificationAttributeRepository.Table on p.Id equals psa.ProductId
                                 select psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId;
                //only distinct attributes
                filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = querySpecs.Distinct().ToList();

            //search by specs
            if (filteredSpecs != null && filteredSpecs.Any())
                var filteredAttributes = _SpecificationAttributeOptionRepository.Table
                                         .Where(sao => filteredSpecs.Contains(sao.Id)).Select(sao => sao.SpecificationAttributeId).Distinct();

                query = query.Where(p => !filteredAttributes.Except
                                            sao => p.ProductSpecificationAttributes.Where(
                                                psa => filteredSpecs.Contains(psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId))
                                            .Select(psa => psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId).Contains(sao.Id))
                                        .Select(sao => sao.SpecificationAttributeId).Distinct()

            //only distinct products (group by ID)
            //if we use standard Distinct() method, then all fields will be compared (low performance)
            //it'll not work in SQL Server Compact when searching products by a keyword)
            query = from p in query
                    group p by p.Id
                    into pGroup
                    orderby pGroup.Key
                    select pGroup.FirstOrDefault();

            if (location != null)
                var tempQuery = from p in query
                                join d in (from t in
                                           (from s in _StorageRepository.Table
                                            join psq in _ProductStorageQuantityRepository.Table on s.Id equals psq.StorageId
                                            select new { s, psq })
                                           group t by t.psq.ProductId into g
                                           select new
                    ProductId = g.Key,
                    distance = g.Min(z => z.s.Location.Distance(location))
                }) on p.Id equals d.ProductId
                                select new

                var count  = tempQuery.Count();
                var source = tempQuery.OrderBy(x => x.distance)

                             .Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();

                var products = source.Select(x => x.p).ToList();;
                foreach (var sr in source)
                    var product = products.First(x => x.Id == sr.p.Id);
                    product.Distance = sr.distance;

                var result = new PagedList <Product>(products, pageIndex, pageSize, count);

                //sort products
                if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Any())
                    //category position
                    var firstCategoryId = categoryIds[0];
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Category.DisplayOrder);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && manufacturerIds != null && manufacturerIds.Any())
                    //manufacturer position
                    var firstCategoryId = manufacturerIds[0];
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Manufacturer.DisplayOrder);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                    //otherwise sort by name
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc)
                    //Name: A to Z
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)
                    //Name: Z to A
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc)
                    //Price: Low to High
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc)
                    //Price: High to Low
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                    //creation date
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreateTime);
                    //actually this code is not reachable
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

                var products = new PagedList <Product>(query, pageIndex, pageSize);

                //return products

        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productType">Product type; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="visibleIndividuallyOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "visible individually"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "visible individually" only</param>
        /// <param name="markedAsNewOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "new"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "marked as new" only</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="searchProductTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <param name="overridePublished">
        /// null - process "Published" property according to "showHidden" parameter
        /// true - load only "Published" products
        /// false - load only "Unpublished" products
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Products</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList <Product> SearchProducts(
            int pageIndex                = 0,
            int pageSize                 = int.MaxValue,
            IList <int> categoryIds      = null,
            int storeId                  = 0,
            int vendorId                 = 0,
            ProductType?productType      = null,
            bool visibleIndividuallyOnly = false,
            bool markedAsNewOnly         = false,
            bool?featuredProducts        = null,
            int productTagId             = 0,
            string keywords              = null,
            bool searchDescriptions      = false,
            bool searchProductTags       = false,
            int languageId               = 0,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy   = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
            bool showHidden              = false,
            bool?overridePublished       = null)
            //search by keyword
            var searchLocalizedValue = false;

            if (languageId > 0)
                if (showHidden)
                    searchLocalizedValue = true;
                    //ensure that we have at least two published languages
                    var totalPublishedLanguages = _languageService.GetAllLanguages().Count;
                    searchLocalizedValue = totalPublishedLanguages >= 2;

            //validate "categoryIds" parameter
            if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Contains(0))

            //Access control list. Allowed customer roles
            var allowedCustomerRolesIds = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetCustomerRoleIds();

            //pass category identifiers as comma-delimited string
            var commaSeparatedCategoryIds = categoryIds == null ? string.Empty : string.Join(",", categoryIds);

            //pass customer role identifiers as comma-delimited string
            var commaSeparatedAllowedCustomerRoleIds = string.Join(",", allowedCustomerRolesIds);

            //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
            if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

            //prepare input parameters
            var pCategoryIds             = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("CategoryIds", commaSeparatedCategoryIds);
            var pStoreId                 = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("StoreId", !_catalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations ? storeId : 0);
            var pVendorId                = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("VendorId", vendorId);
            var pProductTypeId           = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("ProductTypeId", (int?)productType);
            var pVisibleIndividuallyOnly = _dataProvider.GetBooleanParameter("VisibleIndividuallyOnly", visibleIndividuallyOnly);
            var pMarkedAsNewOnly         = _dataProvider.GetBooleanParameter("MarkedAsNewOnly", markedAsNewOnly);
            var pProductTagId            = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("ProductTagId", productTagId);
            var pFeaturedProducts        = _dataProvider.GetBooleanParameter("FeaturedProducts", featuredProducts);
            var pKeywords                = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("Keywords", keywords);
            var pSearchDescriptions      = _dataProvider.GetBooleanParameter("SearchDescriptions", searchDescriptions);
            var pSearchProductTags       = _dataProvider.GetBooleanParameter("SearchProductTags", searchProductTags);
            var pUseFullTextSearch       = _dataProvider.GetBooleanParameter("UseFullTextSearch", _commonSettings.UseFullTextSearch);
            var pFullTextMode            = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("FullTextMode", (int)_commonSettings.FullTextMode);
            var pLanguageId              = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("LanguageId", searchLocalizedValue ? languageId : 0);
            var pOrderBy                 = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("OrderBy", (int)orderBy);
            var pAllowedCustomerRoleIds  = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("AllowedCustomerRoleIds", !_catalogSettings.IgnoreAcl ? commaSeparatedAllowedCustomerRoleIds : string.Empty);
            var pPageIndex               = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("PageIndex", pageIndex);
            var pPageSize                = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("PageSize", pageSize);
            var pShowHidden              = _dataProvider.GetBooleanParameter("ShowHidden", showHidden);
            var pOverridePublished       = _dataProvider.GetBooleanParameter("OverridePublished", overridePublished);

            //prepare output parameters
            var pTotalRecords = _dataProvider.GetOutputInt32Parameter("TotalRecords");

            //invoke stored procedure
            var products = _dbContext.EntityFromSql <Product>("ProductLoadAllPaged",

            //return products
            var totalRecords = pTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt32(pTotalRecords.Value) : 0;

            return(new PagedList <Product>(products, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords));
        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryId">Category identifier; 0 to load all recordss</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search in descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <returns>Product collection</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(int categoryId, int manufacturerId, bool? featuredProducts,
            decimal? priceMin, decimal? priceMax, int productTagId,
            string keywords, bool searchDescriptions, int languageId,
            IList<int> filteredSpecs, ProductSortingEnum orderBy,
            int pageIndex, int pageSize, bool showHidden = false)
            bool searchLocalizedValue = false;
            if (languageId > 0)
                if (showHidden)
                    searchLocalizedValue = true;
                    //ensure that we have at least two published languages
                    var totalPublishedLanguages = _languageService.GetAllLanguages(false).Count;
                    searchLocalizedValue = totalPublishedLanguages >= 2;

            if (_commonSettings.UseStoredProceduresIfSupported && _dataProvider.StoredProceduredSupported)
                //stored procedures are enabled and supported by the database.
                //It's much faster than the LINQ implementation below

                //TODO We should not reference SqlParameter here. DAL should do it.
                var pTotalRecords = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "TotalRecords", Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int };

                string commaSeparatedSpecIds = "";
                if (filteredSpecs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < filteredSpecs.Count; i++)
                        commaSeparatedSpecIds += filteredSpecs[i].ToString();
                        if (i != filteredSpecs.Count - 1)
                            commaSeparatedSpecIds += ",";

                //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
                if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                    pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

                var products = _dbContext.ExecuteStoredProcedureList<Product>(
                    //"EXEC [ProductLoadAllPaged] @CategoryId, @ManufacturerId, @ProductTagId, @FeaturedProducts, @PriceMin, @PriceMax, @Keywords, @SearchDescriptions, @FilteredSpecs, @LanguageId, @OrderBy, @PageIndex, @PageSize, @ShowHidden, @TotalRecords",
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "CategoryId", Value = categoryId, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "ManufacturerId", Value = manufacturerId, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "ProductTagId", Value = productTagId, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "FeaturedProducts", Value = featuredProducts.HasValue ? (object)featuredProducts.Value : DBNull.Value, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "PriceMin", Value = priceMin.HasValue ? (object)priceMin.Value : DBNull.Value, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Decimal },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "PriceMax", Value = priceMax.HasValue ? (object)priceMax.Value : DBNull.Value, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Decimal },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "Keywords", Value = keywords != null ? (object)keywords : DBNull.Value, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "SearchDescriptions", Value = searchDescriptions, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "FilteredSpecs", Value = commaSeparatedSpecIds != null ? (object)commaSeparatedSpecIds : DBNull.Value, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "LanguageId", Value = searchLocalizedValue ? languageId : 0, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "OrderBy", Value = (int)orderBy, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "PageIndex", Value = pageIndex, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "PageSize", Value = pageSize, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "ShowHidden", Value = showHidden, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit },
                int totalRecords = (pTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToInt32(pTotalRecords.Value) : 0;
                return new PagedList<Product>(products, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords);
                //stored procedures aren't supported. Use LINQ

                #region Search products

                var query = _productRepository.Table;
                query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);
                if (!showHidden)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.Published);

                //searching by keyword
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))
                    query = from p in query
                            join lp in _localizedPropertyRepository.Table on p.Id equals lp.EntityId into p_lp
                            from lp in p_lp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from pv in p.ProductVariants.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where (p.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.ShortDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.FullDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (pv.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && pv.Description.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  //localized values
                                  (searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "Name" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "ShortDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "FullDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords))
                            select p;

                //product variants
                //The function 'CurrentUtcDateTime' is not supported by SQL Server Compact.
                //That's why we pass the date value
                var nowUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                query = from p in query
                        from pv in p.ProductVariants.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            (showHidden || !pv.Deleted) &&
                            (showHidden || pv.Published) &&
                            //price min
                                //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                ((pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue && ((!pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) && (!pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) && (pv.SpecialPrice >= priceMin.Value))
                                //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                ((!pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue || ((pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) || (pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) && (pv.Price >= priceMin.Value))
                            ) &&
                            //price max
                                //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                ((pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue && ((!pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) && (!pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) && (pv.SpecialPrice <= priceMax.Value))
                                //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                ((!pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue || ((pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) || (pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) && (pv.Price <= priceMax.Value))
                            ) &&
                            //available dates
                            (showHidden || (!pv.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc)) &&
                            (showHidden || (!pv.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))
                        select p;

                //search by specs
                if (filteredSpecs != null && filteredSpecs.Count > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            where !filteredSpecs
                                           p.ProductSpecificationAttributes.Where(psa => psa.AllowFiltering).Select(
                                               psa => psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId))
                            select p;

                //category filtering
                if (categoryId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pc in p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => pc.CategoryId == categoryId)
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pc.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //manufacturer filtering
                if (manufacturerId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pm in p.ProductManufacturers.Where(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId)
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pm.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //related products filtering
                //if (relatedToProductId > 0)
                //    query = from p in query
                //            join rp in _relatedProductRepository.Table on p.Id equals rp.ProductId2
                //            where (relatedToProductId == rp.ProductId1)
                //            select p;

                //tag filtering
                if (productTagId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pt in p.ProductTags.Where(pt => pt.Id == productTagId)
                            select p;

                //only distinct products (group by ID)
                //if we use standard Distinct() method, then all fields will be compared (low performance)
                //it'll not work in SQL Server Compact when searching products by a keyword)
                query = from p in query
                        group p by p.Id
                        into pGroup
                        orderby pGroup.Key
                        select pGroup.FirstOrDefault();

                //sort products
                if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && categoryId > 0)
                    //category position
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => pc.CategoryId == categoryId).FirstOrDefault().DisplayOrder);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && manufacturerId > 0)
                    //manufacturer position
                    query =
                        query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductManufacturers.Where(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).FirstOrDefault().DisplayOrder);
                //else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && relatedToProductId > 0)
                //    //sort by related product display order
                //    query = from p in query
                //            join rp in _relatedProductRepository.Table on p.Id equals rp.ProductId2
                //            where (relatedToProductId == rp.ProductId1)
                //            orderby rp.DisplayOrder
                //            select p;
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Name)
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Price)
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductVariants.FirstOrDefault().Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc);
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

                var products = new PagedList<Product>(query, pageIndex, pageSize);
                return products;

        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">The specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">A value indicating whether we should load the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="warehouseId">Warehouse identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productType">Product type; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="visibleIndividuallyOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "visible individually"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "visible individually" only</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="searchSku">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product SKU</param>
        /// <param name="searchProductTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <param name="overridePublished">
        /// null - process "Published" property according to "showHidden" parameter
        /// true - load only "Published" products
        /// false - load only "Unpublished" products
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Products</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(
            out IList<string> filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
            bool loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = false,
            int pageIndex = 0,
            int pageSize = 2147483647,  //Int32.MaxValue
            IList<int> categoryIds = null,
            int manufacturerId = 0,
            int storeId = 0,
            int vendorId = 0,
            int warehouseId = 0,
            ProductType? productType = null,
            bool visibleIndividuallyOnly = false,
            bool markedAsNewOnly = false,
            bool? featuredProducts = null,
            decimal? priceMin = null,
            decimal? priceMax = null,
            int productTagId = 0,
            string keywords = null,
            bool searchDescriptions = false,
            bool searchSku = true,
            bool searchProductTags = false,
            int languageId = 0,
            IList<string> filteredSpecs = null,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
            bool showHidden = false,
            bool? overridePublished = null)
            filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = new List<string>();
            featuredProducts = featuredProducts.HasValue ? featuredProducts : false;
            //search by keyword
            bool searchLocalizedValue = false;
            if (languageId > 0)
                if (showHidden)
                    searchLocalizedValue = true;
                    //ensure that we have at least two published languages
                    var totalPublishedLanguages = _languageService.GetAllLanguages().Count;
                    searchLocalizedValue = totalPublishedLanguages >= 2;

            //validate "categoryIds" parameter
            if (categoryIds !=null && categoryIds.Contains(0))

            //Access control list. Allowed customer roles
            var allowedCustomerRolesIds = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetCustomerRoleIds();
            //stored procedures aren't supported. Use LINQ

            #region Search products

            var builder = Builders<Product>.Filter;
            var filter = FilterDefinition<Product>.Empty;

            //category filtering
            if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Count > 0)

                if (featuredProducts.Value)
                    int categoryId = categoryIds[0];
                    filter = filter & builder.Where(x => x.ProductCategories.Any(y => y.CategoryId == categoryId && y.IsFeaturedProduct));
                    filter = filter & builder.Where(x => x.ProductCategories.Any(y => categoryIds.Contains(y.CategoryId)));
            //manufacturer filtering
            if (manufacturerId > 0)
                if (featuredProducts.Value)
                    filter = filter & builder.Where(x => x.ProductManufacturers.Any(y => y.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId && y.IsFeaturedProduct));
                    filter = filter & builder.Where(x => x.ProductManufacturers.Any(y => y.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId));


            if (!overridePublished.HasValue)
                //process according to "showHidden"
                if (!showHidden)
                    filter = filter & builder.Where(p => p.Published);
            else if (overridePublished.Value)
                //published only
                filter = filter & builder.Where(p => p.Published);
            else if (!overridePublished.Value)
                //unpublished only
                filter = filter & builder.Where(p => !p.Published);
            if (visibleIndividuallyOnly)
                filter = filter & builder.Where(p => p.VisibleIndividually);
            if (productType.HasValue)
                var productTypeId = (int)productType.Value;
                filter = filter & builder.Where(p => p.ProductTypeId == productTypeId);

            //The function 'CurrentUtcDateTime' is not supported by SQL Server Compact. 
            //That's why we pass the date value
            var nowUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            if (priceMin.HasValue)

                filter = filter & builder.Where(p =>
                    //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                    ((p.SpecialPrice != null &&
                      ((p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc == null ||
                        p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc < nowUtc) &&
                       (p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc == null ||
                        p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc > nowUtc))) &&
                     (p.SpecialPrice >= priceMin.Value))
                    //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                    ((p.SpecialPrice == null ||
                      ((p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc != null &&
                        p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc > nowUtc) ||
                       (p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc != null &&
                        p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc < nowUtc))) &&
                     (p.Price >= priceMin.Value)));
            if (priceMax.HasValue)

                    //max price
                    filter = filter & builder.Where(p =>
                                    //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                    ((p.SpecialPrice != null &&
                                      ((p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc == null ||
                                        p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc < nowUtc) &&
                                       (p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc == null ||
                                        p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc > nowUtc))) &&
                                     (p.SpecialPrice <= priceMax.Value))
                                    //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                    ((p.SpecialPrice == null ||
                                      ((p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc != null &&
                                        p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc > nowUtc) ||
                                       (p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc != null &&
                                        p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc < nowUtc))) &&
                                     (p.Price <= priceMax.Value)));
            if (!showHidden && !_catalogSettings.IgnoreFilterableAvailableStartEndDateTime)
                filter = filter & builder.Where(p =>
                    (p.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc == null || p.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc < nowUtc) &&
                    (p.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc == null || p.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc > nowUtc));


            if (markedAsNewOnly)
                filter = filter & builder.Where(p => p.MarkAsNew);
                filter = filter & builder.Where(p =>
                    (!p.MarkAsNewStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || p.MarkAsNewStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) &&
                    (!p.MarkAsNewEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || p.MarkAsNewEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc));

            //searching by keyword
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))
                    keywords = "\"" + keywords + "\"";
                    keywords = keywords.Replace("+", "\" \"");
                    keywords = keywords.Replace(" ", "\" \"");
                    filter = filter & builder.Text(keywords);
                    if (!searchDescriptions)
                        filter = filter & builder.Where(p =>
                            p.Locales.Any(x => x.LocaleKey == "Name" && x.LocaleValue != null && x.LocaleValue.ToLower().Contains(keywords.ToLower()))
                        filter = filter & builder.Where(p =>
                                (p.Name != null && p.Name.ToLower().Contains(keywords.ToLower()))
                                (p.ShortDescription != null && p.ShortDescription.ToLower().Contains(keywords.ToLower()))
                                (p.FullDescription != null && p.FullDescription.ToLower().Contains(keywords.ToLower()))
                                (p.Locales.Any(x => x.LocaleValue != null && x.LocaleValue.ToLower().Contains(keywords.ToLower()))));

            if (!showHidden && !_catalogSettings.IgnoreAcl)
                filter = filter & (builder.AnyIn(x => x.CustomerRoles, allowedCustomerRolesIds) | builder.Where(x => !x.SubjectToAcl));

            if (storeId > 0 && !_catalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations)
                filter = filter & builder.Where(x => x.Stores.Contains(storeId) || !x.LimitedToStores);


            //search by specs
            if (filteredSpecs != null && filteredSpecs.Count > 0)
                    foreach(var spec in filteredSpecs)
                        int _specId = Convert.ToInt32(spec.Split(':').FirstOrDefault().ToString());
                        int _specOptionId = Convert.ToInt32(spec.Split(':').Last().ToString());

                        filter = filter & builder.Where(x => x.ProductSpecificationAttributes.Any(y=>y.Id == _specId && y.SpecificationAttributeOptionId == _specOptionId));

            //vendor filtering
            if (vendorId > 0)
                //query = query.Where(p => p.VendorId == vendorId);
                filter = filter & builder.Where(x => x.VendorId == vendorId);

            //warehouse filtering
            if (warehouseId > 0)
                var manageStockInventoryMethodId = (int)ManageInventoryMethod.ManageStock;
                  filter = filter & (builder.Where(x => x.ManageInventoryMethodId == manageStockInventoryMethodId && x.UseMultipleWarehouses && x.ProductWarehouseInventory.Any(y=>y.WarehouseId == warehouseId)) |
                    builder.Where(x => x.ManageInventoryMethodId != manageStockInventoryMethodId && !x.UseMultipleWarehouses && x.WarehouseId == warehouseId));

            //tag filtering
            if (productTagId > 0)
                filter = filter & builder.Where(x => x.ProductTags.Any(y => y.Id == productTagId));

            var builderSort = Builders<Product>.Sort.Descending(x=>x.CreatedOnUtc);

            if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Count > 0)
                //category position
                builderSort = Builders<Product>.Sort.Ascending(x => x.DisplayOrderCategory);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && manufacturerId > 0)
                //manufacturer position
                builderSort = Builders<Product>.Sort.Ascending(x => x.DisplayOrderManufacturer);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                //otherwise sort by name
                builderSort = Builders<Product>.Sort.Ascending(x => x.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc)
                //Name: A to Z
                builderSort = Builders<Product>.Sort.Ascending(x => x.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)
                //Name: Z to A
                builderSort = Builders<Product>.Sort.Descending(x => x.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc)
                //Price: Low to High
                builderSort = Builders<Product>.Sort.Ascending(x => x.Price);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc)
                //Price: High to Low
                builderSort = Builders<Product>.Sort.Descending(x => x.Price);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                //creation date
                builderSort = Builders<Product>.Sort.Ascending(x => x.CreatedOnUtc);
                //actually this code is not reachable
                builderSort = Builders<Product>.Sort.Ascending(x => x.Id);

           var products = new PagedList<Product>();
           Task taskProduct = Task.Run(() =>
               products = new PagedList<Product>(_productRepository.Collection, filter, builderSort, pageIndex, pageSize);


            if (loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds && !_catalogSettings.IgnoreFilterableSpecAttributeOption)
                IList<string> specyfication = new List<string>();
                Task t = Task.Run(() =>
                    var filterSpec = filter &
                        builder.Where(x => x.ProductSpecificationAttributes.Count > 0);
                    //builder.Where(x => x.ProductSpecificationAttributes.Any(y => y.AllowFiltering));
                    var taskCount = _productRepository.Collection.CountAsync(filterSpec);
                    if ((int)taskCount.Result > 0)
                        var qspec = _productRepository.Collection
                        .Unwind(x => x.ProductSpecificationAttributes)
                        .Project(new BsonDocument
                         {"AllowFiltering", "$ProductSpecificationAttributes.AllowFiltering"},
                         {"SpecificationAttributeId", "$ProductSpecificationAttributes.SpecificationAttributeId"},
                         {"SpecificationAttributeOptionId", "$ProductSpecificationAttributes.SpecificationAttributeOptionId"}
                        .Match(new BsonDocument("AllowFiltering", true))
                        .Group(new BsonDocument
                                                new BsonDocument {
                                                    { "SpecificationAttributeId", "$SpecificationAttributeId" },
                                                    { "SpecificationAttributeOptionId", "$SpecificationAttributeOptionId" },
                                            {"count", new BsonDocument
                                                    { "$sum" , 1}
                        foreach (var item in qspec)
                            var so = item["_id"]["SpecificationAttributeId"].ToString() + ":" +

                filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = specyfication;


            //return products
            return products;

    public Task <ProductDTO[]> CategoryProductsSortedFiltered(int CatId, bool Sorted, bool Filtered, ProductSortingEnum Sorting, decimal Max, decimal Min)
        var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <ProductDTO[]>();

        client.CategoryProductsSortedFilteredCompleted += (sender, result) => tcs.TrySetResult(result.Result.ToArray());
        client.CategoryProductsSortedFilteredAsync(CatId, Sorted, Filtered, Sorting, Max, Min);
        public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(
            int pageIndex = 0,
            int pageSize = int.MaxValue,
            IList<int> categoryIds = null,
            bool? featuredProducts = null,
            decimal? priceMin = null,
            decimal? priceMax = null,
            string keywords = null,
            bool searchDescriptions = false,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position)
            var query = _productRepository.Table;
            query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);

            // price term
            var nowUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            if (priceMin.HasValue)
                //min price
                query = query.Where(p => p.Price >= priceMin.Value );
            if (priceMax.HasValue)
                //max price
                query = query.Where(p => p.Price <= priceMax.Value);

            //searching by keyword
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))
                query = from p in query
                        where (p.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                              (searchDescriptions && p.ShortDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                              (searchDescriptions && p.Description.Contains(keywords))
                        select p;
            //category filtering
            if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Count > 0)
                query = from p in query
                        from pc in p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => categoryIds.Contains(pc.CategoryId))
                        where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pc.IsFeaturedProduct)
                        select p;
            //sort products
            if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Count > 0)
                //category position
                var firstCategoryId = categoryIds[0];
                query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductCategories.FirstOrDefault(pc => pc.CategoryId == firstCategoryId).ShowOrder);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                //otherwise sort by name
                query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc)
                //Name: A to Z
                query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)
                //Name: Z to A
                query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc)
                //Price: Low to High
                query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Price);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc)
                //Price: High to Low
                query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Price);
            else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                //creation date
                query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc);
                //actually this code is not reachable
                query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

            var products = new PagedList<Product>(query, pageIndex, pageSize);
            return products;
 public List <Product> GetAllProducts(int categoryId, int BrandId, int productTagId, bool?featuredProducts, decimal?priceMin, decimal?priceMax, int relatedToProductId, string keywords, bool searchDescriptions, int pageSize, int pageIndex, List <int> filteredSpecs, int languageId, ProductSortingEnum orderBy, out int totalRecords)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search in descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">A value indicating whether we should load the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">The specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <returns>Product collection</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(IList<int> categoryIds, 
            int manufacturerId, bool? featuredProducts,
            decimal? priceMin, decimal? priceMax, int productTagId,
            string keywords, bool searchDescriptions, int languageId,
            IList<int> filteredSpecs, ProductSortingEnum orderBy,
            int pageIndex, int pageSize,
            bool loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds, out IList<int> filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
            bool showHidden = false)
            filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = new List<int>();
            bool searchLocalizedValue = false;
            if (languageId > 0)
                if (showHidden)
                    searchLocalizedValue = true;
                    //ensure that we have at least two published languages
                    var totalPublishedLanguages = _languageService.GetAllLanguages(false).Count;
                    searchLocalizedValue = totalPublishedLanguages >= 2;

            if (_commonSettings.UseStoredProceduresIfSupported && _dataProvider.StoredProceduredSupported)
                //stored procedures are enabled and supported by the database.
                //It's much faster than the LINQ implementation below

                #region Use stored procedure

                //pass categry identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedCategoryIds = "";
                if (categoryIds != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < categoryIds.Count; i++)
                        commaSeparatedCategoryIds += categoryIds[i].ToString();
                        if (i != categoryIds.Count - 1)
                            commaSeparatedCategoryIds += ",";

                //pass specification identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedSpecIds = "";
                if (filteredSpecs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < filteredSpecs.Count; i++)
                        commaSeparatedSpecIds += filteredSpecs[i].ToString();
                        if (i != filteredSpecs.Count - 1)
                            commaSeparatedSpecIds += ",";

                //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
                if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                    pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

                //prepare parameters
                var pCategoryIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pCategoryIds.ParameterName = "CategoryIds";
                pCategoryIds.Value = commaSeparatedCategoryIds != null ? (object)commaSeparatedCategoryIds : DBNull.Value;
                pCategoryIds.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pManufacturerId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pManufacturerId.ParameterName = "ManufacturerId";
                pManufacturerId.Value = manufacturerId;
                pManufacturerId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pProductTagId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pProductTagId.ParameterName = "ProductTagId";
                pProductTagId.Value = productTagId;
                pProductTagId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pFeaturedProducts = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFeaturedProducts.ParameterName = "FeaturedProducts";
                pFeaturedProducts.Value = featuredProducts.HasValue ? (object)featuredProducts.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pFeaturedProducts.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pPriceMin = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPriceMin.ParameterName = "PriceMin";
                pPriceMin.Value = priceMin.HasValue ? (object)priceMin.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pPriceMin.DbType = DbType.Decimal;

                var pPriceMax = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPriceMax.ParameterName = "PriceMax";
                pPriceMax.Value = priceMax.HasValue ? (object)priceMax.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pPriceMax.DbType = DbType.Decimal;

                var pKeywords = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pKeywords.ParameterName = "Keywords";
                pKeywords.Value = keywords != null ? (object)keywords : DBNull.Value;
                pKeywords.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pSearchDescriptions = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchDescriptions.ParameterName = "SearchDescriptions";
                pSearchDescriptions.Value = searchDescriptions;
                pSearchDescriptions.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pFilteredSpecs = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFilteredSpecs.ParameterName = "FilteredSpecs";
                pFilteredSpecs.Value = commaSeparatedSpecIds != null ? (object)commaSeparatedSpecIds : DBNull.Value;
                pFilteredSpecs.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pLanguageId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pLanguageId.ParameterName = "LanguageId";
                pLanguageId.Value = searchLocalizedValue ? languageId : 0;
                pLanguageId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pOrderBy = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pOrderBy.ParameterName = "OrderBy";
                pOrderBy.Value = (int)orderBy;
                pOrderBy.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pPageIndex = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPageIndex.ParameterName = "PageIndex";
                pPageIndex.Value = pageIndex;
                pPageIndex.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pPageSize = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPageSize.ParameterName = "PageSize";
                pPageSize.Value = pageSize;
                pPageSize.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pShowHidden = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pShowHidden.ParameterName = "ShowHidden";
                pShowHidden.Value = showHidden;
                pShowHidden.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.ParameterName = "LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds";
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value = loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds;
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.ParameterName = "FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds";
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Size = 100;
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pTotalRecords = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pTotalRecords.ParameterName = "TotalRecords";
                pTotalRecords.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                pTotalRecords.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                //invoke stored procedure
                var products = _dbContext.ExecuteStoredProcedureList<Product>(
                    //"EXEC [ProductLoadAllPaged] @CategoryId, @ManufacturerId, @ProductTagId, @FeaturedProducts, @PriceMin, @PriceMax, @Keywords, @SearchDescriptions, @FilteredSpecs, @LanguageId, @OrderBy, @PageIndex, @PageSize, @ShowHidden, @TotalRecords",
                //get filterable specification attribute option identifier
                string filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIdsStr = (pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value != DBNull.Value) ? (string)pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value : "";
                if (loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds &&
                     filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIdsStr
                        .Split(new[] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                        .Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Trim()))
                //return products
                int totalRecords = (pTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToInt32(pTotalRecords.Value) : 0;
                return new PagedList<Product>(products, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords);

                //stored procedures aren't supported. Use LINQ

                #region Search products

                var query = _productRepository.Table;
                query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);
                if (!showHidden)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.Published);

                //searching by keyword
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))
                    query = from p in query
                            join lp in _localizedPropertyRepository.Table on p.Id equals lp.EntityId into p_lp
                            from lp in p_lp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from pv in p.ProductVariants.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where (p.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.ShortDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.FullDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (pv.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && pv.Description.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  //localized values
                                  (searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "Name" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "ShortDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "FullDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords))
                            select p;

                //product variants
                //The function 'CurrentUtcDateTime' is not supported by SQL Server Compact.
                //That's why we pass the date value
                var nowUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                query = from p in query
                        from pv in p.ProductVariants.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            (showHidden || !pv.Deleted) &&
                            (showHidden || pv.Published) &&
                            //price min
                                //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                ((pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue && ((!pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) && (!pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) && (pv.SpecialPrice >= priceMin.Value))
                                //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                ((!pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue || ((pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) || (pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) && (pv.Price >= priceMin.Value))
                            ) &&
                            //price max
                                //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                ((pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue && ((!pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) && (!pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) && (pv.SpecialPrice <= priceMax.Value))
                                //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                ((!pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue || ((pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) || (pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) && (pv.Price <= priceMax.Value))
                            ) &&
                            //available dates
                            (showHidden || (!pv.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc)) &&
                            (showHidden || (!pv.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))
                        select p;

                //search by specs
                if (filteredSpecs != null && filteredSpecs.Count > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            where !filteredSpecs
                                           p.ProductSpecificationAttributes.Where(psa => psa.AllowFiltering).Select(
                                               psa => psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId))
                            select p;

                //category filtering
                if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Count > 0)
                    //search in subcategories
                    query = from p in query
                            from pc in p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => categoryIds.Contains(pc.CategoryId))
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pc.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //manufacturer filtering
                if (manufacturerId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pm in p.ProductManufacturers.Where(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId)
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pm.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //related products filtering
                //if (relatedToProductId > 0)
                //    query = from p in query
                //            join rp in _relatedProductRepository.Table on p.Id equals rp.ProductId2
                //            where (relatedToProductId == rp.ProductId1)
                //            select p;

                //tag filtering
                if (productTagId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pt in p.ProductTags.Where(pt => pt.Id == productTagId)
                            select p;

                //only distinct products (group by ID)
                //if we use standard Distinct() method, then all fields will be compared (low performance)
                //it'll not work in SQL Server Compact when searching products by a keyword)
                query = from p in query
                        group p by p.Id
                        into pGroup
                        orderby pGroup.Key
                        select pGroup.FirstOrDefault();

                //sort products
                if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Count > 0)
                    //category position
                    var firstCategoryId = categoryIds[0];
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => pc.CategoryId == firstCategoryId).FirstOrDefault().DisplayOrder);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && manufacturerId > 0)
                    //manufacturer position
                    query =
                        query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductManufacturers.Where(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).FirstOrDefault().DisplayOrder);
                //else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && relatedToProductId > 0)
                //    //sort by related product display order
                //    query = from p in query
                //            join rp in _relatedProductRepository.Table on p.Id equals rp.ProductId2
                //            where (relatedToProductId == rp.ProductId1)
                //            orderby rp.DisplayOrder
                //            select p;
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                    //sort by name (there's no any position if category or manufactur is not specified)
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc)
                    //Name: A to Z
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)
                    //Name: Z to A
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc)
                    //Price: Low to High
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductVariants.FirstOrDefault().Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc)
                    //Price: High to Low
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.ProductVariants.FirstOrDefault().Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                    //creation date
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc);
                    //actually this code is not reachable
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

                var products = new PagedList<Product>(query, pageIndex, pageSize);

                //get filterable specification attribute option identifier
                if (loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds)
                    var querySpecs = from p in query
                                     join psa in _productSpecificationAttributeRepository.Table on p.Id equals psa.ProductId
                                     where psa.AllowFiltering
                                     select psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId;
                    //only distinct attributes
                    filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = querySpecs

                //return products
                return products;

        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productType">Product type; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="markedAsNewOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "new"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "marked as new" only</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="searchSku">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product SKU</param>
        /// <param name="searchProductTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <param name="overridePublished">
        /// null - process "Published" property according to "showHidden" parameter
        /// true - load only "Published" products
        /// false - load only "Unpublished" products
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Products</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList <Product> SearchProducts(
            int pageIndex                = 0,
            int pageSize                 = int.MaxValue,
            IList <int> categoryIds      = null,
            int storeId                  = 0,
            ProductType?productType      = null,
            bool visibleIndividuallyOnly = false,
            bool markedAsNewOnly         = false,
            bool?featuredProducts        = null,
            int productTagId             = 0,
            string keywords              = null,
            bool searchDescriptions      = false,
            bool searchSku               = true,
            bool searchProductTags       = false,
            int languageId               = 0,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy   = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
            bool showHidden              = false,
            bool?overridePublished       = null)
            //search by keyword
            bool searchLocalizedValue = false;

            if (languageId > 0)
                if (showHidden)
                    searchLocalizedValue = true;
                    //ensure that we have at least two published languages
                    var totalPublishedLanguages = _languageService.GetAllLanguages().Count;
                    searchLocalizedValue = totalPublishedLanguages >= 2;

            //validate "categoryIds" parameter
            if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Contains(0))

            //Access control list. Allowed customer roles
            var allowedCustomerRolesIds = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetCustomerRoleIds();

            if (_commonSettings.UseStoredProceduresIfSupported && _dataProvider.StoredProceduredSupported)
                //stored procedures are enabled and supported by the database.
                //It's much faster than the LINQ implementation below

                #region Use stored procedure

                //pass category identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedCategoryIds = categoryIds == null ? "" : string.Join(",", categoryIds);

                //pass customer role identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedAllowedCustomerRoleIds = string.Join(",", allowedCustomerRolesIds);

                //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
                if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                    pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

                //prepare parameters
                var pCategoryIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pCategoryIds.ParameterName = "CategoryIds";
                pCategoryIds.Value         = commaSeparatedCategoryIds;
                pCategoryIds.DbType        = DbType.String;

                var pStoreId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pStoreId.ParameterName = "StoreId";
                pStoreId.Value         = !_catalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations ? storeId : 0;
                pStoreId.DbType        = DbType.Int32;

                var pProductTypeId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pProductTypeId.ParameterName = "ProductTypeId";
                pProductTypeId.Value         = productType.HasValue ? (object)productType.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pProductTypeId.DbType        = DbType.Int32;

                var pMarkedAsNewOnly = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pMarkedAsNewOnly.ParameterName = "MarkedAsNewOnly";
                pMarkedAsNewOnly.Value         = markedAsNewOnly;
                pMarkedAsNewOnly.DbType        = DbType.Int32;

                var pProductTagId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pProductTagId.ParameterName = "ProductTagId";
                pProductTagId.Value         = productTagId;
                pProductTagId.DbType        = DbType.Int32;

                var pFeaturedProducts = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFeaturedProducts.ParameterName = "FeaturedProducts";
                pFeaturedProducts.Value         = featuredProducts.HasValue ? (object)featuredProducts.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pFeaturedProducts.DbType        = DbType.Boolean;

                var pKeywords = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pKeywords.ParameterName = "Keywords";
                pKeywords.Value         = keywords != null ? (object)keywords : DBNull.Value;
                pKeywords.DbType        = DbType.String;

                var pSearchDescriptions = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchDescriptions.ParameterName = "SearchDescriptions";
                pSearchDescriptions.Value         = searchDescriptions;
                pSearchDescriptions.DbType        = DbType.Boolean;

                var pSearchSku = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchSku.ParameterName = "SearchSku";
                pSearchSku.Value         = searchSku;
                pSearchSku.DbType        = DbType.Boolean;

                var pSearchProductTags = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchProductTags.ParameterName = "SearchProductTags";
                pSearchProductTags.Value         = searchProductTags;
                pSearchProductTags.DbType        = DbType.Boolean;

                var pUseFullTextSearch = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pUseFullTextSearch.ParameterName = "UseFullTextSearch";
                pUseFullTextSearch.Value         = _commonSettings.UseFullTextSearch;
                pUseFullTextSearch.DbType        = DbType.Boolean;

                var pFullTextMode = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFullTextMode.ParameterName = "FullTextMode";
                pFullTextMode.Value         = (int)_commonSettings.FullTextMode;
                pFullTextMode.DbType        = DbType.Int32;

                var pLanguageId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pLanguageId.ParameterName = "LanguageId";
                pLanguageId.Value         = searchLocalizedValue ? languageId : 0;
                pLanguageId.DbType        = DbType.Int32;

                var pOrderBy = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pOrderBy.ParameterName = "OrderBy";
                pOrderBy.Value         = (int)orderBy;
                pOrderBy.DbType        = DbType.Int32;

                var pAllowedCustomerRoleIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pAllowedCustomerRoleIds.ParameterName = "AllowedCustomerRoleIds";
                pAllowedCustomerRoleIds.Value         = !_catalogSettings.IgnoreAcl ? commaSeparatedAllowedCustomerRoleIds : "";
                pAllowedCustomerRoleIds.DbType        = DbType.String;

                var pPageIndex = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPageIndex.ParameterName = "PageIndex";
                pPageIndex.Value         = pageIndex;
                pPageIndex.DbType        = DbType.Int32;

                var pPageSize = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPageSize.ParameterName = "PageSize";
                pPageSize.Value         = pageSize;
                pPageSize.DbType        = DbType.Int32;

                var pShowHidden = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pShowHidden.ParameterName = "ShowHidden";
                pShowHidden.Value         = showHidden;
                pShowHidden.DbType        = DbType.Boolean;

                var pOverridePublished = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pOverridePublished.ParameterName = "OverridePublished";
                pOverridePublished.Value         = overridePublished != null ? (object)overridePublished.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pOverridePublished.DbType        = DbType.Boolean;

                var pTotalRecords = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pTotalRecords.ParameterName = "TotalRecords";
                pTotalRecords.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Output;
                pTotalRecords.DbType        = DbType.Int32;

                //invoke stored procedure
                var products = _dbContext.ExecuteStoredProcedureList <Product>(
                //return products
                int totalRecords = (pTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToInt32(pTotalRecords.Value) : 0;
                return(new PagedList <Product>(products, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords));

                //stored procedures aren't supported. Use LINQ

                #region Search products

                var query = _productRepository.Table;
                query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);
                if (!overridePublished.HasValue)
                    //process according to "showHidden"
                    if (!showHidden)
                        query = query.Where(p => p.Published);
                else if (overridePublished.Value)
                    //published only
                    query = query.Where(p => p.Published);
                else if (!overridePublished.Value)
                    //unpublished only
                    query = query.Where(p => !p.Published);
                //The function 'CurrentUtcDateTime' is not supported by SQL Server Compact.
                //That's why we pass the date value
                var nowUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (markedAsNewOnly)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.MarkAsNew);
                    query = query.Where(p =>
                                        (!p.MarkAsNewStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || p.MarkAsNewStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) &&
                                        (!p.MarkAsNewEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || p.MarkAsNewEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc));
                if (productType.HasValue)
                    var productTypeId = (int)productType.Value;
                    query = query.Where(p => p.ProductTypeId == productTypeId);

                //searching by keyword
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))
                    query = from p in query
                            join lp in _localizedPropertyRepository.Table on p.Id equals lp.EntityId into p_lp
                            from lp in p_lp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from pt in p.ProductTags.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where (p.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                            (searchDescriptions && p.ShortDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                            (searchDescriptions && p.FullDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                            //sku (exact match)
                            (searchSku && p.Sku == keywords) ||
                            //product tags (exact match)
                            (searchProductTags && pt.Name == keywords) ||
                            //localized values
                            (searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "Name" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                            (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "ShortDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                            (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "FullDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords))
                            select p;

                if (!showHidden && !_catalogSettings.IgnoreAcl)
                    //ACL (access control list)
                    query = from p in query
                            join acl in _aclRepository.Table
                            on new { c1 = p.Id, c2 = "Product" } equals new { c1 = acl.EntityId, c2 = acl.EntityName } into p_acl
                    from acl in p_acl.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    where !p.SubjectToAcl || allowedCustomerRolesIds.Contains(acl.CustomerRoleId)
                    select p;

                if (storeId > 0 && !_catalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations)
                    //Store mapping
                    query = from p in query
                            join sm in _storeMappingRepository.Table
                            on new { c1 = p.Id, c2 = "Product" } equals new { c1 = sm.EntityId, c2 = sm.EntityName } into p_sm
                    from sm in p_sm.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    where !p.LimitedToStores || storeId == sm.StoreId
                    select p;

                //category filtering
                if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Any())
                    query = from p in query
                            from pc in p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => categoryIds.Contains(pc.CategoryId))
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pc.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;
                //related products filtering
                //if (relatedToProductId > 0)
                //    query = from p in query
                //            join rp in _relatedProductRepository.Table on p.Id equals rp.ProductId2
                //            where (relatedToProductId == rp.ProductId1)
                //            select p;

                //tag filtering
                if (productTagId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pt in p.ProductTags.Where(pt => pt.Id == productTagId)
                            select p;

                //only distinct products (group by ID)
                //if we use standard Distinct() method, then all fields will be compared (low performance)
                //it'll not work in SQL Server Compact when searching products by a keyword)
                query = from p in query
                        group p by p.Id
                        into pGroup
                        orderby pGroup.Key
                        select pGroup.FirstOrDefault();

                //sort products
                if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Any())
                    //category position
                    var firstCategoryId = categoryIds[0];
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductCategories.FirstOrDefault(pc => pc.CategoryId == firstCategoryId).DisplayOrder);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                    //otherwise sort by name
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc)
                    //Name: A to Z
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)
                    //Name: Z to A
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                    //creation date
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc);
                    //actually this code is not reachable
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

                var products = new PagedList <Product>(query, pageIndex, pageSize);

                //return products

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryId">Category identifier; 0 to load all recordss</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all recordss</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all recordss</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price</param>
        /// <param name="relatedToProductId">Filter by related product; 0 to load all recordss</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search in descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="totalRecords">Total records</param>
        /// <returns>Product collection</returns>
        public List<Product> GetAllProducts(int categoryId,
            int manufacturerId, int productTagId, bool? featuredProducts,
            decimal? priceMin, decimal? priceMax,
            int relatedToProductId, string keywords, bool searchDescriptions, int pageSize,
            int pageIndex, List<int> filteredSpecs, int languageId,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy, out int totalRecords)
            if (pageSize <= 0)
                pageSize = 10;
            if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

            if (pageIndex < 0)
                pageIndex = 0;
            if (pageIndex == int.MaxValue)
                pageIndex = int.MaxValue - 1;

            bool showHidden = NopContext.Current.IsAdmin;

            string commaSeparatedSpecIds = string.Empty;
            if (filteredSpecs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < filteredSpecs.Count; i++)
                    commaSeparatedSpecIds += filteredSpecs[i].ToString();
                    if (i != filteredSpecs.Count - 1)
                        commaSeparatedSpecIds += ",";

            ObjectParameter totalRecordsParameter = new ObjectParameter("TotalRecords", typeof(int));
            var products = _context.Sp_ProductLoadAllPaged(categoryId,
               manufacturerId, productTagId, featuredProducts,
               priceMin, priceMax, relatedToProductId,
               keywords, searchDescriptions, showHidden, pageIndex, pageSize, commaSeparatedSpecIds,
               languageId, (int)orderBy, totalRecordsParameter).ToList();
            totalRecords = Convert.ToInt32(totalRecordsParameter.Value);

            return products;
        protected void BindData()
            var manufacturer = this.ManufacturerService.GetManufacturerById(this.ManufacturerId);

            lName.Text        = Server.HtmlEncode(manufacturer.LocalizedName);
            lDescription.Text = manufacturer.LocalizedDescription;

            //featured products
            var featuredProducts = manufacturer.FeaturedProducts;

            if (featuredProducts.Count > 0)
                dlFeaturedProducts.DataSource = featuredProducts;
                pnlFeaturedProducts.Visible = false;

            //price ranges
            this.ctrlPriceRangeFilter.PriceRanges = manufacturer.PriceRanges;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctrlPriceRangeFilter.PriceRanges))
                this.pnlFilters.Visible = false;

            //page size
            int totalRecords = 0;
            int pageSize     = 10;

            if (manufacturer.PageSize > 0)
                pageSize = manufacturer.PageSize;

            //price ranges
            decimal?minPrice          = null;
            decimal?maxPrice          = null;
            decimal?minPriceConverted = null;
            decimal?maxPriceConverted = null;

            if (ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange != null)
                minPrice = ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange.From;
                if (minPrice.HasValue)
                    minPriceConverted = this.CurrencyService.ConvertCurrency(minPrice.Value, NopContext.Current.WorkingCurrency, this.CurrencyService.PrimaryStoreCurrency);

                maxPrice = ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange.To;
                if (maxPrice.HasValue)
                    maxPriceConverted = this.CurrencyService.ConvertCurrency(maxPrice.Value, NopContext.Current.WorkingCurrency, this.CurrencyService.PrimaryStoreCurrency);

            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position;

            if (this.SettingManager.GetSettingValueBoolean("Common.AllowProductSorting"))
                CommonHelper.SelectListItem(this.ddlSorting, CommonHelper.QueryStringInt("orderby"));
                orderBy = (ProductSortingEnum)Enum.ToObject(typeof(ProductSortingEnum), int.Parse(ddlSorting.SelectedItem.Value));

            var productCollection = this.ProductService.GetAllProducts(0,
                                                                       this.ManufacturerId, 0, false, minPriceConverted, maxPriceConverted,
                                                                       string.Empty, false, pageSize, this.CurrentPageIndex,
                                                                       null, orderBy, out totalRecords);

            if (productCollection.Count > 0)
                this.productsPager.PageSize     = pageSize;
                this.productsPager.TotalRecords = totalRecords;
                this.productsPager.PageIndex    = this.CurrentPageIndex;

                this.dlProducts.DataSource = productCollection;
                this.dlProducts.Visible = false;
                this.pnlSorting.Visible = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">The specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">A value indicating whether we should load the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="warehouseId">Warehouse identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productType">Product type; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="visibleIndividuallyOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "visible individually"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "visible individually" only</param>
        /// <param name="markedAsNewOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "new"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "marked as new" only</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="searchManufacturerPartNumber">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in manufacturer part number</param>
        /// <param name="searchSku">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product SKU</param>
        /// <param name="searchProductTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <param name="overridePublished">
        /// null - process "Published" property according to "showHidden" parameter
        /// true - load only "Published" products
        /// false - load only "Unpublished" products
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Products</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(
            out IList<int> filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
            bool loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = false,
            int pageIndex = 0,
            int pageSize = int.MaxValue,
            IList<int> categoryIds = null,
            int manufacturerId = 0,
            int storeId = 0,
            int vendorId = 0,
            int warehouseId = 0,
            ProductType? productType = null,
            bool visibleIndividuallyOnly = false,
            bool markedAsNewOnly = false,
            bool? featuredProducts = null,
            decimal? priceMin = null,
            decimal? priceMax = null,
            int productTagId = 0,
            string keywords = null,
            bool searchDescriptions = false,
            bool searchManufacturerPartNumber = true,
            bool searchSku = true,
            bool searchProductTags = false,
            int languageId = 0,
            IList<int> filteredSpecs = null,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
            bool showHidden = false,
            bool? overridePublished = null)
            filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = new List<int>();

            //search by keyword
            bool searchLocalizedValue = false;
            if (languageId > 0)
                if (showHidden)
                    searchLocalizedValue = true;
                    //ensure that we have at least two published languages
                    var totalPublishedLanguages = _languageService.GetAllLanguages().Count;
                    searchLocalizedValue = totalPublishedLanguages >= 2;

            //validate "categoryIds" parameter
            if (categoryIds !=null && categoryIds.Contains(0))

            //Access control list. Allowed customer roles
            var allowedCustomerRolesIds = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetCustomerRoleIds();

            if (_commonSettings.UseStoredProceduresIfSupported && _dataProvider.StoredProceduredSupported)
                //stored procedures are enabled and supported by the database.
                //It's much faster than the LINQ implementation below

                #region Use stored procedure

                //pass category identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedCategoryIds = categoryIds == null ? "" : string.Join(",", categoryIds);

                //pass customer role identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedAllowedCustomerRoleIds = string.Join(",", allowedCustomerRolesIds);

                //pass specification identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedSpecIds = "";
                if (filteredSpecs != null)
                    commaSeparatedSpecIds = string.Join(",", filteredSpecs);

                //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
                if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                    pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

                //prepare parameters
                var pCategoryIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pCategoryIds.ParameterName = "CategoryIds";
                pCategoryIds.Value = (object)commaSeparatedCategoryIds ?? DBNull.Value;
                pCategoryIds.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pManufacturerId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pManufacturerId.ParameterName = "ManufacturerId";
                pManufacturerId.Value = manufacturerId;
                pManufacturerId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pStoreId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pStoreId.ParameterName = "StoreId";
                pStoreId.Value = !_catalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations ? storeId : 0;
                pStoreId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pVendorId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pVendorId.ParameterName = "VendorId";
                pVendorId.Value = vendorId;
                pVendorId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pWarehouseId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pWarehouseId.ParameterName = "WarehouseId";
                pWarehouseId.Value = warehouseId;
                pWarehouseId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pProductTypeId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pProductTypeId.ParameterName = "ProductTypeId";
                pProductTypeId.Value = productType.HasValue ? (object)productType.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pProductTypeId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pVisibleIndividuallyOnly = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pVisibleIndividuallyOnly.ParameterName = "VisibleIndividuallyOnly";
                pVisibleIndividuallyOnly.Value = visibleIndividuallyOnly;
                pVisibleIndividuallyOnly.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pMarkedAsNewOnly = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pMarkedAsNewOnly.ParameterName = "MarkedAsNewOnly";
                pMarkedAsNewOnly.Value = markedAsNewOnly;
                pMarkedAsNewOnly.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pProductTagId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pProductTagId.ParameterName = "ProductTagId";
                pProductTagId.Value = productTagId;
                pProductTagId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pFeaturedProducts = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFeaturedProducts.ParameterName = "FeaturedProducts";
                pFeaturedProducts.Value = featuredProducts.HasValue ? (object)featuredProducts.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pFeaturedProducts.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pPriceMin = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPriceMin.ParameterName = "PriceMin";
                pPriceMin.Value = priceMin.HasValue ? (object)priceMin.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pPriceMin.DbType = DbType.Decimal;

                var pPriceMax = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPriceMax.ParameterName = "PriceMax";
                pPriceMax.Value = priceMax.HasValue ? (object)priceMax.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pPriceMax.DbType = DbType.Decimal;

                var pKeywords = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pKeywords.ParameterName = "Keywords";
                pKeywords.Value = keywords != null ? (object)keywords : DBNull.Value;
                pKeywords.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pSearchDescriptions = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchDescriptions.ParameterName = "SearchDescriptions";
                pSearchDescriptions.Value = searchDescriptions;
                pSearchDescriptions.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pSearchManufacturerPartNumber = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchManufacturerPartNumber.ParameterName = "SearchManufacturerPartNumber";
                pSearchManufacturerPartNumber.Value = searchManufacturerPartNumber;
                pSearchManufacturerPartNumber.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pSearchSku = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchSku.ParameterName = "SearchSku";
                pSearchSku.Value = searchSku;
                pSearchSku.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pSearchProductTags = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchProductTags.ParameterName = "SearchProductTags";
                pSearchProductTags.Value = searchProductTags;
                pSearchProductTags.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pUseFullTextSearch = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pUseFullTextSearch.ParameterName = "UseFullTextSearch";
                pUseFullTextSearch.Value = _commonSettings.UseFullTextSearch;
                pUseFullTextSearch.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pFullTextMode = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFullTextMode.ParameterName = "FullTextMode";
                pFullTextMode.Value = (int)_commonSettings.FullTextMode;
                pFullTextMode.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pFilteredSpecs = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFilteredSpecs.ParameterName = "FilteredSpecs";
                pFilteredSpecs.Value = (object)commaSeparatedSpecIds ?? DBNull.Value;
                pFilteredSpecs.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pLanguageId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pLanguageId.ParameterName = "LanguageId";
                pLanguageId.Value = searchLocalizedValue ? languageId : 0;
                pLanguageId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pOrderBy = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pOrderBy.ParameterName = "OrderBy";
                pOrderBy.Value = (int)orderBy;
                pOrderBy.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pAllowedCustomerRoleIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pAllowedCustomerRoleIds.ParameterName = "AllowedCustomerRoleIds";
                pAllowedCustomerRoleIds.Value = !_catalogSettings.IgnoreAcl ? commaSeparatedAllowedCustomerRoleIds : "";
                pAllowedCustomerRoleIds.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pPageIndex = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPageIndex.ParameterName = "PageIndex";
                pPageIndex.Value = pageIndex;
                pPageIndex.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pPageSize = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPageSize.ParameterName = "PageSize";
                pPageSize.Value = pageSize;
                pPageSize.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pShowHidden = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pShowHidden.ParameterName = "ShowHidden";
                pShowHidden.Value = showHidden;
                pShowHidden.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pOverridePublished = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pOverridePublished.ParameterName = "OverridePublished";
                pOverridePublished.Value = overridePublished != null ? (object)overridePublished.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pOverridePublished.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.ParameterName = "LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds";
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value = loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds;
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.ParameterName = "FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds";
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Size = int.MaxValue - 1;
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pTotalRecords = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pTotalRecords.ParameterName = "TotalRecords";
                pTotalRecords.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                pTotalRecords.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                //invoke stored procedure
                var products = _dbContext.ExecuteStoredProcedureList<Product>(
                //get filterable specification attribute option identifier
                string filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIdsStr = (pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value != DBNull.Value) ? (string)pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value : "";
                if (loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds &&
                     filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIdsStr
                        .Split(new[] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                        .Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Trim()))
                //return products
                int totalRecords = (pTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToInt32(pTotalRecords.Value) : 0;
                return new PagedList<Product>(products, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords);

                //stored procedures aren't supported. Use LINQ

                #region Search products

                var query = _productRepository.Table;
                query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);
                if (!overridePublished.HasValue)
                    //process according to "showHidden"
                    if (!showHidden)
                        query = query.Where(p => p.Published);
                else if (overridePublished.Value)
                    //published only
                    query = query.Where(p => p.Published);
                else if (!overridePublished.Value)
                    //unpublished only
                    query = query.Where(p => !p.Published);
                if (visibleIndividuallyOnly)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.VisibleIndividually);
                //The function 'CurrentUtcDateTime' is not supported by SQL Server Compact.
                //That's why we pass the date value
                var nowUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (markedAsNewOnly)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.MarkAsNew);
                    query = query.Where(p =>
                        (!p.MarkAsNewStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || p.MarkAsNewStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) &&
                        (!p.MarkAsNewEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || p.MarkAsNewEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc));
                if (productType.HasValue)
                    var productTypeId = (int) productType.Value;
                    query = query.Where(p => p.ProductTypeId == productTypeId);

                if (priceMin.HasValue)
                    //min price
                    query = query.Where(p =>
                                        //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                        ((p.SpecialPrice.HasValue &&
                                          ((!p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue ||
                                            p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) &&
                                           (!p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue ||
                                            p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) &&
                                         (p.SpecialPrice >= priceMin.Value))
                                        //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                        ((!p.SpecialPrice.HasValue ||
                                          ((p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue &&
                                            p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) ||
                                           (p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue &&
                                            p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) &&
                                         (p.Price >= priceMin.Value)));
                if (priceMax.HasValue)
                    //max price
                    query = query.Where(p =>
                                        //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                        ((p.SpecialPrice.HasValue &&
                                          ((!p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue ||
                                            p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) &&
                                           (!p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue ||
                                            p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) &&
                                         (p.SpecialPrice <= priceMax.Value))
                                        //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                        ((!p.SpecialPrice.HasValue ||
                                          ((p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue &&
                                            p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) ||
                                           (p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue &&
                                            p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) &&
                                         (p.Price <= priceMax.Value)));
                if (!showHidden)
                    //available dates
                    query = query.Where(p =>
                        (!p.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || p.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) &&
                        (!p.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || p.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc));

                //searching by keyword
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))
                    query = from p in query
                            join lp in _localizedPropertyRepository.Table on p.Id equals lp.EntityId into p_lp
                            from lp in p_lp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from pt in p.ProductTags.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where (p.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.ShortDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.FullDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  //manufacturer part number
                                  (searchManufacturerPartNumber && p.ManufacturerPartNumber == keywords) ||
                                  //sku (exact match)
                                  (searchSku && p.Sku == keywords) ||
                                  //product tags (exact match)
                                  (searchProductTags && pt.Name == keywords) ||
                                  //localized values
                                  (searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "Name" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "ShortDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "FullDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords))
                            select p;

                if (!showHidden && !_catalogSettings.IgnoreAcl)
                    //ACL (access control list)
                    query = from p in query
                            join acl in _aclRepository.Table
                            on new { c1 = p.Id, c2 = "Product" } equals new { c1 = acl.EntityId, c2 = acl.EntityName } into p_acl
                            from acl in p_acl.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where !p.SubjectToAcl || allowedCustomerRolesIds.Contains(acl.CustomerRoleId)
                            select p;

                if (storeId > 0 && !_catalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations)
                    //Store mapping
                    query = from p in query
                            join sm in _storeMappingRepository.Table
                            on new { c1 = p.Id, c2 = "Product" } equals new { c1 = sm.EntityId, c2 = sm.EntityName } into p_sm
                            from sm in p_sm.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where !p.LimitedToStores || storeId == sm.StoreId
                            select p;

                //category filtering
                if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Any())
                    query = from p in query
                            from pc in p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => categoryIds.Contains(pc.CategoryId))
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pc.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //manufacturer filtering
                if (manufacturerId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pm in p.ProductManufacturers.Where(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId)
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pm.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //vendor filtering
                if (vendorId > 0)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.VendorId == vendorId);

                //warehouse filtering
                if (warehouseId > 0)
                    var manageStockInventoryMethodId = (int)ManageInventoryMethod.ManageStock;
                    query = query.Where(p =>
                        //"Use multiple warehouses" enabled
                        //we search in each warehouse
                        (p.ManageInventoryMethodId == manageStockInventoryMethodId &&
                         p.UseMultipleWarehouses &&
                         p.ProductWarehouseInventory.Any(pwi => pwi.WarehouseId == warehouseId))
                        //"Use multiple warehouses" disabled
                        //we use standard "warehouse" property
                        ((p.ManageInventoryMethodId != manageStockInventoryMethodId ||
                          !p.UseMultipleWarehouses) &&
                          p.WarehouseId == warehouseId));

                //related products filtering
                //if (relatedToProductId > 0)
                //    query = from p in query
                //            join rp in _relatedProductRepository.Table on p.Id equals rp.ProductId2
                //            where (relatedToProductId == rp.ProductId1)
                //            select p;

                //tag filtering
                if (productTagId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pt in p.ProductTags.Where(pt => pt.Id == productTagId)
                            select p;

                //get filterable specification attribute option identifier
                if (loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds)
                    var querySpecs = from p in query
                                     join psa in _productSpecificationAttributeRepository.Table on p.Id equals psa.ProductId
                                     where psa.AllowFiltering
                                     select psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId;
                    //only distinct attributes
                    filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = querySpecs.Distinct().ToList();

                //search by specs
                if (filteredSpecs != null && filteredSpecs.Any())
                    var filteredAttributes = _specificationAttributeOptionRepository.Table
                        .Where(sao => filteredSpecs.Contains(sao.Id)).Select(sao => sao.SpecificationAttributeId).Distinct();

                    query = query.Where(p => !filteredAttributes.Except
                                sao => p.ProductSpecificationAttributes.Where(
                                    psa => psa.AllowFiltering && filteredSpecs.Contains(psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId))
                                .Select(psa => psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId).Contains(sao.Id))
                            .Select(sao => sao.SpecificationAttributeId).Distinct()

                //only distinct products (group by ID)
                //if we use standard Distinct() method, then all fields will be compared (low performance)
                //it'll not work in SQL Server Compact when searching products by a keyword)
                query = from p in query
                        group p by p.Id
                        into pGroup
                        orderby pGroup.Key
                        select pGroup.FirstOrDefault();

                //sort products
                if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Any())
                    //category position
                    var firstCategoryId = categoryIds[0];
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductCategories.FirstOrDefault(pc => pc.CategoryId == firstCategoryId).DisplayOrder);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && manufacturerId > 0)
                    //manufacturer position
                    query =
                        query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductManufacturers.FirstOrDefault(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).DisplayOrder);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                    //otherwise sort by name
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc)
                    //Name: A to Z
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)
                    //Name: Z to A
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc)
                    //Price: Low to High
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc)
                    //Price: High to Low
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                    //creation date
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc);
                    //actually this code is not reachable
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

                var products = new PagedList<Product>(query, pageIndex, pageSize);

                //return products
                return products;

        protected void BindData()
            var category = this.CategoryService.GetCategoryById(this.CategoryId);

            lName.Text        = Server.HtmlEncode(category.LocalizedName);
            lDescription.Text = category.LocalizedDescription;

            var subCategories = this.CategoryService.GetAllCategoriesByParentCategoryId(this.CategoryId);

            if (subCategories.Count > 0)
                rptrSubCategories.DataSource = subCategories;
                rptrSubCategories.Visible = false;

            //price ranges
            this.ctrlPriceRangeFilter.PriceRanges = category.PriceRanges;

            //page size
            int totalRecords = 0;
            int pageSize     = 10;

            if (category.PageSize > 0)
                pageSize = category.PageSize;

            //price ranges
            decimal?minPrice          = null;
            decimal?maxPrice          = null;
            decimal?minPriceConverted = null;
            decimal?maxPriceConverted = null;

            if (ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange != null)
                minPrice = ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange.From;
                if (minPrice.HasValue)
                    minPriceConverted = this.CurrencyService.ConvertCurrency(minPrice.Value, NopContext.Current.WorkingCurrency, this.CurrencyService.PrimaryStoreCurrency);

                maxPrice = ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange.To;
                if (maxPrice.HasValue)
                    maxPriceConverted = this.CurrencyService.ConvertCurrency(maxPrice.Value, NopContext.Current.WorkingCurrency, this.CurrencyService.PrimaryStoreCurrency);

            //specification filter
            var psoFilterOption = ctrlProductSpecificationFilter.GetAlreadyFilteredSpecOptionIds();

            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position;

            if (this.SettingManager.GetSettingValueBoolean("Common.AllowProductSorting"))
                CommonHelper.SelectListItem(this.ddlSorting, CommonHelper.QueryStringInt("orderby"));
                orderBy = (ProductSortingEnum)Enum.ToObject(typeof(ProductSortingEnum), int.Parse(ddlSorting.SelectedItem.Value));

            //featured products are not supported by this template
            //that's hwhy we load all featured and non-featured products
            var productCollection = this.ProductService.GetAllProducts(this.CategoryId,
                                                                       0, 0, null, minPriceConverted, maxPriceConverted,
                                                                       string.Empty, false, pageSize, this.CurrentPageIndex,
                                                                       psoFilterOption, orderBy, out totalRecords);

            if (productCollection.Count > 0)
                this.catalogPager.PageSize     = pageSize;
                this.catalogPager.TotalRecords = totalRecords;
                this.catalogPager.PageIndex    = this.CurrentPageIndex;

                this.lvCatalog.DataSource = productCollection;
                this.lvCatalog.Visible  = false;
                this.pnlSorting.Visible = false;