public ActionResult <string> ReverseEntry([FromForm] ReverseEntryDataTE data) { string result = "Not Done"; int ProfitDeduction = 0; int BillAmountDeduction = 0; List <ProdAddHistoryTE> products = _context.prodAddHistoryData .Where(x => x.ProductId == data.Productid && x.Size == data.Size).ToList(); /*if (products != null) * { * int Total = 0; * foreach (var prod in products) * { * Total += prod.Cost; * }*/ //UnitPrice = Total / products.Count; ProductProfitService profitService = new ProductProfitService(_context); ProfitDeduction = profitService .CalculatingProductProfitForReversalProduct(data.Productid, data.Size, data.Billnumber, data.Quantity, data.Saleprice); BillAmountDeduction = data.Quantity * data.Saleprice; var stock = _context.stocks .SingleOrDefault(x => x.ProductId == data.Productid && x.Size.ToUpper() == data.Size.ToUpper()); if (stock != null) { stock.Quantity += data.Quantity; _context.Entry(stock).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); //Modifying Bill Table var BillData = _context.billscollections.Single(x => x.Billnumber == Convert.ToInt32(data.Billnumber)); if (BillData != null) { BillData.Billamount -= BillAmountDeduction; BillData.Payableamount -= BillAmountDeduction; BillData.Billprofit -= ProfitDeduction; BillData.Isbillmodified = true; _context.Entry(BillData).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); // Modifiying - Pending BillData Table var PendingBillData = _context.billspending.Single(x => x.Billnumber == Convert.ToInt32(data.Billnumber)); int CustPreviousPendingBalance = 0; if (PendingBillData.Pendingamount <= BillAmountDeduction) { CustPreviousPendingBalance = PendingBillData.Pendingamount; PendingBillData.Pendingamount = 0; PendingBillData.Iscompleted = true; _context.Entry(PendingBillData).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } else { PendingBillData.Pendingamount -= BillAmountDeduction; if (PendingBillData.Pendingamount <= 0) { PendingBillData.Iscompleted = true; } _context.Entry(PendingBillData).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } //Modifying SaleHistoryTable var SaleTableData = _context.saleswithCustomerIds .Where(x => x.Custid == BillData.Customerid.ToString() && x.Productid == data.Productid && x.Prodsize == data.Size && x.Purchasedate <= BillData.Billdate); int MaxId = SaleTableData.Max(x => x.Id); SalewithCustIdTE SaleTableObj = SaleTableData.Single(x => x.Id == MaxId); SaleTableObj.Quantity -= data.Quantity; SaleTableObj.TotalCost -= data.Quantity * data.Saleprice; _context.Entry(SaleTableObj).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); //Adding Reverse History in DB data.Date = DateTime.Now; _context.Add(data); _context.SaveChanges(); //Modifying Global Cash bool isDataAvailable = _context.cashposition.Any(); if (isDataAvailable && PendingBillData.Pendingamount < BillAmountDeduction) { int Id = _context.cashposition.Max(x => x.Id); var CashPositionData = _context.cashposition.Single(x => x.Id == Id); int TotalDeduction = BillAmountDeduction - CustPreviousPendingBalance; CashPositionData.Globalcash = CashPositionData.Globalcash - TotalDeduction; _context.Entry(CashPositionData).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } result = "Reverse Done!"; } else { result = "Bill Not Found"; } } else { result = "Stock Not Found"; } return(Ok(result)); }
public ActionResult <List <ProdProfitReportModel> > GetProductSaleProfit([FromForm] ViewTemplateModelOne data) { bool IsFromDateValid = false; bool IsEndDateValid = false; DateTime FromDate; string CompleteFromDateString = ""; DateTime EndDate; string CompleteEndDateString = ""; DateTime dt; bool SelectOne = false; bool SelectTwo = false; bool SelectThree = false; List <SalewithCustIdTE> products = new List <SalewithCustIdTE>(); List <ProdProfitReportModel> ReportModel = new List <ProdProfitReportModel>(); string Result = ""; bool NotFound = false; if (data.FromDate != null && data.EndDate != null) { DateService DateService1 = new DateService(); CompleteFromDateString = DateService1.GetCompleteFromDate(data.FromDate); IsFromDateValid = DateTime.TryParse(CompleteFromDateString, out dt); DateService DateService2 = new DateService(); CompleteEndDateString = DateService2.GetCompleteEndDate(data.EndDate); IsEndDateValid = DateTime.TryParse(CompleteEndDateString, out dt); } if (IsFromDateValid && IsEndDateValid) { FromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(CompleteFromDateString); EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(CompleteEndDateString); if (data.CategoryValue != null && data.ProductValue == null && data.SizeValue == null) { SelectOne = true; var ProductsByCategoryId = context.products.Where(x => x.CategoryId.ToString() == data.CategoryValue).ToList(); if (ProductsByCategoryId.Count() != 0) { foreach (var ProductsById in ProductsByCategoryId) { var collection = context.saleswithCustomerIds.Where(x => x.Productid == ProductsById.Id && x.Purchasedate >= FromDate && x.Purchasedate <= EndDate).OrderBy(x => x.Prodsize).ToList(); foreach (var prod in collection) { products.Add(prod); } } // return Ok(products); } else { Result = "NotFound"; NotFound = true; } } else if (data.ProductValue != null && data.SizeValue == null) { SelectTwo = true; var DataCollection = context .saleswithCustomerIds .Where(x => x.Productid.ToString() == data.ProductValue && x.Purchasedate >= FromDate && x.Purchasedate <= EndDate).OrderBy(x => x.Prodsize).ToList(); if (DataCollection.Count() != 0) { products = DataCollection; } else { Result = "NotFound"; NotFound = true; } } else if (data.ProductValue != null && data.SizeValue != null) { SelectThree = true; var DataBySize = context.saleswithCustomerIds .Where(x => x.Productid.ToString() == data.ProductValue && x.Prodsize == data.SizeValue && x.Purchasedate >= FromDate && x.Purchasedate <= EndDate).ToList(); if (DataBySize.Count() > 0) { products = DataBySize; } else { Result = "NotFound"; NotFound = true; } } List <SalewithCustIdTE> ProdSaleGropued = new List <SalewithCustIdTE>(); if (products.Count() > 0 && SelectOne) { var GroupBySizeSelectOne = products.GroupBy(x => new { x.Productid, x.Prodsize }).Select(z => new SalewithCustIdTE() { Productid = z.Key.Productid, Prodsize = z.Key.Prodsize, Quantity = z.Sum(x => x.Quantity), Unitprice = z.Sum(x => x.Unitprice) / z.Count(), }); ProdSaleGropued = GroupBySizeSelectOne.ToList(); } else if (products.Count() > 0 && SelectTwo) { var GroupBySelectTwo = products.GroupBy(x => x.Prodsize).Select(z => new SalewithCustIdTE() { Productid = products[0].Productid, Prodsize = z.Key, Quantity = z.Sum(x => x.Quantity), Unitprice = z.Sum(x => x.Unitprice) / z.Count(), }); ProdSaleGropued = GroupBySelectTwo.ToList(); } else if (products.Count() > 0 && SelectThree) { SalewithCustIdTE SelectThreeData = new SalewithCustIdTE() { Productid = products[0].Productid, Prodsize = products[0].Prodsize, Quantity = products.Sum(x => x.Quantity), Unitprice = products.Sum(x => x.Unitprice) / products.Count() }; ProdSaleGropued.Clear(); ProdSaleGropued.Add(SelectThreeData); } // Creating Profit Model for Result if (ProdSaleGropued.Count() > 0) { List <ProdAddHistoryTE> ProductsAll = new List <ProdAddHistoryTE>(); foreach (SalewithCustIdTE prod in ProdSaleGropued) { List <ProdAddHistoryTE> ProdRegistered = context .prodAddHistoryData .Where(x => x.ProductId == prod.Productid && x.Size == prod.Prodsize).ToList(); foreach (var prodSingle in ProdRegistered) { ProductsAll.Add(prodSingle); } } if (ProductsAll.Count() > 0) { List <ProdAddHistoryTE> ProdRegGrouped = ProductsAll.GroupBy(x => new { x.ProductId, x.Size }).Select(z => new ProdAddHistoryTE() { ProductId = z.Key.ProductId, Size = z.Key.Size, Cost = z.Sum(x => x.Cost) / z.Count(), Quantity = z.Sum(x => x.Quantity), }).ToList <ProdAddHistoryTE>(); foreach (var ProductSold in ProdSaleGropued) { var ProductRegistered = ProdRegGrouped.Single(x => x.ProductId == ProductSold.Productid && x.Size == ProductSold.Prodsize); ProductNameService NameService = new ProductNameService(context); ProductProfitService profitService = new ProductProfitService(context); ProdProfitReportModel model = new ProdProfitReportModel(); model.Productname = NameService.GetProductName(ProductSold.Productid); model.Size = ProductSold.Prodsize; model.Purchasecostaverage = ProductRegistered.Cost; model.Salecostaverage = ProductSold.Unitprice; model.Quantitysold = ProductSold.Quantity; model.Profit = profitService.CalcuatingProductProfitBasedDateValue(ProductSold.Productid, ProductSold.Prodsize, FromDate, EndDate); ReportModel.Add(model); } } } } // if (NotFound) { return(Ok(Result)); } return(Ok(ReportModel)); }
public ActionResult <List <ProdCostComparisonReportModel> > GetProdcutCostDifference([FromForm] ViewTemplateModelOne data) { string Result = ""; List <StockTE> stocks = new List <StockTE>(); List <ProdCostComparisonReportModel> modelList = new List <ProdCostComparisonReportModel>(); if (data.CategoryValue != null && data.ProductValue == null && data.SizeValue == null) { var ProductsByCategoryId = context.products.Where(x => x.CategoryId.ToString() == data.CategoryValue).ToList(); if (ProductsByCategoryId.Count() != 0) { foreach (var ProductsById in ProductsByCategoryId) { var collection = context.stocks.Where(x => x.ProductId == ProductsById.Id).ToList(); foreach (var prod in collection) { stocks.Add(prod); } } } else { Result = "NotFound"; } } else if (data.ProductValue != null && data.SizeValue == null) { var DataCollection = context .stocks .Where(x => x.ProductId.ToString() == data.ProductValue).ToList(); if (DataCollection.Count() != 0) { stocks = DataCollection; } else { Result = "NotFound"; } } else if (data.ProductValue != null && data.SizeValue != null) { var DataBySize = context.stocks .Where(x => x.ProductId.ToString() == data.ProductValue && x.Size == data.SizeValue).ToList(); if (DataBySize.Count() > 0) { stocks = DataBySize; } else { Result = "NotFound"; } } if (stocks.Count() > 0) { ProductNameService nameService = new ProductNameService(context); ProductProfitService profitService = new ProductProfitService(context); foreach (StockTE stock in stocks) { ProdCostComparisonReportModel model = new ProdCostComparisonReportModel(); model.Productname = nameService.GetProductName(stock.ProductId); model.Size = stock.Size; model.Latestpurchaseprice = profitService.GetProductLatestPurcashingPrice(stock.ProductId, stock.Size); model.Saleprice = stock.Cost; modelList.Add(model); } return(Ok(modelList)); } else { return(Ok(Result)); } }
public ActionResult <string> PurchaseStock(CustwithOrder custwithOrder) { foreach (CartItems item in custwithOrder.cartItems) { SalewithCustIdTE salewithCustId = new SalewithCustIdTE { Productname = item.productName, Prodsize = item.size, Quantity = item.Quantity, Unitprice = item.cost, TotalCost = item.Quantity * item.cost, Purchasedate = DateTime.Now, Productid =, Custid = custwithOrder.customer.CustomerId }; _context.Add(salewithCustId); _context.SaveChanges(); } foreach (CartItems item in custwithOrder.cartItems) { StockTE stockTE = _context.stocks.Single(x => x.ProductId == && x.Size == item.size); stockTE.Quantity = stockTE.Quantity - item.Quantity; _context.Entry(stockTE).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } //To Calculate Bill profit List <Profitmodel> Datas = new List <Profitmodel>(); int Totalprofit = 0; foreach (CartItems item in custwithOrder.cartItems) { ProductProfitService profitService = new ProductProfitService(_context); Profitmodel model = new Profitmodel(); model.Profit = profitService .CalculatingProductProfitFoCurrentPruchase(, item.size, item.Quantity, item.cost); Datas.Add(model); } foreach (var data in Datas) { Totalprofit += data.Profit; } //Generate Bill No and Passing Complete Purchased Object back to FrontEnd for PDF generation int Billno; bool Notempty = _context.billscollections.Any(); if (Notempty) { int MaxIdValue = _context.billscollections.Max(x => x.Id); int LastBillNo = _context.billscollections.Single(x => x.Id == MaxIdValue).Billnumber; Billno = LastBillNo + 1; } else { Billno = 801000; } CustObjwithBillNo custObjwithBillNo = new CustObjwithBillNo { Custwithorder = custwithOrder, Billnumber = Billno, Billprofit = Totalprofit }; return(Ok(custObjwithBillNo)); }