public ProductBE SearchCupboard(int SEARIDPRO) { ProductLogic PRODL = new ProductLogic(); var ARS = PRODL.SearchIdProduct(SEARIDPRO); return(ARS); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { var productService = new ProductLogic(); productService.RemoveProduct(id); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StoreManager")); }
public void TestMethodSaveCreatedOrder() { string message = ""; OrderLogic logicO = new OrderLogic(); ProductLogic logicP = new ProductLogic(); OrderPageDriver driver = new OrderPageDriver(new UiContext(logicO, logicP), null); driver.ShowInfoMessage = (msg) => { message = msg; }; try { logicP.Create(new ProductBinding { Price = 10 }); driver.MoveToOrderProductPage = (context, order, orderProduct) => order.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductView { ProductId = 1 }); driver.AddOrderProduct(); driver.AddOrderProduct(); driver.AddOrderProduct(); bool result = driver.SaveOrder(); List <OrderView> list = logicO.Read(null); Assert.True(result); Assert.Single(list); Assert.Single(list[0].OrderProducts); Assert.Equal("Order was created", message); } finally { logicO.Delete(null); logicP.Delete(null); } }
// GET: Product public ActionResult Index(ProductModel model) { var pageIndex = Request.QueryString["pageindex"]; int index = 0; int pageSize = 10; Int32.TryParse(pageIndex, out index); if (index == 0) { index = 1; } var UserInfo = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent(); if (UserInfo == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } ProductModel viewModel = new ProductModel(); if (base.agentInfo != null) { CommLogic.DeepClone <AgentInfoModel>(viewModel, agentInfo); List <Product> list = ProductLogic.GetList().Where(t => t.F_DeleteMark == false || t.F_DeleteMark == null).ToList(); viewModel.productList = new PagerResult <Product>(); viewModel.productList.DataList = list.OrderByDescending(t => t.F_CreatorTime).Skip <Product>((index - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize); viewModel.productList.Code = 0; viewModel.productList.Total = list.Count(); viewModel.productList.PageIndex = index; viewModel.productList.PageSize = pageSize; viewModel.productList.RequestUrl = "Index?pageindex=" + index; } return(View(viewModel)); }
public ActionResult GetOrderDetail(string OrderId) { AjaxResult result = new AjaxResult(); try { var list = OrderDetailLogic.GetList().Where(t => t.c_order_id == OrderId).ToList(); foreach (var item in list) { item.Pro = ProductLogic.GetEnityById(item.c_product_id); } = list; result.state = ResultType.success.ToString(); result.message = "成功"; return(Content(result.ToJson())); } catch (Exception ex) { result.state = ResultType.error.ToString(); result.message = string.Format("({0})", ex.Message); return(Content(result.ToJson())); throw; } }
public void TestGetProductById() { Mock <IProductRepository> mock = new Mock <IProductRepository>(MockBehavior.Loose); List <ProductTable> products = new List <ProductTable>() { new ProductTable() { P_ID = 1, P_NAME = "p1", }, new ProductTable() { P_ID = 2, P_NAME = "p2", }, }; mock.Setup(repo => repo.GetAll()).Returns(products.AsQueryable()); ProductLogic productLogic = new ProductLogic(mock.Object); var result = productLogic.GetProductById(1); Assert.That(result.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(result.Select(x => x.P_ID), Does.Contain(1)); mock.Verify(repo => repo.GetAll(), Times.Once); }
public void TestUpdateProduct() { Mock <IProductRepository> mock = new Mock <IProductRepository>(); mock.Setup(x => x.GetAll()); List <ProductTable> products = new List <ProductTable>() { new ProductTable() { P_ID = 1, P_NAME = "p1" }, new ProductTable() { P_ID = 2, P_NAME = "p2" }, new ProductTable() { P_ID = 3, P_NAME = "p3" }, }; ProductLogic productLogic = new ProductLogic(mock.Object); productLogic.Update( new ProductTable() { P_ID = 4, P_NAME = "p4", }, 1); mock.Verify(repo => repo.Update(It.Is <ProductTable>(x => x.P_NAME == "p4"), 1)); }
public void TestOrderProductPrice() { OrderLogic logicO = new OrderLogic(); ProductLogic logicP = new ProductLogic(); try { ProductBinding product = new ProductBinding { Name = "Test", Price = 20 }; OrderBinding order = new OrderBinding { OrderProducts = new List <OrderProductBinding>() }; order.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 1, Count = 2 }); logicP.Create(product); logicO.Create(order); List <OrderView> list = logicO.Read(null); Assert.Equal(20, list[0].OrderProducts[0].Price); } finally { logicO.Delete(null); logicP.Delete(null); } }
public void Test_Get_Product_1() { //Arrange ProductLogic productArrange = new ProductLogic() { productId = 1, productName = "Tuinstoel", productDescription = "Tuinstoel zwart", quantity = 1, productPrice = (decimal)25.00, productCategory = "Other", company = companyTest }; //Act productManager.CreateProduct("Tuinstoel", "Tuinstoel zwart", 1, (decimal)25.00, 1, "Other"); ProductLogic product = productManager.GetProductById(1); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(productArrange.productId, product.productId); Assert.AreEqual(productArrange.productName, product.productName); Assert.AreEqual(productArrange.productCategory, product.productCategory); Assert.AreEqual(productArrange.productDescription, product.productDescription); Assert.AreEqual(productArrange.productPrice, product.productPrice); Assert.AreEqual(productArrange.quantity, product.quantity); }
public void TestIncorrectPrice() { List <string> messages = new List <string>(); List <bool> results = new List <bool>(); ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { ProductPageDriver driver = new ProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), null); driver.ShowErrorMessage = (msg) => messages.Add(msg); driver.ProductName = () => "Ananas"; driver.ProductPrice = () => 0; results.Add(driver.SaveProduct()); driver.ProductName = () => "Banan"; driver.ProductPrice = () => - 1; results.Add(driver.SaveProduct()); Assert.Equal(2, results.Count); Assert.False(results[0]); Assert.False(results[1]); Assert.Equal(2, messages.Count); Assert.Equal("Incorrect price", messages[0]); Assert.Equal("Incorrect price", messages[1]); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get the category from the querystring string category = Request.QueryString["category"]; // Check if we received a category if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(category)) { // Display the images List <ProductDetail> productsForCategory = new List <ProductDetail>(); var profiler = MiniProfiler.Current; using (profiler.Step("Retrieve Products")) { ProductLogic productLogic = new ProductLogic(); productsForCategory = productLogic.GetProductDetailByCategory(category); } using (profiler.Step("Build HTML")) { // Loop through each product and build the HTML that we are going to // return to the web page foreach (ProductDetail product in productsForCategory) { phProductImages.Controls.Add(BuildHtml(category, product.ImageUrl, product.ProductDescription)); } } } }
protected void btnFinalizar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <LineaVenta> carrito = (List <LineaVenta>)Session["myCart"]; lblState.CssClass = "purchaseCompleted"; Producto producto; try { foreach (LineaVenta lineaVenta in carrito) { try { producto = ProductLogic.GetProducto(lineaVenta.ProductId); producto.UnitsInStock = (short)(producto.UnitsInStock - lineaVenta.Quantity); ProductLogic.Update(producto); } catch (NullReferenceException) { lblState.CssClass = "dbConnectionError"; } } Session["myCart"] = null; Response.Redirect("~/Cart.aspx"); } catch (NullReferenceException) { lblState.CssClass = "invalidAction"; } }
public ActionResult GetProduct(int id) { ProductLogic proLogic = new ProductLogic(); Product pro = proLogic.GetProduct(id); return(View(pro)); }
public void InsertProduct_Empty() { ProductLogic.Insert(pEmpty); var result = ProductLogic.GetProducts().Last(); Assert.AreNotEqual(pEmpty, result); }
public void InsertProduct() { ProductLogic.Insert(newProduct); var result = ProductLogic.GetProducts().Last(); Assert.AreEqual(newProduct.Name, result.Name); }
public ActionResult RemoveFromCart(int id) { var cart = ShoppingCartLogic.GetCart(this.HttpContext); var shoppingCart = new ShoppingCartLogic(); int productId = shoppingCart.GetCartItemProductId(id); var productService = new ProductLogic(); Product productToRemove = productService.FindProduct(productId); int itemCount = cart.RemoveFromCart(id); var removeViewModel = new ShoppingCartRemoveVM { Message = Server.HtmlEncode(productToRemove.Name) + " has been removed from your shopping cart.", CartCount = cart.GetCount(), CartSubTotal = cart.GetSubtotal(), CartSalesTax = cart.GetSalesTax(), CartTotal = cart.GetTotal(), ItemCount = itemCount, DeleteId = id, }; return(Json(removeViewModel)); }
public void TestGetAllProducts() { ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Test1", Price = 10 }); logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Test2", Price = 15 }); OrderProductPageDriver driver = new OrderProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), new OrderView(), null); List <ProductView> list = driver.GetAllProducts(); Assert.Equal(2, list.Count); Assert.Equal("Test1", list[0].Name); Assert.Equal(10, list[0].Price); Assert.Equal("Test2", list[1].Name); Assert.Equal(15, list[1].Price); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public override OPResult AddOrUpdate(OrganizationContractDiscount entity) { OrganizationContractDiscountBO contractdiscount = (OrganizationContractDiscountBO)entity; var byq = ProductLogic.GetBYQ(contractdiscount.BrandID, contractdiscount.Year, contractdiscount.Quarter); if (byq == null) { return(new OPResult { IsSucceed = false, Message = "未找到相应的品牌年份季度信息" }); } contractdiscount.BYQID = byq.ID; bool isAdd = contractdiscount.ID == default(int); if (isAdd) { if (LinqOP.Any <OrganizationContractDiscount>(o => o.OrganizationID == contractdiscount.OrganizationID && o.BYQID == contractdiscount.BYQID)) { return(new OPResult { IsSucceed = false, Message = "已为该机构指定了对应款式的合同折扣" }); } } else { if (LinqOP.Any <OrganizationContractDiscount>(o => o.OrganizationID == contractdiscount.OrganizationID && o.ID != contractdiscount.ID && o.BYQID == contractdiscount.BYQID)) { return(new OPResult { IsSucceed = false, Message = "已为该机构指定了对应款式的合同折扣" }); } } return(base.AddOrUpdate(entity)); }
public override OPResult AddOrUpdate(OrganizationPriceFloat entity) { OrganizationPriceFloatBO pricefloat = (OrganizationPriceFloatBO)entity; var byq = ProductLogic.GetBYQ(pricefloat.BrandID, pricefloat.Year, pricefloat.Quarter); if (byq == null) { return(new OPResult { IsSucceed = false, Message = "未找到相应的品牌年份季度信息." }); } pricefloat.BYQID = byq.ID; if (pricefloat.ID == default(int)) { if (IsSetted(pricefloat.OrganizationID, byq.ID)) { return(new OPResult { IsSucceed = false, Message = "已为该机构指定了对应款式的价格上浮策略." }); } } else { if (LinqOP.Any <OrganizationPriceFloat>(o => o.OrganizationID == pricefloat.OrganizationID && o.ID != pricefloat.ID && o.BYQID == byq.ID)) { return(new OPResult { IsSucceed = false, Message = "已为该机构指定了对应款式的价格上浮策略." }); } } return(base.AddOrUpdate(entity)); }
public ActionResult Conversion(int ID) { ViewBag.Products = ProductLogic.GetFinishedProducts(); if (ID > 0) { var conversion = ProductLogic.GetConversionByID(ID).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.FromShades = ShadeLogic.GetShadeByProductID(conversion.FromProductId); ViewBag.FromPackings = PackingLogic.GetPackingByProductID(Convert.ToInt32(conversion.FromProductId)); if (conversion.FromProductId == conversion.ToProductId) { ViewBag.ToShades = ViewBag.FromShades; } else { ViewBag.ToShades = ShadeLogic.GetShadeByProductID(conversion.ToProductId); } ViewBag.ToPackings = ViewBag.FromPackings; return(View(conversion)); } else { var conversion = new ProductConversion(); conversion.DocNo = ProductLogic.GetNewConverstionDocNo(); return(View(conversion)); } }
private Boolean saveAction() { // Check input if (checkValideSubmit() == false) { return(false); } FormAddProductObj frmObj = tranfersInput(); if (currentMode == CONS_MODE_ADD) { LogicResult rs = new ProductLogic().addProduct(frmObj); if (rs.severity == Contanst.MSG_ERROR) { MessageBox.Show(rs.msg, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { return(true); } } if (currentMode == CONS_MODE_EDIT) { LogicResult rs = new ProductLogic().updateProduct(frmObj); if (rs.severity == Contanst.MSG_ERROR) { MessageBox.Show(rs.msg, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { return(true); } } return(true); }
public ActionResult GetOrderDetail(int ID, int DispatchID) { var order = OrderLogic.GetOrderByID(ID).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.Parties = PartyLogic.GetPartyByID(order.PartyID); ViewBag.Transports = TransportLogic.GetTransportByID(0); ViewBag.Products = ProductLogic.GetFinishedProducts(); ViewBag.Addresses = PartyAddressLogic.GetPartyAddress(order.PartyID); var dispatch = new Dispatch(); if (DispatchID == 0) { dispatch.DONo = DispatchLogic.GetMaxDispatchNo(); dispatch.DODate = DateTime.Now; } else { dispatch = DispatchLogic.GetDispatchByID(DispatchID).FirstOrDefault(); } dispatch.order = order; dispatch.details = DispatchLogic.GetDispatchDetail(DispatchID, order.ID); if (DispatchID > 0) { dispatch.order.PartyID = dispatch.PartyID; dispatch.order.DeliveryAddressID = dispatch.DeliveryAddressID; dispatch.order.TransportID = dispatch.TransportID; dispatch.order.BookingAt = dispatch.BookingAt; } return(PartialView("_DispatchDetails", dispatch)); }
// // GET: /BillOfMaterial/ public ActionResult Add(string ID) { ViewBag.FinishedProductList = ProductLogic.GetFinishedProducts(); ViewBag.RawMaterialProductList = ProductLogic.GetRawMaterialProducts(); ViewBag.BOMProcessList = BOMProcessLogic.BOMProcessByID(0); ViewBag.UnitList = ProductUnitLogic.GetProductUnitByID(0); ViewBag.LabParameters = LabParameterLogic.GetLabParameterByID(0); ViewBag.UserType = currUser.Type; if (Convert.ToInt32(ID) > 0) { var bom = BillOfMaterialLogic.GetBillOfMaterialByID(Convert.ToInt32(ID)).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.ShadeList = ShadeLogic.GetShadeByProductID(Convert.ToInt32(bom.ProductID)).Select(x => new { x.ShadeID, x.ShadeName }).Distinct(); //var productShades = ShadeLogic.GetShadeByProductID(bom.ProductID); //if (productShades != null && productShades.Count() > 0) //{ // foreach (var productShade in productShades.Select(x => x.ShadeID).Distinct()) // { // ViewBag.ShadeList = ShadeLogic.GetShadeByID(Convert.ToInt32(productShade)); // } //} //else //{ // ViewBag.ShadeList = null; //} return(View(bom)); } else { ViewBag.ShadeList = null; return(View(new BillOfMaterial())); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { EmployeeLogic el = new EmployeeLogic(); Employee e2 = el.SelectByID(Convert.ToInt32(Session["EmployeeID"])); if (!(e2.Designation.Equals("HR MANAGER") || e2.Designation.Equals("HR EMPLOYEE"))) { OrderLogic ol = new OrderLogic(); Order o1 = ol.SelectByID(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]));; if (o1 != null) { ProductLogic pl = new ProductLogic(); Product p1 = pl.SelectByProductID(o1.ProductID); Label1.Text = p1.Name; Label2.Text = o1.QuotationID.ToString(); Label3.Text = o1.Quantity.ToString(); Label4.Text = o1.Rate.ToString(); Label5.Text = o1.PONumber.ToString(); Label6.Text = o1.PODate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); Label7.Text = o1.CreateDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); Label8.Text = o1.Status; Label9.Text = o1.StatusRemarks; Label10.Text = o1.DeliveryAddress; Label11.Text = o1.DeliveryDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); String oo = o1.AttachPO; lnkImage1.Text = oo.Substring(25); lnkImage1.NavigateUrl = oo; } } else { Response.Redirect("Access.aspx"); } }
public void TestMethodSaveUpdatedProduct() { string message = ""; ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Ananas", Price = 87 }); ProductPageDriver driver = new ProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), logic.Read(null)[0]); driver.ProductName = () => "Banan"; driver.ProductPrice = () => 38; driver.ShowInfoMessage = (msg) => message = msg; bool result = driver.SaveProduct(); List <ProductView> list = logic.Read(null); Assert.True(result); Assert.Single(list); Assert.Equal("Banan", list[0].Name); Assert.Equal(38, list[0].Price); Assert.Equal("Product №1 was updated", message); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public ActionResult Product(string category) { // Check if a category was passed in first. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(category)) { List <ProductDetail> productDetails; var profiler = MiniProfiler.Current; // it's ok if this is null using (profiler.Step("Retrieve Products")) { // Retrieve the products for the category ProductLogic productLogic = new ProductLogic(); productDetails = productLogic.GetProductDetailByCategory(category); } // Loop through the results and add to our model List <ProductModel> productModel = new List <ProductModel>(); using (profiler.Step("Build Model")) { foreach (ProductDetail product in productDetails) { productModel.Add(new ProductModel { ImageDescription = product.ProductDescription, ImageUrl = product.ImageUrl }); } } // Return the populated model to the view return(View(productModel)); } // Incorrect parameters were passed in, so return nothing. return(View()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { UserLogic userLogic = new UserLogic(); if (userLogic.GetUser("abdul76").Count() > 0) { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); String context = webClient.DownloadString("http://localhost:8080/MyTobaccoShop.Java/username?username="******"abdul76"); Console.WriteLine(context); } CustomerLogic customerLogic = new CustomerLogic(); // userLogic.UpdateUserType(2, "Admin"); var s = userLogic.GetAdminUsers(); foreach (var item in s) { Console.WriteLine(item.Name + "Type : " + item.User_type); } //Console.WriteLine(userLogic.GetUser(1)); //Console.WriteLine(userLogic.GetUser(2)); Console.WriteLine(customerLogic.SumOfCustomers()); ProductLogic productLogic = new ProductLogic(); var avgPrice = productLogic.GetAveragePrices(); foreach (var item in avgPrice) { Console.WriteLine(item); } }
public void TestIncorrectProductName() { List <string> messages = new List <string>(); List <bool> results = new List <bool>(); ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Ananas", Price = 87 }); ProductPageDriver driver = new ProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), null); driver.ShowErrorMessage = (msg) => messages.Add(msg); driver.ProductName = () => "Ananas"; driver.ProductPrice = () => 87; results.Add(driver.SaveProduct()); driver.ProductName = () => " "; driver.ProductPrice = () => 87; results.Add(driver.SaveProduct()); Assert.Equal(2, results.Count); Assert.False(results[0]); Assert.False(results[1]); Assert.Equal(2, messages.Count); Assert.Equal("Product with name Ananas already exist", messages[0]); Assert.Equal("Field name is empty", messages[1]); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public JsonResult Conversion(ProductConversion conversion) { ResponseMsg response = new ResponseMsg(); response.IsSuccess = ProductLogic.Convert(conversion); return(Json(response)); }
public void TestGetSelectedProduct() { ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Test1", Price = 10 }); OrderProductView orderProduct = new OrderProductView { ProductId = 1 }; OrderProductPageDriver driver = new OrderProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), new OrderView(), orderProduct); ProductView product1 = driver.GetSelectedProduct(); driver = new OrderProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), new OrderView(), null); ProductView product2 = driver.GetSelectedProduct(); Assert.Equal("Test1", product1.Name); Assert.Equal(10, product1.Price); Assert.Null(product2); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public ApiModule() : base("/api") { #region /// Help Page /// Get["/help"] = x => View["help"]; #endregion #region /// Category /// #region /// /api/Categories/ /// Get["/categories"] = x => { var logic = new CategoryLogic(); var result = logic.GetAll(); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #region /// /api/Categories/1234 /// Get["/categories/{id:int}"] = x => { var logic = new CategoryLogic(); var result = logic.GetById((int); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #endregion #region /// Customer /// #region /// /api/Customers/ /// Get["/customers"] = x => { var logic = new CustomerLogic(); var result = logic.GetAll(); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #region /// /api/Customers/1234 /// Get["/customers/{id*}"] = x => { var logic = new CustomerLogic(); var result = logic.GetById((string); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #endregion #region /// Employee /// #region /// /api/employees /// Get["/employees"] = x => { var logic = new EmployeeLogic(); var result = logic.GetAll(); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #region /// /api/employees/1234 /// Get["/employees/{id:int}"] = x => { var logic = new EmployeeLogic(); var result = logic.GetById((int); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #endregion #region /// Order /// #region /// /api/Orders/ /// Get["/orders"] = x => { var logic = new OrderLogic(); var result = logic.GetAll(); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #region /// /api/Orders/1234 /// Get["/orders/{id:int}"] = x => { var logic = new OrderLogic(); var result = logic.GetById((int); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #endregion #region /// Product /// #region /// /api/Products/ /// Get["/products"] = x => { var logic = new ProductLogic(); var result = logic.GetAll(); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #region /// /api/Products/1234 /// Get["/products/{id:int}"] = x => { var logic = new ProductLogic(); var result = logic.GetById((int); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #endregion #region /// Region /// #region /// /api/Regions/ /// Get["/regions"] = x => { var logic = new RegionLogic(); var result = logic.GetAll(); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #region /// /api/Regions/1234 /// Get["/regions/{id:int}"] = x => { var logic = new RegionLogic(); var result = logic.GetById((int); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #endregion #region /// Shipper /// #region /// /api/Shippers/ /// Get["/shippers"] = x => { var logic = new ShipperLogic(); var result = logic.GetAll(); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #region /// /api/Shippers/1234 /// Get["/shippers/{id:int}"] = x => { var logic = new ShipperLogic(); var result = logic.GetById((int); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #endregion #region /// Supplier /// #region /// /api/Suppliers/ /// Get["/suppliers"] = x => { var logic = new SupplierLogic(); var result = logic.GetAll(); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #region /// /api/Suppliers/1234 /// Get["/suppliers/{id:int}"] = x => { var logic = new SupplierLogic(); var result = logic.GetById((int); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #endregion #region /// Territory /// #region /// /api/Territories/ /// Get["/territories"] = x => { var logic = new TerritoryLogic(); var result = logic.GetAll(); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #region /// /api/Territories/1234 /// Get["/territories/{id:string}"] = x => { var logic = new TerritoryLogic(); var result = logic.GetById((string); return Response.AsJson(result); }; #endregion #endregion }
public StoreController() { catBLL = new CategoryBLL(); prodBLL = new ProductBLL(); }
public ProductsController(ProductLogic stub) { db = stub; }
public StoreController(CategoryLogic stub, ProductLogic prostub) { catBLL = stub; prodBLL = prostub; }
public ShopCartController(ShoppingCartLogic stub, ProductLogic prodStub) { storeDB = stub; prodBLL = prodStub; }
public ShopCartController() { storeDB = new ShoppingCartBLL(); prodBLL = new ProductBLL(); }
public ProductsController() { db = new ProductBLL(); }