        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(ProductKit_ViewModel model)
            var productKit = new ProductKit();

            productKit.EventId     = model.EventId;
            productKit.Name        = model.Name.Replace(" ", "-");
            productKit.StyleId     = model.StyleId;
            productKit.TerritoryId = model.TerritoryId;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                productKit.Name = productKit.Name + "-" + _productKitService.AddProductKitIdentifier(model, ref productKit);

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                _productKitService.AddInstances(model, productKit, 0);

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                //return RedirectToAction("Details", "Events", new { id = productKit.EventId });
        public void AddInstances(ProductKit_ViewModel model, ProductKit productKit, int numInstancesRemovedFromEdit)
            for (int i = 0; i < model.ProductNames.Count(); i++)
                var numberExistingInstancesOfthisProduct = _context.ProductInstance.Where(pi => pi.ProductId == model.ProductIds[i]).Count();

                for (int j = 0; j < model.Quantities[i]; j++)
                    //var identifier = numberExistingInstancesOfthisProduct + j;
                    //identifier += numInstancesRemovedFromEdit;
                    //do something like find how many product kits with this territory have these instances and
                    //add to that number?
                    //maybe identifier only matters in the context of a given event, so just do this on events
                    _context.ProductInstance.Add(new ProductInstance
                        Name         = model.ProductNames[i] /*+ "-" + identifier*/,
                        ProductId    = model.ProductIds[i],
                        ProductKitId = productKit.Id,
                        CheckedOut   = false
                    //need to save the changes and then modify the name of the instance to have the new identifier? no how do i find that instance again?
                    var thisInstance = _context.ProductInstance.LastOrDefault();//this is kind of a sketchy way of doing this?
                    thisInstance.Name = thisInstance.Name + "-" + AddProductInstanceIdentifier(thisInstance.ProductId, thisInstance.Id);
        public string AddProductKitIdentifier(ProductKit_ViewModel model, ref ProductKit productKit)
            //i think that this should only be existing productkits for this style, no need to make it territory exclusive because different territories get combined on an
            //event but their instances need exclusive names nonetheless, WAIT no that is the case for the instances but not for the proeuct kits, where is the instance identifier
            var existingProductKitsForThisStyleAndTerritory = _context.ProductKit.Where(pk => pk.TerritoryId == model.TerritoryId && pk.StyleId == model.StyleId).ToList();

            var existingProductKitIdentifiersForThisStyleAndTerritory = _context.ProductKitIdentifier.Where(pk => pk.TerritoryId == model.TerritoryId && pk.StyleId == model.StyleId).ToList();
            ProductKitIdentifier idToUse = new ProductKitIdentifier();

            if (existingProductKitIdentifiersForThisStyleAndTerritory.Count == 0)
                _context.ProductKitIdentifier.Add(new ProductKitIdentifier
                    Identifier   = 0,//if you want this to be 1 later then below count under if(!thereIsAnAvailableExistinIdentifier) needs to be plus 1
                    IsInUse      = true,
                    StyleId      = model.StyleId,
                    TerritoryId  = model.TerritoryId,
                    ProductKitId = productKit.Id
                idToUse = _context.ProductKitIdentifier.FirstOrDefault();//if there are none add it and assign it to idtouse
                var thereIsAnAvailableExistinIdentifier = false;
                foreach (var identifier in existingProductKitIdentifiersForThisStyleAndTerritory)
                    if (identifier.IsInUse == false)
                        thereIsAnAvailableExistinIdentifier = true;
                        idToUse = identifier;
                        identifier.ProductKitId = productKit.Id;
                        identifier.IsInUse      = true;
                        _context.Update(identifier); //i think that this is necessary...
                        break;                       //not sure if this continue is breaking only out of this if else? that's all i want it to do
                if (!thereIsAnAvailableExistinIdentifier)
                    _context.ProductKitIdentifier.Add(new ProductKitIdentifier
                        Identifier   = existingProductKitIdentifiersForThisStyleAndTerritory.Count(),
                        IsInUse      = true,
                        StyleId      = model.StyleId,
                        TerritoryId  = model.TerritoryId,
                        ProductKitId = productKit.Id
                    idToUse = _context.ProductKitIdentifier.LastOrDefault();//set to last because we just added it

        public async Task <IActionResult> EventEdit(int id, ProductKitAssignEvent_ViewModel model)
            if (id != model.ProductKitId)

            ProductKit productKit = _context.ProductKit.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == id);

            productKit.EventId = model.EventId;

            var        productInstances   = _context.ProductInstance.Where(i => i.ProductKitId == productKit.Id).ToList();
            List <int> productInstanceIds = new List <int>();

            foreach (var instance in productInstances)
            var customer_Instances = _context.ProductInstance_Customer.Where(pic => productInstanceIds.Contains(pic.ProductInstanceId)).ToList();

            //_context.ProductInstance.RemoveRange(productInstances);//don't want to clear out instances, but i do want to set them back to checkedout = 0 (false)
            foreach (var instance in productInstances)
                instance.CheckedOut = false;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!ProductKitExists(productKit.Id))
    public Product Setup(Product product)

        if (ConvertUtilities.ToBoolean(uxIsProductKitDrop.SelectedValue))
            foreach (string groupID in uxMultiProductKitGroup.ConvertToProductKitGroupIDs())
                ProductKit productKit = new ProductKit(CurrentCulture);
                productKit.ProductKitGroupID = groupID;

        product.IsProductKit = ConvertUtilities.ToBoolean(uxIsProductKitDrop.SelectedValue);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, ProductKit_ViewModel model)
            if (id != model.Id)

            ProductKit productKit = _context.ProductKit.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

            productKit.EventId     = model.EventId;
            productKit.Name        = model.Name.Replace(" ", "-");
            productKit.StyleId     = model.StyleId;
            productKit.TerritoryId = model.TerritoryId;

            //remove all of the existing product instances and customer_productinstnace entries, maybe this could be bad in the future and loss of data? what if they try
            //to edit the number of instances in a product kit after they've already saved a bunch of check out and check in info
            var        productInstances   = _context.ProductInstance.Where(i => i.ProductKitId == productKit.Id).ToList();
            List <int> productInstanceIds = new List <int>();

            foreach (var instance in productInstances)
            var customer_Instances = _context.ProductInstance_Customer.Where(pic => productInstanceIds.Contains(pic.ProductInstanceId)).ToList();

            //clear instance identifiers
            var instanceIdentifiers = _context.ProductInstanceIdentifier.Where(i => productInstanceIds.Contains((int)i.InstanceId)).ToList(); //AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

            foreach (var instanceIdentifer in instanceIdentifiers)                                                                            //AAAAAAAAAAA whole loop
                instanceIdentifer.IsInUse    = false;
                instanceIdentifer.InstanceId = null;
            //end clear instnace identifiers

            var numInstancesToBeRemoved = customer_Instances.Count();


            //editing the product kit here is actually change the number of instances entirely, so I may have to delete all instances associated with this kit and
            //add in altogether new ones, rather than upate the ones that remained, because the whole point of editing the product kit is the change the number of instances
            //because what I am changing is the quantity of instnaces it is not a quality of a given instance that is being changed, so yeah they will all have to be
            //deleted, meaning that their associations with customers will also have to be deleted



            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                _productKitService.AddInstances(model, productKit, numInstancesToBeRemoved);

                //for (int i = 0; i < model.ProductNames.Count(); i++)//for every product

                //    var numberExistingInstancesOfthisProduct = _context.ProductInstance.Where(pi => pi.ProductId == model.ProductIds[i]).Count();

                //    for (int j = 0; j < model.Quantities[i]; j++)
                //    {//change where this j starts to say make identifiers start with 1 if you want
                //        var identifier = numberExistingInstancesOfthisProduct + j;

                //        _context.ProductInstance.Add(new ProductInstance
                //        {
                //            Name = model.ProductNames[i] + "-" + identifier,
                //            ProductId = model.ProductIds[i],
                //            ProductKitId = productKit.Id,
                //            CheckedOut = false
                //        });
                //    }


                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                //return RedirectToAction("Details", "Events", new { id = model.EventId });

            #region old
            //if (ModelState.IsValid)
            //    try
            //    {
            //        _context.Update(model);
            //        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            //    }
            //    catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
            //    {
            //        if (!ProductKitExists(model.Id))
            //        {
            //            return NotFound();
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            throw;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));