public ActionResult StockListMovt(string itemNumber, string sessionId) { if (sessionId != null && userServices.getUserCountBySessionId(sessionId) == true) { using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { List <StockMovement> itemStockMovement = db.stockmovements.Where(x => x.itemNumber == itemNumber).ToList(); ProductCatalogue pc = db.productCatalogues.Where(x => x.itemNumber == itemNumber).FirstOrDefault(); ViewData["itemNumber"] = itemNumber; ViewData["itemDesc"] = pc.description; ViewData["uom"] = pc.unitofmeasure; ViewData["smt"] = itemStockMovement; ViewData["staffname"] = userServices.getUserBySessionId(sessionId).employee.empName; ViewData["sessionId"] = sessionId; return(View()); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } }
public void provide_cost_of_given_product(string productName) { var productCatalogue = new ProductCatalogue(); Product productFromCatalogue = productCatalogue.Get(productName); Assert.Equal(productName, productFromCatalogue); }
public static ProductCatalogue GetProductByItemNumber(String itemNumber) { using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { ProductCatalogue product = db.productCatalogues.Where(x => x.itemNumber == itemNumber).FirstOrDefault(); return(product); } }
public Warehouse(int id, string country) { = id; = country; int stock = id == -1 ? 0 : BaseStock; catalogue = new ProductCatalogue(stock); }
public ActionResult updateInventory(FormCollection formcollection, string itemNumber, string reason, string sessionId) { if (sessionId != null && userServices.getUserCountBySessionId(sessionId) == true) { using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { ProductCatalogue a = db.productCatalogues.Where(x => x.itemNumber == itemNumber).FirstOrDefault(); ProductSupplier ps = db.productSuppliers.Where(x => x.itemNumber == a.itemNumber).FirstOrDefault(); int adjqty = int.Parse(formcollection[itemNumber + "-adjqty"]); if (adjqty < 0) { if (System.Math.Abs(adjqty) > a.quantity) { return(RedirectToAction("StockList", "Store", new { sessionId, msg = "*Quantity cannot diminish to less than 0.*" })); } else { Voucher v = new Voucher(); v.quantityAdjusted = adjqty; v.status = "Pending"; v.voucherDate = DateTime.Now; v.itemNumber = itemNumber; v.itemName = a.description; v.price = ps.price * System.Math.Abs(v.quantityAdjusted); v.reason = reason; db.vouchers.Add(v); } } ProductCatalogue pc = db.productCatalogues.Where(x => x.itemNumber == itemNumber).FirstOrDefault(); StockMovement sm = new StockMovement(); if (adjqty < 0) { sm.movementDescription = "Manual Stock Adjustment"; } else { sm.movementDescription = "Delivery from supplier"; } sm.movementDate = DateTime.Now; sm.movementQuantity = adjqty; sm.movementBalance = adjqty + pc.quantity; sm.itemNumber = itemNumber; db.stockmovements.AddOrUpdate(sm); db.SaveChanges(); a.quantity = a.quantity + adjqty; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("StockList", new { sessionId })); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } }
public ActionResult Requisitions(string sessionId, string msg) { if (sessionId != null && userServices.getUserCountBySessionId(sessionId) == true) { PendingItemsModel retrieval = new PendingItemsModel(); List <int> matchingItemInventory = new List <int>(); string requisitionnumbers = ""; using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { List <Requisition> pendingReqs = db.requisitions.Where(x => x.status == "Approved").ToList(); //sort earliest first pendingReqs.Sort(); pendingReqs.Reverse(); //use requisitions to create a list of all requisitions to find sum of all items and their quantities foreach (Requisition requisition in pendingReqs) { //add requisition to string of requisition numbers if (requisitionnumbers == "") { requisitionnumbers = requisitionnumbers + requisition.reqformNumber; } else { requisitionnumbers = requisitionnumbers + "," + requisition.reqformNumber; } //add product request from requisition to pending product model List <ProductCatalogue> productCatalogues = db.productCatalogues.ToList(); foreach (ProductReq productReq in requisition.productReqs) { ProductCatalogue pc = productCatalogues.Where(x => x.itemNumber == productReq.productitemnumber) .FirstOrDefault(); string location = pc.location; string unit = pc.unitofmeasure; retrieval.add(productReq.productitemnumber, productReq.productDesc, unit, productReq.quantity, location); } } for (int i = 0; i < retrieval.itemName.Count(); i++) { //for each item, find its corresponding inventory stock amount string itemNumber = retrieval.itemNumber[i]; ProductCatalogue p = db.productCatalogues.Where(x => x.itemNumber == itemNumber).FirstOrDefault(); matchingItemInventory.Add(p.quantity); } } ViewData["itemInventory"] = matchingItemInventory; ViewData["sessionId"] = sessionId; ViewData["requisitions"] = requisitionnumbers; ViewData["msg"] = msg; ViewData["staffname"] = userServices.getUserBySessionId(sessionId).employee.empName; return(View(retrieval)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } }
public IActionResult getRelatedItems(int ProductId) { var relatedTags = new List <RelatedTag>(); var result = from prt in db.ProductRelatedTagMap where prt.ProductId == ProductId join rt in db.RelatedTag on prt.RelatedTagId equals rt.Id where rt.IsActive == true select rt; relatedTags = result.ToList(); var tags = db.Tag.Where(x => x.IsActive == true).Include(x => x.ProductTags).ToList(); var finaltags = new List <Tag>(); foreach (var t in relatedTags) { finaltags.AddRange(tags.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Trim() == t.Name.ToLower().Trim()).ToList()); } var final = new List <ProductTag>(); var all = db.ProductTag.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.IsApproved == true).ToList(); foreach (var f in finaltags) { final.AddRange(all.Where(x => x.TagId == f.Id).ToList()); } var finalpro = new List <ProductCatalogue>(); final = final.Where(x => x.ProductId != ProductId).ToList(); foreach (var l in final) { var one = new ProductCatalogue(); var variant = db.ProductVariantDetails.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.ProductId == l.ProductId).FirstOrDefault(); var varlist = new List <ProductVariantDetail>(); if (variant != null) { varlist.Add(variant); varlist = DealHelper.calculateDeal(varlist, db); varlist = PriceIncrementHelper.calculatePrice(varlist, db); variant = varlist[0]; one.Id = l.ProductId; one.Name = db.Products.Where(x => x.Id == l.ProductId).FirstOrDefault().Name; one.CostPrice = variant.CostPrice; one.Discount = variant.Discount; one.PriceAfterDiscount = variant.PriceAfterdiscount; one.SellingPrice = variant.Price; var image = db.ProductImages.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.IsDefault == true && x.ProductVariantDetailId == variant.Id).Select(x => x.ImagePath150x150).FirstOrDefault(); one.Image150 = image == null?db.ProductImages.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.ProductVariantDetailId == variant.Id).Select(x => x.ImagePath150x150).FirstOrDefault() : image; one.InStock = variant.InStock; one.VariantDetailId = variant.Id; finalpro.Add(one); } } return(Ok(finalpro.Take(20).ToList())); }
public ActionResult Others2(string sessionId) { if (sessionId != null && userServices.getUserCountBySessionId(sessionId) == true) { using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { List <Requisition> req = new List <Requisition>(); req = db.requisitions.ToList(); List <Requisition> requ = new List <Requisition>(); List <Department> dp = new List <Department>(); dp = db.departments.ToList(); ProductCatalogue pc = new ProductCatalogue(); List <double> total = new List <double>(); List <string> department = new List <string>(); ProductSupplier ps = new ProductSupplier(); double totalprice = 0; foreach (var dps in dp) { foreach (var reqs in req) { if ( == reqs.department) { if (reqs.status == "approved" || reqs.status == "partial") { if (reqs.datecompleted != null && reqs.datecompleted.Value.Month == DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).Month&& reqs.datecompleted.Value.Year == DateTime.Now.Year) { requ.Add(reqs); } } } } foreach (var requs in requ) { foreach (var productReq in requs.productReqs) { pc = db.productCatalogues.Where(x => x.itemNumber == productReq.productitemnumber).FirstOrDefault(); ps = db.productSuppliers.Where(x => x.itemNumber == productReq.productitemnumber && x.preference == 1).FirstOrDefault(); totalprice = totalprice + pc.quantity * ps.price;//I can't find the supplier in Requisition and ProductReq model, so i can't get the price, just add one temperory¡£ } } total.Add(totalprice); department.Add(dps.departmentName); } ViewData["total"] = total; ViewData["department"] = department; User user = db.users.Where(x => x.sessionId == sessionId).First(); ViewData["staffname"] = user.employee.empName; ViewData["sessionId"] = sessionId; return(View()); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutProductCatalogueItem(long id, ProductCatalogue Item) { if (id != Item.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(Item).State = EntityState.Modified; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(NoContent()); }
public ViewResult Index(int page = 1) { var tempProducts = productService.GetProducts(); var products = tempProducts.OrderBy(x => x.Id).Skip((page - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize); PagingInfo pagingInfo = new PagingInfo { CurrentPage = page, ItemsPerPage = PageSize, TotalItems = tempProducts.Count() }; ProductCatalogue model = new ProductCatalogue { Products = products, PagingInfo = pagingInfo }; return(View(model)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { productCatalogue = ProductCatalogue.GetCatalogues() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Request.QueryString["Id"]); if (productCatalogue == null) { return; } ProductCatalogueNameLabel.InnerText = productCatalogue.Name; if (!IsPostBack) { CatalogueEntriesListView.DataSource = productCatalogue.CatalogueEntries; CatalogueEntriesListView.DataBind(); } }
public ActionResult CatalogueEdit(int id, string sessionId) { if (sessionId != null && userServices.getUserCountBySessionId(sessionId) == true) { using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { ProductCatalogue p = db.productCatalogues.Where(d => == id).FirstOrDefault(); ViewData["p"] = p; ViewData["sessionId"] = sessionId; return(View()); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } }
public ViewResult GetCatalogue(string category = null, int page = 1) { int productTypeId = productTypeService.GetProductTypeId(category); var tempProducts = productService.GetProducts(productTypeId); var products = tempProducts.OrderBy(x => x.Id).Skip((page - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize); PagingInfo pagingInfo = new PagingInfo { CurrentPage = page, ItemsPerPage = PageSize, TotalItems = tempProducts.Count() }; ProductCatalogue model = new ProductCatalogue { Products = products, PagingInfo = pagingInfo, CurrentCategory = category }; return(View(model)); }
public void CanPaginate() { // Организация (arrange) ProductController controller = new ProductController(mock.Object, mockType.Object); controller.PageSize = 3; // Действие (act) ProductCatalogue result = (ProductCatalogue)((ViewResult)controller.GetCatalogue(null, 3)).Model; // Утверждение (assert) List <Product> products = result.Products.ToList(); Assert.IsTrue(products.Count == 3); Assert.AreEqual(products[0].Name, "Product7"); Assert.AreEqual(products[1].Name, "Product8"); Assert.AreEqual(products[2].Name, "Product9"); }
public void CanSendPaginationViewModel() { // Организация (arrange) ProductController controller = new ProductController(mock.Object, mockType.Object); controller.PageSize = 3; // Act ProductCatalogue result = (ProductCatalogue)((ViewResult)controller.GetCatalogue(category: null, page: 2)).Model; // Assert PagingInfo pageInfo = result.PagingInfo; Assert.AreEqual(pageInfo.CurrentPage, 2); Assert.AreEqual(pageInfo.ItemsPerPage, 3); Assert.AreEqual(pageInfo.TotalItems, 9); Assert.AreEqual(pageInfo.TotalPages, 3); }
public ActionResult InsertCatalogue(ProductCatalogue p, string sessionId) { if (sessionId != null && userServices.getUserCountBySessionId(sessionId) == true) { using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { //initiate quantity at zero p.quantity = 0; db.productCatalogues.Add(p); db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Catalogue", new { sessionId })); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } }
public ActionResult UpdateMovement(string itemNumber, int newqty) { using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { Inventory a = db.inventories.Where(x => x.itemNumber == itemNumber).FirstOrDefault(); ProductCatalogue pc = db.productCatalogues.Where(x => x.itemNumber == itemNumber).FirstOrDefault(); StockMovement sm = new StockMovement(); sm.movementDate = DateTime.Now; //sm.movementDescription = pc.supplier1; sm.movementQuantity = newqty - a.quantity; sm.movementBalance = newqty; sm.itemNumber = itemNumber; db.stockmovements.Add(sm); a.quantity = newqty; pc.quantity = newqty; db.SaveChanges(); ViewData["pc"] = pc; return(RedirectToAction("Stocklist")); } }
public void InsertorUpdate(ProductCatalogue input) { using (var transactiobn = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (input != null) { if (input.Id == 0) { _dbContext.ProductCatalogue.Add(new ProductCatalogue { Descriptions = input.Descriptions, Image = input.Image, Name = input.Name, Price = input.Price }); } else { var productData = _dbContext.ProductCatalogue.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == input.Id); if (productData != null) { productData.Image = input.Image != null ? input.Image : productData.Image; productData.Price = input.Price; productData.Name = input.Name; productData.Descriptions = input.Descriptions; _dbContext.Update(productData); } } _dbContext.SaveChanges(); transactiobn.Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { transactiobn.Dispose(); throw ex; } } }
public ActionResult Index() { if (!isCreated) { productCatalogue = ProductCatalogue.Random(); } isCreated = true; var productCatalogueViewModel = new ProductCatalogueViewModel() { CatalogueName = productCatalogue.Name, CatalogueEntries = new List <EntryEditModel>() }; foreach (var entry in productCatalogue.CatalogueEntries) { productCatalogueViewModel.CatalogueEntries.Add( new EntryEditModel(entry) ); } return(View("Index", productCatalogueViewModel)); }
public ActionResult DeleteCatalogue(int id, string sessionid) { if (sessionid != null && userServices.getUserCountBySessionId(sessionid) == true) { using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { ProductCatalogue pdtcat = db.productCatalogues.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault(); db.users.Where(x => x.sessionId == sessionid).FirstOrDefault(); Session["sessionid"] = sessionid; db.productCatalogues.Remove(pdtcat); db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Catalogue", new { sessionid })); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } }
public ActionResult CatalogueNew(string sessionId) { if (sessionId != null && userServices.getUserCountBySessionId(sessionId) == true) { ProductCatalogue p = new ProductCatalogue(); using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { List <ProductCatalogue> catalogue = db.productCatalogues.ToList(); ViewData["Catalogue"] = catalogue; ViewData["sessionId"] = sessionId; ViewData["staffname"] = userServices.getUserBySessionId(sessionId).employee.empName; ViewData["p"] = p; return(View()); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } }
public ActionResult DBDeptStaff(string sessionId) { //as staff, main page to show current pending items and qty that are from requests that are not //cancelled, completed, or partialcomplete if (sessionId != null && userServices.getUserCountBySessionId(sessionId) == true) { using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { User user = db.users.Where(x => x.sessionId == sessionId).FirstOrDefault(); String department = user.employee.departmentId; List <Requisition> departmentRequisitions = requestServices.getAllUncompleteRequisitions(department); departmentRequisitions.Sort(); //use requisitions to create a list of all requisitions to find sum of all items and their quantities PendingItemsModel pendingItems = new PendingItemsModel(); List <ProductCatalogue> productCatalogues = db.productCatalogues.ToList(); foreach (Requisition requisition in departmentRequisitions) { foreach (ProductReq productReq in requisition.productReqs) { ProductCatalogue pc = productCatalogues.Where(x => x.itemNumber == productReq.productitemnumber).FirstOrDefault(); string location = pc.location; string unit = pc.unitofmeasure; pendingItems.add(productReq.productitemnumber, productReq.productDesc, unit, productReq.quantity, location); } } //sort pendingitems? ViewData["staffname"] = user.employee.empName; ViewData["sessionId"] = sessionId; return(View(pendingItems)); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } }
private void ProductsActivity(object obj) { switch (obj as string) { case "ProdCatalogue": { ProductCatalogue catalogue = new ProductCatalogue(); catalogue.Show(); } break; case "ProdHSN": { ProductHSN hsn = new ProductHSN() { DataContext = new HSNproductVM() }; hsn.Show(); } break; case "ProdCategory": { ProductCategory productCategory = new ProductCategory() { DataContext = new ProductCategoryVM() }; productCategory.Show(); } break; default: MessageBox.Show("This is not supported in this version.", "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); break; } }
public void VerifyProductCatalogue() { //Arrange ProductCatalogue Catalogue = new ProductCatalogue(); List <IProduct> Inventory = Catalogue.PopulateCatalogue(); List <string> InventoryList = new List <string>(); List <string> ItemNames = new List <string>(); //Act for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.Count; i++) { ItemNames.Add(Inventory[i].Name); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in Catalogue.productInventory) { InventoryList.Add(entry.Key); } //Assert for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(InventoryList[i], ItemNames[i]); } }
public ActionResult UpdateCatalogue(ProductCatalogue p, string sessionId) { if (sessionId != null && userServices.getUserCountBySessionId(sessionId) == true) { using (var db = new InventoryDbContext()) { ProductCatalogue updatedCatalogue = db.productCatalogues.Where(x => ==; // =; updatedCatalogue.itemNumber = p.itemNumber; updatedCatalogue.category = p.category; updatedCatalogue.description = p.description; updatedCatalogue.reorderlevel = p.reorderlevel; updatedCatalogue.reorderquantity = p.reorderquantity; updatedCatalogue.unitofmeasure = p.unitofmeasure; db.productCatalogues.AddOrUpdate(updatedCatalogue); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Catalogue", new { sessionId })); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } }
public Retailer() { catalogue = new ProductCatalogue(1); }
public void TestCleanUp() { m = null; }
public void InitializeTest() { m = new ProductCatalogue(); }
public List <ProductCatalogue> getFilterProducts([FromBody] Filter filter, [FromQuery] int page, [FromQuery] int pagesize) { try { if (filter.SearchData == "undefined" || filter.SearchData == null) { filter.SearchData = ""; } var model = new List <ProductCatalogue>(); var products = db.Products.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.IsEnable == true && x.ProductCategory.IsShow == true); var prodIds = db.HomeCategoryProduct.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.HomeCategoryId == filter.CategoryId).Select(x => x.ProductId).ToList(); var prod = new List <Product>(); decimal minprice = 0; decimal maxprice = 0; if (filter.SelectedVariants.Count() > 0) { foreach (var s in filter.SelectedVariants) { var result = new List <Product>(); foreach (var o in s.VariantOptionId) { var pro = from cv in db.CategoryVariants where s.CategoryId == cv.ProductCategoryId && s.VariantId == cv.VariantId join pvo in db.ProductVariantOptions on cv.Id equals pvo.CategoryVariantId join pvd in db.ProductVariantDetails on pvo.ProductVariantDetailId equals pvd.Id join p in products on pvd.ProductId equals p.Id where o == pvo.VariantOptionId && cv.IsActive == true && pvo.IsActive == true && pvd.IsActive == true && p.IsActive == true select p; result.AddRange(pro.ToList()); } products = result.AsQueryable(); } } var variantsData = new List <ProductVariantDetail>(); foreach (var p in prodIds) { if (products.Any(x => x.Id == p)) { prod.Add(products.Where(x => x.Id == p).Include(x => x.ProductVariantDetails).FirstOrDefault()); } } foreach (var item in prod) { if (item.ProductVariantDetails == null) { item.ProductVariantDetails = db.ProductVariantDetails.Where(x => x.ProductId == item.Id && x.IsActive == true).ToList(); } var data = item.ProductVariantDetails.Where(b => b.IsActive == true).ToList(); variantsData.AddRange(data); } //variantsData.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id); var priceListdata = new List <ProductVariantDetail>(); var plist = prod.ToList(); var variantlist = db.ProductVariantDetails.Where(x => x.IsActive == true).Include(x => x.Product).ToList(); foreach (var p in plist) { var list = variantlist.Where(x => x.ProductId == p.Id).ToList(); priceListdata.AddRange(list); } //pricefilter var minprice1 = priceListdata.Count() == 0 ? 0 : priceListdata.Min(x => x.Price); var maxprice1 = priceListdata.Count() == 0 ? 0 : priceListdata.Max(x => x.Price); var pricelist = PriceRange(maxprice1, minprice1); var list1 = new List <ProductVariantDetail>(); minprice = filter.MinPrice != "" && filter.MinPrice != "0" ? Convert.ToDecimal(filter.MinPrice.Split('$')[1]) : 0; maxprice = filter.MaxPrice != "" && filter.MaxPrice != "0" ? Convert.ToDecimal(filter.MaxPrice.Split('$')[1]) : 0; if (maxprice == 0) { list1 = variantsData.Where(x => x.Price >= minprice).ToList(); } else { list1 = variantsData.Where(x => x.Price >= minprice && x.Price < maxprice).ToList(); } //search by name //var data11 = foreach (var l in list1) { if (l.Product == null) { l.Product = db.Products.Where(x => x.Id == l.ProductId && x.IsActive == true && x.IsEnable == true).FirstOrDefault(); } } //get data for page var final = list1.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).Skip((page - 1) * pagesize).Take(pagesize).ToList(); var count = list1.Count(); var ProductVariantOptions = db.ProductVariantOptions.Where(b => b.IsActive == true).ToList(); var optionsList = db.VariantOptions.Where(b => b.IsActive == true).Include(x => x.Variant).ToList(); var variantsList = new List <ProductVariantDetail>(); final = DealHelper.calculateDeal(final, db); final = PriceIncrementHelper.calculatePrice(final, db); foreach (var p in final) { var pro = new ProductCatalogue(); pro.Id = p.ProductId; //pro.Name = p.Product.Name; var pdata = prod.Where(x => x.Id == p.ProductId).FirstOrDefault(); pro.Name = pdata?.Name; pro.ShipmentVendor = pdata?.ShipmentVendor ?? false; pro.ShipmentCost = pdata?.ShipmentCost ?? 0; pro.ShipmentTime = pdata?.ShipmentTime ?? 0; pro.Description = pdata?.Description; pro.ProductCategoryName = pdata?.ProductCategory?.Name; pro.ProductCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(pdata?.ProductCategoryId); pro.InStock = p.InStock; pro.VariantDetailId = p.Id; pro.Discount = p.Discount; pro.SellingPrice = p.Price; pro.PriceAfterDiscount = p.PriceAfterdiscount; //} var selectedImage = new ProductImage(); selectedImage = db.ProductImages.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.IsDefault == true && x.ProductVariantDetailId == p.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedImage == null) { selectedImage = db.ProductImages.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.ProductVariantDetailId == pro.VariantDetailId).FirstOrDefault(); } pro.Image = selectedImage?.ImagePath; pro.Image150 = selectedImage?.ImagePath150x150; pro.Image450 = selectedImage?.ImagePath450x450; var VariantOptionIds = ProductVariantOptions.Where(x => x.ProductVariantDetailId == pro.VariantDetailId && x.IsActive == true).ToList().Select(x => x.VariantOptionId); foreach (var v in VariantOptionIds) { var data = optionsList.Where(x => x.Id == v && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault().RemoveReferences(); pro.VariantOptions.Add(data); } pro.Rating = db.RatingReviews.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.ReviewStatusId == 1 && x.ProductId == p.ProductId).FirstOrDefault()?.Rating; pro.Count = count; pro.PriceList = pricelist; pro.AvgRate = AvgRating(p.Id); pro.ActiveTo = p.ActiveTo; if (pdata != null) { model.Add(pro); } } //rate model = model.Where(x => x.AvgRate >= filter.AvgRate).OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).ToList(); //sorting if (filter.SortBy == "HighToLow") { model = model.OrderByDescending(x => x.PriceAfterDiscount).ToList(); } else if (filter.SortBy == "LowToHigh") { model = model.OrderBy(x => x.PriceAfterDiscount).ToList(); } if (model.Count == 0) { var model1 = new ProductCatalogue(); model1.PriceList = pricelist; model.Add(model1); } return(model); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetLikeProducts(string IpAddress, int UserId) { var list = new List <ProductTag>(); if (UserId > 0) { var result = from log in db.UserLogs where log.IsActive == true && log.UserId == UserId && log.Url.Contains("product-details") join tags in db.ProductTag on log.ProductId equals tags.ProductId join p in db.Products on tags.ProductId equals p.Id select tags; list = await result.ToListAsync(); } else { var result = from log in db.UserLogs where log.IsActive == true && (log.UserId == null || log.UserId == 0) && log.IPAddress == IpAddress && log.Url.Contains("product-details") join tags in db.ProductTag on log.ProductId equals tags.ProductId join p in db.Products on tags.ProductId equals p.Id select tags; list = result.ToList(); } var ids = list.Select(x => x.ProductId).Distinct(); list = new List <ProductTag>(); foreach (var l in ids) { list.AddRange(db.ProductTag.Where(x => x.ProductId == l).ToList()); } var alltags = db.ProductTag.Where(x => x.IsActive == true).ToList(); var finaltags = new List <ProductTag>(); foreach (var l in list) { var get = alltags.Where(x => x.TagId == l.TagId && x.ProductId != l.ProductId).ToList(); finaltags.AddRange(get); } var final = new List <ProductCatalogue>(); foreach (var l in finaltags) { var one = new ProductCatalogue(); var variant = db.ProductVariantDetails.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.ProductId == l.ProductId).FirstOrDefault(); var varlist = new List <ProductVariantDetail>(); if (variant != null) { varlist.Add(variant); varlist = DealHelper.calculateDeal(varlist, db); varlist = PriceIncrementHelper.calculatePrice(varlist, db); variant = varlist[0]; one.Id = l.ProductId; one.Name = db.Products.Where(x => x.Id == l.ProductId).FirstOrDefault().Name; one.CostPrice = variant.CostPrice; one.Discount = variant.Discount; one.PriceAfterDiscount = variant.PriceAfterdiscount; one.SellingPrice = variant.Price; var image = db.ProductImages.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.IsDefault == true && x.ProductVariantDetailId == variant.Id).Select(x => x.ImagePath150x150).FirstOrDefault(); one.Image150 = image == null?db.ProductImages.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.ProductVariantDetailId == variant.Id).Select(x => x.ImagePath150x150).FirstOrDefault() : image; one.InStock = variant.InStock; one.VariantDetailId = variant.Id; final.Add(one); } } return(Ok(final.Take(20).ToList())); }