            public void EmployeeApiReturnsData()
                var processedString = EmployeeList.Aggregate("", (current, employee)
                                                             => current + ($"ID: {employee.Id}\r\n" + $"Name: {employee.Name}\r\n" + $"Start Date: {employee.StartDate:dd/MM/yyyy}\r\n\r\n"));

        private static void ParseCommands(string commandFile, string outputFolder)
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(commandFile))
                RawCommands       rawCommands = RawCommands.FromJson(reader.ReadToEnd());
                ProcessedCommands processedModeratorCommands = new ProcessedCommands();
                ProcessedCommands processedViewerCommands    = new ProcessedCommands();
                ProcessedCommands processedPawnCommands      = new ProcessedCommands();

                foreach (RawCommand rawCommand in rawCommands.Commands)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rawCommand.Name))

                    if (rawCommand.Usage.StartsWith("!rwdata"))

                    ProcessedCommand processedCommand = ProcessedCommand.FromRawCommand(rawCommand);

                    if (rawCommand.UserLevel == UserLevel.Moderator)
                        if (IsPawnCommand(rawCommand.Usage))

                string outputFileModerator = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "SiteCommandsModerator.json");
                string outputFileViewer    = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "SiteCommandsViewer.json");
                string outputFilePawn      = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "SiteCommandsPawn.json");

                GenerateCommandsOutput(processedModeratorCommands, outputFileModerator);
                GenerateCommandsOutput(processedViewerCommands, outputFileViewer);
                GenerateCommandsOutput(processedPawnCommands, outputFilePawn);
    private void HandleInput(string input)
        if (!input.StartsWith(MessageUtils.CommandPrefix))

        string[] words = InputUtils.ProcessInput(input);

        if (words.Length > 0)
            string   keyword = words[0];
            string[] args    = words.Skip(1).ToArray();

            ProcessedCommand processedCommand = gameController.ProcessCommand(keyword, args);

            // Tells the Game Controller the command has been processed and displayed so it can process additional commands if needed
    // Called after a command from user's input has been processed and displayed
    // Processes a new command if needed, e.g. displays the turn info or ends a battle after a character has played
    public void CommandAddedToMessages(ProcessedCommand processedCommand)
        if (processedCommand.Command is null)

        if (battleController.InBattle)
            BattleUpdate battleUpdate = battleController.CheckState();

            if (battleUpdate == BattleUpdate.Error)

            ProcessedCommand additionalCommand = ProcessNewBattleCommand(battleUpdate);

            // Lets the console know a new command has been processed and needs to be displayed
 public void EmployeeApiReturnsData()
 => ProcessedCommand.Should().BeEquivalentTo(Employee.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Matches a trigger.  Also allows for the variable replacement triggers to be explicitly ignored by the caller
        /// regardless of how they're setup by the user.  This is important because the screen rendering code from AvalonEdit
        /// will hit those triggers over and over as each line comes in.  Variable replace should be ignored in those cases
        /// because they've already been processed (and in some cases it will cause them to re-process out of order).  If you're
        /// reading variables in from a prompt and getting say, a room name, you want that to process once, when you're there
        /// and not out of order.  To be clear, this isn't replace @ variables in the pattern, it's the part that sets the
        /// the variable later down the line.  The first "variable replacement" has to happen in both cases.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="skipVariableSet">Default false: Whether to explicitly skip variable setting (not replacing).</param>
        public bool IsMatch(string line, bool skipVariableSet = false)
            Match match;

            // Does this trigger contain any variables?  If so, we'll need to special handle it.  We're also
            // going to require that the VariableReplacement value is set to true so the player has to
            // specifically opt into this.  Since the Gag triggers run -a lot- on the terminal rendering
            // the bool will be more performant as a first check before the string contains check.  This is
            // a micro optimization that had real payoff in the performance profiler.
            if (this.VariableReplacement && Pattern.Contains('@', StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // Replace any variables with their literal values.
                string tempPattern = this.Conveyor.ReplaceVariablesWithValue(Pattern);
                var    tempRegex   = new Regex(tempPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                match = tempRegex.Match(line);
                // Run the match normal Match, this will be most all cases.
                match = _regex?.Match(line);

            // If it's not a match, get out.
            if (match == null || !match.Success)

            // If it's supposed to auto disable itself after it fires then set that.
            if (this.DisableAfterTriggered)
                this.Enabled = false;

            // Save the match for CLR processing if needed.
            this.Match = match;

            // Do we skip the variable set (used mainly when this is called from gags)... also skips the TriggeringText and
            // ProcessedCommand sets because they're not needed in this case.  I haven't had ANY issues with this in a lot of
            // testing but since Trigger is a reference we need to be careful about race conditions that might arise from
            // using the below properties if anything that's async takes advantage of this (you could get some hard to track down
            // bugs in that case where one trigger set the ProcessedCommand and another set it to another value before the first
            // had finished its Command).
            if (skipVariableSet == false)
                // Save the text that triggered this trigger so that it can be used if needed elsewhere like in
                // a CLR trigger.
                TriggeringText = line;

                // Setup the command that we may or may not process
                ProcessedCommand = this.Command;

                // Allow the user to have the content of the last trigger if they need it.
                if (this.IsLua == false)
                    ProcessedCommand = ProcessedCommand.Replace("%0", TriggeringText);
                    ProcessedCommand = ProcessedCommand.Replace("%0", TriggeringText.Replace("\"", "\\\""));

                // Go through any groups backwards that came back in the trigger match.  Groups are matched in reverse
                // order so that %1 doesn't overwrite %12 and leave a trailing 2.
                for (int i = match.Groups.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    // If it's a named match, we specifically named it in the trigger and thus we're going
                    // to automatically store it in a variable that can then be used later by aliases, triggers, etc.
                    // If there are variables that came back that aren't named, throw those into the more generic
                    // %1, %2, %3 values.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match.Groups[i].Name) && !match.Groups[i].Name.IsNumeric() && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match.Groups[i].Value))
                        Conveyor.SetVariable(match.Groups[i].Name, match.Groups[i].Value);
                        // TODO - Consider StringBuilder
                        // TODO - Consider doing both the variables sets, and then ALSO the pattern matches.
                        // Replace %1, %2, etc. variables with their values from the pattern match.
                        if (this.IsLua == false)
                            ProcessedCommand = ProcessedCommand.Replace($"%{i}", match.Groups[i].Value);
                            ProcessedCommand = ProcessedCommand.Replace($"%{i}", match.Groups[i].Value.Replace("\"", "\\\""));

            // If the profile setting to track the last trigger date is set then set it.
            if (this.Conveyor.ProfileSettings.TrackTriggerLastMatched)
                this.LastMatched = DateTime.Now;

 private void OnAdditionalCommandProcessed(ProcessedCommand processedCommand) => AdditionalCommandProcessed?.Invoke(this, new ProcessedCommandEventArgs()
     ProcessedCommand = processedCommand