private static void ShowSyntax(string errorMessage = "") { Console.WriteLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorMessage)) { ConsoleMsgUtils.ShowErrorCustom("Error: " + errorMessage, false); Console.WriteLine(); } var exeName = Path.GetFileName(ProcessFilesOrDirectoriesBase.GetAppPath()); ConsoleWriteWrapped("This program implements a protein parsimony algorithm for grouping proteins with similar peptides."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Program syntax #1:"); Console.WriteLine(exeName + " InputFilePath.txt [OutputFilePath]"); Console.WriteLine(); ConsoleWriteWrapped("The input file is a tab delimited text file with columns Protein and Peptide " + "(column order does not matter; extra columns are ignored)"); Console.WriteLine(); ConsoleWriteWrapped("If the output file path is not defined, it will be created in the same location " + "as the input file, but with '_parsimony' added to the filename"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Program syntax #2:"); Console.WriteLine(exeName + " SQLiteDatabase.db3 [TableName]"); Console.WriteLine(); ConsoleWriteWrapped("If the input is a SQLite database file (extension .db, .db3, .sqlite, or\a.sqlite3), " + "proteins and peptides will be read from the specified table, or\afrom " + "T_Row_Metadata if TableName is not provided. The table must have columns " + "Protein and Peptide. Results will be written to tables " + Runner.PARSIMONY_GROUPING_TABLE + " and " + Runner.PARSIMONY_GROUP_MEMBERS_TABLE); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Program written by Josh Aldrich for the Department of Energy (PNNL, Richland, WA)"); Console.WriteLine("Version: " + ProcessFilesOrDirectoriesBase.GetAppVersion(PROGRAM_DATE)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("E-mail: [email protected]"); Console.WriteLine("Website: or or or "); Console.WriteLine(""); }
private static string GetAppVersion() { return(ProcessFilesOrDirectoriesBase.GetAppVersion(PROGRAM_DATE)); }