public void SaveUploadedFiles(String path) { int fileCount = _process.HttpPage.Request.Files.Count; String[] files = new String[fileCount]; for (int fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < fileCount; fileIndex++) { HttpPostedFile file = _process.HttpPage.Request.Files[fileIndex]; if (path != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { String prepend = _process.QueryOther["file_prepend"]; prepend = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(prepend) ? prepend + "_" : String.Empty; String filename = String.Join("_", Common.CleanToSafeString(Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)).Split(' ')); String fullName = Common.CombinePaths(_rootFilesPath, path, prepend + filename); if (Common.PathIsInSite(fullName) && filename != String.Empty) { file.SaveAs(fullName); files[fileIndex] = fullName; } } else if (path != null && file.ContentLength == 0 && file.FileName != String.Empty) { _process.AddMessage( String.Format("The file \"{0}\" was ignored because it was empty.", file.FileName), MessageType.Error); } } }
public void CopyTo(string mainValue) { string[] parts = mainValue.Split('¤'); string copyFromPath = parts[0]; string copyToPath = parts[1]; string name = parts[2]; if (copyFromPath.Trim() == string.Empty || copyToPath.Trim() == string.Empty) { _process.AddMessage("An error occured while copying the page."); } else { Page copyFrom = GetPage(copyFromPath); Page copyTo = GetPage(copyToPath); if (name.Trim() == string.Empty) { name = string.Format("Copy of {0}", copyFrom.Name); } Page newPage = Create(copyTo.PageIdentifier, name, name); newPage.Containers.ParentNode.InnerXml = copyFrom.Containers.ParentNode.InnerXml; newPage.Save(); Save(); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the add page. /// </summary> private void HandleAddPage() { String mainvalue = Process.QueryEvents["mainvalue"]; String[] pathSplit = mainvalue.Split('*'); String path = pathSplit[0]; String pageName = pathSplit[1]; SiteTree siteTree = new SiteTree(Process); if (!siteTree.Exists(path + "/" + pageName)) { siteTree.Create(path, pageName, pageName); } else { Process.AddMessage("A page with that name already exists."); } }
private void HandleIndex() { string rootPath = Process.Root; string[] s = Process.CurrentProcess.Split('/'); string baseDir = Process.Settings["search/index"]; string rules = rootPath + @"\Custom\App_Data\rules.xml"; string filePath = rootPath + @"\Custom\App_Data\database"; //jig: index only one section if (s.Length >= 2) { filePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(filePath, "site"), s[1]); baseDir = Path.Combine(baseDir, s[1]); } string procMessage; Indexer indexer = new Indexer(baseDir); indexer.LoadRules(rules); try { indexer.AddDirectory(filePath, "*.xml"); ArrayList fileList = indexer.IndexDocuments(); fileList.Clear(); procMessage = indexer.ProcMessage; procMessage += "Indexed OK."; } catch (Exception) { procMessage = string.Format("Failed to index documents in '{0}'", filePath); } if (procMessage != string.Empty) { Process.AddMessage(procMessage); } }
private void HandleSubmitForm() { StringBuilder reply = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < Process.QueryData.Count; i++) { Query current = Process.QueryData[i]; if (current.Name.StartsWith("form")) { string fieldName = current.Name.Replace("form_", string.Empty).Replace("_", " ").Trim(); reply.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\n", fieldName, current.Value); } } MailMessage message = new MailMessage { From = new MailAddress(Process.Settings["mail/servermail"]) }; message.To.Add(Process.Settings["mail/user"]); message.Subject = Process.Settings["mail/subject"]; message.Body = reply.ToString(); SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(Process.Settings["mail/smtp"]); if (Process.Settings["mail/smtpuser"] != string.Empty) { smtpClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(Process.Settings["mail/smtpuser"], Process.Settings["mail/smtppass"]); } smtpClient.Send(message); string confirmMessage = Process.Settings["mail/confirm"]; if (confirmMessage != string.Empty) { Process.AddMessage(confirmMessage); } }
private void LoopThroughProcess(string[] args, XmlNode xmlNode, Process process) { if (args[0] != string.Empty) { args[0] = CommonXml.RenameIntegerPath(args[0]); xmlNode = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode(args[0]); if (xmlNode != null) { if (process.CheckGroups(CommonXml.GetAttributeValue(xmlNode, "rights"))) { XmlNodeList contentNodes = xmlNode.SelectNodes("*"); foreach (XmlNode contentNode in contentNodes) { // Not very pretty, I know, but it seems to be the // best way to allow for proper debugging if (process.HttpPage.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] == "") { switch (contentNode.Name) { case "load": HandlePlugin(contentNode, args, process); break; case "handle": HandlePlugin(contentNode, args, process); break; case "template": process.mainTemplate = process.Settings["templates/" + contentNode.Attributes["name"].Value]; break; case "redirect": process.HttpPage.Response.Redirect(process.GetUrl(contentNode.Attributes["href"].Value)); break; } } else { try { switch (contentNode.Name) { case "load": HandlePlugin(contentNode, args, process); break; case "handle": HandlePlugin(contentNode, args, process); break; case "template": process.mainTemplate = process.Settings["templates/" + contentNode.Attributes["name"].Value]; break; case "redirect": process.HttpPage.Response.Redirect(process.GetUrl(contentNode.Attributes["href"].Value)); break; } } catch (Exception e) { process.AddMessage(e); } } } args = Common.RemoveOne(args); if (args != null) { LoopThroughProcess(args, xmlNode, process); } } else { string redirectUrl = string.Format("login.aspx?redirect={0}", process.QueryOther["process"]); process.HttpPage.Response.Redirect(redirectUrl); // todo: is this the way to do it } } } }