private void addTicket_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Text += " - " + Program.TicketDB.CurrentUser.Nome; this.Update(); List <Area> Areas = Program.TicketDB.ProcuraAreas(); foreach (Area Area in Areas) { cbxTAvaria.Items.Add(Area.ToString()); } Program.TicketDB.ProcuraPerfis(); List <Prioridade> Prioridades = Program.TicketDB.ProcuraPrioridade(); foreach (Prioridade Prio in Prioridades) { cbxPrioridade.Items.Add(Prio.ToString()); } Program.TicketDB.ProcuraPerfis(); List <Equipamento> Equipamentos = Program.TicketDB.ProcuraEquipamentos(); foreach (Equipamento Equip in Equipamentos) { cbxEquipamento.Items.Add(Equip.ToString()); } Program.TicketDB.ProcuraPerfis(); }
public int CompareTo(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(1); } return(Prio.CompareTo(((Skill)obj).Prio)); }
public static void Log(Topic topic, Prio prio, ulong contentId, string content) { switch (prio) { case Prio.Fehler: case Prio.Warnung: MainWindow.ErrorCount++; break; } Sql sql = new Sql(); sql.CreateLogEntry(topic, prio, contentId, content); }
public static void Log(String sMsg, Prio ePriorite, Orig eOrigine, bool bMsgBox) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; String sLine = dt.Year.ToString() + "/" + dt.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "/" + dt.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "\t" + dt.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + dt.Minute.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + dt.Second.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "\t" + eOrigine.ToString() + "\t" + ePriorite.ToString() + "\t" + sMsg; if (m_sLogFileDefined) { m_sw.WriteLine(sLine); m_sw.Flush(); } // TODO : vérifier que le destructeur de StreamWriter ferme le fichier }
public static void Log(Topic topic, Prio prio, ulong contentId, string content) { switch (prio) { case Prio.Fehler: ++StatusClass.ErrorCount; break; case Prio.Warnung: ++StatusClass.WarningCount; break; } Sql Sql = new Sql(); Sql.CreateLogEntry(topic, prio, contentId, content); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Name.Length != 0) { hash ^= Name.GetHashCode(); } if (Prio != 0) { hash ^= Prio.GetHashCode(); } if (GroupName.Length != 0) { hash ^= GroupName.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
/// <summary> /// Schreibt in eine Log-Datei wenn DebugBitPos in DegbuByte gesetzt ist oder errorNo < 0 /// </summary> /// <param name="DebugBitPos">Bit-Position in DebugByte</param> /// <param name="errorNo">Eindeutige Fehlernummer</param> /// <param name="logMessage">Text</param> public static void Write(Cat DebugBitPos, Prio prio, int errorNo, string logMessage) //Fehlernummern siehe Log.cs 0701ZZ { if (Tools.IsBitSet(DebugWord, (int)DebugBitPos) || prio != Prio.Info) { LogWrite(string.Format("{0:00} {1} {2:D6}", (int)DebugBitPos, prio.ToString().Substring(0, 1), errorNo), logMessage); } if (DebugBitPos == (int)Log.Cat.Info && Tools.IsBitSet(DebugWord, (int)Log.Cat.Info)) { Console.WriteLine(logMessage); } if (prio == Prio.Error) { Program.AppErrorOccured = true; if (Program.AppErrorNumber < 0) //nur, wenn AppErrorCategory noch nicht gesetzt ist { Program.AppErrorNumber = errorNo; //(int)DebugBitPos; } } }
public LCDScreen(string name, Prio prio, int dur) { = name; this.prio = prio; this.dur = dur; }
public int dur; //duration in 1/8 seconds public LCDScreen(string name, Prio prio, int dur) { = name; this.prio = prio; this.dur = dur; }
public static void Log(String sMsg, Prio ePriorite, Orig eOrigine) { Log(sMsg, ePriorite, eOrigine, false); }
public bool Equals(Prio <D> that) { return(Priority == that.Priority); }
/// <summary> /// (re)Run the scripts collected thus far /// </summary> public static Assembly CompileScripts() { // compile MonoScript.Unload(oldScripts); var scriptass = Script.Evaluator.StaticCompile(GetSources(), "s_"); oldScripts = scriptass; Dictionary <string, List <MethodInfo> > broadcast = new Dictionary <string, List <MethodInfo> >(); // populate the base dispatch list foreach (var t in typeof(ScriptEvents).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { if (!broadcast.ContainsKey(t.Name)) { broadcast[t.Name] = new List <MethodInfo>(); } } var dispatcher = new StringBuilder(); dispatcher.AppendLine("using System.Collections.Generic;"); dispatcher.AppendLine("public class ScriptDispatcher : ScriptEvents {"); // collect the methods we'll broadcast to foreach (var t in scriptass.GetTypesSafe()) { if (t.IsAbstract || t.IsInterface || (!t.IsPublic)) { Debug.Log($"[SCRIPT] Skipping {t.Name} because it is abstract {t.IsAbstract} {t.IsInterface} {t.IsPublic} {t.BaseType?.Name ?? "no base"} {t?.BaseType?.BaseType?.Name ?? "no 2base"}"); continue; } for (var bt = t.BaseType; bt != null && bt != typeof(Object); bt = bt.BaseType) { if (bt.Name == "ScriptEvents") { goto good; } } continue; good: foreach (var m in t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { if (!broadcast.ContainsKey(m.Name)) { continue; } if (m.DeclaringType != t) { continue; } broadcast[m.Name].Add(m); } // populate the instances while at it. dispatcher.AppendLine($"public {t.Name} {t.Name}_instance = new {t.Name}();"); } // sort em according to broadcast priority foreach (var kv in broadcast) { kv.Value.Sort((a, b) => { var attra = new Prio(0); var attrb = new Prio(0); a.GetAttr(ref attra); b.GetAttr(ref attrb); return(attrb.prio - attra.prio); }); } // Now construct the dispatcher foreach (var kv in broadcast) { if (kv.Value.Count == 0) { continue; } var m = typeof(ScriptEvents).GetMethod(kv.Key); dispatcher.AppendLine("override " + m.GetSignature().Replace("&", "").Replace("+", ".")); dispatcher.AppendLine("{"); // early exit? // TODO: support enumerators var isexit = m.ReturnType == typeof(bool); if (isexit) { dispatcher.Append("return "); } // construct the call foreach (var fun in kv.Value) { dispatcher.Append(fun.DeclaringType.Name + "_instance." + fun.GetSignature(true).Replace("&", "")); if (isexit && kv.Value.Last() != fun) { dispatcher.Append("||"); } else { dispatcher.AppendLine(";"); } } dispatcher.AppendLine("}"); } dispatcher.AppendLine("}"); dispatcher.AppendLine("//" + scriptass.FullName); var dstr = dispatcher.ToString(); Debug.Log("Compiled dispatch: " + dstr); // compile this mess and instantiate the dispatcher var dispAss = Script.Evaluator.StaticCompile(new object[] { /*scriptass, */ dstr.ToBytes() }, "d_"); Script.On?.OnDestroy(); Script.On = Activator.CreateInstance(dispAss.GetTypesSafe().First(x => x.Name == "ScriptDispatcher")) as ScriptEvents; // if there is a GO already in place, we'll have to simulate start and awake if (MBProxy.go != null) { Script.On.Awake(); Script.On.Start(); } var newlist = new Dictionary <MonoBehaviour, ScriptEvents>(); foreach (var kv in SingletonList.singletons) { if (kv.Value != Script.On) { Script.On.OnSingleton(kv.Key, false); } newlist[kv.Key] = Script.On; } SingletonList.singletons = newlist; MonoScript.Unload(dispAss); return(scriptass); }
public async void StartSubscriptionAsync(IRC5Session cs, string resource, T eventArgs) { Cs = cs; if (Cs.IsOmnicore) { Protocol = "rws_subscription"; TemplateSocketUrl = "wss://{0}/poll"; } using HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler { Credentials = new NetworkCredential(cs?.UAS.User, cs?.UAS.Password) }; handler.Proxy = null; handler.UseProxy = false; handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => { return(true); }; string prioAndResourcePath = Prio + "|" + resource.Replace(resource.Split('/').Last(), ""); int resourceCount = 1; Cs.SubscriptionService.SubscriptionSessions.TryGetValue(prioAndResourcePath, out var outSubscData); resourceCount += outSubscData == null ? 0 : outSubscData.ResourceCount; Tuple <string, string>[] dataParameters = { Tuple.Create("resources", resourceCount.ToString()), Tuple.Create(resourceCount.ToString(), resource), Tuple.Create(resourceCount + "-p", Prio.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) }; string combinedParams = IRC5Session.BuildDataParameters(dataParameters); if (outSubscData != null) { outSubscData.CombinedParameters = (outSubscData.CombinedParameters.Contains(resource) ? outSubscData.CombinedParameters : (outSubscData.CombinedParameters + "&" + combinedParams).TrimStart('&')); outSubscData.ResourceCount = resourceCount; } else { Cs.SubscriptionService.SubscriptionSessions.AddOrOverwrite(prioAndResourcePath, new OpenSubscriptionData() { ResourceCount = resourceCount, CombinedParameters = combinedParams, ResourcePath = prioAndResourcePath.Split('|')[1], GroupID = "1", }); } outSubscData = Cs.SubscriptionService.SubscriptionSessions[prioAndResourcePath]; using HttpContent httpContent = new StringContent(outSubscData.CombinedParameters); httpContent.Headers.Remove("Content-Type"); httpContent.Headers.Add("Content-Type", Cs.ContentTypeHeader); using HttpClient client = new HttpClient(handler); outSubscData.RequestQueue.Add(new Task(() => { StartSubscriptionAsync(Cs, resource, eventArgs); })); if (outSubscData.RequestQueue.Count == 1) { outSubscData.CombinedParameters = ""; await SocketThreadAsync(client, httpContent, eventArgs, prioAndResourcePath); } }
public bool Equals(Prio <D> that) { return(this.priority == that.priority); }
public int CompareTo(Prio <D> that) { return(this.priority.CompareTo(that.priority)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if Incident instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of Incident to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(Incident other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Incidentid == other.Incidentid || Incidentid != null && Incidentid.Equals(other.Incidentid) ) && ( Description == other.Description || Description != null && Description.Equals(other.Description) ) && ( Type == other.Type || Type != null && Type.Equals(other.Type) ) && ( Position == other.Position || Position != null && Position.Equals(other.Position) ) && ( Prio == other.Prio || Prio != null && Prio.Equals(other.Prio) ) && ( Status == other.Status || Status != null && Status.Equals(other.Status) ) && ( Probability == other.Probability || Probability != null && Probability.Equals(other.Probability) ) && ( Interventionplan == other.Interventionplan || Interventionplan != null && Interventionplan.Equals(other.Interventionplan) ) && ( Incidenttime == other.Incidenttime || Incidenttime != null && Incidenttime.Equals(other.Incidenttime) ) && ( Wbid == other.Wbid || Wbid != null && Wbid.Equals(other.Wbid) ) && ( Telephone == other.Telephone || Telephone != null && Telephone.Equals(other.Telephone) ) && ( AdditionalMedia == other.AdditionalMedia || AdditionalMedia != null && AdditionalMedia.Equals(other.AdditionalMedia) ) && ( MediaType == other.MediaType || MediaType != null && MediaType.Equals(other.MediaType) ) && ( Area == other.Area || Area != null && MediaType.Equals(other.Area) )); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (Incidentid != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Incidentid.GetHashCode(); } if (Description != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Description.GetHashCode(); } if (Type != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Type.GetHashCode(); } if (Position != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Position.GetHashCode(); } if (Prio != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Prio.GetHashCode(); } if (Status != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Status.GetHashCode(); } if (Probability != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Probability.GetHashCode(); } if (Interventionplan != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Interventionplan.GetHashCode(); } if (Incidenttime != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Incidenttime.GetHashCode(); } if (Wbid != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Wbid.GetHashCode(); } if (Telephone != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Telephone.GetHashCode(); } if (AdditionalMedia != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + AdditionalMedia.GetHashCode(); } if (MediaType != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + MediaType.GetHashCode(); } if (Area != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Area.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
public static void Log(String sMsg, Prio ePriorite) { Log(sMsg, ePriorite, Orig.General, false); }