/// <summary> /// 打印预览及打印模版 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnLEDShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //获取选择的打印设置行,得到选择的打印的预览信息 try { if (this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择要预览的设置!"); return; } if (this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Print_ID"].Value.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("请选择要预览的设置!"); return; } else { CommonalityEntity.Car_Type_ID = this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Print_CarType_Id"].Value.ToString(); string sql = "select * from PrintInfo where Print_ID='" + this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Print_ID"].Value.ToString() + "'"; PrintInfo pInfo = PrintInfoDAL.GetPrint(sql); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); string sqlContent = "Select top 1 "; if (pInfo.Print_Content != "") { string[] str = pInfo.Print_Content.Split(','); foreach (var item in str) { sqlContent += item + ","; } sqlContent = sqlContent.Substring(0, sqlContent.Length - 1); } string strsqlContent = sqlContent + " from View_LEDShow_zj where CarType_ID=" + CommonalityEntity.Car_Type_ID; dataset = LinQBaseDao.Query(strsqlContent); if (dataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { CommonalityEntity.Serialnumber = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["小票号"].ToString(); PrintInfoForm pi = new PrintInfoForm(dataset); pi.Show(); } else { strsqlContent = sqlContent + " from View_LEDShow_zj"; dataset = LinQBaseDao.Query(strsqlContent); CommonalityEntity.Serialnumber = "130808000001"; PrintInfoForm pi = new PrintInfoForm(dataset); pi.Show(); } } } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("PrintSetForm btnLEDShow_Click()");//记录异常日志 } }
private void lvwUserList_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择要修改的项!"); return; } if (this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Print_ID"].Value.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("请选择要修改的项!"); return; } else { string sql = "select * from PrintInfo where Print_ID='" + this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Print_ID"].Value.ToString() + "'"; PrintInfo pInfo = PrintInfoDAL.GetPrint(sql); comboxCartype.SelectedValue = pInfo.Print_CarType_ID; chkPrint_State.Text = pInfo.Print_State; ////////////////////////// txttisi.Text = lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Print_Attention"].Value.ToString(); txtzhuyishixiang.Text = lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Print_Prompt"].Value.ToString(); string[] content = pInfo.Print_Content.Split(','); foreach (var item in content) { if (item == chkCarNumber.Text) { chkCarNumber.Checked = true; } if (item == chkStaff_Name.Text) { chkStaff_Name.Checked = true; } if (item == chkCarType.Text) { chkCarType.Checked = true; } } btnAdd.Enabled = false; btnUpdate.Enabled = true; } } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("PrintSetForm lvwUserList_RowHeaderMouseDoubleClick()"); //记录异常日志 } }
private void btnCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { CheckProperties.ce.SapChengPinTable = null; CheckProperties.ce.SapChengPinTable2 = null; CheckMethod.listMessage.Clear(); CommonalityEntity.yxincheck = false;//是否系统自动进门授权 SerialNumber = txtNumber.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SerialNumber)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "小票号(IC卡)不能为空"); return; } string strsql = ""; if (SerialNumber.Length >= 12) { strsql = "select top 1 * from View_CarState where SmallTicket_Serialnumber= '" + SerialNumber + "' order by SmallTicket_ID desc"; } if (SerialNumber.Length == 9) { strsql = "select top 1 * from View_CarState where SmallTicket_ICCard_ID in( select ICCard_ID from ICCard where ICCard_Value ='" + SerialNumber + "') order by SmallTicket_ID desc"; ICValue = SerialNumber; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strsql)) { MessageBox.Show("小票号(IC卡)无效!"); return; } dtviewcarstate = LinQBaseDao.Query(strsql).Tables[0]; if (dtviewcarstate.Rows.Count > 0) { if (!ISfull()) { return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("小票号(IC卡)无效!"); return; } string Strategy_DriSName = "";//通行策略名称 CommonalityEntity.IsUpdatedri = false; //查询车辆类型的通行策略 DataTable DrivewayStrategy_IDDT = LinQBaseDao.Query("select DrivewayStrategy_ID,DrivewayStrategy_Sort ,DrivewayStrategy_Name,DrivewayStrategy_Driveway_ID from DrivewayStrategy where DrivewayStrategy_State='启动' and DrivewayStrategy_Name in (select CarType_DriSName from CarType where CarType_Name='" + cmbCarType.Text + "') order by DrivewayStrategy_Sort ").Tables[0]; if (DrivewayStrategy_IDDT.Rows.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("该车辆没有配通行策略!", "提示"); return; } Strategy_DriSName = DrivewayStrategy_IDDT.Rows[0][2].ToString(); CommonalityEntity.Driveway_ID = Convert.ToInt32(DrivewayStrategy_IDDT.Rows[0]["DrivewayStrategy_Driveway_ID"].ToString()); DataTable dtption = LinQBaseDao.Query("select Driveway_Value,Position_ID,Position_Value,Position_State from View_DrivewayPosition where Driveway_ID=" + CommonalityEntity.Driveway_ID).Tables[0]; if (dtption.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dtption.Rows[0]["Position_State"].ToString() != "启动") { MessageBox.Show(this, "通行门岗状态已暂停和注销!"); return; } CommonalityEntity.Driveway_Value = dtption.Rows[0]["Driveway_Value"].ToString(); CommonalityEntity.Position_ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtption.Rows[0]["Position_ID"].ToString()); CommonalityEntity.Position_Value = dtption.Rows[0]["Position_Value"].ToString(); } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "门岗通道不存在,请检查!"); return; } string carname = dtviewcarstate.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Name"].ToString(); CheckProperties.ce.CarInfo_ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtviewcarstate.Rows[0]["CarInfo_ID"].ToString()); CheckProperties.ce.ChengPinNumber = carname; CheckProperties.ce.carInfo_Name = carname; if (ChkRepeat(carname)) { MessageBox.Show("不能重复登记该车辆!"); return; } string crSql = "select * from CarType where CarType_Name='" + cmbCarType.Text + "'"; CheckProperties.ce.IsPhoto = false; CheckProperties.ce.levelIsWaste = false; CheckProperties.ce.isSort = false; CheckProperties.ce.ISUpdateCredentials = false; CommonalityEntity.ISYX = false; CheckProperties.ce.IsState = false; CarType cart = LinQBaseDao.GetItemsForListing <CarType>(crSql).FirstOrDefault(); if (cart != null) { CommonalityEntity.Car_Type_ID = cart.CarType_ID.ToString(); CheckProperties.ce.carType_ID = cart.CarType_ID; CheckProperties.ce.CarTypeKey = cart.CarType_ID.ToString(); CommonalityEntity.CarType[cart.CarType_ID.ToString()] = cart.CarType_Name; CheckProperties.ce.carType_Value = cart.CarType_Value; CheckProperties.ce.CarType_Name = cart.CarType_Name; } #region 执行登记管控 //根据车辆类型,获取车辆类型的管控策略(登记管控) string sql = ""; sql = "select * from ManagementStrategy where ManagementStrategy_DriSName='" + Strategy_DriSName + "' and ManagementStrategy_Menu_ID=1 and ManagementStrategy_State='启动' and ManagementStrategy_Rule in('ChkChengPin', 'ChkSapOflag','ISInCheckSapSave') order by ManagementStrategy_No "; DataTable dtmstra = LinQBaseDao.Query(sql).Tables[0]; if (dtmstra.Rows.Count > 0) { CommonalityEntity.ISlogin = true; } else { CommonalityEntity.ISlogin = false; } if (CommonalityEntity.ISlogin) { sql = "select * from ManagementStrategy where ManagementStrategy_DriSName='" + Strategy_DriSName + "' and ManagementStrategy_Menu_ID=1 and ManagementStrategy_State='启动' order by ManagementStrategy_No "; } else { sql = "select * from ManagementStrategy where ManagementStrategy_DriSName='" + Strategy_DriSName + "' and ManagementStrategy_Menu_ID=1 and ManagementStrategy_State='启动' and ManagementStrategy_Rule not in('ChkChengPin', 'ChkSapOflag','ISInCheckSapSave') order by ManagementStrategy_No "; } try { checkPr.ExecutionMethod(sql);//执行指定车辆类型的管控 } catch { } #endregion //执行结果 if (CheckMethod.listMessage.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in CheckMethod.listMessage) { MessageBox.Show(item); return; } } string carId = ""; Expression <Func <Car, bool> > carFn = n => n.Car_Name == CheckProperties.ce.carInfo_Name; Car car1 = CarDAL.Query(carFn).FirstOrDefault(); if (car1 != null) { carId = car1.Car_ID.ToString(); } #region 车辆信息 carInfo_ID = insertcar(carId); ErroSql.Add("delete carinfo where carinfo_id=" + carInfo_ID); #endregion #region 登记图片信息 DataTable dt = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from CarPic where CarPic_Type='车辆登记照片' and CarPic_CarInfo_ID=" + CheckProperties.ce.CarInfo_ID).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string picSql = "Insert into CarPic(CarPic_CarInfo_ID,CarPic_State,CarPic_Add,CarPic_Type,CarPic_Time,CarPic_Match) values(" + carInfo_ID + ",'启动','" + dt.Rows[0]["CarPic_Add"].ToString() + "','车辆登记照片',getdate(),'匹配')"; picSql = picSql + " select @@identity"; string picid = LinQBaseDao.GetSingle(picSql).ToString();//得到当前的图片编号 ErroSql.Add("delete CarPic where CarPic_ID=" + picid); } #endregion #region 进出凭证信息 SerialNumberNEW = CheckProperties.ce.serialNumber; CommonalityEntity.Serialnumber = SerialNumberNEW; SmallTicket stk = new SmallTicket(); string icid = "", count = "", hour = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ICValue)) { dt = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from ICCard where ICCard_Value='" + ICValue + "'").Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string ICCard_EffectiveType = dt.Rows[0]["ICCard_EffectiveType"].ToString(); string ICCard_count = dt.Rows[0]["ICCard_count"].ToString(); string ICCard_HasCount = dt.Rows[0]["ICCard_HasCount"].ToString(); string ICCard_State = dt.Rows[0]["ICCard_State"].ToString(); icid = dt.Rows[0]["ICCard_ID"].ToString(); if (ICCard_EffectiveType == "次数") { int ct = Convert.ToInt32(ICCard_count); int ht = Convert.ToInt32(ICCard_HasCount); if (ct > ht) { count = (ct - ht).ToString(); } else { count = "1"; } } if (ICCard_EffectiveType == "有效期") { DateTime ICCard_BeginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["ICCard_BeginTime"].ToString()); DateTime ICCard_EndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["ICCard_EndTime"].ToString()); if (CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime() > ICCard_BeginTime && CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime() < ICCard_EndTime) { TimeSpan th = ICCard_EndTime - CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); int s = Convert.ToInt32(th.TotalHours); if (s > 0) { hour = s.ToString(); } else { hour = "1000"; } } } if (ICCard_EffectiveType == "永久") { count = "1"; } } } else { hour = CheckProperties.ce.serTime; count = CheckProperties.ce.serCount; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(count)) { stk.SmallTicket_Allowcount = 1; } else { stk.SmallTicket_Allowcount = int.Parse(count); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hour)) { stk.SmallTicket_Allowhour = 0; } else { stk.SmallTicket_Allowhour = int.Parse(hour); } if (CheckProperties.ce.isSort) { //根据当前排队的序号,生成排队号 if (!CommonalityEntity.ISSecondXY) { DataTable dtm = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from ManagementStrategy where ManagementStrategy_Rule='GetSortNumber' and ManagementStrategy_State='启动' and ManagementStrategy_Menu_ID=1 and ManagementStrategy_DriSName in (select CarType_DriSName from CarType where CarType_ID=" + cmbCarType.SelectedValue + ")").Tables[0]; if (dtm.Rows.Count > 0) { CheckMethod.GetSortNumber(); } string number = CommonalityEntity.SortNumber(CheckProperties.ce.sort_Value); stk.SmallTicket_SortNumber = CommonalityEntity.Position_Value + CheckProperties.ce.carType_Value + number; } else { stk.SmallTicket_SortNumber = ""; } } else { stk.SmallTicket_SortNumber = ""; } stk.SmallTicket_CarInfo_ID = carInfo_ID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(icid)) { stk.SmallTicket_Type = "IC卡"; stk.SmallTicket_ICCard_ID = Convert.ToInt32(icid); } stk.SmallTicket_Position_ID = SystemClass.PositionID; stk.SmallTicket_PrintNumber = ""; stk.SmallTicket_Remark = ""; stk.SmallTicket_State = "有效"; stk.SmallTicket_Time = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); if (SerialNumber.Trim() != "") { DataTable dtm = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from ManagementStrategy where ManagementStrategy_Rule='ChkSerialNumber' and ManagementStrategy_State='启动' and ManagementStrategy_Menu_ID=1 and ManagementStrategy_DriSName in (select CarType_DriSName from CarType where CarType_ID=" + cmbCarType.SelectedValue + ")").Tables[0]; if (dtm.Rows.Count > 0) { CheckMethod.ChkSerialNumber(); SerialNumberNEW = CheckProperties.ce.serialNumber; } stk.SmallTicket_Type += "小票"; stk.SmallTicket_Serialnumber = SerialNumberNEW.Trim(); } string SmalltSql = ""; if (stk.SmallTicket_ICCard_ID.ToString() != "")//判断IC卡是否输入 { SmalltSql = "insert into SmallTicket values(" + stk.SmallTicket_ICCard_ID + ",'" + stk.SmallTicket_Serialnumber + "'," + stk.SmallTicket_Position_ID + "," + stk.SmallTicket_CarInfo_ID + ",'" + stk.SmallTicket_Time + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_SortNumber + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_PrintNumber + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_State + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_Type + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_Allowcounted + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_Allowcount + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_Allowhour + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_Remark + "')"; } else { SmalltSql = "insert into SmallTicket values(null,'" + stk.SmallTicket_Serialnumber + "'," + stk.SmallTicket_Position_ID + "," + stk.SmallTicket_CarInfo_ID + ",'" + stk.SmallTicket_Time + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_SortNumber + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_PrintNumber + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_State + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_Type + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_Allowcounted + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_Allowcount + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_Allowhour + "','" + stk.SmallTicket_Remark + "')"; } SmalltSql = SmalltSql + " select @@identity"; smallTicket_ID = int.Parse(LinQBaseDao.GetSingle(SmalltSql).ToString());//得到当前的车辆编号 ErroSql.Add("delete SmallTicket where SmallTicket_id=" + smallTicket_ID); #endregion #region 排队信息 SortNumberInfo sort = new SortNumberInfo(); //根据车辆类型 得到该车辆类型的信息 sort.SortNumberInfo_DrivewayValue = CommonalityEntity.Driveway_Value; //门岗值 sort.SortNumberInfo_PositionValue = CommonalityEntity.Position_Value; //车辆类型值 sort.SortNumberInfo_CarTypeValue = CheckProperties.ce.carType_Value; //呼叫次数 sort.SortNumberInfo_CallCount = 0; sort.SortNumberInfo_LEDCount = 0; sort.SortNumberInfo_Operate = CommonalityEntity.USERNAME; //生成原因 sort.SortNumberInfo_Reasons = "登记生成"; sort.SortNumberInfo_Remark = ""; //凭证编号 sort.SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID = smallTicket_ID; sort.SortNumberInfo_SMSCount = 0; if (CheckProperties.ce.isSort) { if (!CommonalityEntity.ISSecondXY) { sort.SortNumberInfo_SortValue = CheckProperties.ce.sort_Value + 1; sort.SortNumberInfo_TongXing = "排队中"; } else { CommonalityEntity.ISSecondXY = false; sort.SortNumberInfo_SortValue = null; sort.SortNumberInfo_TongXing = "待通行"; } } else { sort.SortNumberInfo_SortValue = null; sort.SortNumberInfo_TongXing = "待通行"; } sort.SortNumberInfo_State = "启动"; sort.SortNumberInfo_Type = "系统生成"; sort.SortNumberInfo_Time = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); //添加排队信息 string sort_Sql = "insert into SortNumberInfo values('" + sort.SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_Time + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_Reasons + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_Operate + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_Type + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_SortValue + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_PositionValue + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_CarTypeValue + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_CallCount + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_SMSCount + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_LEDCount + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_Remark + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_TongXing + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_DrivewayValue + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_State + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_CallTime + "','" + sort.SortNumberInfo_Number + "', 1 ,0)"; sort_Sql = sort_Sql + " select @@identity"; sortNumberInfo_ID = int.Parse(LinQBaseDao.GetSingle(sort_Sql).ToString()); ErroSql.Add("delete SortNumberInfo where SortNumberInfo_ID=" + sortNumberInfo_ID);//增删改出错后需要执行的SQL #endregion #region 添加通行总记录 CarInOutRecord cir = new CarInOutRecord(); string strstrategy = ""; bool issort = false; cir.CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategy_ID = Convert.ToInt32(DrivewayStrategy_IDDT.Rows[0]["DrivewayStrategy_ID"].ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < DrivewayStrategy_IDDT.Rows.Count; i++) { if (Convert.ToInt32(DrivewayStrategy_IDDT.Rows[i]["DrivewayStrategy_Sort"].ToString()) == 1) { issort = false; strstrategy += DrivewayStrategy_IDDT.Rows[i]["DrivewayStrategy_ID"].ToString() + ","; } else { issort = true; strstrategy += DrivewayStrategy_IDDT.Rows[i]["DrivewayStrategy_ID"].ToString() + ","; } } cir.CarInOutRecord_ISFulfill = false; cir.CarInOutRecord_Abnormal = "正常"; cir.CarInOutRecord_State = "启动"; cir.CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategyS = strstrategy.TrimEnd(','); cir.CarInOutRecord_CarInfo_ID = carInfo_ID; cir.CarInOutRecord_Update = false; cir.CarInOutRecord_Driveway_ID = CommonalityEntity.Driveway_ID; if (issort) { cir.CarInOutRecord_Sort = "有序"; } else { cir.CarInOutRecord_Sort = "无序"; } string CarInOutRecordSql = "Insert into CarInOutRecord(CarInOutRecord_CarInfo_ID,CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategy_ID,CarInOutRecord_ISFulfill,CarInOutRecord_Time,CarInOutRecord_Abnormal,CarInOutRecord_State,CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategyS,CarInOutRecord_Sort,CarInOutRecord_Update,CarInOutRecord_Driveway_ID,CarInOutRecord_InCheck,CarInOutRecord_Remark) values(" + cir.CarInOutRecord_CarInfo_ID + "," + cir.CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategy_ID + ",'" + cir.CarInOutRecord_ISFulfill + "',getdate(),'正常','启动','" + cir.CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategyS + "','" + cir.CarInOutRecord_Sort + "','" + cir.CarInOutRecord_Update + "'," + cir.CarInOutRecord_Driveway_ID + ",'否','" + Strategy_DriSName + "')"; CarInOutRecordSql = CarInOutRecordSql + " select @@identity"; CarInOutRecord_ID = int.Parse(LinQBaseDao.GetSingle(CarInOutRecordSql).ToString()); ErroSql.Add("delete CarInOutRecord where CarInOutRecord_ID=" + CarInOutRecord_ID); #endregion #region 添加关联表信息 string staid = dtviewcarstate.Rows[0]["StaffInfo_ID"].ToString(); string sfCrSql = "Insert into StaffInfo_CarInfo values(" + staid + "," + smallTicket_ID + ")"; sfCrSql = sfCrSql + " select @@identity"; int sfCrID = int.Parse(LinQBaseDao.GetSingle(sfCrSql).ToString()); ErroSql.Add("delete StaffInfo_CarInfo where StaffInfo_CarInfo_ID=" + sfCrID); #endregion if (CommonalityEntity.yxincheck) { LinQBaseDao.Query("update CarInOutRecord set CarInOutRecord_InCheck='是',CarInOutRecord_InCheckTime=GETDATE(),CarInOutRecord_InCheckUser='******' where CarInOutRecord_ID=" + CarInOutRecord_ID); } #region 判断是否添加成功 if (sortNumberInfo_ID > 0 && smallTicket_ID > 0 && carInfo_ID > 0 && CarInOutRecord_ID != -1) { if (CommonalityEntity.SAP_ID != "" && SerialNumberNEW != "") { LinQBaseDao.Query("update eh_SAPRecord set Sap_Serialnumber=" + SerialNumberNEW + " where Sap_ID=" + CommonalityEntity.SAP_ID); CommonalityEntity.SAP_ID = ""; if (!CommonalityEntity.GetSAP(PNO, "A", carname, SerialNumberNEW, "1")) { MessageBox.Show("成品纸车辆SAP验证未通过!"); return; } } if (CommonalityEntity.SAP_ID != "" && SerialNumberNEW == "" && ICValue != "") { LinQBaseDao.Query("update eh_SAPRecord set Sap_Serialnumber=" + ICValue + " where Sap_ID=" + CommonalityEntity.SAP_ID); CommonalityEntity.SAP_ID = ""; if (!CommonalityEntity.GetSAP(PNO, "A", carname, ICValue, "1")) { MessageBox.Show("成品纸车辆SAP验证未通过!"); return; } } CommonalityEntity.CarInfo_ID = carInfo_ID.ToString(); MessageBox.Show(this, "成品二次排队成功"); CommonalityEntity.WriteLogData("新增", "新增:" + carname + "车辆二次排队", CommonalityEntity.USERNAME);//添加操作日志 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommonalityEntity.SAP_ID)) { DataTable dtsap = LinQBaseDao.Query("select Sap_InNO,Sap_OutHG,Sap_OutXZ from eh_SAPRecord where Sap_ID=" + CommonalityEntity.SAP_ID).Tables[0]; if (dtsap.Rows.Count > 0) { if (CommonalityEntity.SAP_ID != "" && SerialNumber != "") { LinQBaseDao.Query("update eh_SAPRecord set Sap_Serialnumber=" + SerialNumberNEW + " where Sap_ID=" + CommonalityEntity.SAP_ID); CommonalityEntity.SAP_ID = ""; if (!CommonalityEntity.GetSAP(dtsap.Rows[0]["Sap_InNO"].ToString(), "A", carname, SerialNumberNEW, "1")) { MessageBox.Show("成品车辆SAP验证未通过!"); return; } } } } //获取打印设置 string prtSql = "select top 1 * from PrintInfo where Print_State='启动' and Print_CarType_ID=" + CheckProperties.ce.carType_ID + ""; if (CheckProperties.ce.isSerialNumber) { CheckProperties.ce.isSerialNumber = false; PrintInfo pinfo = PrintInfoDAL.GetPrint(prtSql); if (pinfo.Print_ID > 0) { if (SerialNumberNEW != "") { string prSql = "Select top 1 "; string[] str = pinfo.Print_Content.Split(','); foreach (var item in str) { prSql += item + ","; } prSql = prSql.Substring(0, prSql.Length - 1); prSql += " from View_LEDShow_zj where 小票号='" + SerialNumberNEW + "' and smallTicket_State='有效'"; DataSet ds = LinQBaseDao.Query(prSql); CommonalityEntity.Serialnumber = SerialNumberNEW; PrintInfoForm pi = new PrintInfoForm(ds); pi.Show(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("没有进行打印设置,请设置打印后,重新打印"); return; } } } #endregion } catch { MessageBox.Show("成品二次排队失败!"); CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("ProductForm btnCheck_Click()"); try { string sqlstr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ErroSql.Count; i++) { sqlstr += ErroSql[i] + " "; } LinQBaseDao.Query(sqlstr); } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("ProductForm btnCheck_Click()"); } } }