    public void Update()
        if (current == AgentState.IDLE)
            //Transizione a PLANNING: se l'agente ha un task obiettivo non completato, o non esiste una condizione obiettivo, ma il manager delle azioni è comunque in stato STOP

            if (agent.goal.methods.Count > 0 && !agent.goal.completed && (Time.frameCount % 60 == 0 || Time.frameCount == 1))
                current = AgentState.PLANNING;

            //Transizione a EXECUTING: se il manager delle azioni è in stato EXECUTE
            else if (agent.actionManager.state == ManagerState.EXECUTE)
                current = AgentState.EXECUTING;

            else if (agent.actionManager.state == ManagerState.PAUSE)
                PrimitiveTask currentTask = (PrimitiveTask)agent.actionManager.currentAction;

                foreach (CuncurrentTask cuncurrent in currentTask.cuncurrentTasks)
                    if (!currentTask.CheckCuncurrency(cuncurrent, agent))

        else if (current == AgentState.PLANNING)
            /*In this state, agent plans to goal
             * Transition to EXECUTING : if agent has a plan towards goal (not empty actions list)
             * Transizion to IDLE: agent has no plan towards goal (empty actions list)*/

            //Generate or fix plan
            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>();

            //If manager has stopped with INVALID state, fix plan and get a new plan
            if (agent.actionManager.state == ManagerState.INVALID)
                //Climb the hierarchy and get the first valid node
                CompoundTask validNode = Planner.GetValidNode((PrimitiveTask)agent.actionManager.currentAction, agent.state);


                //Generate first segment of fixed plan, planning from the node found

                List <PrimitiveTask> firstSegment = Planner.GeneratePlan(tasks, agent);

                if (firstSegment.Count > 0)
                    //Get second segment from the current plan, deleting tasks who have node found as father or forefather
                    List <PrimitiveTask> secondSegment = new List <PrimitiveTask>();

                    foreach (PrimitiveTask task in agent.plan)
                        if (!task.IsMyForeFather(validNode) && !task.completed)

                    //Fix the plan concatenating first segment with second segment
                    agent.plan = firstSegment.Concat(secondSegment).ToList <PrimitiveTask>();

                //No plan..
                    agent.plan = new List <PrimitiveTask>();

                    //If agent is a member of a group, notify it to the leader, who will stop execution of global plan
                    agent.communicationSystem.sendMessage(new Message(agent.leader, MessageContent.ORDER_FAILURE));

            //Otherwise generate plan

                agent.plan = Planner.GeneratePlan(tasks, agent);

            if (agent.plan != null)
                foreach (IGroundAction action in agent.plan)


                current = AgentState.EXECUTING;

                agent.actionManager.state = ManagerState.EXECUTE;
                agent.actionManager.state = ManagerState.STOP;

                current = AgentState.IDLE;
        else if (current == AgentState.EXECUTING)
            //Dentro lo stato: esecuzione azione corrente del piano
            //Transizione a IDLE : se il piano è completato con successo, oppure il manager delle azioni è andato in pausa
            //Transizione a PLANNING : se il piano non è valido (precondizioni azione non valide)


            if (agent.actionManager.state == ManagerState.EMPTY)
                current = AgentState.IDLE;

                agent.actionManager.state = ManagerState.STOP;

                agent.goal.completed = true;
            else if (agent.actionManager.state == ManagerState.INVALID)
                current = AgentState.PLANNING;

            else if (agent.actionManager.state == ManagerState.PAUSE)
                current = AgentState.IDLE;
    public void InstantiateVariables(Task task, List <Term> variables)
        if (task.GetType() == typeof(PrimitiveTask))
            PrimitiveTask pt = (PrimitiveTask)task;

            foreach (Term variable in variables)
                int index = pt.arguments.FindIndex((Term arg) => arg.key == variable.key);

                if (index >= 0)
                    pt.arguments[index] = variable;

                foreach (Atom pre in pt.preconditions)
                    index = pre.terms.FindIndex((Term arg) => arg.key == variable.key);

                    if (index >= 0)
                        pre.terms[index] = variable;

                foreach (Atom eff in pt.effects)
                    index = eff.terms.FindIndex((Term arg) => arg.key == variable.key);

                    if (index >= 0)
                        eff.terms[index] = variable;
        else if (task.GetType() == typeof(CompoundTask))
            CompoundTask ct = (CompoundTask)task;

            foreach (Method m in ct.methods)
                foreach (Atom pre in m.preconditions)
                    foreach (Term variable in variables)
                        int index = pre.terms.FindIndex((Term arg) => arg.key == variable.key);

                        if (index >= 0)
                            pre.terms[index] = variable;

                foreach (Task subTask in m.subtasks)
                    InstantiateVariables(subTask, variables);
    static List <PrimitiveTask> SHOPNoBack(List <Task> tasks, List <PrimitiveTask> plan, string personality, State state, HTNAgent agent)
        Task task = tasks [0];

        if (task.GetType() == typeof(PrimitiveTask))
            PrimitiveTask pt = (PrimitiveTask)task;

            PrimitiveTask groundAction = InstantiateAction(pt, state, agent);

            if (groundAction != null)


                if (tasks.Count > 0)
                    return(SHOPNoBack(tasks, plan, personality, pt.apply(state), agent));
        else if (task.GetType() == typeof(CompoundTask))
            CompoundTask ct = (CompoundTask)task;

            List <Method> orderdedMethods = new List <Method>();

            switch (agent.methodsOrdering)
            case MethodsOrdering.NONE:
                orderdedMethods = ct.methods;

            case MethodsOrdering.PREF:
                orderdedMethods = ct.methods.OrderBy(m => m.preference != personality).ToList();

            case MethodsOrdering.COSTANDPREF:
                orderdedMethods = ct.methods.OrderBy(m => m.leastCost()).ThenBy(m => m.preference != personality).ToList();

            foreach (Method m in orderdedMethods)
                if (RuleMatcher.MatchCondition(m.preconditions, state, m.logicalOperator))
                    List <Task> tempTasks = new List <Task>(tasks);


                    int j = 0;

                    foreach (Task subtask in m.subtasks)
                        tempTasks.Insert(0 + j, subtask);
                    List <PrimitiveTask> tempPlan = SHOPNoBack(tempTasks, plan, personality, state, agent);

                    if (tempPlan != null)

    public void plan(GameController.WorldState currentWorldState)
        finalPlan = new Stack <PrimitiveTask>();
        Stack <PlannerState> decompHistory = new Stack <PlannerState>();

        GameController.WorldState WorkingWS = currentWorldState.Copy();

        tasksToProcess.Push(new PlayGame());

        while (tasksToProcess.Count > 0)
            Task CurrentTask = tasksToProcess.Pop();
            if (CurrentTask.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(CompoundTask)))
                CompoundTask CurrentCompoundTask = (CompoundTask)CurrentTask;
                Method       SatisfiedMethod     = CurrentCompoundTask.FindSatisfiedMethod(WorkingWS);

                if (SatisfiedMethod != null)
                    //PlannerState currentState = new PlannerState(CurrentCompoundTask, finalPlan, tasksToProcess, SatisfiedMethod);
                    // decompHistory.Push(currentState);
                    foreach (Task t in SatisfiedMethod.subTasks)
                else if (decompHistory.Count > 0)
                    PlannerState lastState        = decompHistory.Pop();
                    CompoundTask lastCompoundTask = lastState.currentTask;
                    finalPlan      = lastState.finalPlan;
                    tasksToProcess = lastState.tasksToProcess;
                    // Remove the failed method and return CompoundTask to the stack. On the next iteration, it will be checked again for a valid method.
            else//Primitive Task
                PrimitiveTask CurrentPrimitiveTask = (PrimitiveTask)CurrentTask;
                if (CurrentPrimitiveTask.PrimitiveConditionsMet(WorkingWS))
                    // CurrentPrimitiveTask.ApplyEffects(this, WorkingWS);
                    // Add this PrimitiveTask to the bottom of the finalPlan
                    Stack <PrimitiveTask> temp = new Stack <PrimitiveTask>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < finalPlan.Count; i++)
                        PrimitiveTask nextTask = finalPlan.Pop();
                    finalPlan = new Stack <PrimitiveTask>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < temp.Count; i++)
                        PrimitiveTask nextTask = temp.Pop();
                else if (decompHistory.Count > 0)
                    PlannerState lastState        = decompHistory.Pop();
                    CompoundTask lastCompoundTask = lastState.currentTask;
                    finalPlan      = lastState.finalPlan;
                    tasksToProcess = lastState.tasksToProcess;
                    // Remove the failed method and return CompoundTask to the stack. On the next iteration, it will be checked again for a valid method.
    void OnGUI()
        //A line separates HTN Editor from task editor
        Drawing.DrawLine(new Vector2(302, 0), new Vector2(302, 700), Color.grey, 2.0f, false);

        /*HTN EDITOR*/
        items = new List <HTNEditorItem>();

        items.Add(new HTNEditorItem(
                      new Rect(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(100, 30)),
                      goal, itemType.COMPOUND));

        DrawCompoundTask(goal, null, new Vector2(10, 0));

        //GUI.EndScrollView ();
        Event currentEvent = Event.current;

        foreach (HTNEditorItem htnItem in items)
            if (currentEvent.type == EventType.MouseDown &&
                currentEvent.button == 0 &&
                selected = htnItem;

        /*TASK EDITOR*/

        if (selected.item != null)
            GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle();

            labelStyle.fontSize         = 12;
            labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.black;
            labelStyle.fontStyle        = FontStyle.Bold;

            if (selected.type == itemType.COMPOUND)
                int i = 0;

                CompoundTask selectedCT = (CompoundTask)selected.item;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(editorPos, itemSize), "Name", labelStyle);

                selectedCT.name = GUI.TextField(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 50, editorPos.y),
                                                         new Vector2(75, 20)),

                if (selectedCT.Equals(goal))
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 100), itemSize), "Goal condition", labelStyle);

                    GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 125), new Vector2(120, 20)), "Logical operator");

                    string[] operatorOptions = new string[] { "AND", "OR" };

                    int selectedOperator = Array.IndexOf <string> (operatorOptions, agent.logicalOperator.ToString());

                    selectedOperator = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 100, editorPos.y + 125), new Vector2(50, 20)),
                                                       selectedOperator, operatorOptions);
                    if (selectedOperator == 0)
                        agent.logicalOperator = LogicalOperator.AND;
                    else if (selectedOperator == 1)
                        agent.logicalOperator = LogicalOperator.OR;

                    if (agent.goalCondition.Count > 0)
                        for (i = 0; i < agent.goalCondition.Count; i++)
                            Atom cond = agent.goalCondition[i];

                            string condLabelName = string.Concat(cond.name, "(");

                            foreach (Term var in cond.terms)
                                condLabelName = string.Concat(condLabelName, var.key);

                                if (cond.terms.IndexOf(var) < cond.terms.Count - 1)
                                    condLabelName = string.Concat(condLabelName, ",");

                            condLabelName = string.Concat(condLabelName, ")");

                            GUI.Label(new Rect(
                                          new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 150 + i * 25), new Vector2(200, 50)), condLabelName);

                            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 110, editorPos.y + 150 + i * 25),
                                                    new Vector2(50, 15)), "Edit"))
                                ConditionEditorWindow.ShowWindow(agent, cond);

                            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 175, editorPos.y + 150 + i * 25),
                                                    new Vector2(50, 15)), "Delete"))
                                ConditionEditorWindow.GetWindow <ConditionEditorWindow>().Close();

                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 150 + i * 25),
                                            new Vector2(75, 20)),
                                   "Add "))
                        Atom cond = new Atom("New Condition");


                        ConditionEditorWindow.ShowWindow(agent, cond);

            else if (selected.type == itemType.PRIMITIVE)
                PrimitiveTask selectedPT = (PrimitiveTask)selected.item;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(editorPos, itemSize), "Name", labelStyle);

                selectedPT.name = GUI.TextField(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 50, editorPos.y), new Vector2(75, 20)),

                GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 50), itemSize), "Cost", labelStyle);

                selectedPT.cost = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 50, editorPos.y + 50),
                                                                new Vector2(75, 20)),

                GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 90), itemSize), "Arguments", labelStyle);

                int i = 0;

                scrollPositionArg = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 120), new Vector2(300, 50)),
                                                        scrollPositionArg, new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 120),
                                                                                    new Vector2(275, 50 + selectedPT.arguments.Count * 10)), false, false);

                if (selectedPT.arguments.Count > 0)
                    for (i = 0; i < selectedPT.arguments.Count; i++)
                        GUI.Label(new Rect(
                                      new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 120 + i * 25), itemSize), "Name");

                        List <string> domVarNamesList = new List <string> ();

                        foreach (Term v in agent.domainVariables)

                        varIndex = domVarNamesList.IndexOf(selectedPT.arguments[i].key);

                        if (varIndex == -1)
                            varIndex = 0;

                        varIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 105, editorPos.y + 120 + i * 25),
                                                            new Vector2(50, 20)), varIndex, domVarNamesList.ToArray());

                        selectedPT.arguments[i] = agent.domainVariables[varIndex];

                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 160, editorPos.y + 120 + i * 25),
                                                new Vector2(50, 15)), "Delete"))


                Vector2 AddButtonPos = new Vector2(0, 0);

                if (selectedPT.arguments.Count == 0)
                    AddButtonPos = new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 120);

                else if (selectedPT.arguments.Count > 0)
                    AddButtonPos = new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 170);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AddButtonPos, new Vector2(75, 20)), "Add"))
                    foreach (Term argument in agent.domainVariables)
                        if (!selectedPT.arguments.Contains(argument))

                i = 0;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 210 + i * 25), new Vector2(120, 20)), "Preconditions", labelStyle);

                GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 240), new Vector2(120, 20)), "Logical operator");

                string[] operatorOptions = new string[] { "AND", "OR" };

                int selectedOperator = Array.IndexOf <string> (operatorOptions, selectedPT.logicalOperator.ToString());

                selectedOperator = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 100, editorPos.y + 240), new Vector2(50, 20)),
                                                   selectedOperator, operatorOptions);
                if (selectedOperator == 0)
                    selectedPT.logicalOperator = LogicalOperator.AND;
                else if (selectedOperator == 1)
                    selectedPT.logicalOperator = LogicalOperator.OR;

                scrollPositionPre = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 265), new Vector2(300, 50)),
                                                        scrollPositionPre, new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 265),
                                                                                    new Vector2(275, 50 + selectedPT.preconditions.Count * 10)), false, false);

                if (selectedPT.preconditions.Count > 0)
                    for (i = 0; i < selectedPT.preconditions.Count; i++)
                        Atom pre = selectedPT.preconditions[i];

                        string preLabelName = "";

                        if (pre.sign == false)
                            preLabelName = string.Concat("NOT(", pre.name, "(");
                        else if (pre.sign == true)
                            preLabelName = string.Concat(pre.name, "(");

                        foreach (Term var in pre.terms)
                            preLabelName = string.Concat(preLabelName, var.key);

                            if (pre.terms.IndexOf(var) < pre.terms.Count - 1)
                                preLabelName = string.Concat(preLabelName, ",");

                        if (pre.sign == true)
                            preLabelName = string.Concat(preLabelName, ")");
                        else if (pre.sign == false)
                            preLabelName = string.Concat(preLabelName, "))");

                        GUI.Label(new Rect(
                                      new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 265 + i * 25), new Vector2(200, 50)), preLabelName);

                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 110, editorPos.y + 265 + i * 25),
                                                new Vector2(50, 15)), "Edit"))
                            ConditionEditorWindow.ShowWindow(agent, pre);

                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 175, editorPos.y + 265 + i * 25),
                                                new Vector2(50, 15)), "Delete"))

                            ConditionEditorWindow.GetWindow <ConditionEditorWindow>().Close();


                if (selectedPT.preconditions.Count == 0)
                    AddButtonPos = new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 275);

                else if (selectedPT.preconditions.Count > 0)
                    AddButtonPos = new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 315);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AddButtonPos,
                                        new Vector2(75, 20)),
                               "Add "))
                    Atom pre = new Atom("New Condition");


                    ConditionEditorWindow.ShowWindow(agent, pre);

                i = 0;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 350 + i * 25), new Vector2(120, 20)), "Concurrent tasks", labelStyle);

                scrollPositionCunc = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 375), new Vector2(350, 75)),
                                                         scrollPositionCunc, new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 375),
                                                                                      new Vector2(325, 75 + selectedPT.cuncurrentTasks.Count * 10)), false, false);

                for (i = 0; i < selectedPT.cuncurrentTasks.Count; i++)
                    CuncurrentTask cuncurrent = selectedPT.cuncurrentTasks[i];

                    string[] options = new string[] { "True", "False" };

                    int selectedIndex = 0;

                    if (cuncurrent.sign == true)
                        selectedIndex = 0;

                    else if (cuncurrent.sign == false)
                        selectedIndex = 1;

                    selectedIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 375 + i * 25), new Vector2(75, 20)), selectedIndex, options);

                    if (selectedIndex == 0)
                        cuncurrent.sign = true;
                    else if (selectedIndex == 1)
                        cuncurrent.sign = false;

                    cuncurrent.task = GUI.TextField(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 100, editorPos.y + 375 + i * 25), new Vector2(75, 20)), cuncurrent.task);

                    selectedPT.cuncurrentTasks[i] = cuncurrent;

                    int selectedVar = agent.domainVariables.IndexOf(agent.domainVariables.Find((Term t) => t.key == cuncurrent.agentVarName));

                    if (selectedVar == -1)
                        selectedVar = 0;

                    List <string> variablesNames = new List <string> ();

                    foreach (Term var in agent.domainVariables)

                    selectedVar = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 200, editorPos.y + 375 + i * 25), new Vector2(50, 20)),
                                                  selectedVar, variablesNames.ToArray());

                    cuncurrent.agentVarName = agent.domainVariables [selectedVar].key;

                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 275, editorPos.y + 375 + i * 25), new Vector2(45, 15)), "Delete"))
                        ConditionEditorWindow.GetWindow <ConditionEditorWindow>().Close();


                if (selectedPT.cuncurrentTasks.Count == 0)
                    AddButtonPos = new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 375);

                else if (selectedPT.cuncurrentTasks.Count > 0)
                    AddButtonPos = new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 425);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AddButtonPos, new Vector2(75, 20)), "Add"))
                    selectedPT.cuncurrentTasks.Add(new CuncurrentTask(" ", false, agent.domainVariables[0].key));

                i = 0;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 475 + i * 25), new Vector2(120, 20)), "Effects", labelStyle);

                scrollPositionEff = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 500), new Vector2(300, 50)),
                                                        scrollPositionEff, new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 475),
                                                                                    new Vector2(275, 50 + selectedPT.effects.Count * 10)), false, false);

                if (selectedPT.effects.Count > 0)
                    for (i = 0; i < selectedPT.effects.Count; i++)
                        Atom eff = selectedPT.effects[i];

                        string effLabelName = "";

                        if (eff.sign == false)
                            effLabelName = string.Concat("NOT(", eff.name, "(");

                        else if (eff.sign == true)
                            effLabelName = string.Concat(eff.name, "(");

                        foreach (Term var in eff.terms)
                            effLabelName = string.Concat(effLabelName, var.key);

                            if (eff.terms.IndexOf(var) < eff.terms.Count - 1)
                                effLabelName = string.Concat(effLabelName, ",");

                        if (eff.sign == true)
                            effLabelName = string.Concat(effLabelName, ")");
                        else if (eff.sign == false)
                            effLabelName = string.Concat(effLabelName, "))");

                        GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 475 + i * 25), new Vector2(200, 50)), effLabelName);

                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 110, editorPos.y + 475 + i * 25),
                                                new Vector2(45, 15)), "Edit"))
                            ConditionEditorWindow.ShowWindow(agent, eff);

                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 175, editorPos.y + 475 + i * 25),
                                                new Vector2(45, 15)), "Delete"))
                            ConditionEditorWindow.GetWindow <ConditionEditorWindow>().Close();


                if (selectedPT.effects.Count == 0)
                    AddButtonPos = new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 500);

                else if (selectedPT.effects.Count > 0)
                    AddButtonPos = new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 550);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AddButtonPos,
                                        new Vector2(75, 20)),
                    Atom eff = new Atom("New Effect");


                    ConditionEditorWindow.ShowWindow(agent, eff);

                GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 600), new Vector2(120, 20)), "Ground Action", labelStyle);

                string[] actionsOptions = { "Move", "Animate", "Custom" };

                if (selectedPT.actionType == ActionTypes.MOVEMENT)
                    actionIndex = 0;
                else if (selectedPT.actionType == ActionTypes.ANIMATION)
                    actionIndex = 1;
                else if (selectedPT.actionType == ActionTypes.CUSTOM)
                    actionIndex = 2;

                //if (GUI.Button (new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 500), new Vector2(200,20)),"Edit Action"));
                actionIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 625), new Vector2(100, 20)), actionIndex, actionsOptions);

                /*if (selectedPT.groundData == null)
                 *      selectedPT.groundData = new GroundData();*/

                if (actionIndex == 0)
                    selectedPT.actionType = ActionTypes.MOVEMENT;

                    GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 110, editorPos.y + 625), new Vector2(100, 20)), "Speed");

                    selectedPT.groundData.speed = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 160, editorPos.y + 625), new Vector2(50, 20)), selectedPT.groundData.speed);

                    GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 220, editorPos.y + 625), new Vector2(100, 20)), "Radius");

                    selectedPT.groundData.radius = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 270, editorPos.y + 625), new Vector2(50, 20)), selectedPT.groundData.radius);

                    if (agent.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>() != null)
                        GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 110, editorPos.y + 650), new Vector2(100, 20)), "Animation ");

                        selectedPT.groundData.animationState = GUI.TextField(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 180, editorPos.y + 650), new Vector2(50, 20)), selectedPT.groundData.animationState);

                else if (actionIndex == 1)
                    selectedPT.actionType = ActionTypes.ANIMATION;

                    if (agent.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>() != null)
                        GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 110, editorPos.y + 625), new Vector2(100, 20)), "State");

                        selectedPT.groundData.animationState = GUI.TextField(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 150, editorPos.y + 625), new Vector2(75, 20)),

                else if (actionIndex == 2)
                    selectedPT.actionType = ActionTypes.CUSTOM;

                    selectedPT.groundData.name = GUI.TextField(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 110, editorPos.y + 625), new Vector2(75, 20)),

                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 200, editorPos.y + 625),
                                            new Vector2(100, 20)), "Create/Open"))
                        if (!File.Exists("Assets/Actions/" + (string)selectedPT.groundData.name + ".cs"))
                            using (var stream = new StreamWriter("Assets/Actions/" + (string)selectedPT.groundData.name + ".cs")) {
                                    @"using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;

public class " + (string)selectedPT.groundData.name + @": PrimitiveTask, IGroundAction
		GameObject agentObj;

		public "         + (string)selectedPT.groundData.name + @"(HTNAgent a, string n){

		name = n;
		agentObj = a.gameObject;	


	public string Name{

		get{return name;}
		set {name = value;}

	//This starts agent's action execution
	public void Start(ActionManager manager, State state){

		//Monitor precondition validity in current state: if not valid, notify to manager
		if (preconditions.Count > 0 && !RuleMatcher.MatchCondition (preconditions, state,logicalOperator))
			manager.NotValid ();

		else {
			foreach (CuncurrentTask cuncurrent in cuncurrentTasks)
				if (!CheckCuncurrency (cuncurrent,agentObj.GetComponent<HTNAgent>())){

						manager.Suspend ();


			//Add custom code

	//Runs at every frame during action's execution
	public void Update(ActionManager manager, State state){

		//Monitor preconditions validity in current state: if not valid, notify to manager
		if (preconditions.Count > 0 && !RuleMatcher.MatchCondition (preconditions, state,logicalOperator))
			manager.NotValid ();

		else {

			foreach (CuncurrentTask cuncurrent in cuncurrentTasks)
				if (!CheckCuncurrency (cuncurrent,agentObj.GetComponent<HTNAgent>())){

						manager.Suspend ();


			//Add custom code


	public void OnComplete(ActionManager manager, State state){

		//Add custom code

		//Flag as completed
		completed = true;

		//Apply effects
		foreach (Atom atom in effects){
			Atom fact = new Atom(atom.name,atom.sign);
			foreach (Term var in atom.terms)
				fact.addTerm(new Term(var.value));

			Atom existingFact = state.Contains(fact);

			if (state.Contains(fact) == null)
				existingFact.sign = fact.sign;

		//Call next action
		manager.NextAction ();



                        UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.OpenFileAtLineExternal("Assets/Actions/" + (string)selectedPT.groundData.name + ".cs", 1);

            else if (selected.type == itemType.METHOD)
                Method selectedM = (Method)selected.item;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(editorPos, itemSize), "Name", labelStyle);

                selectedM.name = GUI.TextField(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 50, editorPos.y), new Vector2(75, 20)),

                if (AtomListWindow.atomNames.list.Count > 0)
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 75), itemSize), "Preference", labelStyle);

                    string[] options = new string[PersonalityEditorWindow.personalities.list.Count + 2];

                    options [0] = "none";

                    PersonalityEditorWindow.personalities.list.CopyTo(options, 1);

                    persIndex = new List <string>(options).IndexOf(selectedM.preference);

                    persIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 100, editorPos.y + 75), itemSize), persIndex, options);

                    selectedM.preference = options[persIndex];

                GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 125), new Vector2(120, 20)), "Preconditions", labelStyle);

                GUI.Label(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 150), new Vector2(120, 20)), "Logical operator");

                string[] operatorOptions = new string[] { "AND", "OR" };

                int selectedOperator = Array.IndexOf <string> (operatorOptions, selectedM.logicalOperator.ToString());

                selectedOperator = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 100, editorPos.y + 150), new Vector2(50, 20)),
                                                   selectedOperator, operatorOptions);
                if (selectedOperator == 0)
                    selectedM.logicalOperator = LogicalOperator.AND;
                else if (selectedOperator == 1)
                    selectedM.logicalOperator = LogicalOperator.OR;

                scrollPositionMethoPre = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 175), new Vector2(300, 100)),
                                                             scrollPositionMethoPre, new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 175),
                                                                                              new Vector2(275, 100 + selectedM.preconditions.Count * 25)), false, false);

                int i = 0;

                if (selectedM.preconditions.Count > 0)
                    for (i = 0; i < selectedM.preconditions.Count; i++)
                        Atom pre = selectedM.preconditions[i];

                        string preLabelName = "";

                        if (pre.sign == false)
                            preLabelName = string.Concat("NOT(", pre.name, "(");
                        else if (pre.sign == true)
                            preLabelName = string.Concat(pre.name, "(");

                        foreach (Term var in pre.terms)
                            preLabelName = string.Concat(preLabelName, var.key);

                            if (pre.terms.IndexOf(var) < pre.terms.Count - 1)
                                preLabelName = string.Concat(preLabelName, ",");

                        if (pre.sign == true)
                            preLabelName = string.Concat(preLabelName, ")");
                        else if (pre.sign == false)
                            preLabelName = string.Concat(preLabelName, "))");

                        GUI.Label(new Rect(
                                      new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 200 + i * 25), new Vector2(200, 50)), preLabelName);

                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 110, editorPos.y + 200 + i * 25),
                                                new Vector2(45, 15)), "Edit"))
                            ConditionEditorWindow.ShowWindow(agent, pre);

                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(new Vector2(editorPos.x + 175, editorPos.y + 200 + i * 25),
                                                new Vector2(45, 15)), "Delete"))

                            ConditionEditorWindow.GetWindow <ConditionEditorWindow>().Close();


                Vector2 AddButtonPos = new Vector2(0, 0);

                if (selectedM.preconditions.Count == 0)
                    AddButtonPos = new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 175);

                else if (selectedM.preconditions.Count > 0)
                    AddButtonPos = new Vector2(editorPos.x, editorPos.y + 275);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AddButtonPos,
                                        new Vector2(75, 20)),
                               "Add "))
                    Atom pre = new Atom("New Condition");


                    ConditionEditorWindow.ShowWindow(agent, pre);
    private static void ParseEffectForPrimitiveTask(XmlNode effectNode, PrimitiveTask task)
        EffectProperty effect = ParseEffectFromNode(effectNode);

    private static void ParsePreconditionForPrimitiveTask(XmlNode preconditionNode, PrimitiveTask task)
        PreconditionProperty precondition = ParsePreconditionFromNode(preconditionNode);
