public void FillGraph(double[] values, double[] injvalues, TurboType turbo)
            DataTable chartdt = new DataTable();

            chartdt.Columns.Add("X", Type.GetType("System.Double"));
            chartdt.Columns.Add("Y", Type.GetType("System.Double"));
            chartdt.Columns.Add("INJDC", Type.GetType("System.Double"));
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                chartdt.Rows.Add(Convert.ToDouble(x_axisvalues.GetValue(i)), values.GetValue(i), injvalues.GetValue(i));
            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];
            //NSeries series = (NSeries)chart.Series[0];
            NSmoothLineSeries line  = null;
            NSmoothLineSeries line2 = null;
            NSmoothLineSeries line3 = null;

            if (chart.Series.Count == 0)
                line = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.SmoothLine);
                line = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series[0];
            if (chart.Series.Count == 1)
                line2 = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.SmoothLine);
                line2 = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series[1];
            if (chart.Series.Count == 2)
                line3 = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.SmoothLine);
                line3 = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series[2];
            PressureToTorque ptt = new PressureToTorque();

            foreach (DataRow dr in chartdt.Rows)
                double power  = 0;
                double torque = 0;
                torque = ptt.CalculateTorqueFromPressure(Convert.ToDouble(dr["Y"]), turbo);
                power  = TorqueToPower(torque, Convert.ToDouble(dr["X"]));
                //power =
                line.AddDataPoint(new NDataPoint(Convert.ToDouble(dr["X"]), torque));
                line2.AddDataPoint(new NDataPoint(Convert.ToDouble(dr["X"]), power));
                line3.AddDataPoint(new NDataPoint(Convert.ToDouble(dr["X"]), Convert.ToDouble(dr["INJDC"])));
 public void FillGraph(double[] values, double[] injvalues, TurboType turbo)
     DataTable chartdt = new DataTable();
     chartdt.Columns.Add("X", Type.GetType("System.Double"));
     chartdt.Columns.Add("Y", Type.GetType("System.Double"));
     chartdt.Columns.Add("INJDC", Type.GetType("System.Double"));
     for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
         chartdt.Rows.Add(Convert.ToDouble(x_axisvalues.GetValue(i)), values.GetValue(i), injvalues.GetValue(i));
     NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];
     //NSeries series = (NSeries)chart.Series[0];
     NSmoothLineSeries line = null;
     NSmoothLineSeries line2 = null;
     NSmoothLineSeries line3 = null;
     if (chart.Series.Count == 0)
         line = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.SmoothLine);
         line = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series[0];
     if (chart.Series.Count == 1)
         line2 = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.SmoothLine);
         line2 = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series[1];
     if (chart.Series.Count == 2)
         line3 = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.SmoothLine);
         line3 = (NSmoothLineSeries)chart.Series[2];
     PressureToTorque ptt = new PressureToTorque();
     foreach (DataRow dr in chartdt.Rows)
         double power = 0;
         double torque = 0;
         torque = ptt.CalculateTorqueFromPressure(Convert.ToDouble(dr["Y"]), turbo);
         power = TorqueToPower(torque, Convert.ToDouble(dr["X"]));
         //power =
         line.AddDataPoint(new NDataPoint(Convert.ToDouble(dr["X"]), torque));
         line2.AddDataPoint(new NDataPoint(Convert.ToDouble(dr["X"]), power));
         line3.AddDataPoint(new NDataPoint(Convert.ToDouble(dr["X"]), Convert.ToDouble(dr["INJDC"])));
        private void AddFilesToLibrary(string path)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable("UserLib");
            dt.Columns.Add("E85", Type.GetType("System.Boolean"));
            dt.Columns.Add("T7Valve", Type.GetType("System.Boolean"));
            dt.Columns.Add("RAMlocked", Type.GetType("System.Boolean"));
            if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\UserLib.xml"))
                dt.ReadXml(Application.StartupPath + "\\UserLib.xml");
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.bin", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            foreach (string file in files)
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file);
                this.Text = "User library browser - " + Path.GetFileName(file);
                if (fi.Length == 0x20000 || fi.Length == 0x40000)
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                            if (dr["Filename"] != DBNull.Value)
                                if (dr["Filename"].ToString() == file)
                        Trionic5File _file = new Trionic5File();
                        Trionic5FileInformation m_trionicFileInformation = _file.ParseFile();
                        Trionic5Properties props = _file.GetTrionicProperties();
                        // get information about the file
                        MapSensorType mapsensor = _file.GetMapSensorType(true);
                        ECUFileType fileType = _file.DetermineFileType();
                        //TuningStage _stage = m_trionicFile.DetermineTuningStage(out m_maxBoost);
                        int injkonst = _file.GetSymbolAsInt("Inj_konst!");
                        bool m_E85 = false;
                        int max_injection = _file.GetMaxInjection();
                        max_injection *= injkonst;
                        // de maximale waarde uit fuel_map_x_axis! aub
                        byte[] fuelxaxis = _file.ReadData((uint)m_trionicFileInformation.GetSymbolAddressFlash("Fuel_map_xaxis!"), (uint)m_trionicFileInformation.GetSymbolLength("Fuel_map_xaxis!"));
                        int max_value_x_axis = Convert.ToInt32(fuelxaxis.GetValue(fuelxaxis.Length - 1));
                        if (mapsensor == MapSensorType.MapSensor30)
                            max_value_x_axis *= 120;
                            max_value_x_axis /= 100;
                        else if (mapsensor == MapSensorType.MapSensor35)
                            max_value_x_axis *= 140;
                            max_value_x_axis /= 100;
                        else if (mapsensor == MapSensorType.MapSensor40)
                            max_value_x_axis *= 160;
                            max_value_x_axis /= 100;
                        else if (mapsensor == MapSensorType.MapSensor50)
                            max_value_x_axis *= 200;
                            max_value_x_axis /= 100;
                        //Console.WriteLine("max x: " + max_value_x_axis.ToString());
                        float max_support_boost = max_value_x_axis;
                        max_support_boost /= 100;
                        max_support_boost -= 1;
                        float corr_inj = 1.4F / max_support_boost;
                        corr_inj *= 100;
                        //Console.WriteLine("corr_inj = " + corr_inj.ToString());
                        max_injection *= (int)corr_inj;
                        max_injection /= 100;

                        // dtReport.Rows.Add("Max injection: "+ max_injection.ToString());
                        if (max_injection > 7500) m_E85 = true;
                        if (injkonst > 26)
                            m_E85 = true;
                        //TODO: nog extra controleren of er andere indicatoren zijn of er E85 gebruikt wordt
                        // we kunnen dit aan de start verrijkingen zien en aan de ontstekingstijdstippen bij
                        // vollast (ontsteking scherper), let op want dit laatste is bij W/M injectie ook zo.
                        // de een na laatste waarde uit Eftersta_fak! geeft een duidelijke indicatie
                        byte[] eftstafak = _file.ReadData((uint)m_trionicFileInformation.GetSymbolAddressFlash("Eftersta_fak!"), (uint)m_trionicFileInformation.GetSymbolLength("Eftersta_fak!"));
                        if (eftstafak.Length == 15)
                            int eftstafakvalue = Convert.ToInt32(eftstafak.GetValue(13));
                            if (eftstafakvalue > 170) m_E85 = true;
                        if (m_E85)
                            max_injection *= 10;
                            max_injection /= 14;
                            // dtReport.Rows.Add("Probable fuel: E85");
                        // get peak from insp_mat and multiply by injector constant
                        InjectorType inj_type = InjectorType.Stock;
                        if (max_injection > 5000) inj_type = InjectorType.Stock;
                        else if (max_injection > 3500) inj_type = InjectorType.GreenGiants;
                        else if (max_injection > 2000) inj_type = InjectorType.Siemens630Dekas;
                        else if (max_injection > 1565) inj_type = InjectorType.Siemens875Dekas;
                        else inj_type = InjectorType.Siemens1000cc;

                        // Add info about T5/T7 valve
                        int frek230 = _file.GetSymbolAsInt("Frek_230!");
                        int frek250 = _file.GetSymbolAsInt("Frek_250!");
                        bool T7Valve = false;
                        if (fileType == ECUFileType.Trionic52File)
                            if (frek230 == 728 || frek250 == 935)
                                T7Valve = false;
                                T7Valve = true;
                        else if (fileType == ECUFileType.Trionic55File)
                            if (frek230 == 90 || frek250 == 70)
                                T7Valve = false;
                                T7Valve = true;
                        int torque = 0;
                        float m_maxBoost = 0;
                        TuningStage _stage = _file.DetermineTuningStage(out m_maxBoost);

                        PressureToTorque ptt = new PressureToTorque();
                        torque = Convert.ToInt32(ptt.CalculateTorqueFromPressure(m_maxBoost, props.TurboType));
                        dt.Rows.Add(file, Path.GetFileName(file), props.Enginetype, _stage.ToString(), inj_type.ToString(), mapsensor.ToString(), torque.ToString(), m_E85, T7Valve, props.Partnumber, props.SoftwareID, props.CPUspeed, props.RAMlocked);
                    catch (Exception E)
            dt.WriteXml(Application.StartupPath + "\\UserLib.xml");
            gridControl1.DataSource = dt;
            this.Text = "User library browser";
        public TuningResult FreeTuneBinary(IECUFile m_File, double peakTorque, double peakBoost, bool tuneBasedOnTorque, MapSensorType mapType, TurboType turboType, InjectorType injectorType, BPCType valve, int rpmlimiter, int knockTime)
            Trionic5Resume _localResume = new Trionic5Resume();
            m_fileInformation = m_File.GetFileInfo();
            string filename = m_fileInformation.Filename;
            // first set things right by running the tunetostagex wizard
            // generate a nice x_scale for ignition map (18 long)
            PressureToTorque ptt = new PressureToTorque();
            double peak_boost = ptt.CalculatePressureFromTorque(peakTorque, turboType);
            if (!tuneBasedOnTorque) peak_boost = peakBoost;
            double peak_boost_request = peak_boost;
            double correction = 1.0;
            if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor30) correction = 1.2;
            if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor35) correction = 1.4;
            if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor40) correction = 1.6;
            if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor50) correction = 2.0;
            peak_boost_request *= 100;
            peak_boost_request += 100;
            peak_boost_request /= correction;
            peak_boost_request -= 100;
            peak_boost_request /= 100;

            double min_pressure = -1;
            double max_pressure = peak_boost;

            #region preparation

            /********* start of prepare phase *********/
            string enginetp = readenginetype(filename);
            string partnumber = readpartnumber(filename);
            PartNumberConverter pnc = new PartNumberConverter();
            ECUInformation ecuinfo = pnc.GetECUInfo(partnumber, enginetp);
            bool isLpt = true;
            if (ReadTunedToStageMarker(filename) > 0)
                return TuningResult.TuningFailedAlreadyTuned;
            else if (ReadThreeBarConversionMarker(filename) > 0)
                return TuningResult.TuningFailedThreebarSensor;
            Trionic5Properties t5p = m_File.GetTrionicProperties();
            if (ecuinfo.Valid)
                if (ecuinfo.Isaero || ecuinfo.Isfpt)
                    isLpt = false;

            if (t5p.MapSensorType != mapType)
                ConvertFileToThreeBarMapSensor(m_fileInformation, t5p.MapSensorType, mapType);
            // check injector type
            if (t5p.InjectorType != injectorType)
                int inj_konst_diff = DetermineDifferenceInInjectorConstant(t5p.InjectorType, injectorType);
                AddToInjectorConstant(filename, inj_konst_diff);
                SetInjectorBatteryCorrectionMap(m_File, injectorType); //TODO: check this function for correctness!
            /*if (injectorType == InjectorType.Stock) writebyteinfile(filename, GetSymbolAddress("Inj_konst!"), 19);
            else if (injectorType == InjectorType.GreenGiants) writebyteinfile(filename, GetSymbolAddress("Inj_konst!"), 18);
            else if (injectorType == InjectorType.Siemens630Dekas) writebyteinfile(filename, GetSymbolAddress("Inj_konst!"), 15);
            else if (injectorType == InjectorType.Siemens875Dekas) writebyteinfile(filename, GetSymbolAddress("Inj_konst!"), 13);
            else if (injectorType == InjectorType.Siemens875Dekas) writebyteinfile(filename, GetSymbolAddress("Inj_konst!"), 13);*/
            t5p.TurboType = turboType;
            t5p.InjectorType = injectorType;
            t5p.MapSensorType = mapType;
            // determine stage??
            int stage = 0;
            if (peak_boost < 1.2) stage = 1;
            else if (peak_boost < 1.3) stage = 2;
            else if (peak_boost < 1.4) stage = 3;
            else if (peak_boost < 1.5) stage = 4;
            else if (peak_boost < 1.6) stage = 5;
            else if (peak_boost < 1.7) stage = 6;
            else if (peak_boost < 1.8) stage = 7;
            else if (peak_boost < 1.9) stage = 8;
            else stage = 9;

            TuneToStage(filename, stage, peak_boost_request, 0.52, 1.0, 0.52, 1.54, 90, isLpt, turboType, injectorType, mapType);
            _localResume.ResumeTuning = m_resume.ResumeTuning.Copy();
            /*********** end of prepare phase **************/

            // set limiter, bpc valve type and knock time
            SetBPCValveType(filename, valve);
            _localResume.AddToResumeTable("Set BPC driving frequencies");
            SetRPMLimiter(filename, rpmlimiter);
            _localResume.AddToResumeTable("Set RPM limiter");
            SetKnockTime(filename, knockTime);
            _localResume.AddToResumeTable("Set knock time value");


            // if mapsensor != stock and injectors are 630 cc or bigger
            if (mapType != MapSensorType.MapSensor25 && (injectorType == InjectorType.Siemens630Dekas || injectorType == InjectorType.Siemens875Dekas || injectorType == InjectorType.Siemens1000cc))
                // now scale it
                double step = (max_pressure - min_pressure) / 17;
                double[] axisforIgnitionMap = new double[18];
                for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
                    axisforIgnitionMap.SetValue(min_pressure + (i * step), i);
                byte[] actualAxis = new byte[36];
                int j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
                    double currValue = Convert.ToDouble(axisforIgnitionMap.GetValue(i));
                    currValue *= 100;
                    currValue += 100;
                    if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor30) currValue /= 1.2;
                    else if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor35) currValue /= 1.4;
                    else if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor40) currValue /= 1.6;
                    else if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor50) currValue /= 2.0;
                    int ival = Convert.ToInt32(currValue);
                    byte v1 = (byte)(ival / 256);
                    byte v2 = (byte)(ival - (int)v1 * 256);

                    actualAxis.SetValue(v1, j++);
                    actualAxis.SetValue(v2, j++);
                m_File.WriteData(actualAxis, (uint)m_File.GetFileInfo().GetSymbolAddressFlash("Ign_map_0_x_axis!"));
                _localResume.AddToResumeTable("Generated and saved new ignition map x axis");
                //Generate the ignition map based on the axis values
                GenerateAndSaveNewIgnitionMap(m_File, false);
                _localResume.AddToResumeTable("Generated and saved new ignition map");
                min_pressure = -0.8;
                step = (max_pressure - min_pressure) / 15;
                // now setup x axis for fuel map
                double[] axisforFuelMap = new double[16];
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    axisforFuelMap.SetValue(min_pressure + (i * step), i);
                byte[] actualFuelAxis = new byte[16];
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    double currValue = Convert.ToDouble(axisforFuelMap.GetValue(i));
                    currValue *= 100;
                    currValue += 100;
                    if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor30) currValue /= 1.2;
                    else if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor35) currValue /= 1.4;
                    else if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor40) currValue /= 1.6;
                    else if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor50) currValue /= 2.0;
                    int ival = Convert.ToInt32(currValue);
                    if (ival > 255) ival = 255;
                    actualFuelAxis.SetValue((byte)ival, i);
                m_File.WriteData(actualFuelAxis, (uint)m_File.GetFileInfo().GetSymbolAddressFlash("Fuel_map_xaxis!"));
                _localResume.AddToResumeTable("Generated and saved new fuel map x axis");

                //Generate the ignition map based on the axis values
                _localResume.AddToResumeTable("Generated and saved new fuel map");

                min_pressure = -0.3;
                step = (max_pressure - min_pressure) / 11;
                // now setup x axis for fuel map
                double[] axisforFuelKnockMap = new double[12];
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                    axisforFuelKnockMap.SetValue(min_pressure + (i * step), i);
                byte[] actualFuelKnockAxis = new byte[12];
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                    double currValue = Convert.ToDouble(axisforFuelKnockMap.GetValue(i));
                    currValue *= 100;
                    currValue += 100;
                    if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor30) currValue /= 1.2;
                    else if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor35) currValue /= 1.4;
                    else if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor40) currValue /= 1.6;
                    else if (mapType == MapSensorType.MapSensor50) currValue /= 2.0;
                    int ival = Convert.ToInt32(currValue);
                    if (ival > 255) ival = 255;
                    actualFuelKnockAxis.SetValue((byte)ival, i);
                m_File.WriteData(actualFuelKnockAxis, (uint)m_File.GetFileInfo().GetSymbolAddressFlash("Fuel_knock_xaxis!"));
                _localResume.AddToResumeTable("Generated and saved new fuel knock map x axis");

                //Generate the ignition map based on the axis values
                _localResume.AddToResumeTable("Generated and saved new fuel knock map");

                // mesh up a boost request map for this.. already possible
                // adjust peak boost to be scaled for the mapsensor type

                SetBoostRequestMaps(turboType, injectorType, mapType, m_File.GetFileInfo().Filename, peak_boost_request, 100, isLpt);
                _localResume.AddToResumeTable("Generated boost request maps");

            m_resume.ResumeTuning = _localResume.ResumeTuning.Copy();
            return TuningResult.TuningSuccess;
        private void AddFilesToLibrary(string path)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable("UserLib");

            dt.Columns.Add("E85", Type.GetType("System.Boolean"));
            dt.Columns.Add("T7Valve", Type.GetType("System.Boolean"));
            dt.Columns.Add("RAMlocked", Type.GetType("System.Boolean"));
            if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\UserLib.xml"))
                dt.ReadXml(Application.StartupPath + "\\UserLib.xml");
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.bin", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            foreach (string file in files)
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file);
                this.Text = "User library browser - " + Path.GetFileName(file);
                if (fi.Length == 0x20000 || fi.Length == 0x40000)
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                            if (dr["Filename"] != DBNull.Value)
                                if (dr["Filename"].ToString() == file)
                        Trionic5File _file = new Trionic5File();
                        Trionic5FileInformation m_trionicFileInformation = _file.ParseFile();
                        Trionic5Properties      props = _file.GetTrionicProperties();
                        // get information about the file
                        MapSensorType mapsensor = _file.GetMapSensorType(true);
                        ECUFileType   fileType  = _file.DetermineFileType();
                        //TuningStage _stage = m_trionicFile.DetermineTuningStage(out m_maxBoost);
                        int  injkonst      = _file.GetSymbolAsInt("Inj_konst!");
                        bool m_E85         = false;
                        int  max_injection = _file.GetMaxInjection();
                        max_injection *= injkonst;
                        // de maximale waarde uit fuel_map_x_axis! aub
                        byte[] fuelxaxis        = _file.ReadData((uint)m_trionicFileInformation.GetSymbolAddressFlash("Fuel_map_xaxis!"), (uint)m_trionicFileInformation.GetSymbolLength("Fuel_map_xaxis!"));
                        int    max_value_x_axis = Convert.ToInt32(fuelxaxis.GetValue(fuelxaxis.Length - 1));
                        if (mapsensor == MapSensorType.MapSensor30)
                            max_value_x_axis *= 120;
                            max_value_x_axis /= 100;
                        else if (mapsensor == MapSensorType.MapSensor35)
                            max_value_x_axis *= 140;
                            max_value_x_axis /= 100;
                        else if (mapsensor == MapSensorType.MapSensor40)
                            max_value_x_axis *= 160;
                            max_value_x_axis /= 100;
                        else if (mapsensor == MapSensorType.MapSensor50)
                            max_value_x_axis *= 200;
                            max_value_x_axis /= 100;
                        //Console.WriteLine("max x: " + max_value_x_axis.ToString());
                        float max_support_boost = max_value_x_axis;
                        max_support_boost /= 100;
                        max_support_boost -= 1;
                        float corr_inj = 1.4F / max_support_boost;
                        corr_inj *= 100;
                        //Console.WriteLine("corr_inj = " + corr_inj.ToString());
                        max_injection *= (int)corr_inj;
                        max_injection /= 100;

                        // dtReport.Rows.Add("Max injection: "+ max_injection.ToString());
                        if (max_injection > 7500)
                            m_E85 = true;
                        if (injkonst > 26)
                            m_E85 = true;
                        //TODO: nog extra controleren of er andere indicatoren zijn of er E85 gebruikt wordt
                        // we kunnen dit aan de start verrijkingen zien en aan de ontstekingstijdstippen bij
                        // vollast (ontsteking scherper), let op want dit laatste is bij W/M injectie ook zo.
                        // de een na laatste waarde uit Eftersta_fak! geeft een duidelijke indicatie
                        byte[] eftstafak = _file.ReadData((uint)m_trionicFileInformation.GetSymbolAddressFlash("Eftersta_fak!"), (uint)m_trionicFileInformation.GetSymbolLength("Eftersta_fak!"));
                        if (eftstafak.Length == 15)
                            int eftstafakvalue = Convert.ToInt32(eftstafak.GetValue(13));
                            if (eftstafakvalue > 170)
                                m_E85 = true;
                        if (m_E85)
                            max_injection *= 10;
                            max_injection /= 14;
                            // dtReport.Rows.Add("Probable fuel: E85");
                        // get peak from insp_mat and multiply by injector constant
                        InjectorType inj_type = InjectorType.Stock;
                        if (max_injection > 5000)
                            inj_type = InjectorType.Stock;
                        else if (max_injection > 3500)
                            inj_type = InjectorType.GreenGiants;
                        else if (max_injection > 2000)
                            inj_type = InjectorType.Siemens630Dekas;
                        else if (max_injection > 1565)
                            inj_type = InjectorType.Siemens875Dekas;
                            inj_type = InjectorType.Siemens1000cc;

                        // Add info about T5/T7 valve
                        int  frek230 = _file.GetSymbolAsInt("Frek_230!");
                        int  frek250 = _file.GetSymbolAsInt("Frek_250!");
                        bool T7Valve = false;
                        if (fileType == ECUFileType.Trionic52File)
                            if (frek230 == 728 || frek250 == 935)
                                T7Valve = false;
                                T7Valve = true;
                        else if (fileType == ECUFileType.Trionic55File)
                            if (frek230 == 90 || frek250 == 70)
                                T7Valve = false;
                                T7Valve = true;
                        int         torque     = 0;
                        float       m_maxBoost = 0;
                        TuningStage _stage     = _file.DetermineTuningStage(out m_maxBoost);

                        PressureToTorque ptt = new PressureToTorque();
                        torque = Convert.ToInt32(ptt.CalculateTorqueFromPressure(m_maxBoost, props.TurboType));
                        dt.Rows.Add(file, Path.GetFileName(file), props.Enginetype, _stage.ToString(), inj_type.ToString(), mapsensor.ToString(), torque.ToString(), m_E85, T7Valve, props.Partnumber, props.SoftwareID, props.CPUspeed, props.RAMlocked);
                    catch (Exception E)
            dt.WriteXml(Application.StartupPath + "\\UserLib.xml");
            gridControl1.DataSource = dt;
            this.Text = "User library browser";