        public async Task <IActionResult> GetPressureTest(int?skip, int?top, string columns, string WELL_BORE_CODE, DateTime?DATEPRD, string TEST_TYPE)
            int s = (skip == null) ? 0 : skip.GetValueOrDefault();
            int t = (top == null) ? 1000 : top.GetValueOrDefault();

            if (s < 0)
                return(BadRequest("Skip can't be a negative number"));

            if (t < 1)
                return(BadRequest("Top can't be less then 1"));

            if (columns != null)
                columns = columns.Replace(" ", "");

            /* This section is used to check the existence of columns suplied in the request,
             * and in the event of no columns being supplied finds a list of each column of the given model.
            PressureTest obj  = new PressureTest();
            var          cols = obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(e => e.Name.ToUpper()).ToArray();

            if (columns == null)
                columns = string.Join(",", cols);
                string[] colSplit = columns.Split(',');
                foreach (string col in colSplit)
                    if (!cols.Contains(col.Trim().ToUpper()))
                        return(BadRequest(col + " is not a valid column"));

            /* This section takes care of the db request.
             * Here Linq.Dynamic.Core is used to dynamically select specific columns.
            var result = _db.PressureTest
                         .Where(e =>
                                (e.WELL_BORE_CODE == WELL_BORE_CODE || WELL_BORE_CODE == null) &&
                                (e.DATEPRD >= DATEPRD || DATEPRD == null) &&
                                (e.TEST_TYPE == TEST_TYPE || TEST_TYPE == null)
                         .Select("new(" + columns + ")");

            return(Ok(await result.ToDynamicListAsync()));
        public void CheckTip()
            var inject_list = injector.Entercloses.Where(item => item.InjEnable).ToList();

            int[] pressure = IMask.Gen(0);
            int[] movez    = IMask.Gen(100);
            var   act      = PressureTest.create(3000, inject_list.ToArray(), movez, 50, 50);

            ////var act = InjectCheckTip.create(30000, 100, 0);
            //Random rd = new Random();
            //T_BJ_GelSeat seat = new T_BJ_GelSeat();
            //seat.X = 2120;
            //seat.Y = 3820;
            //seat.Z = 5700;
            //seat.ZCatch = 100;
            //seat.ZPut = 100;
            //seat.ZLimit = 6000;
            //seat.Gap = 0;
            //int sleeptime = rd.Next()%10*10000;
            //var act_inject = Sequence.create(InjectMoveTo.create(300000, injectorDevice.GetSeleteced(), 3000, IMask.Gen(1000, 1000, 1000, -1), IMask.Gen(-1)));
            //var act_hand = Sequence.create(
            //    SkCallBackFun.create((ActionBase act_tem)=> {
            //        if (injectorDevice.Injector.XMotor.CurrentDistance < 2000)
            //        {
            //            return true;
            //        }
            //        return false;
            //    }),
            //    MoveTo.create(300000, -1, -1, 0), MoveTo.create(300000, (int)seat.X, (int)(seat.Y + seat.Gap), -1), HandTakeCard.create(700000, (int)seat.Z, (int)seat.ZLimit, (int)seat.ZCatch, 0),HandPutCard.create(500000, (int)seat.Z, 0), SKSleep.create(sleeptime), MoveTo.create(300000, -1, -1, 0), MoveTo.create(300000, (int)seat.X, (int)(seat.Y + seat.Gap), -1), HandTakeCard.create(700000, (int)seat.Z, (int)seat.ZLimit, (int)seat.ZCatch, 0), HandPutCard.create(500000, (int)seat.Z, 0));
            //act_inject.AddAction(SkCallBackFun.create((ActionBase act_tem) =>
            //    act_hand.runAction(handDevice);
            //    return true;