        public async Task epsilonHelp()
            IGuildUser activeuser  = Context.User as IGuildUser;
            var        epsilonmode = Justibot.Loader.LoadPerm(activeuser, "EPSILON");

            if (epsilonmode.Item1 == true)
                var Prefix = PrefixService.getPrefix(Context.Guild.Id);

                string message = (
                    $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("whatASave:")} Returns random message (command won by Storm!) \n" +
                    $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Tree:")} Shows a picture of a tree (Storm/Revan Joke) Requested by Storm \n" +
                    $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("penis:")} Try it and find out ;) \n" +
                    $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("jesus:")} Summons a representation of Jesus Christ under the request of Rohan \n" +
                    $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Wisdom:")} Enlightens channel with the daily wisdom of Mike Nolan \n" +
                    $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Toetem:")} shows the first Epsilon God to reveal itself"
                string message2 = (
                    $"{Format.Bold($"{Format.Underline("Prefix:")} {Prefix}")}"

                Color color = new Color(0, 225, 100);

                var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                            .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Current Prefix:"; x.Value = message2; x.WithIsInline(true); })
                            .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Basic:"; x.Value = message; x.WithIsInline(true); })

                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);
        public async Task giveHelp()
            char Prefix = '+';

            if (Context.Guild != null)
                Prefix = PrefixService.getPrefix(Context.Guild.Id);

            string message = (
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`giveaway new <prize>`:")} Creates a new giveaway for the <prize> (user becomes host) \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`giveaway finish`:")} Ends the Giveaway (does not draw, must be used by host). \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`giveaway enter`:")} Enters user into the giveaway. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`giveaway draw`:")} Draws the giveaway. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`giveaway drawall <mode> (optional prize)`:")} randomly selects member who matches mode (online/offline/active/offline). \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`giveaway clear`:")} Clears all entries from the giveaway apart from the host. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`giveaway details`:")} Shows the host, number of entries and prize."
            string message2 = (
                $"{Format.Bold($"{Format.Underline("Prefix:")} {Prefix}")}"

            Color color = new Color(0, 225, 100);

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Current Prefix:"; x.Value = message2; x.WithIsInline(true); })
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Commands:"; x.Value = message; x.WithIsInline(true); })

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);
        public void GivenSameHour_ThenSingleResultAllTheWayToHours()
            // Actual

            var blobs = new List <CloudBlockBlob>
                new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri("https://domain.blob.core.windows.net/container/prefix/2018/06/20/04/e872fe-35920.applicationLog.csv")),
                new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri("https://domain.blob.core.windows.net/container/prefix/2018/06/20/05/e872fe-35921.applicationLog.csv")),
                new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri("https://domain.blob.core.windows.net/container/prefix/2018/06/20/05/e872fe-35922.applicationLog.csv")),
                new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri("https://domain.blob.core.windows.net/container/prefix/2018/06/20/05/e872fe-35923.applicationLog.csv")),
                new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri("https://domain.blob.core.windows.net/container/prefix/2018/06/20/06/e872fe-35924.applicationLog.csv")),
                new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri("https://domain.blob.core.windows.net/container/prefix/2018/06/20/07/e872fe-35925.applicationLog.csv"))

            var from = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20, 5, 4, 3, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var to   = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20, 6, 6, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            // Act

            var actualBlobs = PrefixService.Filter(blobs, from, to, "prefix/");

            // Assert

            var expectedNames = new List <string>

            actualBlobs.Select(q => q.Name).Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectedNames);
        public void GivenMultipleYears_ThenYearOfFromDateAndYearOfToDateAndAllYearsInBetween()
            // Arrange

            var from = new DateTime(2018, 12, 31, 23, 55, 15, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var to   = from.AddYears(5);

            // Act

            var actual = PrefixService.BuildBlobPrefixes(from, to, Prefix);

            // Assert

            var expected = new List <string>

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Inspections"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">
 /// The service.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="partnerService">
 /// The partner Service.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="prefix">
 /// The prefix.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="limits">
 /// The limits.
 /// </param>
 public Inspections(TimerService service, PartnerService partnerService, PrefixService prefix, TranslateLimitsNew limits)
     timerService   = service;
     prefixService  = prefix;
     PartnerService = partnerService;
     Limits         = limits;
        public async Task levelHelp()
            char Prefix = '+';

            if (Context.Guild != null)
                Prefix = PrefixService.getPrefix(Context.Guild.Id);

            string message = (
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Rank:")} Shows a users rank on the server (tag someone to see their rank) \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Rank Global:")} Shows a users global rank (tag someone to see their rank) \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Rank Server:")} See the servers ranking ;) \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Leaderboard:")} See the servers top 10 users. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Leaderboard Global:")} See the top 10 users. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Leaderboard Server:")} See the top 10 servers. \n\n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Note:")} Server and user xp will not work unless the levels module is enabled."
            string message2 = (
                $"{Format.Bold($"{Format.Underline("Prefix:")} {Prefix}")}"

            Color color = new Color(0, 225, 100);

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Current Prefix:"; x.Value = message2; x.WithIsInline(true); })
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Commands:"; x.Value = message; x.WithIsInline(true); })

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Developer"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">
 /// The service.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="partnerService">
 /// The partner Service.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="prefix">
 /// The prefix.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="httpClient">
 /// The http Client.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="limits">
 /// The limits.
 /// </param>
 public Developer(TimerService service, PartnerService partnerService, PartnerHelper pHelper, IDocumentStore store, PrefixService prefix, HttpClient httpClient, TranslateLimitsNew limits, DBLApiService dblApi)
     timerService   = service;
     prefixService  = prefix;
     PartnerService = partnerService;
     docStore       = store;
     client         = httpClient;
     Limits         = limits;
     PartnerHelper  = pHelper;
     DblApi         = dblApi;
 public CommandHandler(IServiceProvider provider)
     Provider = provider;
     Client   = provider.GetService <DiscordSocketClient>();
     Config   = provider.GetService <Config>();
     Client.MessageReceived += ProcessCommandAsync;
     Commands      = provider.GetService <CommandService>();
     BaseModules   = new Dictionary <Type, ModuleInfo>();
     CleverbotAPI  = new Cleverbot(Config.CleverbotApiKey);
     PrefixService = provider.GetService <PrefixService>();
        public async Task Help()
            char Prefix = '+';

            if (Context.Guild != null)
                Prefix = PrefixService.getPrefix(Context.Guild.Id);

            string message = (
                $"{Format.Bold($"{Format.Underline("Prefix:")} {Prefix}")}"
            string message1 = (
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Ping:")} Returns Pong! \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Echo:")} Repeats what you say. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Dice:")} Rolls a dice with a set amount of sides. Minimum 2, maximum 255, leave blank for 6. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Coin:")} Coin toss."
            string message2 = (
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Kick/Ban:")} Kicks/Bans a user from the server. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Purge x:")} Deletes x amount of messages from a channel. (25 by default, 100 max) \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Mute/Unmute:")} Mutes/Unmutes a user in the server."
            string message3 = (
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Info:")} Displays bots info. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Userinfo:")} Returns information on mentioned user, leave blank for yourself. (username ID and time created) \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Serverinfo:")} Returns information on the server."
            string message4 = (
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Documentation:")} [http://tatenashi.com](http://tatenashi.com) \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Official Server:")} [https://discord.gg/gS6zZ3B](https://discord.gg/gS6zZ3B) \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Contact:")} [http://tatenashi.com/home/contact](http://tatenashi.com/home/contact)"
            string message5 = (
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Help notes:")} Help for notes module. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Help Ranks:")} Help for xp module "

            Color color = new Color(0, 225, 100);

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Current Prefix:"; x.Value = message; x.WithIsInline(true); })
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Basic:"; x.Value = message1; x.WithIsInline(true); })
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Moderator:"; x.Value = message2; x.WithIsInline(true); })
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Info:"; x.Value = message3; x.WithIsInline(true); })
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Other help commands:"; x.Value = message5; x.WithIsInline(true); })
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Links:"; x.Value = message4; x.WithIsInline(true); })

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);
        public async Task prefix(char prefix)
            var activeuser  = Context.User as IGuildUser;
            var application = await Context.Client.GetApplicationInfoAsync();

            if (activeuser.GuildPermissions.Has(GuildPermission.Administrator) || activeuser.Id == application.Owner.Id)
                PrefixService.addPrefixes(Context.Guild, prefix);
                Justibot.Saver.SavePrefix(activeuser, prefix);
                await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, set the prefix to {Format.Bold($"{prefix}")}");
                await ReplyAsync("You do not have permission to use this command");
            public async Task Gnew(IUser host, [Remainder] string prize)
                var activeuser  = host as IGuildUser;
                var prefix      = PrefixService.getPrefix(Context.Guild.Id);
                var application = await Context.Client.GetApplicationInfoAsync();

                var          activator = true;
                var          gives     = Justibot.Loader.LoadGiveaway(activeuser);
                var          results   = Justibot.Loader.LoadPerm(activeuser, "GIVEAWAY");
                ITextChannel channel   = await Context.Guild.GetTextChannelAsync(results.Item2) as ITextChannel;

                ulong channel2 = (await Context.Guild.GetTextChannelAsync(gives.Item2) as ITextChannel).Id;

                if (Context.Channel.Id == results.Item2)
                    if (gives.Item1 == true)
                        await ReplyAsync("giveaway already in progress, cannot start a new one.");
                        if (results.Item1 == true)
                            if (results.Item3 == "OPEN")
                                Justibot.Saver.SaveGiveaway(activeuser, prize, activator, results.Item2);
                                await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{activeuser.Mention} has started a giveaway for {Format.Bold($"{prize}!!!")} Use `{prefix}giveaway enter` to be in to win!!! \n" +
                                                               $"Host ({activeuser.Mention}) is entered by default");
                            else if (results.Item3 == "CLOSED" && (activeuser.GuildPermissions.Has(GuildPermission.ManageGuild) || application.Owner == Context.User))
                                Justibot.Saver.SaveGiveaway(activeuser, prize, activator, channel.Id);
                                await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{activeuser.Mention} has started a giveaway for {Format.Bold($"{prize}!!!")} Use `{prefix}giveaway enter` to be in to win!!! \n" +
                                                               $"Host ({activeuser.Mention}) is entered by default");
                                await ReplyAsync("you do not have permission to do start a giveaway.");
                            await ReplyAsync("giveaways are currently not enabled.");
        public async Task notesHelp()
            char Prefix = '+';

            if (Context.Guild != null)
                Prefix = PrefixService.getPrefix(Context.Guild.Id);

            string message = (
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`notes new <type> <noteName> <note content>`:")} Creates a new note of type <type> \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`notes view (user)`:")} Shows a users public notes, if left blank shows all notes associated with user. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`notes close`:")} deletes last note the user has viewed ;) \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`notes delete <noteId>`:")} deletes the associated note if the user owns it. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("`notes admindelete <noteId>`:")} deletes a server not if user has manage server permission."
            string message2 = (
                $"{Format.Bold($"{Format.Underline("Prefix:")} {Prefix}")}"
            string message3 = (
                "A user can have 10 public and private notes \n" +
                "A server can have 30 server notes and 20 staff notes \n" +
                "A note title must be one word with a 25 character limit any words after this will be added to the note \n" +
                "A notes content has a 150 character limit and can contain multiple words."
            string message4 = (
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Public:")} Any user can view this note, only the owner may delete it. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Private:")} Only the owner can view this note, only the owner may delete it. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Server:")} Any user on the server can view this note, only the owner or a staff member may delete it. \n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Staff:")} Any user on the server can view this note, only the owner or a staff member may delete it. \n\n" +
                $"{Prefix} {Format.Bold("Note:")} If the notes module is set to closed only staff can create server notes, if it is open anyone may create these notes."

            Color color = new Color(0, 225, 100);

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Current Prefix:"; x.Value = message2; x.WithIsInline(true); })
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Commands:"; x.Value = message; x.WithIsInline(true); })
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Note Types:"; x.Value = message4; x.WithIsInline(true); })
                        .AddField(x => { x.Name = "Limits:"; x.Value = message3; x.WithIsInline(true); })

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);
        public async Task MatchesAsync(string prefix)
            var mockTrigger = new Mock <ITrigger>();

            mockTrigger.Setup(x => x.CheckTriggerAsync(It.IsAny <IContext>()))

            var service = new PrefixService(
                new PrefixCollectionBuilder()

            var mock   = new Mock <IContext>();
            var result = await service.MatchAsync(mock.Object);

            Assert.Equal(prefix, result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EventHandler"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">
        /// The client.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="homeService">
        /// The home Service.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="config">
        /// The config.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="service">
        /// The service.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="levels">
        /// The levels.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="channelHelper">
        /// The channel Helper.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="commandService">
        /// The command service.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="prefixService">
        /// The prefix Service.
        /// </param>
        public EventHandler(DiscordShardedClient client, TranslateLimitsNew limits, WaitService waits, DBLApiService dblService, TranslateMethodsNew translationMethods, TranslationService translationService, HomeService homeService, ConfigModel config, IServiceProvider service, LevelHelper levels, ChannelHelper channelHelper, CommandService commandService, PrefixService prefixService)
            Client             = client;
            Config             = config;
            Provider           = service;
            CommandService     = commandService;
            prefixOverride     = DatabaseHandler.Settings.UsePrefixOverride;
            PrefixService      = prefixService;
            _ChannelHelper     = channelHelper;
            _LevelHelper       = levels;
            _HomeService       = homeService;
            _Translate         = translationService;
            Limits             = limits;
            Waits              = waits;
            TranslationMethods = translationMethods;
            DBLApi             = dblService;

            CancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
        public void Given60MinutesOrMoreDifferenceButLessThanDay_ThenAllTheWayToDay()
            // Arrange

            var from = new DateTime(2018, 10, 6, 16, 7, 3, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var to   = from.AddMinutes(65);

            // Act

            var actual = PrefixService.BuildBlobPrefixes(from, to, Prefix);

            // Assert

            var expected = new List <string>

        public void Given28DayOrMoreMoreButLessThanYear_ThenAllTheWayToYear()
            // Arrange

            var from = new DateTime(2018, 10, 6, 16, 7, 3, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var to   = from.AddDays(29);

            // Act

            var actual = PrefixService.BuildBlobPrefixes(from, to, Prefix);

            // Assert

            var expected = new List <string>

        public void GivenSameHour_ThenSingleResultAllTheWayToHours()
            // Arrange

            var from = new DateTime(2018, 10, 6, 16, 7, 3, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var to   = from.AddMinutes(10);

            // Act

            var actual = PrefixService.BuildBlobPrefixes(from, to, Prefix);

            // Assert

            var expected = new List <string>

        public void Given60MinutesOrMoreDifferenceButLessThanDayAndDifferentYears_ThenLastDayOfFromYearAndFirstDayOfToYear()
            // Arrange

            var from = new DateTime(2018, 12, 31, 23, 55, 15, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var to   = from.AddMinutes(65);

            // Act

            var actual = PrefixService.BuildBlobPrefixes(from, to, Prefix);

            // Assert

            var expected = new List <string>

        public void Given28DayOrMoreButLessThanYearAndDifferentYear_ThenYearOfFromDateAndYearOfToDate()
            // Arrange

            var from = new DateTime(2018, 12, 31, 23, 55, 15, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var to   = from.AddDays(29);

            // Act

            var actual = PrefixService.BuildBlobPrefixes(from, to, Prefix);

            // Assert

            var expected = new List <string>

        public async Task GDetails()
            var   activeuser = Context.User as IGuildUser;
            var   prefix     = PrefixService.getPrefix(Context.Guild.Id);
            int   entcount   = Justibot.Loader.entrycount(activeuser);
            ulong hostID     = Justibot.Loader.GetGHost(activeuser);
            var   hoster     = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(hostID) as IUser;

            var          gives   = Justibot.Loader.LoadGiveaway(activeuser);
            string       prize   = gives.Item3;
            ITextChannel channel = await Context.Guild.GetTextChannelAsync(gives.Item2) as ITextChannel;

            if (gives.Item1 == true)
                await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{activeuser.Mention}, {hoster.Username} is hosting a giveaway for {Format.Bold($"{prize}!!!")} Use `{prefix}giveaway enter` to be in to win!!! currently {entcount} entries.");
                await ReplyAsync("There are currently no giveaways running.");
            public Task GoodbyeEventAsync()
                var pre = PrefixService.GetPrefix(Context.Guild.Id);

                return(SimpleEmbedAsync("**Goodbye Event**\n" + $"`{pre}Goodbye Info` - This Message\n" + $"`{pre}Goodbye Toggle` - Toggle the Goodbye event\n" + $"`{pre}Goodbye SetChannel` - Set the channel where Goodbye events will be sent\n" + $"`{pre}Goodbye Message <Message>` - Set the Goodbye Message\n\n" + "**Goodbye Settings**\n" + $"Enabled: {Context.Server.Events.Goodbye.Enabled}\n" + $"Channel: {Context.Guild.GetChannel(Context.Server.Events.Goodbye.ChannelID)?.Name ?? "N/A"}\n" + "Message:\n" + $"{Context.Server.Events.Goodbye.Message ?? "N/A"}"));
        public async Task Start()

            //create client and add what serverity of information to log
            client = new DiscordSocketClient(new DiscordSocketConfig()
                LogLevel            = LogSeverity.Info,
                ExclusiveBulkDelete = false,

            //create template for logged messages
            client.Log += (message) =>

            //when client is ready, load important information to memory for quick access and set game to help message
            client.Ready += async() =>
                await client.SetGameAsync("Use +help");


                //start timer for xp module

                //if version from data file has changed, reset update time (used to track time since update)
                if (Justibot.Loader.checkUpdate().Value != Justibot.Data.version)
                    Justibot.Saver.addVersion(DateTime.Now, Justibot.Data.version);

            //log the client into discord with the bot token
            await client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, Configuration.config.Token);

            await client.StartAsync();

            //when a user joins a guild, check appropriate permissions and react accordingly
            client.UserJoined += async(user) =>
                //check welcome module
                var results = Justibot.Loader.LoadPerm(user, "WELCOME");
                var guild   = user.Guild as IGuild;
                //if welcome module enabled send message
                if (results.Item1 == true)
                    ulong result2 = results.Item2;
                    //get designated channel for welcome messages
                    SocketTextChannel welcomeChannel = user.Guild.GetChannel(result2) as SocketTextChannel;

                    //if welcome message is available for guild use it, otherwise use default
                    bool check = welcomedict.welcomes.TryGetValue(guild.Id, out string welcome);
                    if (!check)
                        welcome = "Welcome, **[user]** has joined **[server]!!!** \n" +
                                  "Have a good time!!!";
                    //fill in placeholder text with appropriate information
                    welcome = welcome.Replace("[user]", user.Username);
                    welcome = welcome.Replace("[server]", guild.Name);

                    //if permission argument is plain send message in plain text otherwise send in embeded message
                    if (results.Item3 == "PLAIN")
                        await welcomeChannel.SendMessageAsync(welcome);
                        string avatar = user.GetAvatarUrl();
                        if (avatar == null)
                            avatar = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png";
                        Color color = new Color(0, 255, 0);
                        if (avatar.Contains("/a_"))
                            avatar = $"{avatar.Remove(avatar.Length - 12)}gif?size=128";

                        var embed = new EmbedBuilder()

                        await welcomeChannel.SendMessageAsync(user.Mention, false, embed);
                //if joining role is enabled give new user the role
                var joinRoles = Justibot.Loader.LoadPerm(user, "JOINROLE");
                if (joinRoles.Item1 == true)
                    IRole joinerRole = user.Guild.GetRole(joinRoles.Item2) as IRole;
                    await user.AddRoleAsync(joinerRole);
                //if log permission enabled send message to log channel
                var results2 = Justibot.Loader.LoadPerm(user, "LOG");
                if (results2.Item1 == true)
                    ulong             result2    = results2.Item2;
                    SocketTextChannel logChannel = user.Guild.GetChannel(result2) as SocketTextChannel;

                    if (results2.Item3 == "PLAIN")
                        await logChannel.SendMessageAsync($"{Format.Bold($"{user.Username}")}#{user.Discriminator}, ID:<{user.Id}> has joined the server. \n" +
                                                          $"There are now {user.Guild.MemberCount} members.");
                        string avatar = user.GetAvatarUrl();
                        Color  color  = new Color(0, 255, 0);
                        //if no avatar available use deafult
                        if (avatar == null)
                            avatar = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png";
                        //check if avatar is gif (gif avatars contain /a_ in their URLs
                        if (avatar.Contains("/a_"))
                            avatar = $"{avatar.Remove(avatar.Length - 12)}gif?size=128";

                        var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                                    .WithDescription($"{Format.Bold($"{user.Username}")}#{user.Discriminator}, ID:<{user.Id}> has joined the server. \n" +
                                                     $"There are now {user.Guild.MemberCount} members.")

                        await logChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);
                //if bunker mode is enabled on server instantly kick new user
                if (Settings.bunker.Contains(guild.Id))
                    await user.Guild.DefaultChannel.SendMessageAsync($"{Format.Bold($"{user.Username}")} was kicked by bunker mode!");

                    await user.KickAsync("Bunker mode enabled");

            //when user leaves guild check appropriate permissions and act accordingly
            client.UserLeft += async(user) =>
                //check leaving permission
                var results = Justibot.Loader.LoadPerm(user, "LEAVING");
                if (results.Item1 == true)
                    ulong result2 = results.Item2;
                    var   guild   = user.Guild as IGuild;
                    //get channel to send leaving message to
                    SocketTextChannel leaveChannel = user.Guild.GetChannel(result2) as SocketTextChannel;

                    //if leaving message available set it, else use default message
                    bool check = welcomedict.leaves.TryGetValue(guild.Id, out string leave);
                    if (!check)
                        leave = "**[mention]** has left **[server]**, goodbye.";
                    //replace placeholder text with appropriate items
                    leave = leave.Replace("[user]", user.Username);
                    leave = leave.Replace("[mention]", user.Mention);
                    leave = leave.Replace("[server]", guild.Name);

                    //if leaving permission argument is plain, send plain text otherwise send as an embed message
                    if (results.Item3 == "PLAIN")
                        await leaveChannel.SendMessageAsync(leave);
                        string avatar = user.GetAvatarUrl();
                        Color  color  = new Color(255, 0, 0);
                        //if no avatar available use deafult
                        if (avatar == null)
                            avatar = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png";
                        //check if avatar is gif (gif avatars contain /a_ in their URLs
                        if (avatar.Contains("/a_"))
                            avatar = $"{avatar.Remove(avatar.Length - 12)}gif?size=128";

                        var embed = new EmbedBuilder()

                        await leaveChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);

                //if log module is enabled, send message to log channel bassed on argument (plain text or embed)
                var results2 = Justibot.Loader.LoadPerm(user, "LOG");
                if (results2.Item1 == true)
                    ulong             result2        = results2.Item2;
                    var               guild          = user.Guild as IGuild;
                    SocketTextChannel welcomeChannel = user.Guild.GetChannel(result2) as SocketTextChannel;

                    if (results2.Item3 == "PLAIN")
                        await welcomeChannel.SendMessageAsync($"{Format.Bold($"{user.Username}")}#{user.Discriminator}, ID:<{user.Id}> has left the server. \n" +
                                                              $"There are now {user.Guild.MemberCount} members.");
                        string avatar = user.GetAvatarUrl();
                        Color  color  = new Color(255, 0, 0);
                        //if no avatar available use deafult
                        if (avatar == null)
                            avatar = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png";
                        //check if avatar is gif (gif avatars contain /a_ in their URLs
                        if (avatar.Contains("/a_"))
                            avatar = $"{avatar.Remove(avatar.Length - 12)}gif?size=128";

                        var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                                    .WithDescription($"{Format.Bold($"{user.Username}")}#{user.Discriminator}, ID:<{user.Id}> has left the server. \n" +
                                                     $"There are now {user.Guild.MemberCount} members.")

                        await welcomeChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);

            //if user messages a channel the bot can see, check permissions
            client.MessageReceived += async(message) =>
                var guild = (message.Channel as SocketTextChannel)?.Guild;
                var user  = (message.Author as IGuildUser);
                if (guild != null)
                    //if user isnt bot, give xp to user
                    if (user.IsBot == false)
                        var guild2 = guild as IGuild;
                        XpService.AddXp(user, guild2);
                    //if message contains a discord invite link, check if use has manage guild permissions
                    if ((message.ToString().ToUpper()).Contains("DISCORD.GG/") && (!(user.IsBot)))
                        //if user does not have manage guild permission check if advertising module is enabled
                        if (!(user.GuildPermissions.Has(GuildPermission.ManageGuild)) || !(Justibot.Loader.isStaff(user)))
                            var results = Justibot.Loader.LoadPerm(user, "ADVERTISING");
                            if (results.Item1 == true)
                                //if module is set to delete, remove message and asks user to not advertise in the server
                                ulong result2 = results.Item2;
                                if (results.Item3 == "DELETE")
                                    await message.DeleteAsync();

                                    var response = await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{user.Mention} please do not advertise in this server");

                                //if module is set to repost, send copy of message to advertising channel and ask user to only post advertisements to channel
                                else if (results.Item3 == "REPOST")
                                    SocketTextChannel advertisingChannel = guild.GetChannel(result2) as SocketTextChannel;
                                    if (message.Channel != advertisingChannel)
                                        await advertisingChannel.SendMessageAsync($"{user.Mention} advertised message: \n{message.ToString()}");

                                        await message.DeleteAsync();

                                        var response = await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{user.Mention} please keep advertising to {advertisingChannel.Mention}, your message has been shifted there.");

            //initialize commands and commandhandler
            handler = new CommandHandler();
            await handler.InitCommands(client);

            //prevent application shutdown
            await Task.Delay(-1);
 public EventSetup(PrefixService prefixService)
     PrefixService = prefixService;
        /// <summary>
        /// This event is triggered every time the a user sends a Message in a channel, dm etc. that the bot has access to view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="socketMessage">
        /// The socket Message.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="Task"/>.
        /// </returns>
        internal async Task MessageReceivedAsync(SocketMessage socketMessage)
            if (!(socketMessage is SocketUserMessage Message) || Message.Channel is IDMChannel)

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Message.Content) || Message.Content.Length < 3)

            if (Message.Author.IsBot || Message.Author.IsWebhook)
                // Filter out all bot messages from triggering commands.

            // Ensure that blacklisted users/guilds are not allowed to run commands
            if (CheckBlacklist(Message.Author.Id, (Message.Channel as IGuildChannel).Guild.Id))

            await _ChannelHelper.DoMediaChannelAsync(Message);

            var argPos     = 0;
            var isPrefixed = true;

            if (prefixOverride)
                var config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DatabaseObject>(File.ReadAllText("setup/DBConfig.json"));
                if (config.PrefixOverride != null)
                    if (!Message.HasStringPrefix(config.PrefixOverride, ref argPos))
                        isPrefixed = false;
                    LogHandler.LogMessage("Message Handler is being returned as the bot is in prefix override mode and you haven't specified a custom prefix in DBConfig.json", LogSeverity.Warning);
                    isPrefixed = false;
                // Filter out all messages that don't start with our Bot PrefixSetup, bot mention or server specific PrefixSetup.
                if (!(Message.HasMentionPrefix(Client.CurrentUser, ref argPos) || Message.HasStringPrefix(PrefixService.GetPrefix((Message.Channel as IGuildChannel)?.Guild?.Id ?? 0), ref argPos)))
                    isPrefixed = false;

            // run level check and auto-message channel check if the current message is not a command prefixed message
            if (!isPrefixed)
                var messageTask = Task.Run(
                    async() =>
                    LogHandler.LogMessage($"G: {(Message.Channel as IGuildChannel)?.Guild?.Id} | C: {Message.Channel?.Id} | U: {Message.Author?.Id.ToString()} | M: {Message?.Content.Left(100)}", LogSeverity.Verbose);
                    await _LevelHelper.DoLevelsAsync(Message);
                    await _ChannelHelper.DoAutoMessageAsync(Message);

                await StatHelper.LogMessageAsync(Message);


            // Here we attempt to execute a command based on the user Message
            var commandTask = Task.Run(async() =>
                var context = new Context(Client, Message, Provider);
                var result  = await CommandService.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, Provider, MultiMatchHandling.Best);

                // Generate an error Message for users if a command is unsuccessful
                if (!result.IsSuccess)
                    await CmdErrorAsync(context, result, argPos);
                    var search = CommandService.Search(context, argPos);
                    var cmd    = search.Commands.FirstOrDefault();
                    StatHelper.LogCommand(cmd.Command, Message);
                    if (Config.LogCommandUsages)
 public GeneralSetup(PrefixService prefixService)
     PrefixService = prefixService;
 public Partner(PrefixService prefixService, PartnerService partnerService, PartnerHelper partnerHelper)
     PrefixService  = prefixService;
     PartnerService = partnerService;
     PartnerHelp    = partnerHelper;
 public Roles(PrefixService prefixService, WaitService wait)
     PrefixService = prefixService;
     WaitService   = wait;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Help" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="commandservice">
 ///     The commandservice.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="prefixService">
 ///     The prefix Service.
 /// </param>
 private Help(CommandService commandservice, PrefixService prefixService)
     service       = commandservice;
     PrefixService = prefixService;
        public async Task UserJoined(SocketGuildUser user)
            if (!LocalManagementService.LastConfig.IsAcceptable(user.Guild.Id))

            var config = GetCaptchaConfig(user.Guild.Id);

            if (config.UseCaptcha)
                var captchaDoc = GetOrCreateCaptchaUser(user.Id, user.Guild.Id);

                if (captchaDoc.Passed)

                var role = await GetOrCreateCaptchaRole(config, user.Guild);

                await user.AddRoleAsync(role);

                if (captchaDoc.FailureCount >= config.MaxFailures)

                var channel = await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                if (channel == null)

                    Stream imageStream = CaptchaGen.NetCore.ImageFactory.BuildImage(captchaDoc.Captcha, 100, 150, 25, 10, ImageFormatType.Jpeg);

                        await user.SendFileAsync(imageStream, "captcha.jpg", $"Please run the Verify command in order to speak in {user.Guild.Name}. ie. `{PrefixService.GetPrefix(0)}Captcha Verify {user.Guild.Id} {captchaDoc.Captcha}`");
                        var guildChannel = user.Guild.GetTextChannel(config.ChannelId);
                        if (guildChannel != null)
                            await guildChannel.SendFileAsync(imageStream, "captcha.jpg", $"{user.Mention} Please run the Verify command in order to speak in {user.Guild.Name}. ie. `{PrefixService.GetPrefix(user.Guild.Id)}Captcha Verify {user.Guild.Id} {captchaDoc.Captcha}`");
                        await user.SendMessageAsync($"Please run the Verify command in order to speak in {user.Guild.Name}. ie. `{PrefixService.GetPrefix(0)}Captcha Verify {user.Guild.Id} {captchaDoc.Captcha}`");
                        var guildChannel = user.Guild.GetTextChannel(config.ChannelId);
                        if (guildChannel != null)
                            await guildChannel.SendMessageAsync($"Please run the Verify command in order to speak in {user.Guild.Name}. ie. `{PrefixService.GetPrefix(user.Guild.Id)}Captcha Verify {user.Guild.Id} {captchaDoc.Captcha}`");
 public PrefixModule(PrefixService prefixService, EmbedService embedService, Config config, MathService mathService) : base(mathService)
     PrefixService = prefixService;
     EmbedService  = embedService;
     Config        = config;