public void SetSimulationDisplay(Precision Precision, Point Origo, double Radius = -1)
            if (this.precision != Precision) precision = Precision;
            this.origo = Origo;
            if (Radius < commonRadius) Radius = commonRadius;

            switch (Precision)
                case Precision.NoTag:
                case Precision.OneTag:
                    this.radius = Radius;
                case Precision.TwoTag:
                    this.radius = Radius;
                case Precision.ThreeOrMoreTag:
                    this.radius = commonRadius;


            label_devicepos.Content = String.Format("({0} ; {1})", Math.Round(Origo.X, 2), Math.Round(Origo.Y, 2));
            Canvas.SetLeft(label_devicepos, Origo.X + 10);
            Canvas.SetTop(label_devicepos, Origo.Y - 20);
 public MGRSorUSNGCoordinates(CoordinateType.Enum coordinateType, string warningMessage, string MGRSString, Precision.Enum precision)
     this.coordinateType = coordinateType;
     this.precision = precision;
     this.MGRSString = MGRSString;
     this.warningMessage = warningMessage;
 public static extern void glslopt_shader_get_input_desc(IntPtr shader,
     int index,
     out IntPtr outName,
     out BasicType outType,
     out Precision outPrec,
     out int outVecSize,
     out int outMatSize,
     out int outArraySize,
     out int outLocation);
        public static DateTime ToPrecision(this DateTime dateTime, Precision precision)
            switch (precision)
                case Precision.Date:
                    return dateTime.Date;

                case Precision.Hour:
                    return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, dateTime.Hour, 0, 0);

                case Precision.Minute:
                    return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, dateTime.Hour, dateTime.Minute, 0);

                case Precision.Second:
                    return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, dateTime.Hour, dateTime.Minute, dateTime.Second);

                    return dateTime;
		public static double GetPrecision(double x, Precision? thisPrecision)
				double dif = 0;

				switch (thisPrecision)
					case Precision.EXACT:
						return x;
					case Precision.TWOFEET:
						dif = x%0.0001;
					case Precision.TWENTYFEET:
						dif = x%0.001;
					case Precision.TWOHUNDREDFEET:
						dif = x%0.01;
				return x - dif;
			return x;
 private void addJudgementOffsetAssert(OsuHitObject hitObject, double offset)
     AddAssert($"({hitObject.GetType().ReadableName()} @ {hitObject.StartTime}) judged at {offset}",
               () => Precision.AlmostEquals(judgementResults.Single(r => r.HitObject == hitObject).TimeOffset, offset, 100));
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets ratio value selected of signal strength estimation precision.
 /// </summary>
 public static double GetPrecisionValue(Precision pPrecision)
     return double.Parse(XmlParser.GetValue("Precision", pPrecision.ToString()));
 private void addSeekStep(Func <double> time)
     AddStep("seek to time", () => Player.GameplayClockContainer.Seek(time()));
     AddUntilStep("wait for seek to finish", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(time(), Player.DrawableRuleset.FrameStableClock.CurrentTime, 100));
    void Start()
        //Data from option
        speedmod = DataManager.Instance.speedmodSelected*speedmodRate;
        isFullComboRace = DataManager.Instance.raceSelected == 9;
        isFullExComboRace = DataManager.Instance.raceSelected == 10;
        targetScoreInverse = DataManager.Instance.giveTargetScoreOfRace(DataManager.Instance.raceSelected);
        typeOfDeath = DataManager.Instance.deathSelected;
        KeyCodeDown = DataManager.Instance.KeyCodeDown;
        KeyCodeUp = DataManager.Instance.KeyCodeUp;
        KeyCodeLeft = DataManager.Instance.KeyCodeLeft;
        KeyCodeRight = DataManager.Instance.KeyCodeRight;
        SecondaryKeyCodeDown = DataManager.Instance.SecondaryKeyCodeDown;
        SecondaryKeyCodeUp = DataManager.Instance.SecondaryKeyCodeUp;
        SecondaryKeyCodeLeft = DataManager.Instance.SecondaryKeyCodeLeft;
        SecondaryKeyCodeRight = DataManager.Instance.SecondaryKeyCodeRight;
        speedmodSelected = DataManager.Instance.speedmodSelected;
        speedmodstring = DataManager.Instance.speedmodSelected.ToString("0.00");
        speedmodok = true;
        var rand = (int)(UnityEngine.Random.value*DataManager.Instance.skyboxList.Count);
        if(rand == DataManager.Instance.skyboxList.Count){

        for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
            if(i != DataManager.Instance.skinSelected){
                var go = GameObject.Find("ArrowSkin" + i);
                var go2 = GameObject.Find("ArrowModelSkin" + i);
        arrow = typeArrow.ElementAt(DataManager.Instance.skinSelected);
        var modelskin = GameObject.Find("ArrowModelSkin" + DataManager.Instance.skinSelected);
        arrowLeft = (GameObject) Instantiate(modelskin, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 2f), modelskin.transform.rotation);
        if(DataManager.Instance.skinSelected == 3){
            arrowLeft.transform.FindChild("RotationCenter").Rotate(0f, 0f, 90f);
        }else if(DataManager.Instance.skinSelected != 0){
            arrowLeft.transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, 90f);
            arrowLeft.transform.FindChild("ParticulePrec").Rotate(0f, 0f, -90f);
            arrowLeft.transform.FindChild("ParticulePrec").localPosition = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);

        arrowLeft.transform.parent = MainCamera.gameObject.transform;
        arrowRight = (GameObject) Instantiate(modelskin, new Vector3(6f, 0f, 2f), modelskin.transform.rotation);
        if(DataManager.Instance.skinSelected == 3){
            arrowRight.transform.FindChild("RotationCenter").Rotate(0f, 0f, -90f);
        }else if(DataManager.Instance.skinSelected == 1){
            arrowRight.transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, -90f);
            arrowRight.transform.FindChild("ParticulePrec").Rotate(0f, 0f, 90f);
            arrowRight.transform.FindChild("ParticulePrec").localPosition = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
        arrowRight.transform.parent = MainCamera.gameObject.transform;
        arrowDown = (GameObject) Instantiate(modelskin, new Vector3(2f, 0f, 2f), modelskin.transform.rotation);
        if(DataManager.Instance.skinSelected == 3){
            arrowDown.transform.FindChild("RotationCenter").Rotate(0f, 0f, 180f);
        }else if(DataManager.Instance.skinSelected == 1){
            arrowDown.transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, 180f);
            arrowDown.transform.FindChild("ParticulePrec").Rotate(0f, 0f, -180f);
            arrowDown.transform.FindChild("ParticulePrec").localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f);
        arrowDown.transform.parent = MainCamera.gameObject.transform;
        arrowUp = (GameObject) Instantiate(modelskin, new Vector3(4f, 0f, 2f), modelskin.transform.rotation);
        arrowUp.transform.parent = MainCamera.gameObject.transform;

        arrowTarget = new Transform[4];
        arrowTarget[0] = arrowLeft.transform;
        arrowTarget[1] = arrowDown.transform;
        arrowTarget[2] = arrowUp.transform;
        arrowTarget[3] = arrowRight.transform;
        scaleBase = arrowTarget[0].localScale.x;
        matArrowModel = matSkinModel[DataManager.Instance.skinSelected];

        RenderSettings.skybox = DataManager.Instance.skyboxList.ElementAt(rand);
        DataManager.Instance.skyboxIndexSelected = rand;
        displayValue = DataManager.Instance.displaySelected;

        firstArrow = -10f;
        lastArrow = -10f;
        thesong = DataManager.Instance.songSelected;
        songLoaded = thesong.GetAudioClip();
        audio.loop = false;
        Application.targetFrameRate = -1;
        QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0;
        nextSwitchBPM = 1;
        nextSwitchStop = 0;
        actualBPM = thesong.bpms.First().Value;
        actualstop = (double)0;
        changeBPM = 0;

        _count = 0L;

        timebpm = (double)0;
        timechart = 0f;//-(float)thesong.offset;
        timetotalchart = (double)0;

        arrowFrozen = new Dictionary<Arrow, float>();

        precRight = new Dictionary<string, ParticleSystem>();
        precLeft = new Dictionary<string, ParticleSystem>();
        precUp = new Dictionary<string, ParticleSystem>();
        precDown = new Dictionary<string, ParticleSystem>();
        clearcombo = new Dictionary<string, ParticleSystem>();

        //Prepare the scene
        foreach(var el in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PrecParticle))){
            precLeft.Add( el.ToString(), (ParticleSystem) arrowLeft.transform.FindChild("ParticulePrec").gameObject.transform.FindChild(el.ToString()).particleSystem );
            precDown.Add( el.ToString(), (ParticleSystem) arrowDown.transform.FindChild("ParticulePrec").gameObject.transform.FindChild(el.ToString()).particleSystem );
            precRight.Add( el.ToString(), (ParticleSystem) arrowRight.transform.FindChild("ParticulePrec").gameObject.transform.FindChild(el.ToString()).particleSystem );
            precUp.Add( el.ToString(), (ParticleSystem) arrowUp.transform.FindChild("ParticulePrec").gameObject.transform.FindChild(el.ToString()).particleSystem );
        for(int i=0; i< particleComboCam.transform.GetChildCount(); i++){
            clearcombo.Add(particleComboCam.transform.GetChild(i).name, particleComboCam.transform.GetChild(i).particleSystem);

        precAverage = new List<double>();
        timeCombo = new Dictionary<double, int>();
        lifeGraph = new Dictionary<double, double>();

        TMainCamera = MainCamera.transform;

        TextureBase = new Dictionary<string, Texture2D>();
        TextureBase.Add("FANTASTIC", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Fantastic"));
        TextureBase.Add("EXCELLENT", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Excellent"));
        TextureBase.Add("GREAT", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Great"));
        TextureBase.Add("DECENT", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Decent"));
        TextureBase.Add("WAYOFF", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Wayoff"));
        TextureBase.Add("MISS", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Miss"));
        for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
            TextureBase.Add("S" + i, (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Numbers/S" + i));
            TextureBase.Add("C" + i, (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Numbers/C" + i));

        TextureBase.Add("PERCENT", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Numbers/Percent"));
        TextureBase.Add("DOT", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Numbers/Dot"));
        TextureBase.Add("COMBODISPLAY", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("DisplayCombo"));
        TextureBase.Add("BLACK", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("black"));
        TextureBase.Add("FAIL", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Fail"));
        TextureBase.Add("CLEAR", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Clear"));
        TextureBase.Add("FC", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("FC"));
        TextureBase.Add("FEC", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("FEC"));
        TextureBase.Add("FFC", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("FFC"));
        TextureBase.Add("PERFECT", (Texture2D) Resources.Load("Perfect"));

        scoreToDisplay = Precision.NONE;
        timeDisplayScore = Mathf.Infinity;
        sensFantastic = true;
        alpha = 1f;
        scenechartfaded = false;

        //init score and lifebase
        scoreBase = new Dictionary<string, float>();
        scoreCount = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        lifeBase = new Dictionary<string, float>();
        fantasticValue = 100f/(thesong.numberOfStepsWithoutJumps + thesong.numberOfJumps + thesong.numberOfFreezes + thesong.numberOfRolls);
        foreach(Precision el in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Precision))){
            if(el != Precision.NONE){
                scoreBase.Add(el.ToString(), fantasticValue*DataManager.Instance.ScoreWeightValues[el.ToString()]);
                lifeBase.Add(el.ToString(), DataManager.Instance.LifeWeightValues[el.ToString()]);


        foreach(ScoreCount el2 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ScoreCount))){
            if(el2 != ScoreCount.NONE){
                scoreCount.Add(el2.ToString(), 0);

        life = 50f;
        lifeGraph.Add(0, life);
        score = 0f;
        scoreInverse = 100f;
        firstEx = -1;
        firstGreat = -1;
        firstMisteak = -1;

        theLifeBar = lifeBar.GetComponent<LifeBar>();

        //var bps = thesong.getBPS(actualBPM);
        //changeBPM -= (float)(bps*thesong.offset)*speedmod;
        firstUpdate = true;
        oneSecond = 0f;
        startTheSong = (float)thesong.offset + DataManager.Instance.globalOffsetSeconds;

        nextBump = 0;

        ct = ComboType.FULLFANTASTIC;
        matProgressBar = progressBarEmpty.renderer.material;
        matProgressBarFull = progressBar.renderer.material;
        colorCombo = 1f;
        comboMisses = 0;
        alphaCombo = 0.5f;
        /*wd = posPercent.width*128;
        hg = posPercent.height*1024;
        hgt = posPercent.height*254;*/
        //ecart = 92f;

        displaying = scoreDecoupe();
        thetab = comboDecoupe();

        //Fail and clear
        fail = false;
        clear = false;
        fullCombo = false;
        fullExCombo = false;
        fullFantCombo = false;
        perfect = false;
        dead = false;
        zwip = 0;
        appearFailok = false;
        disappearFailok = false;
        zoomfail = 0f;
        failalpha = 0f;
        passalpha = 0f;
        cacheFailed = true;
        timeGiveUp = 0f;

        //Transformation display
        if(displayValue[4]){ //No judge
            limitDisplayScore = -1f;

        if(displayValue[5]){ //No background
            RenderSettings.skybox = null;
            Background.GetComponent<MoveBackground>().enabled = false;


        if(displayValue[6]){ //No target
            arrowLeft.renderer.enabled = false;
            arrowDown.renderer.enabled = false;
            arrowUp.renderer.enabled = false;
            arrowRight.renderer.enabled = false;

        //No score : inside the code

        //No UI
            for(int i=0;i<lifeBar.transform.childCount; i++){
                lifeBar.transform.GetChild(i).renderer.enabled = false;
            progressBar.renderer.enabled = false;
            progressBarEmpty.renderer.enabled = false;
            slow.renderer.enabled = false;
            fast.renderer.enabled = false;
文件: Font.cs 项目: HaKDMoDz/Psy
 public Font(Device device, int height, int width, FontWeight weight, int mipLevels, bool italic, CharacterSet characterSet, 
                    Precision outputPrecision, FontQuality quality, PitchAndFamily pitchAndFamily, string faceName)
     : base(device, height, width, weight, mipLevels, italic, characterSet, outputPrecision, quality, pitchAndFamily, faceName)
 /// <summary>
 /// Alternative constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rows">
 /// The number of rows of the elevation matrix.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="cols">
 /// The number of columns of the elevation matrix.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="bottomLeft">
 /// A <see cref="Points.Point"/> object that represents the coordinates
 /// of the bottom left corner of the elevation matrix.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="altitude">
 /// The elevation matrix
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="noData">
 /// The value that represent whether there is no altitude data in a 
 /// specified cell.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="cellSize">
 /// The geometric distance among adjacent cells.
 /// </param>
 protected ArcInfo( int rows, int cols, Point bottomLeft, 
     double[,] altitude, double noData, double cellSize, 
     int metCellSize, Precision precision)
     : base(rows, cols, bottomLeft, altitude, noData, cellSize, 
         metCellSize, precision)
 { }
 private void pressAndCheckTime(Key key, double expectedTime)
     AddStep($"press {key}", () => InputManager.Key(key));
     AddUntilStep($"time is {expectedTime}", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(expectedTime, EditorClock.CurrentTime, 1));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Return a String representation of this MGRS reference to 1m, 10m, 100m, 1000m or 10000m precision.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="precision"> The required precision. </param>
        /// <returns> A string representation of this MGRS reference to the required precision. </returns>
        public string ToString(Precision precision)
            var eastingR = (int) Math.Floor(Easting/(int) precision);
            var northingR = (int) Math.Floor(Northing/(int) precision);

            var padding = 5;

            switch (precision)
                case Precision.Precision10M:
                    padding = 4;

                case Precision.Precision100M:
                    padding = 3;

                case Precision.Precision1000M:
                    padding = 2;

                case Precision.Precision10000M:
                    padding = 1;

            var eastingRs = eastingR.ToString();
            var ez = padding - eastingRs.Length;
            while (ez > 0)
                eastingRs = "0" + eastingRs;

            var northingRs = northingR.ToString();
            var nz = padding - northingRs.Length;
            while (nz > 0)
                northingRs = "0" + northingRs;

            var utmZonePadding = "";
            if (LngZone < 10)
                utmZonePadding = "0";

            return utmZonePadding + LngZone + LatZone
                   + CollumLetter + RowLetter
                   + eastingRs + northingRs;
        private void UpdateEstimationParameters()
            mPrecision = mNodeNetwork.EstimationPrecision;
            mTreshold = mNodeNetwork.SignalTreshold;

            //Log.Write(LogLevel.Debug, string.Format("Setting basic estimation parameters:\nPrecision: {0}\nSignal Treshold: {1}", mPrecision, mTreshold));
 public BinaryDataArray()
     Data = null;
     Precision = Precision.Precision32;
     ArrayType = ArrayType.m_z_array;
     ArrayLength = 0;
 public void GainCombo(int c, Precision prec)
     combo+= c;
     alphaCombo = 1f;
     if(ct != ComboType.NONE && prec != Precision.FANTASTIC){
         if(ct == ComboType.FULLFANTASTIC){
             case Precision.EXCELLENT:
                 ct = ComboType.FULLEXCELLENT;
                 firstEx = timetotalchart;
             case Precision.GREAT:
                 ct = ComboType.FULLCOMBO;
                 firstEx = timetotalchart;
                 firstGreat = timetotalchart;
                 firstEx = timetotalchart;
                 firstGreat = timetotalchart;
                 firstMisteak = timetotalchart;
                 ct = ComboType.NONE;
         }else if(ct == ComboType.FULLEXCELLENT && prec > Precision.EXCELLENT){
             if(	prec == Precision.GREAT){
                 firstGreat = timetotalchart;
                 ct = ComboType.FULLCOMBO;
             else {
                 firstGreat = timetotalchart;
                 firstMisteak = timetotalchart;
                 ct = ComboType.NONE;
         }else if(ct == ComboType.FULLCOMBO && prec > Precision.GREAT){
             firstMisteak = timetotalchart;
             ct = ComboType.NONE;
     thetab = comboDecoupe();
     if(isFullExComboRace && ct == ComboType.FULLCOMBO){
         //Debug.Log("Fail at FEC race");
         fail = true;
 public void displayPrec(double prec)
     timeDisplayScore = 0f;
     zoom = baseZoom;
     scoreToDisplay = timeToPrec(prec);
 void StartParticleUp(Precision prec)
     var displayPrec = prec.ToString();
     if(prec < Precision.DECENT && combo >= 100) displayPrec += "C";
     var ps = precUp[displayPrec];
     if(! = true;
文件: Strain.cs 项目: shadiwolf/e
        protected override double StrainValueOf(DifficultyHitObject current)
            var maniaCurrent = (ManiaDifficultyHitObject)current;
            var endTime      = maniaCurrent.EndTime;
            var column       = maniaCurrent.BaseObject.Column;

            double holdFactor   = 1.0; // Factor to all additional strains in case something else is held
            double holdAddition = 0;   // Addition to the current note in case it's a hold and has to be released awkwardly

            // Fill up the holdEndTimes array
            for (int i = 0; i < holdEndTimes.Length; ++i)
                // If there is at least one other overlapping end or note, then we get an addition, buuuuuut...
                if (Precision.DefinitelyBigger(holdEndTimes[i], maniaCurrent.StartTime, 1) && Precision.DefinitelyBigger(endTime, holdEndTimes[i], 1))
                    holdAddition = 1.0;

                // ... this addition only is valid if there is _no_ other note with the same ending. Releasing multiple notes at the same time is just as easy as releasing 1
                if (Precision.AlmostEquals(endTime, holdEndTimes[i], 1))
                    holdAddition = 0;

                // We give a slight bonus to everything if something is held meanwhile
                if (Precision.DefinitelyBigger(holdEndTimes[i], endTime, 1))
                    holdFactor = 1.25;

                // Decay individual strains
                individualStrains[i] = applyDecay(individualStrains[i], current.DeltaTime, individual_decay_base);

            holdEndTimes[column] = endTime;

            // Increase individual strain in own column
            individualStrains[column] += 2.0 * holdFactor;
            individualStrain           = individualStrains[column];

            overallStrain = applyDecay(overallStrain, current.DeltaTime, overall_decay_base) + (1 + holdAddition) * holdFactor;

            return(individualStrain + overallStrain - CurrentStrain);
		public DistanceHandler(Dictionary<int, double> distances, Dictionary<string, double> distanceLookupCache, Precision precision)
			_distances = distances;
			_distanceLookupCache = distanceLookupCache;
			_precision = precision;
        /// <summary>
        /// Subscribes to order book updates for a symbol
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">The symbol to subscribe to</param>
        /// <param name="precision">The precision of the updates</param>
        /// <param name="frequency">The frequency of updates</param>
        /// <param name="length">The range for the order book updates, either 25 or 100</param>
        /// <param name="handler">The handler for the data</param>
        /// <param name="checksumHandler">The handler for the checksum, can be used to validate a order book implementation</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <CallResult <UpdateSubscription> > SubscribeToBookUpdatesAsync(string symbol, Precision precision, Frequency frequency, int length, Action <IEnumerable <BitfinexOrderBookEntry> > handler, Action <int>?checksumHandler = null)
            length.ValidateIntValues(nameof(length), 25, 100);
            var internalHandler = new Action <JToken>(data =>
                if (data[1].ToString() == "cs")
                    // Process
                    var dataArray = (JArray)data[1];
                    if (dataArray[0].Type == JTokenType.Array)
                        HandleData("Book snapshot", dataArray, handler, _bookSerializer);
                        HandleSingleToArrayData("Book update", dataArray, handler, _bookSerializer);

            var sub = new BitfinexBookSubscriptionRequest(
                JsonConvert.SerializeObject(precision, new PrecisionConverter(false)),
                JsonConvert.SerializeObject(frequency, new FrequencyConverter(false)),

            return(await Subscribe(sub, null, false, internalHandler).ConfigureAwait(false));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new MGRS reference object from the given paramaters. It is assumed
 /// that this MGRS reference represents a point using the GRS 1980,
 /// International or WGS84 ellipsoids. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if
 /// any of the parameters are invalid.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="utmZoneNumber">The UTM zone number representing the longitude.</param>
 /// <param name="utmZoneChar">The UTM zone character representing the latitude.</param>
 /// <param name="eastingID">Character representing the 100,000km easting square.</param>
 /// <param name="northingID">Character representing the 100,000km northing square.</param>
 /// <param name="easting">Easting in metres.</param>
 /// <param name="northing">Northing in metres.</param>
 /// <param name="precision">The precision of the given easting and northing.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If any of the given parameters are invalid.</exception>
 public MGRSRef(int utmZoneNumber, char utmZoneChar, char eastingID,
 char northingID, int easting, int northing, Precision precision)
     : this(utmZoneNumber, utmZoneChar, eastingID, northingID, easting, northing,
   precision, false)
        /// <summary>Create a font object</summary>
        public Font CreateFont(Device device, int height, int width, FontWeight weight, int mip, bool italic,
            CharacterSet charSet, Precision outputPrecision, FontQuality quality, PitchAndFamily pandf, string fontName)
            // Create the font description
            FontDescription desc = new FontDescription();
            desc.Height = height;
            desc.Width = width;
            desc.Weight = weight;
            desc.MipLevels = mip;
            desc.IsItalic = italic;
            desc.CharSet = charSet;
            desc.OutputPrecision = outputPrecision;
            desc.Quality = quality;
            desc.PitchAndFamily = pandf;
            desc.FaceName = fontName;

            // return the font
            return CreateFont(device, desc);
文件: Srtm.cs 项目: KAW0/Alter-Native
 /// <summary>
 /// Alternative constructor. Use it when a header file is needed to be 
 /// loaded.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">
 /// The elevation matrix container file path.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="headerPath">
 /// The header container file path.
 /// </param>
 public Srtm(string path, string headerPath, Precision precision)
     : base(path, headerPath, precision)
 { }
文件: Dem.cs 项目: KAW0/Alter-Native
 /// <summary>
 /// Alternative Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rows">
 /// Number of rows of the altitude matrix.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="cols">
 /// Number of columns of the altitude matrix.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="bottomLeft">
 /// Waypoint that represents the bottom left corner position of 
 /// altitude matrix.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="altitude">
 /// The altitude matrix.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="noData">
 /// The value that represent whether there is no altitude data in a 
 /// specified cell.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="cellSize">
 /// The geometric distance among adjacent cells.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="coordSystem">
 /// The coordinate system that DEM is referred.
 /// </param>
 protected Dem(int rows, int cols, Point bottomLeft, 
     double[,] altitude, double noData, double cellSize, 
     int metCellSize, Precision precision)
     this.rows = rows;
     this.cols = cols;
     this.bottomLeft = bottomLeft;
     this.altitude = altitude;
     this.noData = noData;
     this.cellSize = cellSize;
     this.metCellSize = metCellSize;
     this.precision = precision;
 private bool positionAlmostSame(Vector2 previous, Vector2 current) => Precision.AlmostEquals(previous, current, 1);
文件: Fixed128.cs 项目: ewxrjk/mandy
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate Mandelbrot set iteration
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="zx">Starting real part</param>
 /// <param name="zy">Starting imaginary part</param>
 /// <param name="cx">Offset constant real part</param>
 /// <param name="cy">Offset constant imaginary part</param>
 /// <param name="maxiters">Maximum number of iterations</param>
 /// <param name="precision">Precision to use</param>
 /// <returns>Adjusted iteration count</returns>
 public static double iterate(Fixed128 zx, Fixed128 zy,
                          Fixed128 cx, Fixed128 cy,
                          int maxiters, Precision precision)
     return iterate_cs(ref zx, ref zy, ref cx, ref cy, maxiters, (int)precision);
 double precToTime(Precision prec)
     if(prec <= Precision.WAYOFF){
         return DataManager.Instance.PrecisionValues[prec];
     return 0;
     case Precision.FANTASTIC:
         return 0.0215;
     case Precision.EXCELLENT:
         return 0.043;
     case Precision.GREAT:
         return 0.102;
     case Precision.DECENT:
         return 0.135;
     case Precision.WAYOFF:
         return 0.180;
         return 0;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new MGRS reference object from the given String. Must be correctly
 /// formatted otherwise an ArgumentException will be thrown.
 /// Matching regex: (\d{1,2})([A-Z])([A-Z])([A-Z])(\d{2,10})
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gridRef">a string to create an MGRS reference from.</param>
 /// <param name="isBessel">True if the parameters represent an MGRS reference using the
 /// Bessel 1841 ellipsoid; false is the parameters represent an MGRS
 /// reference using the GRS 1980, International or WGS84 ellipsoids.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">if the given String is not correctly formatted.</exception>
 public MGRSRef(string gridRef, bool isBessel)
     : base(WGS84Datum.Instance)
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(gridRef) || gridRef.Length < 6)
     throw new ArgumentException("Invalid MGRS reference (" + gridRef + ")", "gridRef");
       int begin = 0;
       int length = 1;
       char[] gridRefArray = gridRef.ToCharArray();
       if (char.IsDigit(gridRefArray[1]))
     length = 2;
       this.utmZoneNumber = int.Parse(gridRef.Substring(begin, length));
       begin += length;
       if (!(char.IsUpper(gridRefArray[begin]) &&
       char.IsUpper(gridRefArray[begin + 1]) &&
       char.IsUpper(gridRefArray[begin + 2])))
     throw new ArgumentException("Invalid MGRS reference (" + gridRef + ")", "gridRef");
       this.utmZoneChar = gridRefArray[begin];
       this.eastingID = gridRefArray[begin + 1];
       this.northingID = gridRefArray[begin + 2];
       begin += 3;
       for (length = 0; begin + length < gridRefArray.Length; length++)
     if (!char.IsDigit(gridRefArray[begin + length]))
       throw new ArgumentException("Invalid MGRS reference (" + gridRef + ")", "gridRef");
       if (length < 2 || length % 2 != 0)
     throw new ArgumentException("Invalid MGRS reference (" + gridRef + ")", "gridRef");
       this.precision = (Precision)Math.Pow(10, 5 - (length / 2));
       this.easting =
       int.Parse(gridRef.Substring(begin, length / 2)) * (int)this.precision;
       this.northing = int.Parse(gridRef.Substring(begin + length / 2)) * (int)this.precision;
 private bool cursorCenteredInContainer() =>
        private bool showCutOff()
        {   // nur wenn beide Kurven gültig sind
            if ((iCurve1 != null) && (iCurve2 != null) && (iCurve1 != iCurve2))
                Plane pl; // nur bei gemeisamer Ebene
                if (Curves.GetCommonPlane(iCurve1, iCurve2, out pl))
                    // !!!
                    //					owner = (iCurve1 as IGeoObject).Owner; // owner merken für löschen und Einfügen
                    pl.Align(base.ActiveDrawingPlane, false);           // Winkel anpassen
                    ICurve2D curve1_2D = iCurve1.GetProjectedCurve(pl); // die 2D-Kurven
                    if (curve1_2D is Path2D)
                        (curve1_2D as Path2D).Flatten();
                    ICurve2D curve2_2D = iCurve2.GetProjectedCurve(pl);
                    if (curve2_2D is Path2D)
                        (curve2_2D as Path2D).Flatten();
                    ICurve newCurve = iCurve1.Clone();                                                                // neue Kurve bis zum Schnittpunkt
                                                                                                                      // hier die Schnittpunkte bestimmen und den cutPoint auf den nächsten Schnittpunt setzen
                    GeoPoint2DWithParameter cutPoint;
                    if (Curves2D.NearestPoint(curve1_2D.Intersect(curve2_2D), pl.Project(objectPoint), out cutPoint)) // runden war möglich
                        GeoVector2D v1 = curve1_2D.DirectionAt(cutPoint.par1);                                        // die Richtung im Schnittpunkt
                        if (cutPoint.par1 > 0.5)
                            v1 = v1.Opposite();                      // evtl rumdrehen, falls am Ende
                        GeoVector2D v2 = curve2_2D.DirectionAt(cutPoint.par2); // die Richtung im Schnittpunkt
                        if (cutPoint.par2 > 0.5)
                            v2 = v2.Opposite();                      // evtl rumdrehen, falls am Ende
                        GeoVector2D v = (v1 + v2); // Winkelhalbierende
                        if (Precision.IsNullVector(pl.ToGlobal(v)))
                        v = cutOffLen * v;                                      // Winkelhalbierende mit Fas-Abstand
                        GeoPoint2D dirPoint = cutPoint.p + v;                   // wird unten auch als Auswahlpunkt für die Richtung genutzt
                        Line2D     line2D   = new Line2D(dirPoint, cutPoint.p); // Linie vorbesetzen, Punkte eigentlich egal
                        if ((methodSelect == 0) || (methodSelect == 1))
                        {                                                       // 0: Länge cutOffLen = Seitenlänge Kurve1   1: Länge cutOffLen = Fasenlänge
                            double sideLength;
                            if (methodSelect == 1)                              // Länge cutOffLen = Fasenlänge
                                                                                // Geometrie, Pythagoras, bekannt Seite=cutOffLen, Winkel 1 = cutOffAng, Winkel 2 = Winkel der Kurven im Schnittpunkt
                                sideLength = cutOffLen * (Math.Cos(cutOffAng.Radian) + (Math.Sin(cutOffAng.Radian) / Math.Tan(Math.Abs(new SweepAngle(v1, v2).Radian))));
                                sideLength = cutOffLen;
                            // neue Kurve bis zum Schnittpunkt synthetisieren, dazu: Schnittpunkt finden des Abschnitts mit der iCurve1

                            Ellipse arcTmp = Ellipse.Construct();
                            arcTmp.SetCirclePlaneCenterRadius(pl, pl.ToGlobal(cutPoint.p), sideLength);
                            ICurve2D curveArc_2D = (arcTmp as ICurve).GetProjectedCurve(pl); // die 2D-Kurve
                            GeoPoint2DWithParameter cutArc;
                            GeoPoint2D startPoint;
                            if (Curves2D.NearestPoint(curve1_2D.Intersect(curveArc_2D), dirPoint, out cutArc)) // war möglich
                                startPoint = cutArc.p;

                             *                          double parCut;
                             *                          // neue Kurve bis zum Schnittpunkt sythetisieren:
                             *                          if (cutPoint.par1 <= 0.5)
                             *                          {
                             *                              newCurve.StartPoint = iCurve1.PointAt(cutPoint.par1);
                             *                              parCut = (sideLength)/newCurve.Length; // der Parameter des Fasenpunktes
                             *                          }
                             *                          else
                             *                          {
                             *                              newCurve.EndPoint = iCurve1.PointAt(cutPoint.par1);
                             *                              parCut = (newCurve.Length-sideLength)/newCurve.Length; // der Parameter des Fasenpunktes
                             *                          }
                             *                          GeoPoint2D startPoint = pl.Project(newCurve.PointAt(parCut));
                             *                          GeoVector2D vc = curve1_2D.DirectionAt(parCut); // die Richtung im Schnittpunkt

                            GeoVector2D vc = curve1_2D.DirectionAt(curve1_2D.PositionOf(startPoint)); // die Richtung im Schnittpunkt
                            if (cutPoint.par1 <= 0.5)
                                vc = vc.Opposite();                            // evtl rumdrehen, falls am Ende
                            if (Geometry.OnLeftSide(dirPoint, startPoint, vc)) // Richtung festlegen für Winkeloffset
                                vc.Angle = vc.Angle + new SweepAngle(cutOffAng);
                                vc.Angle = vc.Angle - new SweepAngle(cutOffAng);
                            // Hilfslinie im Fasabstand, im Offsetwinkel
                            line2D = new Line2D(startPoint, startPoint + vc);
                        if (methodSelect == 2)                             // Länge cutOffLen = Winkelhalbierendenlänge
                            v.Angle = v.Angle + new SweepAngle(cutOffAng); // Winkelhalbierendenwinkel + Offset
                                                                           // Hilfslinie im Fasabstand, senkrecht auf der Winkelhalbierenden v
                            line2D = new Line2D(dirPoint, dirPoint + v.ToLeft());

                        GeoPoint2DWithParameter cutPoint1;
                        GeoPoint2DWithParameter cutPoint2;
                        // schnittpunkte der Hilfslinie mit den beiden Kurven
                        if (Curves2D.NearestPoint(curve1_2D.Intersect(line2D as ICurve2D), cutPoint.p + v, out cutPoint1))
                            if (Curves2D.NearestPoint(curve2_2D.Intersect(line2D as ICurve2D), cutPoint.p + v, out cutPoint2))
                            {   // da isse, die Fas-Linie, nur, wenn die Punkte echt auf der Kurve bis zum Schnittpunkt  liegen:
                                bool onCurve1, onCurve2;
                                if (cutPoint.par1 > 0.5)
                                    onCurve1 = (cutPoint1.par1 > 0.0) & (cutPoint1.par1 < 100);
                                // im Quasi-Parallelfall stehen in par1 riesige Werte
                                    onCurve1 = (cutPoint1.par1 < 1.0) & (cutPoint1.par1 > -100);
                                if (cutPoint.par2 > 0.5)
                                    onCurve2 = (cutPoint2.par1 > 0.0) & (cutPoint2.par1 < 100);
                                    onCurve2 = (cutPoint2.par1 < 1.0) & (cutPoint2.par1 > -100);
                                if (onCurve1 && onCurve2)
                                    Line line = Line.Construct();
                                    line.SetTwoPoints(pl.ToGlobal(cutPoint1.p), pl.ToGlobal(cutPoint2.p));
                                    // Fasenlänge vorgegeben, aber mit obiger Berechnung falsch, da dort Linien vorausgesetzt werden
                                    if ((methodSelect == 1) && (Math.Abs(line.Length - cutOffLen) > Precision.eps))
                                    {   // jetzt mit Iteration annähern
                                        double parInd      = 0.5;
                                        double parIndDelta = 0.25;
                                        for (int i = 0; i < 49; ++i) // 48 Schritte müssen reichen, par kann zwischen 0 und 1 liegen
                                            GeoPoint2D  startPoint = pl.Project(newCurve.PointAt(parInd));
                                            GeoVector2D vc         = curve1_2D.DirectionAt(parInd); // die Richtung im Schnittpunkt
                                            if (cutPoint.par1 <= 0.5)
                                                vc = vc.Opposite();                            // evtl rumdrehen, falls am Ende
                                            if (Geometry.OnLeftSide(dirPoint, startPoint, vc)) // Richtung festlegen für Winkeloffset
                                                vc.Angle = vc.Angle + new SweepAngle(cutOffAng);
                                                vc.Angle = vc.Angle - new SweepAngle(cutOffAng);
                                            // Hilfslinie im Fasabstand, im Offsetwinkel
                                            line2D = new Line2D(startPoint, startPoint + vc);
                                            if (Curves2D.NearestPoint(curve1_2D.Intersect(line2D as ICurve2D), cutPoint.p + v, out cutPoint1))
                                                if (Curves2D.NearestPoint(curve2_2D.Intersect(line2D as ICurve2D), cutPoint.p + v, out cutPoint2))
                                                {   // da isse, die Fas-Linie, nur, wenn die Punkte echt auf der Kurvr liegen:
                                                    if (cutPoint.par1 > 0.5)
                                                        onCurve1 = (cutPoint1.par1 > 0.0) & (cutPoint1.par1 < 100);
                                                    // im Quasi-Parallelfall stehen in par1 riesige Werte
                                                        onCurve1 = (cutPoint1.par1 < 1.0) & (cutPoint1.par1 > -100);
                                                    if (cutPoint.par2 > 0.5)
                                                        onCurve2 = (cutPoint2.par1 > 0.0) & (cutPoint2.par1 < 100);
                                                        onCurve2 = (cutPoint2.par1 < 1.0) & (cutPoint2.par1 > -100);
                                                    if (onCurve1 && onCurve2)
                                                        line.SetTwoPoints(pl.ToGlobal(cutPoint1.p), pl.ToGlobal(cutPoint2.p));
                                                        if ((Math.Abs(line.Length - cutOffLen) < Precision.eps)) // gefunden und raus
                                                            if (line.Length < cutOffLen)
                                                            {                                    // Fase ist zu klein: Parameter parInd vergrößern
                                                                parInd      = parInd + parIndDelta;
                                                                parIndDelta = parIndDelta / 2.0; // delta halbieren (Bisection!!)
                                                                continue;                        // nächster Schritt in der For-Schleife
                                            // alle anderen Fälle: // Fase ist zu gross: Parameter parInd verkleinern
                                            parInd      = parInd - parIndDelta;
                                            parIndDelta = parIndDelta / 2.0; // delta halbieren (Bisection!!)
                                        } // for schleife Iteration
                                    } // Ende Iteration
                                    objectPoint = pl.ToGlobal(cutPoint.p);

                                    if (iCurve1.PositionOf(objectPoint) > 0.5) // am oberen Ende geklickt
                                        iCurve1.Trim(0.0, iCurve1.PositionOf(line.StartPoint));
                                        iCurve1.Trim(iCurve1.PositionOf(line.StartPoint), 1.0);
                                    if (iCurve2.PositionOf(objectPoint) > 0.5) // am oberen Ende geklickt
                                        iCurve2.Trim(0.0, iCurve2.PositionOf(line.EndPoint));
                                        objectPoint = iCurve2.StartPoint;
                                        iCurve2.Trim(iCurve2.PositionOf(line.EndPoint), 1.0);
                                        objectPoint = iCurve2.EndPoint;
                                    (line as IGeoObject).CopyAttributes(iCurve1 as IGeoObject);
                                    //									objectPoint = pl.ToGlobal(cutPoint2.p);
                                    blk.Add(iCurve1 as IGeoObject);
                                    //                                    base.FeedBack.AddSelected(iCurve1 as IGeoObject);// darstellen
                                    //                                    base.FeedBack.AddSelected(line);// darstellen
                                    iCurve1 = iCurve2; // getrimmte Curve2 als Grundlage zur nächsten Berechnung
                blk.Add(iCurve1 as IGeoObject); // unveränderte 1. Kurve zufügen, da kein Fasen möglich
                                                //                base.FeedBack.AddSelected(iCurve1 as IGeoObject);// darstellen
                iCurve1 = iCurve2;              // unveränderte Curve2 als Grundlage zur nächsten Berechnung
            //			base.ActiveObject = null;
 private bool cursorAtMouseScreenSpace() =>
 private void addSeekStep(Func <Slider> slider)
     AddStep("seek to slider", () => Player.GameplayClockContainer.Seek(slider().StartTime));
     AddUntilStep("wait for seek to finish", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(slider().StartTime, Player.DrawableRuleset.FrameStableClock.CurrentTime, 100));
        public override bool HandleScale(Vector2 scale, Anchor anchor)
            // convert scale to screen space
            scale = ToScreenSpace(scale) - ToScreenSpace(Vector2.Zero);

            adjustScaleFromAnchor(ref scale, anchor);

            // the selection quad is always upright, so use an AABB rect to make mutating the values easier.
            var selectionRect = getSelectionQuad().AABBFloat;

            // If the selection has no area we cannot scale it
            if (selectionRect.Area == 0)

            // copy to mutate, as we will need to compare to the original later on.
            var adjustedRect = selectionRect;

            // first, remove any scale axis we are not interested in.
            if (anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.x1))
                scale.X = 0;
            if (anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.y1))
                scale.Y = 0;

            bool shouldAspectLock =
                // for now aspect lock scale adjustments that occur at corners..
                (!anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.x1) && !anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.y1))
                // ..or if any of the selection have been rotated.
                // this is to avoid requiring skew logic (which would likely not be the user's expected transform anyway).
                || SelectedBlueprints.Any(b => !Precision.AlmostEquals(((Drawable)b.Item).Rotation, 0));

            if (shouldAspectLock)
                if (anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.x1))
                    // if dragging from the horizontal centre, only a vertical component is available.
                    scale.X = scale.Y / selectionRect.Height * selectionRect.Width;
                    // in all other cases (arbitrarily) use the horizontal component for aspect lock.
                    scale.Y = scale.X / selectionRect.Width * selectionRect.Height;

            if (anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.x0))
                adjustedRect.X -= scale.X;
            if (anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.y0))
                adjustedRect.Y -= scale.Y;

            adjustedRect.Width  += scale.X;
            adjustedRect.Height += scale.Y;

            // scale adjust applied to each individual item should match that of the quad itself.
            var scaledDelta = new Vector2(
                adjustedRect.Width / selectionRect.Width,
                adjustedRect.Height / selectionRect.Height

            foreach (var b in SelectedBlueprints)
                var drawableItem = (Drawable)b.Item;

                // each drawable's relative position should be maintained in the scaled quad.
                var screenPosition = b.ScreenSpaceSelectionPoint;

                var relativePositionInOriginal =
                    new Vector2(
                        (screenPosition.X - selectionRect.TopLeft.X) / selectionRect.Width,
                        (screenPosition.Y - selectionRect.TopLeft.Y) / selectionRect.Height

                var newPositionInAdjusted = new Vector2(
                    adjustedRect.TopLeft.X + adjustedRect.Width * relativePositionInOriginal.X,
                    adjustedRect.TopLeft.Y + adjustedRect.Height * relativePositionInOriginal.Y

                updateDrawablePosition(drawableItem, newPositionInAdjusted);
                drawableItem.Scale *= scaledDelta;

        // Converts the object to string
        public override string ToString()
            string str;

            str = "Leap Indicator: ";
            switch (LeapIndicator)
            case _LeapIndicator.NoWarning:
                str += "No warning";

            case _LeapIndicator.LastMinute61:
                str += "Last minute has 61 seconds";

            case _LeapIndicator.LastMinute59:
                str += "Last minute has 59 seconds";

            case _LeapIndicator.Alarm:
                str += "Alarm Condition (clock not synchronized)";
            str += "\r\nVersion number: " + VersionNumber.ToString() + "\r\n";
            str += "Mode: ";
            switch (Mode)
            case _Mode.Unknown:
                str += "Unknown";

            case _Mode.SymmetricActive:
                str += "Symmetric Active";

            case _Mode.SymmetricPassive:
                str += "Symmetric Pasive";

            case _Mode.Client:
                str += "Client";

            case _Mode.Server:
                str += "Server";

            case _Mode.Broadcast:
                str += "Broadcast";
            str += "\r\nStratum: ";
            switch (Stratum)
            case _Stratum.Unspecified:
            case _Stratum.Reserved:
                str += "Unspecified";

            case _Stratum.PrimaryReference:
                str += "Primary Reference";

            case _Stratum.SecondaryReference:
                str += "Secondary Reference";
            str += "\r\nLocal time: " + TransmitTimestamp.ToString();
            str += "\r\nPrecision: " + Precision.ToString() + " ms";
            str += "\r\nPoll Interval: " + PollInterval.ToString() + " s";
            str += "\r\nReference ID: " + ReferenceID.ToString();
            str += "\r\nRoot Dispersion: " + RootDispersion.ToString() + " ms";
            str += "\r\nRound Trip Delay: " + RoundTripDelay.ToString() + " ms";
            str += "\r\nLocal Clock Offset: " + LocalClockOffset.ToString() + " ms";
            str += "\r\n";

 public bool Equals(ConvertValue other)
 => Precision.AlmostEquals(StartTime, other.StartTime, conversion_lenience) &&
 Precision.AlmostEquals(EndTime, other.EndTime, conversion_lenience) &&
 Column == other.Column;
        private bool showLineDiam()
            ArrayList usable1Curves = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList usable2Curves = new ArrayList();
            Plane     pl;
            double    mindist = double.MaxValue;

            if (tangCurves == null)
            if (tang2Curves == null)
            //			if (tang3Curves == null) return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < tangCurves.Length; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < tang2Curves.Length; ++j)
                    if (Curves.GetCommonPlane(tangCurves[i], tang2Curves[j], out pl))
                        if (Precision.IsPointOnPlane(radiusPoint, pl))
                            ICurve2D     l2D1          = tangCurves[i].GetProjectedCurve(pl);
                            ICurve2D     l2D2          = tang2Curves[j].GetProjectedCurve(pl);
                            ICurve2D     l2D3          = new Circle2D(pl.Project(radiusPoint), 0.0);
                            GeoPoint2D[] tangentPoints = Curves2D.TangentCircle(l2D1, l2D2, l2D3, pl.Project(objectPoint), pl.Project(object2Point), pl.Project(radiusPoint));
                            if (tangentPoints.Length > 0)
                            {   // eine gültige Linie ist gefunden
                                //if (curve1Input.Fixed & curve2Input.Fixed & (tangentPoints.Length > 4))
                                //        int debug = 0;
                                usable1Curves.Add(tangCurves[i]);  // zur lokalen Liste zufügen
                                usable2Curves.Add(tang2Curves[j]); // zur lokalen Liste zufügen
                                for (int l = 0; l < tangentPoints.Length; l += 4)
                                    double dist = Geometry.Dist(tangentPoints[l + 1], pl.Project(objectPoint)) +
                                                  Geometry.Dist(tangentPoints[l + 2], pl.Project(object2Point)) +
                                                  Geometry.Dist(tangentPoints[l + 3], pl.Project(radiusPoint));
                                    if (dist < mindist)
                                        mindist   = dist;
                                        selected  = usable1Curves.Count - 1; // merken, welche Kurven die aktuell benutzten sind
                                        selected2 = usable2Curves.Count - 1;
                                        // selSol / 6 entspricht div 6, um einige Zeilen tiefer weitere 6 Möglichkeiten auswählen zu können
                                        // (/ 4) und (* 4), da pro Lösung vier Punkte geliefert werden
                                        int m = (l + 4 * (Math.Abs(selSol) % (tangentPoints.Length / 4))) % tangentPoints.Length;
                                        center      = tangentPoints[m];
                                        circRadCalc = Geometry.Dist(tangentPoints[m + 1], center) * 2.0;
                            if (mindist < double.MaxValue)
                                //										base.MultiSolution = true;
                                base.MultiSolutionCount = tangentPoints.Length / 4;
                                circ.SetCirclePlaneCenterRadius(pl, pl.ToGlobal(center), circRad);
                                tangCurves            = (ICurve[])usable1Curves.ToArray(typeof(ICurve)); // überschreibt die eigentliche Liste und wird unten an den Sender zurückgeliefert
                                tang2Curves           = (ICurve[])usable2Curves.ToArray(typeof(ICurve)); // überschreibt die eigentliche Liste und wird unten an den Sender zurückgeliefert
                                base.ShowActiveObject = true;
            base.ShowActiveObject   = false;
            base.MultiSolutionCount = 0;
            //            base.MultiSolution = false;

        bool _HasTriangulation(TopoDS_Shape shape)
            var faces = shape.Faces();

            return(faces.Any(face => BRepTools.Triangulation(face, Precision.Infinite())));
        public override HitObject Parse(string text)
                string[] split = text.Split(',');

                Vector2 pos = new Vector2((int)Parsing.ParseFloat(split[0], Parsing.MAX_COORDINATE_VALUE), (int)Parsing.ParseFloat(split[1], Parsing.MAX_COORDINATE_VALUE));

                double startTime = Parsing.ParseDouble(split[2]) + Offset;

                ConvertHitObjectType type = (ConvertHitObjectType)Parsing.ParseInt(split[3]);

                int comboOffset = (int)(type & ConvertHitObjectType.ComboOffset) >> 4;
                type &= ~ConvertHitObjectType.ComboOffset;

                bool combo = type.HasFlag(ConvertHitObjectType.NewCombo);
                type &= ~ConvertHitObjectType.NewCombo;

                var soundType = (LegacySoundType)Parsing.ParseInt(split[4]);
                var bankInfo  = new SampleBankInfo();

                HitObject result = null;

                if (type.HasFlag(ConvertHitObjectType.Circle))
                    result = CreateHit(pos, combo, comboOffset);

                    if (split.Length > 5)
                        readCustomSampleBanks(split[5], bankInfo);
                else if (type.HasFlag(ConvertHitObjectType.Slider))
                    PathType pathType = PathType.Catmull;
                    double   length   = 0;

                    string[] pointSplit = split[5].Split('|');

                    int pointCount = 1;
                    foreach (var t in pointSplit)
                        if (t.Length > 1)

                    var points = new Vector2[pointCount];

                    int pointIndex = 1;

                    foreach (string t in pointSplit)
                        if (t.Length == 1)
                            switch (t)
                            case @"C":
                                pathType = PathType.Catmull;

                            case @"B":
                                pathType = PathType.Bezier;

                            case @"L":
                                pathType = PathType.Linear;

                            case @"P":
                                pathType = PathType.PerfectCurve;


                        string[] temp = t.Split(':');
                        points[pointIndex++] = new Vector2((int)Parsing.ParseDouble(temp[0], Parsing.MAX_COORDINATE_VALUE), (int)Parsing.ParseDouble(temp[1], Parsing.MAX_COORDINATE_VALUE)) - pos;

                    // osu-stable special-cased colinear perfect curves to a CurveType.Linear
                    bool isLinear(Vector2[] p) => Precision.AlmostEquals(0, (p[1].Y - p[0].Y) * (p[2].X - p[0].X) - (p[1].X - p[0].X) * (p[2].Y - p[0].Y));

                    if (points.Length == 3 && pathType == PathType.PerfectCurve && isLinear(points))
                        pathType = PathType.Linear;

                    int repeatCount = Parsing.ParseInt(split[6]);

                    if (repeatCount > 9000)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(repeatCount), @"Repeat count is way too high");

                    // osu-stable treated the first span of the slider as a repeat, but no repeats are happening
                    repeatCount = Math.Max(0, repeatCount - 1);

                    if (split.Length > 7)
                        length = Math.Max(0, Parsing.ParseDouble(split[7]));

                    if (split.Length > 10)
                        readCustomSampleBanks(split[10], bankInfo);

                    // One node for each repeat + the start and end nodes
                    int nodes = repeatCount + 2;

                    // Populate node sample bank infos with the default hit object sample bank
                    var nodeBankInfos = new List <SampleBankInfo>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++)

                    // Read any per-node sample banks
                    if (split.Length > 9 && split[9].Length > 0)
                        string[] sets = split[9].Split('|');

                        for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
                            if (i >= sets.Length)

                            SampleBankInfo info = nodeBankInfos[i];
                            readCustomSampleBanks(sets[i], info);

                    // Populate node sound types with the default hit object sound type
                    var nodeSoundTypes = new List <LegacySoundType>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++)

                    // Read any per-node sound types
                    if (split.Length > 8 && split[8].Length > 0)
                        string[] adds = split[8].Split('|');

                        for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
                            if (i >= adds.Length)

                            int sound;
                            int.TryParse(adds[i], out sound);
                            nodeSoundTypes[i] = (LegacySoundType)sound;

                    // Generate the final per-node samples
                    var nodeSamples = new List <List <HitSampleInfo> >(nodes);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
                        nodeSamples.Add(convertSoundType(nodeSoundTypes[i], nodeBankInfos[i]));

                    result = CreateSlider(pos, combo, comboOffset, points, length, pathType, repeatCount, nodeSamples);

                    // The samples are played when the slider ends, which is the last node
                    result.Samples = nodeSamples[nodeSamples.Count - 1];
                else if (type.HasFlag(ConvertHitObjectType.Spinner))
                    double endTime = Math.Max(startTime, Parsing.ParseDouble(split[5]) + Offset);

                    result = CreateSpinner(new Vector2(512, 384) / 2, combo, comboOffset, endTime);

                    if (split.Length > 6)
                        readCustomSampleBanks(split[6], bankInfo);
                else if (type.HasFlag(ConvertHitObjectType.Hold))
                    // Note: Hold is generated by BMS converts

                    double endTime = Math.Max(startTime, Parsing.ParseDouble(split[2]));

                    if (split.Length > 5 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(split[5]))
                        string[] ss = split[5].Split(':');
                        endTime = Math.Max(startTime, Parsing.ParseDouble(ss[0]));
                        readCustomSampleBanks(string.Join(":", ss.Skip(1)), bankInfo);

                    result = CreateHold(pos, combo, comboOffset, endTime + Offset);

                if (result == null)
                    Logger.Log($"Unknown hit object type: {type}. Skipped.", level: LogLevel.Error);

                result.StartTime = startTime;

                if (result.Samples.Count == 0)
                    result.Samples = convertSoundType(soundType, bankInfo);

                FirstObject = false;

            catch (FormatException)
                Logger.Log("A hitobject could not be parsed correctly and will be ignored", LoggingTarget.Runtime, LogLevel.Important);
            catch (OverflowException)
                Logger.Log("A hitobject could not be parsed correctly and will be ignored", LoggingTarget.Runtime, LogLevel.Important);

 private void assertHeight(int index) => AddAssert($"hitobject {index} height", () =>
     var d = getDrawableHitObject(index);
     return(d != null && Precision.AlmostEquals(d.DrawHeight, yScale * (float)(d.HitObject.Duration / time_range), 0.1f));
 /// <summary>
 /// Subscribes to order book updates for a symbol
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="symbol">The symbol to subscribe to</param>
 /// <param name="precision">The precision of the updates</param>
 /// <param name="frequency">The frequency of updates</param>
 /// <param name="length">The range for the order book updates</param>
 /// <param name="handler">The handler for the data</param>
 /// <param name="checksumHandler">The handler for the checksum, can be used to validate a order book implementation</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public CallResult <UpdateSubscription> SubscribeToBookUpdates(string symbol, Precision precision, Frequency frequency, int length, Action <IEnumerable <BitfinexOrderBookEntry> > handler, Action <int>?checksumHandler = null) => SubscribeToBookUpdatesAsync(symbol, precision, frequency, length, handler, checksumHandler).Result;
 private void assertPosition(int index, float relativeY) => AddAssert($"hitobject {index} at {relativeY}",
                                                                      () => Precision.AlmostEquals(getDrawableHitObject(index)?.DrawPosition.Y ?? -1, yScale * relativeY));
        private void addSeekStep(double time)
            AddStep($"seek to {time}", () => MusicController.SeekTo(time));

            AddUntilStep("wait for seek to finish", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(time, Player.DrawableRuleset.FrameStableClock.CurrentTime, 100));
 private void checkLastScrollDelta(Vector2 expected) => AddAssert("correct scroll delta", () =>
                                                                  Precision.AlmostEquals(s1.CounterFor("Scroll").LastState.Mouse.ScrollDelta, expected) &&
                                                                  Precision.AlmostEquals(s2.CounterFor("Scroll").LastState.Mouse.ScrollDelta, expected));
 public void TestZoom0()
     AddAssert("Box at 0", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(boxQuad.TopLeft, scrollQuad.TopLeft));
     AddAssert("Box width = 1x", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(boxQuad.Size, scrollQuad.Size));
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds all the timing points in a specified time range.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="startTime"></param>
 /// <param name="endTime"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List <TimingPoint> GetTimingPointsInTimeRange(double startTime, double endTime)
     return(TimingPoints.Where(tp => Precision.DefinitelyBigger(tp.Offset, startTime) && Precision.DefinitelyBigger(endTime, tp.Offset)).ToList());
 /// <summary>
 /// Main constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">The path of the file.</param>
 protected ArcInfo(string path, Precision precision)
     : base(path, precision)
 { }
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the nearest uninherited timing point which starts after a given time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public TimingPoint GetRedlineAfterTime(double time)
     return(TimingPoints.FirstOrDefault(tp => Precision.DefinitelyBigger(tp.Offset, time) && tp.Uninherited));
 public override Metric GetMetric(double numerator, double denominator)
     Metric metric = new Precision();
     metric.Calculate(numerator, denominator);
     return metric;
 private void assertPosition(int index, float relativeY) => AddAssert($"hitobject {index} at {relativeY}",
                                                                      () => Precision.AlmostEquals(drawableRuleset.Playfield.AllHitObjects.ElementAt(index).DrawPosition.Y, drawableRuleset.Playfield.HitObjectContainer.DrawHeight * relativeY));
文件: Dem.cs 项目: KAW0/Alter-Native
 /// <summary>
 /// Alternative constructor. Use it when a header file is needed to be 
 /// loaded.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">
 /// The elevation matrix container file path.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="headerPath">
 /// The header container file path.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="precision">
 /// A <see cref="Precision"/>.
 /// </param>
 protected Dem(string path, string headerPath, Precision precision)
     this.precision = precision;
     this.path = path;
     this.headerPath = headerPath;
        public override string ToSql()
            string sqltype = Type;

            if (Type.Equals("binary") || Type.Equals("varbinary") || Type.Equals("varchar") || Type.Equals("char") || Type.Equals("nchar") || Type.Equals("nvarchar"))
                if (Type.Equals("nchar") || Type.Equals("nvarchar"))
                    sqltype += " (" + (Size / 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")";
                    sqltype += " (" + Size.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")";
            if (Type.Equals("numeric") || Type.Equals("decimal"))
                sqltype += " (" + Precision.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "," + Scale.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")";
            if (((Database)Parent).Info.Version >= DatabaseInfo.SQLServerVersion.SQLServer2008)
                if (Type.Equals("datetime2") || Type.Equals("datetimeoffset") || Type.Equals("time"))
                    sqltype += "(" + Scale.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")";

            string sql = "CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [" + Name + "](" + sqltype + ") AS RANGE\r\n ";

            if (IsBoundaryRight)
                sql += "RIGHT";
                sql += "LEFT";
            sql += " FOR VALUES (";

            string sqlvalues = "";
            int    valueType = ValueItem(Type);

            if (valueType == IS_STRING)
                Values.ForEach(item => { sqlvalues += "N'" + item + "',"; });
            if (valueType == IS_DATE)
                Values.ForEach(item => { sqlvalues += "'" + DateTime.Parse(item).ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.fff") + "',"; });
            if (valueType == IS_UNIQUE)
                Values.ForEach(item => { sqlvalues += "'{" + item + "}',"; });
            if (valueType == IS_NUMERIC)
                Values.ForEach(item => { sqlvalues += item.Replace(",", ".") + ","; });
                Values.ForEach(item => { sqlvalues += item + ","; });
            sql += sqlvalues.Substring(0, sqlvalues.Length - 1) + ")";

            return(sql + "\r\nGO\r\n");
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new MGRS reference object from the given String. Must be correctly
        /// formatted otherwise an ArgumentException will be thrown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridRef">a string to create an MGRS reference from.</param>
        /// <param name="isBessel">True if the parameters represent an MGRS reference using the
        /// Bessel 1841 ellipsoid; false is the parameters represent an MGRS
        /// reference using the GRS 1980, International or WGS84 ellipsoids.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">if the given String is not correctly formatted.</exception>
        public MGRSRef(string gridRef, bool isBessel)
            : base(WGS84Datum.Instance)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
              Regex regex = new Regex(@"(\d{1,2})([A-Z])([A-Z])([A-Z])(\d{2,10})");
              Match match = regex.Match(gridRef);

              if (!match.Success)
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid MGRS reference (" + gridRef + ")");

              this.utmZoneNumber = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
              this.utmZoneChar = match.Groups[2].Value[0];
              this.eastingID = match.Groups[3].Value[0];
              this.northingID = match.Groups[4].Value[0];
              string en = match.Groups[5].Value;
              int enl = en.Length;
              if (enl % 2 != 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid MGRS reference (" + gridRef + ")");
            this.precision = (Precision)Math.Pow(10, 5 - (enl / 2));
            this.easting =
            int.Parse(en.Substring(0, enl / 2)) * (int)this.precision;
            this.northing = int.Parse(en.Substring(enl / 2)) * (int)this.precision;
        public override string ToSql()
            string sql = "";

            if (((Database)Parent).Info.Version != DatabaseInfo.VersionNumber.SQLServer2000)
                sql = "CREATE TYPE " + FullName;
                if (!IsAssembly)
                    sql += " FROM [" + Type + "]";
                    if (Type.Equals("binary") || Type.Equals("varbinary") || Type.Equals("varchar") || Type.Equals("char") ||
                        Type.Equals("nchar") || Type.Equals("nvarchar"))
                        sql += "(" + Size.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")";
                    if (Type.Equals("numeric") || Type.Equals("decimal"))
                        sql += " (" + Precision.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "," +
                               Scale.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")";
                    if (AllowNull)
                        sql += " NULL";
                        sql += " NOT NULL";
                    sql += " EXTERNAL NAME [" + AssemblyName + "].[" + AssemblyClass + "]";
                if (!IsAssembly)
                    sql = "EXEC sp_addtype '" + Name + "', '" + Type;
                    if (Type.Equals("binary") || Type.Equals("varbinary") || Type.Equals("varchar") || Type.Equals("char") ||
                        Type.Equals("nchar") || Type.Equals("nvarchar"))
                        sql += "(" + Size.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")";
                    if (Type.Equals("numeric") || Type.Equals("decimal"))
                        sql += " (" + Precision.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "," +
                               Scale.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")";
                    sql += "'";
                    if (AllowNull)
                        sql += ", 'NULL'";
                        sql += ", 'NOT NULL'";
            sql += "\r\nGO\r\n";
            return(sql + ToSQLAddBinds());
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new MGRS reference object from the given UTM reference. It is
        /// assumed that this MGRS reference represents a point using the GRS 1980,
        /// International or WGS84 ellipsoids. It is assumed that the UTMRef object is
        /// valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="utm">A UTM reference.</param>
        /// <param name="isBessel">true if the parameters represent an MGRS reference using the
        /// Bessel 1841 ellipsoid; false is the parameters represent an MGRS
        /// reference using the GRS 1980, International or WGS84 ellipsoids.</param>
        public MGRSRef(UTMRef utm, bool isBessel)
            : base(utm.Datum)
            int lngZone = utm.LngZone;
              int set = ((lngZone - 1) % 6) + 1;
              int eID =
              (int) Math.Floor(utm.Easting / 100000.0) + (8 * ((set - 1) % 3));
              int nID = (int) Math.Floor((utm.Northing % 2000000) / 100000.0);

              if (eID > 8)
            eID++; // Offset for no I character
              if (eID > 14)
            eID++; // Offset for no O character

              char eIDc = (char) (eID + 64);

              // Northing ID offset for sets 2, 4 and 6
              if (set % 2 == 0) {
            nID += 5;

              if (isBessel) {
            nID += 10;

              if (nID > 19) {
            nID -= 20;

              char nIDc = northingIDs[nID];

              this.utmZoneNumber = lngZone;
              this.utmZoneChar = utm.LatZone;
              this.eastingID = eIDc;
              this.northingID = nIDc;
              this.easting = (int) Math.Round(utm.Easting) % 100000;
              this.northing = (int) Math.Round(utm.Northing) % 100000;
              this.precision = Precision.Precision1M;
              this.isBessel = isBessel;
        private void seek(int direction, bool snapped, double amount = 1)
            if (amount <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Value should be greater than zero", nameof(amount));

            var timingPoint = ControlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(CurrentTime);

            if (direction < 0 && timingPoint.Time == CurrentTime)
                // When going backwards and we're at the boundary of two timing points, we compute the seek distance with the timing point which we are seeking into
                timingPoint = ControlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(CurrentTime - 1);

            double seekAmount = timingPoint.BeatLength / beatDivisor.Value * amount;
            double seekTime   = CurrentTime + seekAmount * direction;

            if (!snapped || ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints.Count == 0)

            // We will be snapping to beats within timingPoint
            seekTime -= timingPoint.Time;

            // Determine the index from timingPoint of the closest beat to seekTime, accounting for scrolling direction
            int closestBeat;

            if (direction > 0)
                closestBeat = (int)Math.Floor(seekTime / seekAmount);
                closestBeat = (int)Math.Ceiling(seekTime / seekAmount);

            seekTime = timingPoint.Time + closestBeat * seekAmount;

            // Due to the rounding above, we may end up on the current beat. This will effectively cause 0 seeking to happen, but we don't want this.
            // Instead, we'll go to the next beat in the direction when this is the case
            if (Precision.AlmostEquals(CurrentTime, seekTime))
                closestBeat += direction > 0 ? 1 : -1;
                seekTime     = timingPoint.Time + closestBeat * seekAmount;

            if (seekTime < timingPoint.Time && timingPoint != ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints.First())
                seekTime = timingPoint.Time;

            var nextTimingPoint = ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Time > timingPoint.Time);

            if (seekTime > nextTimingPoint?.Time)
                seekTime = nextTimingPoint.Time;

            // Ensure the sought point is within the boundaries
            seekTime = MathHelper.Clamp(seekTime, 0, TrackLength);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new MGRS reference object from the given parameters. An
        /// ArgumentException is thrown if any of the parameters are invalid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="utmZoneNumber">The UTM zone number representing the longitude.</param>
        /// <param name="utmZoneChar">The UTM zone character representing the latitude.</param>
        /// <param name="eastingId">Character representing the 100,000km easting square.</param>
        /// <param name="northingId">Character representing the 100,000km northing square.</param>
        /// <param name="easting">Easting in metres.</param>
        /// <param name="northing">Northing in metres.</param>
        /// <param name="precision">The precision of the given easting and northing.</param>
        /// <param name="isBessel">true if the parameters represent an MGRS reference using the
        /// Bessel 1841 ellipsoid; false is the parameters represent an MGRS
        /// reference using the GRS 1980, International or WGS84 ellipsoids.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If any of the given parameters are invalid. Note that the
        /// parameters are only checked for the range of values that they can
        /// take on. Being able to create an MGRSRef object does not
        /// necessarily imply that the reference is valid.</exception>
        public MGRSRef(int utmZoneNumber, char utmZoneChar, char eastingId,
        char northingId, int easting, int northing, Precision precision,
        bool isBessel)
            : base(WGS84Datum.Instance)
            if (utmZoneNumber < 1 || utmZoneNumber > 60) {
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid utmZoneNumber ("
            + utmZoneNumber + ")");
              if (utmZoneChar < 'A' || utmZoneChar > 'Z') {
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid utmZoneChar (" + utmZoneChar
            + ")");
              if (eastingId < 'A' || eastingId > 'Z' || eastingId == 'I'
              || eastingId == 'O') {
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid eastingId (" + eastingId
            + ")");
              if (northingId < 'A' || northingId > 'Z' || northingId == 'I'
              || northingId == 'O') {
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid northingID (" + northingId
            + ")");
              if (easting < 0 || easting > 99999) {
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid easting (" + easting + ")");
              if (northing < 0 || northing > 99999) {
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid northing (" + northing + ")");

              this.utmZoneNumber = utmZoneNumber;
              this.utmZoneChar = utmZoneChar;
              this.eastingID = eastingId;
              this.northingID = northingId;
              this.easting = easting;
              this.northing = northing;
              this.precision = precision;
              this.isBessel = isBessel;
 private void assertHealthNotEqualTo(double value)
 => AddAssert($"health != {value}", () => !Precision.AlmostEquals(value, processor.Health.Value, 0.0001f));
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a String representation of this MGRS reference to 1m, 10m, 100m,
        /// 1000m or 10000m precision.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="precision">The required precision.</param>
        /// <returns>A string representation of this MGRS reference to the required
        /// precision.</returns>
        public string ToString(Precision precision)
            int eastingR = (int) Math.Floor((double)(easting / (int)precision));
              int northingR = (int)Math.Floor((double)(northing / (int)precision));

              int padding = 5;

              switch (precision)
            case Precision.Precision10M:
              padding = 4;
            case Precision.Precision100M:
              padding = 3;
            case Precision.Precision1000M:
              padding = 2;
            case Precision.Precision10000M:
              padding = 1;

              string eastingRs = eastingR.ToString();
              int ez = padding - eastingRs.Length;
              while (ez > 0) {
            eastingRs = "0" + eastingRs;

              string northingRs = northingR.ToString();
              int nz = padding - northingRs.Length;
              while (nz > 0) {
            northingRs = "0" + northingRs;

              String utmZonePadding = "";
              if (utmZoneNumber < 10) {
            utmZonePadding = "0";

              return utmZonePadding + utmZoneNumber + utmZoneChar
              + eastingID + northingID
              + eastingRs + northingRs;
        protected override void Update()

            if (isDead)

            var elapsedFrameTime = Clock.ElapsedFrameTime;
            var timeDifference   = elapsedFrameTime / 21;

            if (horizontalDirection > 0)
                horizontalSpeed = 3;
                rightwards      = true;
            else if (horizontalDirection < 0)
                rightwards      = false;
                horizontalSpeed = -3;
                horizontalSpeed = 0;

            if (horizontalSpeed != 0)

            if (midAir)
                if (Precision.AlmostEquals(verticalSpeed, 0, 0.0001))
                    verticalSpeed = 0;

                verticalSpeed -= (verticalSpeed > 0 ? IWannaExtensions.PLAYER_GRAVITY_UP : IWannaExtensions.PLAYER_GRAVITY_DOWN) * timeDifference;

                if (verticalSpeed < -IWannaExtensions.PLAYER_MAX_VERTICAL_SPEED)
                    verticalSpeed = -IWannaExtensions.PLAYER_MAX_VERTICAL_SPEED;

            var replayState = (GetContainingInputManager().CurrentState as RulesetInputManagerInputState <BosuAction>)?.LastReplayState as BosuFramedReplayInputHandler.BosuReplayState;

            if (replayState?.Position.Value != null)
                movingPlayer.X = replayState.Position.Value.X;
                movingPlayer.Y = replayState.Position.Value.Y;

                // Required for accurate jump sounds
                if (verticalSpeed <= 0 && Precision.AlmostEquals(movingPlayer.Y + IWannaExtensions.PLAYER_HALF_HEIGHT, BosuPlayfield.BASE_SIZE.Y - IWannaExtensions.TILE_SIZE, 0.01f))
                if (horizontalSpeed > 0)

                if (horizontalSpeed < 0)

                if (midAir)

                if (verticalSpeed <= 0)
                    if (movingPlayer.Y + IWannaExtensions.PLAYER_HALF_HEIGHT > BosuPlayfield.BASE_SIZE.Y - IWannaExtensions.TILE_SIZE)
                        movingPlayer.Y = BosuPlayfield.BASE_SIZE.Y - IWannaExtensions.TILE_SIZE - IWannaExtensions.PLAYER_HALF_HEIGHT;
