        private static ObjectItem MakeKegMeadItem(PreObjectDropInActionEvent @event)
            var temp = (ObjectAccessor)Activator.CreateInstance(@event.ArgDroppedObject.Underlying.GetType(), new object[] { Vector2.Zero, 793, "Mead", false, true, false, false });

            return(new ObjectItem(@event.ArgDroppedObject.Parent, temp));
            //return @event.Proxy<ObjectAccessor, ObjectItem>(new ObjectDelegate(Vector2.Zero, 793, "Mead", false, true, false, false));
        /// Helper functions

        private static ObjectItem MakeKegVodkaItem(PreObjectDropInActionEvent @event)
            //NOTE: It should be possible to use the ObjectDelegate that's commented out below (and indeed, it appears to work!), but
            //      the XmlSerializer gets hung up on serializing a proxy object. So, we take the original StardewValley type and clone it.
            //      This is kind of annoying, but much, MUCH easier than writing a hook into the XmlSerializer (I tried!)
            var temp = (ObjectAccessor)Activator.CreateInstance(@event.ArgDroppedObject.Underlying.GetType(), new object[] { Vector2.Zero, 792, "Vodka", false, true, false, false });

            return(new ObjectItem(@event.ArgDroppedObject.Parent, temp));
            //return @event.Proxy<ObjectAccessor, ObjectItem>(new ObjectDelegate(Vector2.Zero, 792, "Vodka", false, true, false, false));
        public static DetourEvent PreObjectDropInActionCallback(ObjectAccessor accessor, ObjectAccessor dropAccessor, bool probe, FarmerAccessor who)
            var @event = new PreObjectDropInActionEvent(
                new ObjectItem(WrappedGame, accessor),
                dropAccessor == null ? null : new ObjectItem(WrappedGame, dropAccessor),
                who == null ? null : new Farmer(WrappedGame, who));

        public void UpdateCallback(PreObjectDropInActionEvent @event)
            //As always, do nothing if we're disabled.
            if (!ModConfig.EnablePlugin)

            //If "this" (the object being dropped on) already has an object it is cooking, don't do anything.
            if (@event.This.HeldObject != null)

            //If "this" is a "Keg"
            if (@event.This.Name.Equals("Keg"))
                //..and we are dropping a "Potato".
                if (@event.ArgDroppedObject.Name.Equals("Potato"))
                    //Tell the keg that we are now holding a "Vodka".
                    @event.This.HeldObject = MakeKegVodkaItem(@event);

                    //The "Probe" parameter tells us if the caller is just asking what's inside (not setting it).
                    //When this is false, we need to start our cooking timer.
                    if ([email protected])
                        //We reset the name here (just because that's what StardewValley does; I'm not convinced it's needed).
                        @event.This.HeldObject.Name = "Vodka";

                        //Audio not implemented yet.

                        //Set how long until this object is fully cooked. The smallest you can (reasonably) set this to is "10", since it updates
                        // on 10-minute intervals (like most things in the game).
                        @event.This.MinutesUntilReady = 20000;

                        //"Drop-In" animation not implemented yet.

                         * @event.ArgWho.CurrentLocation.TemporarySprites.Add(new TemporaryAnimatedSprite(@event.Root.Animations, new Rectangle(256, 1856, 64, 128), 80f, 6, 999999, this.tileLocation * (float)Game1.tileSize + new Vector2(0f, (float)(-(float)Game1.tileSize * 2)), false, false, (this.tileLocation.Y + 1f) * (float)Game1.tileSize / 10000f + 0.0001f, 0f, Color.Yellow * 0.75f, 1f, 0f, 0f, 0f, false)
                         * {
                         *  alphaFade = 0.005f
                         * });

                    //Returning "true" will cause the caller to decrease the Item we dropped in by 1.
                    @event.ReturnValue = true;
                    @event.ReturnEarly = true;

                //...and we're dropping in a "Honey"
                if (@event.ArgDroppedObject.Name.Equals("Honey"))
                    //Tell the keg that we are now holding a "Mead".
                    @event.This.HeldObject = MakeKegMeadItem(@event);

                    //The "Probe" parameter tells us if the caller is just asking what's inside (not setting it).
                    //When this is false, we need to start our cooking timer.
                    if ([email protected])
                        //We reset the name here (just because that's what StardewValley does; I'm not convinced it's needed).
                        @event.This.HeldObject.Name = "Mead";

                        //Audio not implemented yet.

                        //Set how long until this object is fully cooked. The smallest you can (reasonably) set this to is "10", since it updates
                        // on 10-minute intervals (like most things in the game).
                        @event.This.MinutesUntilReady = 1900;

                        //"Drop-In" animation not implemented yet.

                         * @event.ArgWho.CurrentLocation.TemporarySprites.Add(new TemporaryAnimatedSprite(@event.Root.Animations, new Rectangle(256, 1856, 64, 128), 80f, 6, 999999, this.tileLocation * (float)Game1.tileSize + new Vector2(0f, (float)(-(float)Game1.tileSize * 2)), false, false, (this.tileLocation.Y + 1f) * (float)Game1.tileSize / 10000f + 0.0001f, 0f, Color.Yellow * 0.75f, 1f, 0f, 0f, 0f, false)
                         * {
                         *  alphaFade = 0.005f
                         * });

                    //Returning "true" will cause the caller to decrease the Item we dropped in by 1.
                    @event.ReturnValue = true;
                    @event.ReturnEarly = true;