        public static IEnumerable <Dictionary <string, object> > getPrdListByCat(PrdPageQuery query, int userId)
            List <TenantPrd> data = DataManager.tenantPrdDao.getTenandPrdByCatId(query, userId);
            IEnumerable <Dictionary <string, object> > result = getPrdList(data, query.userType, userId);

        public ActionResult getPrdByCatId(long id, [FromQuery] SortTypeRequest request)
            ReturnMessage rm = new ReturnMessage();

                string tenantId = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Type == "tenantId").Value;
                string type     = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Type == "type").Value;
                int    memberId = -1;
                if (!UserType.GUEST.Equals(type))
                    memberId = int.Parse(User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Type == "jti").Value);
                PrdPageQuery query = new PrdPageQuery(request);
                query.tnenatId = Guid.Parse(tenantId);
                query.catId    = id;
                query.userType = type;

                int totalCount = CTenantPrdManager.getTenantPrdCount(Guid.Parse(tenantId), id, memberId);
                int maxPage    = totalCount % request.count == 0 ? totalCount / request.count : totalCount / request.count + 1;
                maxPage = totalCount <= request.count ? 1 : maxPage;

                PrdPageResponse response = new PrdPageResponse();
                response.page    = request.page;
                response.maxPage = maxPage;
                response.result  = CTenantPrdManager.getPrdListByCat(query, memberId);
                rm.code          = MessageCode.SUCCESS;
                rm.data          = response;
            catch (Exception e)
                rm.code = MessageCode.ERROR;
                rm.data = e.Message;
        public List <TenantPrd> getTenandPrdByCatId(PrdPageQuery pageQuery, int userId)
            using (CrazyBuyDbContext dbContext = ContextInit())
                int    top        = pageQuery.count;
                int    pageCount  = top * pageQuery.page;
                string tenantId   = pageQuery.tnenatId.ToString();
                long   catId      = pageQuery.catId;
                var    keyWordSql = "";
                if (pageQuery.keyword != null)
                    keyWordSql  = @" and (p.name like N'%" + pageQuery.keyword + "%' ";
                    keyWordSql += @" or p.summary like N'%" + pageQuery.keyword + "%' ";
                    keyWordSql += @" or p.[desc] like N'%" + pageQuery.keyword + "%' ) ";
                    if (isParent(catId))
                        keyWordSql += @"  and a.ancestorId = " + catId;
                        keyWordSql += @"  and  r.catId = " + catId;
                var sql      = "";
                var notInsql = "";
                if (isParent(catId))
                    notInsql  = @" select TOP {0} p.id from dbo.TenantPrd p ";
                    notInsql += @" left join dbo.TenantPrdCatRel r on r.prdId = p.id ";
                    notInsql += @" left join dbo.TenantPrdCatAd a on a.descendantId = r.catId ";
                    notInsql += @" left join dbo.TenantPrdRead pr on pr.prdId = p.id ";
                    notInsql += @" left join dbo.TenantMember mr on mr.memberId = " + userId;
                    //notInsql += @" where p.tenantId = '{1}' and a.ancestorId = {2} and r.status = N'正常' and p.status = N'上架' and (p.dtSellEnd is null or p.dtSellEnd >= getdate() or (p.dtSellEnd <= getdate() and takeOffMethod = N'隱藏訂購鈕'))  ";
                    notInsql += @" where p.tenantId = '{1}' and r.status = N'正常' and p.status = N'上架' and (p.dtSellEnd is null or p.dtSellEnd >= getdate() or (p.dtSellEnd <= getdate() and takeOffMethod = N'隱藏訂購鈕'))  ";
                    notInsql += keyWordSql;
                    notInsql += @" and pr.status = N'正常' and (pr.type = N'所有會員' or pr.tenantMemId = {2} or pr.memLevelId = mr.levelId)";
                    //notInsql += @" and pr.status = N'正常' and (pr.type = N'所有會員' or pr.tenantMemId = {3} or pr.memLevelId = mr.levelId)";
                    notInsql += SortType.getOrderBy(pageQuery.sortType);
                    //notInsql = String.Format(notInsql, pageCount, tenantId, catId, userId);
                    notInsql = String.Format(notInsql, pageCount, tenantId, userId);

                    sql  = @" select distinct tb.* from ( select TOP {0} p.* from dbo.TenantPrd p ";
                    sql += @" left join dbo.TenantPrdCatRel r on r.prdId = p.id ";
                    sql += @" left join dbo.TenantPrdCatAd a on a.descendantId = r.catId ";
                    sql += @" left join dbo.TenantPrdRead pr on pr.prdId = p.id ";
                    sql += @" left join dbo.TenantMember mr on mr.memberId = " + userId;
                    //sql += @" where p.tenantId = '{1}' and a.ancestorId = {2} and r.status = N'正常' and p.status = N'上架' and (p.dtSellEnd is null or p.dtSellEnd >= getdate() or (p.dtSellEnd <= getdate() and takeOffMethod = N'隱藏訂購鈕')) ";
                    sql += @" where p.tenantId = '{1}'  and r.status = N'正常' and p.status = N'上架' and (p.dtSellEnd is null or p.dtSellEnd >= getdate() or (p.dtSellEnd <= getdate() and takeOffMethod = N'隱藏訂購鈕')) ";
                    sql += keyWordSql;
                    sql += @" and pr.status = N'正常' and (pr.type = N'所有會員' or pr.tenantMemId = {2} or pr.memLevelId = mr.levelId) ";
                    sql += @" and p.id not in ( {3} ) ) tb";
                    sql += SortType.getOrderDistBy(pageQuery.sortType);
                    notInsql  = @" select TOP {0} p.id from dbo.TenantPrd p ";
                    notInsql += @" left join dbo.TenantPrdCatRel r on r.prdId = p.id ";
                    notInsql += @" left join dbo.TenantPrdRead pr on pr.prdId = p.id ";
                    notInsql += @" left join dbo.TenantMember mr on mr.memberId = " + userId;
                    notInsql += @" where p.tenantId = '{1}' and r.status = N'正常' and p.status = N'上架' and (p.dtSellEnd is null or p.dtSellEnd >= getdate() or (p.dtSellEnd <= getdate() and takeOffMethod = N'隱藏訂購鈕')) ";
                    notInsql += keyWordSql;
                    notInsql += @" and pr.status = N'正常' and (pr.type = N'所有會員' or pr.tenantMemId = {2} or pr.memLevelId = mr.levelId) ";
                    notInsql += SortType.getOrderBy(pageQuery.sortType);
                    notInsql  = String.Format(notInsql, pageCount, tenantId, userId);

                    sql  = @" select TOP {0} p.* from dbo.TenantPrd p ";
                    sql += @" left join dbo.TenantPrdCatRel r on r.prdId = p.id ";
                    sql += @" left join dbo.TenantPrdRead pr on pr.prdId = p.id ";
                    sql += @" left join dbo.TenantMember mr on mr.memberId = " + userId;
                    sql += @" where p.tenantId = '{1}' and r.status = N'正常' and p.status = N'上架' and (p.dtSellEnd is null or p.dtSellEnd >= getdate() or (p.dtSellEnd <= getdate() and takeOffMethod = N'隱藏訂購鈕')) ";
                    sql += keyWordSql;
                    sql += @" and pr.status = N'正常' and (pr.type = N'所有會員' or pr.tenantMemId = {2} or pr.memLevelId = mr.levelId) ";
                    sql += @" and p.id not in ( {3} ) ";
                    sql += SortType.getOrderBy(pageQuery.sortType);
                sql = String.Format(sql, top, tenantId, userId, notInsql);

                MDebugLog.debug("[getTenandPrdByCatId] >" + sql);
                return(dbContext.Database.SqlQuery <TenantPrd>(sql).ToList());