        public static void getDataUsingString()
            Editor ed = AcadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

                PlantProject     mainPrj = PlantApplication.CurrentProject;
                Project          prj     = mainPrj.ProjectParts["PnId"];
                DataLinksManager dlm     = prj.DataLinksManager;

                ObjectId entId = ed.GetEntity("Pick a P&ID item: ").ObjectId;

                // x.x Declare a variable as a PpObjectId and instantiate it
                // using the MakeAcPpObjectId method of the DataLinksManager
                // from step 3.x. Pass in the ObjectId from step 3.4.
                PpObjectId pnpId = dlm.MakeAcPpObjectId(entId);

                // x.x Now let's do an opposite action that we did in step 3.5
                // Now we will get the ObjectId(s) of the entity from the PpObjectId
                // from step 3.x. Declare an int and make it equal to the
                // return from the FindAcPpRowId of the DataLinksManager  from
                // step 3.x.
                int rowId1 = dlm.FindAcPpRowId(entId); // You can use ObjectId
                int rowId2 = dlm.FindAcPpRowId(pnpId); //          or PpObjectId
                // rowId1 and rowId2 are always equal

                PpObjectIdArray ids = dlm.FindAcPpObjectIds(rowId1);
                // NOTE: It returns a COLLECTION of AcPpObjectId!
                //       I.e., multiple AcDbObjectIds may be linked to a single RowID

                // Now find the ObjectID for each PpObjectId
                foreach (PpObjectId ppid in ids)
                    ObjectId oid = dlm.MakeAcDbObjectId(ppid);
                    ed.WriteMessage("\n oid=" + oid.ToString() + "\n");

                    // Evaluate the next two lines are not in the DevNote:
                    String sEval = "\n LineNumber = ";

                    sEval += FormatStringUtils.Evaluate
                                 ("#(TargetObject.LineNumber^@NNN)", oid); // - #(Project.General.Project_Name)", oid);

                    sEval += "\n Project_Name = ";
                    sEval += FormatStringUtils.Evaluate("#(Project.General.Project_Name)", oid);


                    // String sEval2 = "\n TargeObject.Tag = ";
                    // String sTestIsValid = "#(TargetObject.Tag) - #(=TargetObject.Tag)";
                    //String sTestIsValid = "#(TargetObject.Tag)"; // - #(=TargetObject.Tag)";
                    String sTestIsValid = "#(GenericRotaryValve.Manufacturer)";

                    if (FormatStringUtils.IsValid(sTestIsValid))
                        String sEval2 = "\n Generic Rotary Valve Manufacturer = ";
                        // sEval2 += FormatStringUtils.Evaluate("#(TargetObject.Tag) - #(=TargetObject.Tag)");
                        sEval2 += FormatStringUtils.Evaluate(sTestIsValid, oid);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
        public static void convertIds()
            Editor ed = AcadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

                // 3.1 Declare a variable as a PlantProject and instantiate
                // it using the CurrentProject of PlantApplication.
                PlantProject mainPrj = PlantApplication.CurrentProject;

                // 3.2 Declare a variable as a Project and instantiate it
                // using the ProjectParts property of the PlantProject from
                // step 3.1. for the strName property [] use "PnId"
                Project prj = mainPrj.ProjectParts["PnId"];

                //wb testing, commented out the line above
                // Project prj = mainPrj.ProjectParts["Piping"];

                // 3.3 Declare a DataLinksManager variable and instantiate it
                // using the DataLinksManager property of the Project from
                // step 3.2
                DataLinksManager dlm = prj.DataLinksManager;

                // 3.4 Declare a variable as an ObjectId. Instantiate it
                // use the GetEntity method of the Editor from above. (ed)
                // Use the ObjectId property.
                ObjectId entId = ed.GetEntity("Pick a P&ID item: ").ObjectId;

                // 3.5 Get the Row Id of the entity from the ObjectId
                // from step 3.4. Declare an int and make it equal to the
                // return from the FindAcPpRowId of the DataLinksManager  from
                // step 3.3. pass in the ObjectId from step 3.4.
                // Note: The int for the Row Id from this step and the Row Id from
                // step 7 will be the same, even though we are using ObjectId here
                // and PpObjectId in step 3.7
                int rowId1 = dlm.FindAcPpRowId(entId);

                // 3.6 Declare a variable as a PpObjectId and instantiate it
                // using the MakeAcPpObjectId method of the DataLinksManager
                // from step 3.3. Pass in the ObjectId from step 3.4.
                PpObjectId ppObjId = dlm.MakeAcPpObjectId(entId);

                // 3.7 Now we will get the Row Id of the entity from the PpObjectId
                // from step 3.5. Declare an int and make it equal to the
                // return from the FindAcPpRowId of the DataLinksManager  from
                // step 3.3. Pass in the PpObjectId 3.6
                int rowId2 = dlm.FindAcPpRowId(ppObjId);

                // 3.8 Use the WriteMessage function of the editor (ed) and print
                // the values of the int from step 3.7 and 3.5
                ed.WriteMessage("rowId1 = " + rowId1.ToString() + " rowId2 = " + rowId2);

                // 3.9 Declare a variable as a PpObjectIdArray. Instantiate it
                // using the FindAcPpObjectIds method of the DataLinksManager from
                // step 3.3. Pass in the row id from step or 3.5. (or step 3.7)
                // NOTE: FindAcPpObjectIds returns a COLLECTION of AcPpObjectId.
                // I.e., multiple AcDbObjectIds may be linked to a single RowID
                PpObjectIdArray ids = dlm.FindAcPpObjectIds(rowId1);

                // 3.10 Use a foreach and iterate through the PpObjectId  in the
                // PpObjectIdArray from step 3.9.
                // Note: put the closing curly brace below Step 3.12
                foreach (PpObjectId ppid in ids)
                    // 3.11 Declare a variable as an ObjectId Instantiate it using
                    // the MakeAcDbObjectId variable of the DataLinksManager from
                    // step 3.3.
                    ObjectId oid = dlm.MakeAcDbObjectId(ppid);

                    // 3.12 Use the WriteMessage function of the editor (ed) and print
                    // the value of the ObjectId form step 3.11
                    // Build, debug and test this code. (Command "ConvertIds")
                    // Note: Continue to step 3.13 below
                    ed.WriteMessage("\n oid = " + oid.ToString() + "\n");
            catch (System.Exception ex)