/// <summary>
        /// Invoke an orchestration function.
        /// </summary>
        private Hashtable InvokeOrchestrationFunction(
            PowerShellManager psManager,
            AzFunctionInfo functionInfo,
            InvocationRequest invocationRequest,
            FunctionInvocationPerformanceStopwatch stopwatch)
            if (!Utils.AreDurableFunctionsEnabled())
                throw new NotImplementedException(PowerShellWorkerStrings.DurableFunctionNotSupported);

            // Quote from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/durable-functions-bindings:
            // "Orchestrator functions should never use any input or output bindings other than the orchestration trigger binding.
            //  Doing so has the potential to cause problems with the Durable Task extension because those bindings may not obey the single-threading and I/O rules."
            // Therefore, it's by design that 'InputData' contains only one item, which is the metadata of the orchestration context.
            var context = invocationRequest.InputData[0];

            var durableFuncContext = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OrchestrationContext>(context.Data.String);

            return(psManager.InvokeOrchestrationFunction(functionInfo, context.Name, durableFuncContext));