public void CanDotSourcePath(string rawFileName)
            string fullPath   = Path.Combine(ScriptAssetPath, rawFileName);
            string quotedPath = PowerShellContext.QuoteEscapeString(fullPath);

            var psCommand = new System.Management.Automation.PSCommand().AddScript($". {quotedPath}");

            using (var pwsh = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create())
                pwsh.Commands = psCommand;
        public void CorrectlyQuoteEscapesPaths(string unquotedPath, string expectedQuotedPath)
            string extensionQuotedPath = PowerShellContext.QuoteEscapeString(unquotedPath);

            Assert.Equal(expectedQuotedPath, extensionQuotedPath);
        protected async Task HandleLaunchRequest(
            LaunchRequestArguments launchParams,
            RequestContext <object> requestContext)

            // Determine whether or not the working directory should be set in the PowerShellContext.
            if ((_editorSession.PowerShellContext.CurrentRunspace.Location == RunspaceLocation.Local) &&
                // Get the working directory that was passed via the debug config
                // (either via launch.json or generated via no-config debug).
                string workingDir = launchParams.Cwd;

                // Assuming we have a non-empty/null working dir, unescape the path and verify
                // the path exists and is a directory.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workingDir))
                        if ((File.GetAttributes(workingDir) & FileAttributes.Directory) != FileAttributes.Directory)
                            workingDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(workingDir);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        workingDir = null;
                            $"The specified 'cwd' path is invalid: '{launchParams.Cwd}'. Error: {ex.Message}");

                // If we have no working dir by this point and we are running in a temp console,
                // pick some reasonable default.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(workingDir) && launchParams.CreateTemporaryIntegratedConsole)
#if CoreCLR
                    //TODO: RKH 2018-06-26 .NET standard 2.0 has added Environment.CurrentDirectory - let's use it.
                    workingDir = AppContext.BaseDirectory;
                    workingDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

                // At this point, we will either have a working dir that should be set to cwd in
                // the PowerShellContext or the user has requested (via an empty/null cwd) that
                // the working dir should not be changed.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workingDir))
                    await _editorSession.PowerShellContext.SetWorkingDirectory(workingDir, isPathAlreadyEscaped : false);

                Logger.Write(LogLevel.Verbose, $"Working dir " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(workingDir) ? "not set." : $"set to '{workingDir}'"));

            // Prepare arguments to the script - if specified
            string arguments = null;
            if ((launchParams.Args != null) && (launchParams.Args.Length > 0))
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < launchParams.Args.Length; i++)
                    if (i < launchParams.Args.Length - 1)
                        sb.Append(' ');
                arguments = sb.ToString();
                Logger.Write(LogLevel.Verbose, "Script arguments are: " + arguments);

            // Store the launch parameters so that they can be used later
            _noDebug        = launchParams.NoDebug;
            _scriptToLaunch = launchParams.Script;
            _arguments      = arguments;
            IsUsingTempIntegratedConsole = launchParams.CreateTemporaryIntegratedConsole;

            // If the current session is remote, map the script path to the remote
            // machine if necessary
            if (_scriptToLaunch != null &&
                _editorSession.PowerShellContext.CurrentRunspace.Location == RunspaceLocation.Remote)
                _scriptToLaunch =

            await requestContext.SendResult(null);

            // If no script is being launched, mark this as an interactive
            // debugging session
            _isInteractiveDebugSession = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_scriptToLaunch);

            // Send the InitializedEvent so that the debugger will continue
            // sending configuration requests
            await _messageSender.SendEvent(