public IActionResult UpdatePost(Guid authorId, Guid postId, PostInputDto updatedPost, [FromHeader(Name = "Content-Type")] string mediaType) { if (IsUserIdNotEqualTo(authorId)) { return(Unauthorized()); } var idsSet = new PostIdsSet(authorId, postId); var postFromRepo = blogRepository.GetPostForAuthor(authorId, postId); if (postFromRepo is null) { return(AddPost(idsSet, updatedPost, IncludeLinks(mediaType))); } mapper.Map(updatedPost, postFromRepo); blogRepository.SaveChanges(); if (IncludeLinks(mediaType)) { var mappedPost = mapper.Map <PostOutputDto>(postFromRepo); return(Ok(ShapeAndLinkSinglePost(mappedPost, idsSet))); } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <Post> AddNewPost(PostInputDto postInputDto) { try { // Yeni bir Post ekliyoruz (Insert işlemi) // _mapper AutoMapper yardımı ile gelen (PostInputDto postInputDto) nesnesi Post tipine mapliyoruz var CreatedPostInfo = _postService.Insert(_mapper.Map <Post>(postInputDto)); // PostTag tablosuna PostId ve TagId (birden çok olabilir) parametreleri ile kayıt atıyoruz PostTagAdded(postInputDto, CreatedPostInfo.PostId); /* Indexleme işleminde önerme (Suggest) işlemi için keywordler oluşturuyoruz * Burada keyword olarak CategoryName, ve eklenen TagName (birden çok olabilir) bilgilerini alıyoruz isterseniz Post'un başlık alanınıda ekleyebiliriz. * Önerme (Suggest) işlemlerinde hangi keywordlerden yararlanmak istiyorsak ekleyebiliriz. */ var suggestList = GetPostElasticSuggetItems(CreatedPostInfo); // Indexleme işleminde TagNameValues alanı olarak TagName degerlerini bir List<string> liste olarak alıyoruz. var tagNameValues = GetPostTagListForPost(CreatedPostInfo); // Indexleme işlemi için son olarak elde ettiğimiz tüm veriler ile Index atılacak nesnemizi (PostElasticIndexDto) oluşturuyoruz. var indexCreateItem = GetElasticIndexItem(CreatedPostInfo, tagNameValues, postInputDto.PostTagIds, suggestList); // Index ekleme işlemi için yazılan metot PostAddOrUpdateElasticIndex(indexCreateItem); // Geriye, oluşturulan nesnemizi (PostElasticIndexDto) dönüyoruz. return(await Task.FromResult(CreatedPostInfo)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.Message, ex); return(await Task.FromException <Post>(ex)); } }
public async Task <ActionResult <PostViewDto> > CreatePost([FromBody] PostInputDto postInputDto) { if (postInputDto == null) { return(BadRequest()); } //model state validation is not required due to the [ApiController] attribute automatically returning UnprocessableEntity (see startup.cs) //when model binding fails //fetch the user id from the JWT via HttpContext. Then get the user from the repository. This is to ensure that an authorized user //is calling the API with a valid user id var user = await _userRepository.GetUserAsync(User.GetUserId()); if (user == null) { return(BadRequest(new { Error = "The user was not found in the system. Please try again with an authorized and valid user." })); } var postToAdd = _mapper.Map <Post>(postInputDto); //map PostInputDto to Post postToAdd.UserId = user.Id; //set the user id as otherwise navigation property will be null _postRepository.AddPost(postToAdd); if (!await _postRepository.SaveChangesAsync()) { throw new Exception($"Error saving Post {postToAdd.Id} to the database"); } var postToReturn = _mapper.Map <PostViewDto>(postToAdd); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetPost", new { id = postToAdd.Id }, postToReturn)); }
public bool SetPost(PostInputDto postInput) { try { DateTime date = DateTime.Now; Posts post = new Posts { PostTitle = postInput.PostTitle, PostIcon = "", PostTypeId = postInput.PostTypeId, PostType = postInput.PostType, PostContent = postInput.Content, CreateTime = date, CreateUserId = postInput.UserId, EditTime = date, EditUserId = postInput.UserId, LastReplyTime = date, LastReplyUserId = postInput.UserId, Clicks = 1, Replys = 0, }; _postsService.InsertPost(post); return(true); } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw; } }
public ActionResult Publish(PostInputDto post) { UserInfoOutputDto user = Session.GetByRedis <UserInfoOutputDto>(SessionKey.UserInfo); if (!CategoryBll.Any(c => c.Id == post.CategoryId && c.Status == Status.Available)) { return(ResultData(null, message: "请选择一个分类")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Label?.Trim())) { post.Label = null; } else if (post.Label.Trim().Length > 50) { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ","); post.Label = post.Label.Trim().Substring(0, 50); } else { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ","); } post.Status = Status.Pending; post.PostDate = DateTime.Now; post.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now; if (user != null && user.IsAdmin) { post.Status = Status.Pended; } else { post.Content = ReplaceImgSrc(Regex.Replace(post.Content.HtmlSantinizerStandard(), @"<img\s+[^>]*\s*src\s*=\s*['""]?(\S+\.\w{3,4})['""]?[^/>]*/>", "<img src=\"$1\"/>")).Replace("/thumb150/", "/large/"); } ViewBag.CategoryId = new SelectList(CategoryBll.LoadEntitiesNoTracking(c => c.Status == Status.Available), "Id", "Name", post.CategoryId); Post p = post.Mapper <Post>(); p.PostAccessRecord.Add(new PostAccessRecord() { AccessTime = DateTime.Today, ClickCount = 0 }); p = PostBll.AddEntitySaved(p); if (p != null) { if (p.Status == Status.Pending) { var email = GetSettings("ReceiveEmail"); string link = Url.Action("Details", "Post", new { id = p.Id }, Request.Url?.Scheme ?? "http"); string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Request.MapPath("/template/publish.html")).Replace("{{link}}", link).Replace("{{time}}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")).Replace("{{title}}", p.Title); BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => SendMail(GetSettings("Title") + "有访客投稿:", content, email)); return(ResultData(p.Mapper <PostOutputDto>(), message: "文章发表成功,待站长审核通过以后将显示到列表中!")); } return(ResultData(p.Mapper <PostOutputDto>(), message: "文章发表成功!")); } return(ResultData(null, false, "文章发表失败!")); }
private void PostTagAdded(PostInputDto postInputDto, int postId) { foreach (var itemTag in postInputDto.PostTagIds) { _PostTagService.Insert(new PostTag { PostId = postId, TagId = itemTag }); } }
public async Task Add_InvalidPost_Returns_BadRequest() { //Arrange PostInputDto x = null; //Act var result = await postsController.CreatePost(x); //Assert Assert.IsType <BadRequestResult>(result.Result); }
public IActionResult AddPost(Guid authorId, PostInputDto newPost, [FromHeader(Name = "Content-Type")] string mediaType) { if (IsUserIdNotEqualTo(authorId)) { return(Unauthorized()); } var idsSet = new PostIdsSet(authorId); return(AddPost(idsSet, newPost, IncludeLinks(mediaType))); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Publish(PostInputDto post, string code) { if (RedisHelper.Get("code:" + post.Email) != code) { return(ResultData(null, false, "验证码错误!")); } if (Regex.Match(post.Content, CommonHelper.BanRegex).Length > 0) { return(ResultData(null, false, "您提交的内容包含敏感词,被禁止发表,请注意改善您的言辞!")); } if (!CategoryService.Any(c => c.Id == post.CategoryId)) { return(ResultData(null, message: "请选择一个分类")); } post.Label = string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Label?.Trim()) ? null : post.Label.Replace(",", ","); post.Status = Status.Pending; post.PostDate = DateTime.Now; post.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now; post.Content = await ImagebedClient.ReplaceImgSrc(post.Content.HtmlSantinizerStandard().ClearImgAttributes()); ViewBag.CategoryId = new SelectList(CategoryService.GetQueryNoTracking(c => c.Status == Status.Available), "Id", "Name", post.CategoryId); Post p = post.Mapper <Post>(); p.IP = HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.MapToIPv4().ToString(); p.Modifier = p.Author; p.ModifierEmail = p.Email; p = PostService.AddEntitySaved(p); if (p == null) { return(ResultData(null, false, "文章发表失败!")); } RedisHelper.Expire("code:" + p.Email, 1); var content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HostEnvironment.WebRootPath + "/template/publish.html") .Replace("{{link}}", Url.Action("Details", "Post", new { id = p.Id }, Request.Scheme)) .Replace("{{time}}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) .Replace("{{title}}", p.Title); BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => CommonHelper.SendMail(CommonHelper.SystemSettings["Title"] + "有访客投稿:", content, CommonHelper.SystemSettings["ReceiveEmail"])); return(ResultData(p.Mapper <PostOutputDto>(), message: "文章发表成功,待站长审核通过以后将显示到列表中!")); }
public void PostsProfileTest() { // Arrange var mapperConfiguration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.AddProfile(new PostsProfile()); cfg.AddProfile(new AuthorsProfile()); cfg.AddProfile(new CommentsProfile()); }); var target = new Mapper(mapperConfiguration); var postInput = new PostInputDto() { Contents = "Contents", Tags = new string[] { "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" } }; var post = new Post() { Tags = new Tags("tag1", "tag2", "tag3") }; // Act var testDelegate = new TestDelegate(mapperConfiguration.AssertConfigurationIsValid); var inputResult = target.Map <Post>(postInput); var outputResult = target.Map <PostOutputDto>(post); // Assert Assert.DoesNotThrow(testDelegate); var expectedInputTags = "<tag1><tag2><tag3>"; Assert.AreEqual(expectedInputTags, inputResult.Tags.Raw); Assert.AreEqual(postInput.Contents, inputResult.Contents); var expectedOutputTags = new string[] { "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" }; Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutputTags, outputResult.Tags); }
private IActionResult AddPost(PostIdsSet idsSet, PostInputDto newPost, bool includeLinks) { if (validator.DontMatchRules(newPost as IPostInputDto, ModelState)) { return(ValidationProblem(ModelState)); } if (blogRepository.AuthorNotExist(idsSet.authorId)) { return(NotFound()); } var postToAdd = mapper.Map <Post>(newPost); postToAdd.AuthorId = idsSet.authorId; InsertAuthorsInto(postToAdd); if (idsSet.postId != Guid.Empty) { postToAdd.Id = idsSet.postId; } blogRepository.AddPostForAuthor(idsSet.authorId, postToAdd); blogRepository.SaveChanges(); var mappedPost = mapper.Map <PostOutputDto>(postToAdd); idsSet.postId = mappedPost.Id; dynamic toReturn = mappedPost; if (includeLinks) { toReturn = ShapeAndLinkSinglePost(mappedPost, idsSet); } return(CreatedAtRoute("GetPost", new { idsSet.authorId, idsSet.postId }, toReturn)); }
public async Task <Post> Update(PostInputDto postInputDto) { //using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) //{ try { var updatedPostInfo = _postService.Update(_mapper.Map <Post>(postInputDto)); PostTagsRemove(updatedPostInfo.PostId); PostTagAdded(postInputDto, updatedPostInfo.PostId); var suggestList = GetPostElasticSuggetItems(updatedPostInfo); var tagNameValues = GetPostTagListForPost(updatedPostInfo); var indexCreateItem = GetElasticIndexItem(updatedPostInfo, tagNameValues, postInputDto.PostTagIds, suggestList); PostAddOrUpdateElasticIndex(indexCreateItem); // scope.Complete(); return(await Task.FromResult(updatedPostInfo)); } catch (Exception ex) { // scope.Dispose(); _logger.LogError(ex.Message, ex); return(await Task.FromException <Post>(ex)); } //} }
public async Task <ActionResult> Write(PostInputDto post, DateTime?timespan, bool schedule = false) { post.Content = await ImagebedClient.ReplaceImgSrc(post.Content.Trim().ClearImgAttributes()); if (!CategoryService.Any(c => c.Id == post.CategoryId && c.Status == Status.Available)) { return(ResultData(null, message: "请选择一个分类")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Label?.Trim()) || post.Label.Equals("null")) { post.Label = null; } else if (post.Label.Trim().Length > 50) { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ","); post.Label = post.Label.Trim().Substring(0, 50); } else { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ","); } if (!post.IsWordDocument) { post.ResourceName = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.ProtectContent) || post.ProtectContent.Equals("null", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { post.ProtectContent = null; } post.Status = Status.Pended; post.PostDate = DateTime.Now; post.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now; Post p = post.Mapper <Post>(); p.Modifier = p.Author; p.ModifierEmail = p.Email; p.IP = HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.MapToIPv4().ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Seminars)) { var tmp = post.Seminars.Split(',').Distinct(); tmp.ForEach(s => { var id = s.ToInt32(); Seminar seminar = SeminarService.GetById(id); p.Seminar.Add(new SeminarPost() { Post = p, PostId = p.Id, Seminar = seminar, SeminarId = seminar.Id }); }); } if (schedule) { if (timespan.HasValue && timespan.Value > DateTime.Now) { p.Status = Status.Schedule; p.PostDate = timespan.Value; p.ModifyDate = timespan.Value; HangfireHelper.CreateJob(typeof(IHangfireBackJob), nameof(HangfireBackJob.PublishPost), args: p); return(ResultData(p.Mapper <PostOutputDto>(), message: $"文章于{timespan.Value:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}将会自动发表!")); } return(ResultData(null, false, "如果要定时发布,请选择正确的一个将来时间点!")); } PostService.AddEntity(p); bool b = SearchEngine.SaveChanges() > 0; if (!b) { return(ResultData(null, false, "文章发表失败!")); } if ("true" == CommonHelper.SystemSettings["DisabledEmailBroadcast"]) { return(ResultData(null, true, "文章发表成功!")); } var cast = BroadcastService.GetQuery(c => c.Status == Status.Subscribed).ToList(); string link = Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host + "/" + p.Id; cast.ForEach(c => { var ts = DateTime.Now.GetTotalMilliseconds(); string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HostEnvironment.WebRootPath + "/template/broadcast.html") .Replace("{{link}}", link + "?email=" + c.Email) .Replace("{{time}}", post.ModifyDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) .Replace("{{title}}", post.Title).Replace("{{author}}", post.Author) .Replace("{{content}}", post.Content.RemoveHtmlTag(150)) .Replace("{{cancel}}", Url.Action("Subscribe", "Subscribe", new { c.Email, act = "cancel", validate = c.ValidateCode, timespan = ts, hash = (c.Email + "cancel" + c.ValidateCode + ts).AESEncrypt(AppConfig.BaiduAK) }, Request.Scheme)); BackgroundJob.Schedule(() => CommonHelper.SendMail(CommonHelper.SystemSettings["Title"] + "博客有新文章发布了", content, c.Email), (p.ModifyDate - DateTime.Now)); }); return(ResultData(null, true, "文章发表成功!")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(PostInputDto post, bool notify = true, bool reserve = true) { post.Content = await ImagebedClient.ReplaceImgSrc(post.Content.Trim().ClearImgAttributes()); if (!CategoryService.Any(c => c.Id == post.CategoryId && c.Status == Status.Available)) { return(ResultData(null, message: "请选择一个分类")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Label?.Trim()) || post.Label.Equals("null")) { post.Label = null; } else if (post.Label.Trim().Length > 50) { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ","); post.Label = post.Label.Trim().Substring(0, 50); } else { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ","); } if (!post.IsWordDocument) { post.ResourceName = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.ProtectContent) || post.ProtectContent.Equals("null", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { post.ProtectContent = null; } Post p = PostService.GetById(post.Id); if (reserve) { var history = p.Mapper <PostHistoryVersion>(); p.PostHistoryVersion.Add(history); post.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now; var user = HttpContext.Session.Get <UserInfoOutputDto>(SessionKey.UserInfo); p.Modifier = user.NickName; p.ModifierEmail = user.Email; } p.IP = HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.MapToIPv4().ToString(); Mapper.Map(post, p); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Seminars)) { var tmp = post.Seminars.Split(',').Distinct(); p.Seminar.Clear(); tmp.ForEach(s => { var seminar = SeminarService.Get(e => e.Title.Equals(s)); if (seminar != null) { p.Seminar.Add(new SeminarPost() { Post = p, Seminar = seminar, PostId = p.Id, SeminarId = seminar.Id }); } }); } bool b = SearchEngine.SaveChanges() > 0; if (!b) { return(ResultData(null, false, "文章修改失败!")); } #if !DEBUG if (notify && "false" == CommonHelper.SystemSettings["DisabledEmailBroadcast"]) { var cast = BroadcastService.GetQuery(c => c.Status == Status.Subscribed).ToList(); string link = Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host + "/" + p.Id; cast.ForEach(c => { var ts = DateTime.Now.GetTotalMilliseconds(); string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(HostEnvironment.WebRootPath, "template", "broadcast.html")) .Replace("{{link}}", link + "?email=" + c.Email) .Replace("{{time}}", post.ModifyDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) .Replace("{{title}}", post.Title) .Replace("{{author}}", post.Author) .Replace("{{content}}", post.Content.RemoveHtmlTag(150)) .Replace("{{cancel}}", Url.Action("Subscribe", "Subscribe", new { c.Email, act = "cancel", validate = c.ValidateCode, timespan = ts, hash = (c.Email + "cancel" + c.ValidateCode + ts).AESEncrypt(AppConfig.BaiduAK) }, Request.Scheme)); BackgroundJob.Schedule(() => CommonHelper.SendMail(CommonHelper.SystemSettings["Title"] + "博客有新文章发布了", content, c.Email), (p.ModifyDate - DateTime.Now)); }); } #endif return(ResultData(p.Mapper <PostOutputDto>(), message: "文章修改成功!")); }
public ActionResult Write(PostInputDto post, string Seminars, DateTime?timespan, bool schedule = false) { post.Content = ReplaceImgSrc(Regex.Replace(post.Content.Trim(), @"<img\s+[^>]*\s*src\s*=\s*['""]?(\S+\.\w{3,4})['""]?[^/>]*/>", "<img src=\"$1\"/>")).Replace("/thumb150/", "/large/");//提取img标签,提取src属性并重新创建个只包含src属性的img标签 if (!CategoryBll.Any(c => c.Id == post.CategoryId && c.Status == Status.Available)) { return(ResultData(null, message: "请选择一个分类")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Label?.Trim()) || post.Label.Equals("null")) { post.Label = null; } else if (post.Label.Trim().Length > 50) { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ","); post.Label = post.Label.Trim().Substring(0, 50); } else { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ","); } if (!post.IsWordDocument) { post.ResourceName = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.ProtectContent) || post.ProtectContent.Equals("null", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { post.ProtectContent = null; } post.Status = Status.Pended; post.PostDate = DateTime.Now; post.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now; Post p = post.Mapper <Post>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Seminars)) { var tmp = Seminars.Split(',').Distinct(); tmp.ForEach(s => { var id = s.ToInt32(); p.Seminar.Add(SeminarBll.GetById(id)); }); } p.PostAccessRecord.Add(new PostAccessRecord() { AccessTime = DateTime.Today, ClickCount = 0 }); if (schedule) { if (timespan.HasValue && timespan.Value > DateTime.Now) { p.Status = Status.Schedule; HangfireHelper.CreateJob(typeof(IHangfireBackJob), nameof(HangfireBackJob.PublishPost), args: p); return(ResultData(p.Mapper <PostOutputDto>(), message: schedule ? $"文章于{timespan.Value:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}将会自动发表!" : "文章发表成功!")); } return(ResultData(null, false, "如果要定时发布,请选择正确的一个将来时间点!")); } p = PostBll.AddEntitySaved(p); if (p != null) { var cast = BroadcastBll.LoadEntities(c => c.Status == Status.Subscribed).ToList(); string link = Request.Url?.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url?.Authority + "/" + p.Id; cast.ForEach(c => { var ts = DateTime.Now.GetTotalMilliseconds(); string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Request.MapPath("/template/broadcast.html")).Replace("{{link}}", link + "?email=" + c.Email).Replace("{{time}}", post.PostDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")).Replace("{{title}}", post.Title).Replace("{{author}}", post.Author).Replace("{{content}}", post.Content.RemoveHtmlTag(150)).Replace("{{cancel}}", Url.Action("Subscribe", "Subscribe", new { c.Email, act = "cancel", validate = c.ValidateCode, timespan = ts, hash = (c.Email + "cancel" + c.ValidateCode + ts).AESEncrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BaiduAK"]) }, Request.Url.Scheme)); BackgroundJob.Schedule(() => SendMail(GetSettings("Title") + "博客有新文章发布了", content, c.Email), (p.PostDate - DateTime.Now)); }); HangfireHelper.CreateJob(typeof(IHangfireBackJob), nameof(HangfireBackJob.UpdateLucene)); return(ResultData(null, true, "文章发表成功!")); } return(ResultData(null, false, "文章发表失败!")); }
public ActionResult Edit(PostInputDto post, string Seminars, bool notify = true) { post.Content = ReplaceImgSrc(Regex.Replace(post.Content.Trim(), @"<img\s+[^>]*\s*src\s*=\s*['""]?(\S+\.\w{3,4})['""]?[^/>]*/>", "<img src=\"$1\"/>")).Replace("/thumb150/", "/large/"); if (!CategoryBll.Any(c => c.Id == post.CategoryId && c.Status == Status.Available)) { return(ResultData(null, message: "请选择一个分类")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Label?.Trim()) || post.Label.Equals("null")) { post.Label = null; } else if (post.Label.Trim().Length > 50) { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ","); post.Label = post.Label.Trim().Substring(0, 50); } else { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ","); } if (!post.IsWordDocument) { post.ResourceName = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.ProtectContent) || post.ProtectContent.Equals("null", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { post.ProtectContent = null; } post.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now; Post p = PostBll.GetById(post.Id); var history = p.Mapper <PostHistoryVersion>(); p.PostHistoryVersion.Add(history); Mapper.Map(post, p); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Seminars)) { var tmp = Seminars.Split(',').Distinct(); p.Seminar.Clear(); tmp.ForEach(s => { p.Seminar.Add(SeminarBll.GetFirstEntity(e => e.Title.Equals(s))); }); } bool b = PostBll.UpdateEntitySaved(p); if (b) { #if !DEBUG if (notify) { var cast = BroadcastBll.LoadEntities(c => c.Status == Status.Subscribed).ToList(); string link = Request.Url?.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url?.Authority + "/" + p.Id; cast.ForEach(c => { var ts = DateTime.Now.GetTotalMilliseconds(); string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Request.MapPath("/template/broadcast.html")).Replace("{{link}}", link + "?email=" + c.Email).Replace("{{time}}", post.PostDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")).Replace("{{title}}", post.Title).Replace("{{author}}", post.Author).Replace("{{content}}", post.Content.RemoveHtmlTag(150)).Replace("{{cancel}}", Url.Action("Subscribe", "Subscribe", new { c.Email, act = "cancel", validate = c.ValidateCode, timespan = ts, hash = (c.Email + "cancel" + c.ValidateCode + ts).AESEncrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BaiduAK"]) }, Request.Url.Scheme)); BackgroundJob.Schedule(() => SendMail(GetSettings("Title") + "博客有新文章发布了", content, c.Email), (p.PostDate - DateTime.Now)); }); } #endif HangfireHelper.CreateJob(typeof(IHangfireBackJob), nameof(HangfireBackJob.UpdateLucene)); return(ResultData(p.Mapper <PostOutputDto>(), message: "文章修改成功!")); } return(ResultData(null, false, "文章修改失败!")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Publish(PostInputDto post) { if (Regex.Match(post.Content, CommonHelper.BanRegex).Length > 0) { return(ResultData(null, false, "您提交的内容包含敏感词,被禁止发表,请注意改善您的言辞!")); } UserInfoOutputDto user = HttpContext.Session.Get <UserInfoOutputDto>(SessionKey.UserInfo); if (!CategoryService.Any(c => c.Id == post.CategoryId && c.Status == Status.Available)) { return(ResultData(null, message: "请选择一个分类")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Label?.Trim())) { post.Label = null; } else if (post.Label.Trim().Length > 50) { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ",").Trim().Substring(0, 50); } else { post.Label = post.Label.Replace(",", ","); } post.Status = Status.Pending; post.PostDate = DateTime.Now; post.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now; if (user != null && user.IsAdmin) { post.Status = Status.Pended; } else { post.Content = await _imagebedClient.ReplaceImgSrc(post.Content.HtmlSantinizerStandard().ClearImgAttributes()); } ViewBag.CategoryId = new SelectList(CategoryService.LoadEntitiesNoTracking(c => c.Status == Status.Available), "Id", "Name", post.CategoryId); Post p = post.Mapper <Post>(); p.IP = HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.MapToIPv4().ToString(); p = PostService.AddEntitySaved(p); if (p != null) { if (p.Status == Status.Pending) { var email = CommonHelper.SystemSettings["ReceiveEmail"]; string link = Url.Action("Details", "Post", new { id = p.Id }, Request.Scheme); string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath + "/template/publish.html") .Replace("{{link}}", link) .Replace("{{time}}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) .Replace("{{title}}", p.Title); BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => CommonHelper.SendMail(CommonHelper.SystemSettings["Title"] + "有访客投稿:", content, email)); return(ResultData(p.Mapper <PostOutputDto>(), message: "文章发表成功,待站长审核通过以后将显示到列表中!")); } return(ResultData(p.Mapper <PostOutputDto>(), message: "文章发表成功!")); } return(ResultData(null, false, "文章发表失败!")); }