        //============= Mapping Post Details ==============
        public static PostDetailModel MapPostDetail(PostExtended post, IUrlHelper urlHelper)
            var postViewModel = MappingConfig <PostExtended, PostDetailModel> .Convert(post);

            postViewModel.Url = urlHelper.Link(Config.PostRoute, new { id = post.PostId });
        public IActionResult Get(int id)
            PostExtended post = DataService.GetPostDetail(id);

            if (post == null)
            return(Ok(ModelFactory.MapPostDetail(post, Url)));
        public static void BlogSeed(ApplicationDbContext ctx)
            // Info
            // SQLite DB
            // When Proto/ Model Change
            // Visual Studio:
            //		Delete /Server/Data/Migrations folder
            //		Delete /Server/Data/BlogDB.sqlite3
            // Package Manager Console:
            //		Clear; Add-Migration InitialCreate -OutputDir "Data/Migrations"; Update-Database;

            // Extra for testing only, start with a clean DB.
            // ctx.Database.EnsureDeleted();
            // ctx.Database.Migrate(); // with migrations //ctx.Database.EnsureCreated(); // without migrations

            if (ctx.Posts.Any())

            var utcDate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToString(DtFormats.DbUtc);
            var utcTs   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToTimestamp();

            var author1 = new Author()
                AuthorId = 1, Name = "Author I", DateCreated = utcDate
            var author2 = new Author()
                AuthorId = 2, Name = "Author II", DateCreated = utcDate
            var author3 = new Author()
                AuthorId = 3, Name = "Author III", DateCreated = utcDate

            //var tag1 = new Tag() { TagId = 1, Name = "TagOne" };
            //var tag2 = new Tag() { TagId = 2, Name = "TagTwo" };
            //var tag3 = new Tag() { TagId = 3, Name = "Tagthree" };
            var tag1 = new Tag()
                TagId = "TagOne"
            var tag2 = new Tag()
                TagId = "TagTwo"
            var tag3 = new Tag()
                TagId = "TagThree"

            var post1 = new Post()
                PostId = 1, AuthorId = 1, Title = "First Post", DateCreated = utcDate, PostStat = PostStatus.Published
            var post2 = new Post()
                PostId = 2, AuthorId = 2, Title = "Second Post", DateCreated = utcDate, PostStat = PostStatus.Published
            var post3 = new Post()
                PostId = 3, AuthorId = 3, Title = "Third Post", DateCreated = utcDate, PostStat = PostStatus.Published

            var postExtended1 = new PostExtended()
                PostId = 1, Content = "Post One Content", Ts = utcTs
            var postExtended2 = new PostExtended()
                PostId = 2, Content = "Post Two Content", Ts = utcTs
            var postExtended3 = new PostExtended()
                PostId = 3, Content = "Post Three Content", Ts = utcTs

            // Extra for testing/Learning
            // See (gavilanch3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJAf5fKpGO
            //var post1Tags = new PostsTags2() { TagId = tag1.TagId, PostId = post1.PostId };
            //ctx.AddRange(author1, author2, author3, tag1, tag2, tag3, post1, post2, post3, postExtended1, postExtended2, postExtended3, post1Tags);

            // From ON.NET Deep Dive in Many to Many Part 2 https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/On-NET/Deep-Dive-into-Many-to-Many-A-Tour-of-EF-Core-50-pt-2
            // This now works!! See: https://github.com/dotnet/efcore/issues/23703#issuecomment-758801618, change needed in ApplicationDbContext.cs
            tag1.PostsInTagData.AddRange(new[] { post1 });
            tag2.PostsInTagData.AddRange(new[] { post1, post3 });
            tag3.PostsInTagData.AddRange(new[] { post2, post3 });
            ctx.AddRange(author1, author2, author3, tag1, tag2, tag3, post1, post2, post3, postExtended1, postExtended2, postExtended3);
