protected override void SetDealerProbMap(Hand dealerHand, Deck deck, decimal probability)
            // if hand total is over 21, the dealer busts
            if (dealerHand.TotalValue > 21)
                dealerProbDict[PossibleOutcome.BUST] += probability;

            // if the dealer has a 17 (not COULD have), then they cannot get anything else (must stick)
            if (dealerHand.TotalValue >= 17 && probability == 1)
                PossibleOutcome outcome = Deck.PossibleOutcomeValues[dealerHand.TotalValue];
                dealerProbDict[outcome] += probability;

            // calculate all possibilities if player hits
            foreach (CardName cardName in deck.GetRemainingCards())
                // if there are none of this card left, it cannot appear
                int remainingCardCount = deck.CardCountDict[cardName];
                if (remainingCardCount <= 0)

                // update temporary dealer hand and deck
                Card card = new Card(cardName);
                // the probability of getting a card AT THIS POINT,
                // is the normal prob of selecting the card, multiplied by probability of getting to this point
                decimal cardProb = deck.GetCardProb(cardName) * probability;

                // add to new hand
                Hand handCopy = dealerHand.Clone();
                // remove from new deck
                Deck deckCopy = deck.Clone();

                if (handCopy.TotalValue > 21)
                    dealerProbDict[PossibleOutcome.BUST] += cardProb;
                else if (handCopy.TotalValue >= 17)
                    PossibleOutcome outcome = Deck.PossibleOutcomeValues[handCopy.TotalValue];
                    dealerProbDict[outcome] += cardProb;

                // update probability with new card and new probability
                SetDealerProbMap(handCopy, deckCopy, cardProb);
        protected decimal GetProbPushBeforeHit(Hand playerHand)
            if (playerHand.TotalValue > 21 || playerHand.TotalValue < 17)

            PossibleOutcome outcome = Deck.PossibleOutcomeValues[playerHand.TotalValue];

        // the probability a player wins is:
        //  1) if the dealer busts AND the player doesn't
        //  2) if the dealer has a higher hand than the dealer
        //      - the dealer must have at least a 16, so we need to calculate prob of each value between 16 and 21
        protected override void SetPlayerProbMap(Hand playerHand, Deck deck, decimal probability)
            if (playerHand.TotalValue >= 21)

            // calculate all possibilities if player hits
            foreach (CardName cardName in deck.GetRemainingCards())
                int remainingCardCount = deck.CardCountDict[cardName];

                // if there are none of this card left, it cannot appear
                if (remainingCardCount <= 0)

                // update temporary dealer hand and deck
                Card card = new Card(cardName);

                // add to new hand
                Hand handCopy = playerHand.Clone();

                if (handCopy.TotalValue > 21)

                // remove from new deck
                Deck deckCopy = deck.Clone();

                // the probability of getting a card AT THIS POINT,
                // is the normal prob of selecting the card, multiplied by probability of getting to this point
                decimal cardProb = deck.GetCardProb(cardName) * probability;

                playerProbDict[PossibleOutcome.NOBUST] += cardProb;

                if (handCopy.TotalValue >= 17)
                    PossibleOutcome outcome = Deck.PossibleOutcomeValues[handCopy.TotalValue];
                    playerProbDict[outcome] += cardProb;

                // update probability with new card and new probability
                SetPlayerProbMap(handCopy, deckCopy, cardProb);
        protected override void SetDealerProbMap(Hand dealerHand, Deck deck, decimal probability)
            // if hand total is over 21, the dealer busts
            if (dealerHand.TotalValue > 21)
                dealerProbDict[PossibleOutcome.BUST] += probability;

            // if the dealer has a 17, then they cannot get anything else (must stick)
            if (dealerHand.TotalValue >= 17)
                PossibleOutcome outcome = Deck.PossibleOutcomeValues[dealerHand.TotalValue];
                dealerProbDict[outcome] += probability;

            // calculate the probabilty of getting each value 17-21
            List <int> values = new List <int> {
                17, 18, 19, 20, 21

            foreach (int i in values)
                PossibleOutcome outcome = Deck.PossibleOutcomeValues[i];
                dealerProbDict[outcome] = probDict[i - dealerHand.TotalValue];

            // calculate the probability the dealer busts
            foreach (int val in probDict.Keys.ToList())
                if (dealerHand.TotalValue + val <= 21)

                dealerProbDict[PossibleOutcome.BUST] += probDict[val];
        // the probability a player wins is:
        //  1) if the dealer busts AND the player doesn't
        //  2) if the dealer has a higher hand than the dealer
        //      - the dealer must have at least a 16, so we need to calculate prob of each value between 16 and 21
        protected override void SetPlayerProbMap(Hand playerHand, Deck deck, decimal probability)
            // calculate the probability the player hits and gets less than 17
            foreach (int val in probDict.Keys.ToList())
                if (playerHand.TotalValue + val >= 17)

                playerProbDict[PossibleOutcome.NOBUST] += probDict[val];

            // calculate the probabilty of getting each value 17-21
            List <int> values = new List <int> {
                17, 18, 19, 20, 21

            foreach (int i in values)
                PossibleOutcome outcome = Deck.PossibleOutcomeValues[i];
                playerProbDict[outcome] = (playerHand.TotalValue < i) ? probDict[i - playerHand.TotalValue] : 0;