public Printer(string deviceName = "PosPrinter") { var posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); var deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, deviceName); m_Printer = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); m_Printer.Open(); m_Printer.Claim(500); m_Printer.DeviceEnabled = true; m_Printer.RecLetterQuality = true; m_Printer.MapMode = MapMode.Metric; m_Printer.ClearOutput(); }
private static PosPrinter InitializePosPrinter(string configSettingName) { PosPrinter result = null; DeviceCollection printerList = PosPrinterDeviceCollection; if (printerList.Count > 0) { try { #if DEBUG //DeviceInfo printer = GetActiveDeviceInfo(printerList, configSettingName, true); DeviceInfo printer = printerList[0]; #else DeviceInfo printer = GetActiveDeviceInfo(printerList, configSettingName); #endif if (printer != null) { result = (PosPrinter)explorer.CreateInstance(printer); result.Open(); result.Claim(1000); result.DeviceEnabled = true; } } catch (PosControlException) { // Log error and set the active to nil Logger.Error("InitializePosDevices", Strings.InitializationException); } } return(result); }
private void SetUpPrinter() { string strLogicalName = "PosPrinter"; try { PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null; myDevices = posExplorer.GetDevices(DeviceType.PosPrinter); try { deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, strLogicalName); m_Printer = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); } catch (Exception) { } m_Printer.Open(); } catch (PosControlException) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to load printer: " + strLogicalName); } }
private void GunlukRapor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string zaman = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); DialogResult Uyari = new DialogResult(); Uyari = MessageBox.Show("TÜM GİDERLERİN RAPORU BASILACAK BU RAPOR UZUNLUĞU GİDERLERİNİZİN UZUNLUĞU KADAR OLACAKTIR. ESKİ GİDERLERİNİZİ SİLERSENİZ RAPOR DAHA KISA OLABİLİR. DEVAM EDİLSİN Mİ?", "UYARI!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (Uyari == DialogResult.Yes) { try { var explorer = new PosExplorer(); var deviceInfo = explorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter); if (deviceInfo == null) { MessageBox.Show("BİLGİSAYARA BAĞLI YAZICI YOK YADA BAĞLANTI KURULAMADI", "ÇEKİRDEK KOD TERS MÜHENDİSLİK KORUMASI!"); return; } Yazici = (PosPrinter)explorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); Yazici.Open(); Yazici.Claim(500); Yazici.DeviceEnabled = true; Yazici.StatusUpdateEvent += (s, evt) => { if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOpen) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı açıldı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOK) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı kapandı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusJournalCartridgeEmpty) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kartuşu bitmek üzere"); } }; Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, " PRESTIGE CAFE " + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "GÜnlük Gider Raporu" + " TARİH: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); VeriEntities3 context = new VeriEntities3(); foreach (var bul in context.Giderler.Where(p => p.Tarih == zaman)) { Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "Gider adı: " + bul.GiderAdi + " Gider Tutarı: " + bul.GiderTutari + " Tarih: " + bul.Tarih + Environment.NewLine); } Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "MARKETMATİK BETA V.1.0.2 [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.CutPaper(100); MessageBox.Show("Gider Yazdırıldı.", "Kullanıcı İşlemleri"); this.Close(); formdd1.Visible = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("DÖNGÜSEL VERİTABANI HATASI. DATA BULUNAMADI YADA VERİTABANI BAĞLANTISI KESİLDİ.", "ÇEKİRDEK KOD ÖLÜMCÜL HATA!"); MessageBox.Show("LÜTFEN GELİŞTİRİCİ İLE İRTİBAT KURUN. PROGRAM SONLANICAK", "ÇEKİRDEK KOD TERS MÜHENDİSLİK KORUMASI"); Application.Exit(); } } }
public cImpresora(string nombreLogico) { try { _nombreLogico = nombreLogico; PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null; deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, _nombreLogico); _oPrinter = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); _oPrinter.Open(); _oPrinter.Claim(1000); _oPrinter.DeviceEnabled = true; //Output by the high quality mode _oPrinter.RecLetterQuality = true; // Even if using any printers, 0.01mm unit makes it possible to print neatly. _oPrinter.MapMode = MapMode.Metric; } catch (PosControlException ex) { throw new Exception("Error al abrir la impresora fiscal. " + ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error al abrir la impresora fiscal. " + ex.Message); } }
private void ActivatePrinter(DeviceInfo selectedPrinter) { //Verifify that the selectedScanner is not null // and that it is not the same scanner already selected if (selectedPrinter != null && !selectedPrinter.IsDeviceInfoOf(activePrinter)) { // Configure the new scanner DeactivatePrinter(); // Activate the new scanner try { activePrinter = (PosPrinter)_posexplorer.CreateInstance(selectedPrinter); activePrinter.Open(); activePrinter.Claim(1000); activePrinter.DeviceEnabled = true; Helper.ShowMessage("Test successful", "Test Successful", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (PosControlException ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "The application received an error", "frmHardwaresetup", "ActivatePrinter"); Helper.ShowMessage("The application received an error \n" + ex.Message, "Test Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { activePrinter = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Inicializa la intancia de la impresora /// </summary> private void InitPrinter() { if (_printer.State == ControlState.Closed) { try { _printer.Open(); }catch (SystemException e) { throw new NullReferenceException( "Impresora no conectada o no encontrada"); } } if (!_printer.Claimed) { _printer.Claim(0); } if (!_printer.DeviceEnabled) { _printer.DeviceEnabled = true; } if (!_printer.RecLetterQuality) { //Si es true imprime en modo de alta resolucion, en false imprime en alta velocidad _printer.RecLetterQuality = true; } }
private void cariodetamaminiode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Musteriler musteriler = new Musteriler(); var MusteriCariOde = db.Musteriler.Where(w => w.MusteriAdi == cariodemusteriadi.Text).FirstOrDefault(); try { String Odeme = MusteriCariOde.MusteriBakiyesi; MusteriCariOde.MusteriBakiyesi = "0"; db.SaveChanges(); var explorer = new PosExplorer(); var deviceInfo = explorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter); if (deviceInfo == null) { MessageBox.Show("BİLGİSAYARA BAĞLI YAZICI YOK YADA BAĞLANTI KURULAMADI", "ÇEKİRDEK KOD TERS MÜHENDİSLİK KORUMASI!"); return; } Yazici = (PosPrinter)explorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); Yazici.Open(); Yazici.Claim(500); Yazici.DeviceEnabled = true; Yazici.StatusUpdateEvent += (s, evt) => { if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOpen) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı açıldı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOK) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı kapandı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusJournalCartridgeEmpty) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kartuşu bitmek üzere"); } }; Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, " PRESTIGE CAFE " + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "CARİ ÖDEME BİLGİ FİŞİ" + " TARİH: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "MÜŞTERİ ADI : " + MusteriCariOde.MusteriAdi + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "--------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "MÜŞTERİ CARİSİ: " + Odeme + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "--------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "ÖDENEN MİKTAR : " + Odeme + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, " TEŞEKKÜR EDERİZ " + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "MARKETMATİK BETA V.1.0.2 [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.CutPaper(100); musteriyonetimformu = new MusteriYonetimFormu(); musteriyonetimformu.Show(); this.Close(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("DÖNGÜSEL VERİTABANI HATASI. DATA BULUNAMADI YADA VERİTABANI BAĞLANTISI KESİLDİ.", "ÇEKİRDEK KOD ÖLÜMCÜL HATA!"); MessageBox.Show("LÜTFEN GELİŞTİRİCİ İLE İRTİBAT KURUN. PROGRAM SONLANICAK", "ÇEKİRDEK KOD TERS MÜHENDİSLİK KORUMASI"); Application.Exit(); } }
public void printReceipt(Invoice invoice, bool openDrawer = false) { // return; setupPrinter(); try { m_Printer.Open(); //Get the exclusive control right for the opened device. //Then the device is disable from other application. m_Printer.Claim(1000); //Enable the device. bool result = m_Printer.DeviceEnabled = true; // this call also causes the "It is not initialized" error //string health = m_Printer.CheckHealth(HealthCheckLevel.External); } catch (PosControlException) { // ChangeButtonStatus(); } string receiptString = Receipt40Col.GetStandardReceipt(invoice); string barcodeString = invoice.Id ?? ""; while (barcodeString.Length < 8) { barcodeString = " " + barcodeString; } // int test = m_Printer.JrnLineChars //var file = Path.GetFullPath("Resources/logo.bmp"); // m_Printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt,((char)27).ToString() + "|cA" + receiptString); //m_Printer.PrintBitmap(PrinterStation.Receipt, file, 300, PosPrinter.PrinterBitmapCenter); var headerImage = Receipt40Col.GetInvoiceHeaderBitmap(); if (headerImage != null) { m_Printer.PrintBitmap(PrinterStation.Receipt, headerImage, 400, PosPrinter.PrinterBitmapCenter); } //m_Printer.PrintMemoryBitmap(new BitmapData()); m_Printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, receiptString); var footerImage = Receipt40Col.GetInvoiceFooterBitmap(); if (footerImage != null) { m_Printer.PrintBitmap(PrinterStation.Receipt, footerImage, 400, PosPrinter.PrinterBitmapCenter); } m_Printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, Receipt40Col.extraLines(8)); if (openDrawer) { m_Printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, ((char)27).ToString() + "|\x07"); } }
public static void createPos() { explorer = new PosExplorer(); DeviceInfo receiptPrinterDevice = explorer.GetDevice("PosPrinter", Properties.Settings.Default.KitchenPrinter); //May need to change this if you don't use a logicial name or use a different one. kitchenPrinter = (PosPrinter)explorer.CreateInstance(receiptPrinterDevice); kitchenPrinter.Open(); kitchenPrinter.Claim(10000); kitchenPrinter.DeviceEnabled = true; }
public IReceiptPrinter GetReceiptPrinter() { if (_printer == null) { DeviceInfo printerDeviceInfo = _exp.GetDevice("PosPrinter"); PosPrinter printer = (PosPrinter)_exp.CreateInstance(printerDeviceInfo); _printer = new ReceiptPrinterWrapper(printer); printer.Open(); } return(_printer); }
private void ConnectToPrinter(PosPrinter printer) { try { printer.Open(); printer.Claim(10000); printer.DeviceEnabled = true; } catch { } }
private void OpenClaimEnablePosPrinter() { try { PosPrinter.Open(); PosPrinter.Claim(0); PosPrinter.DeviceEnabled = true; } catch (PosControlException e) { Debug.WriteLine("OpenClaimEnablePosPrinter(): {0}", e); if (e.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Extended) { Debug.WriteLine("Extended: ", e.ErrorCodeExtended); } } }
private void open_claim_enable_printer(PosPrinter p) { try { p.Open(); p.Claim(0); p.DeviceEnabled = true; } catch (PosControlException e) { Debug.WriteLine("Point of sale control exception: {0}", e); if (e.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Extended) { Debug.WriteLine("Extended: ", e.ErrorCodeExtended); } } }
private void OpenPrinter() { try { SetStatusMessage("Drivers detected...Attempting to open device..."); //Open the device m_Printer.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Application received an error while trying to initialize device...", "frmStartUp", "OpenPrinter"); SetStatusMessage("Application received an error while trying open device."); } }
private void InitPrinter() { string strLogicalName = "PosPrinter"; try { //Create PosExplorer PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null; try { deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, strLogicalName); m_Printer = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); } catch (Exception) { PrinterReady = false; return; } //Open the device m_Printer.Open(); //Get the exclusive control right for the opened device. //Then the device is disable from other application. m_Printer.Claim(1000); //Enable the device. m_Printer.DeviceEnabled = true; m_Printer.RecLetterQuality = false; m_Printer.MapMode = MapMode.Metric; PrinterReady = true; } catch (PosControlException) { PrinterReady = false; } }
private void ClaimPrinter() { //Open the device m_Printer.Open(); //Get the exclusive control right for the opened device. //Then the device is disable from other application. if (!m_Printer.Claimed) { m_Printer.Claim(1000); } //Enable the device. m_Printer.DeviceEnabled = true; //<<<step3>>>--Start //Output by the high quality mode m_Printer.RecLetterQuality = true; m_Printer.MapMode = MapMode.Metric; }
/// <summary> /// The processing code required in order to enable to use of service is written here. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void frmStep1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //<<<step1>>>--Start //Use a Logical Device Name which has been set on the SetupPOS. string strLogicalName = "PosPrinter"; try { //Create PosExplorer PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null; try { deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, strLogicalName); m_Printer = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); } catch (Exception) { ChangeButtonStatus(); return; } //Open the device m_Printer.Open(); //Get the exclusive control right for the opened device. //Then the device is disable from other application. m_Printer.Claim(1000); //Enable the device. m_Printer.DeviceEnabled = true; } catch (PosControlException) { ChangeButtonStatus(); } //<<<step1>>>--End }
public bool init(bool asasynchronous) //初始化 { async = asasynchronous; string strLogicalName = "PosPrinter"; try { PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null; try { deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, strLogicalName); m_Printer = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); } catch (Exception) { //return false; } m_Printer.Open(); m_Printer.Claim(1000); m_Printer.DeviceEnabled = true; m_Printer.RecLetterQuality = true; m_Printer.MapMode = MapMode.Metric; } catch (Exception ex) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\hot.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + ex.ToString() + "\r\n"); return(false); } return(true); }
public void print(String PrintString) { try { string myString; _printer.Open(); _printer.Claim(1000); _printer.AsyncMode = false; //Must be False!!!!!!!! _printer.DeviceEnabled = true; myString = PrintString.Replace("ESC", Convert.ToChar(27).ToString()) + Convert.ToChar(13).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(10).ToString(); _printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, myString); //_printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, Convert.ToChar(13).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(10).ToString()); //_printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, Convert.ToChar(13).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(10).ToString()); //_printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, Convert.ToChar(13).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(10).ToString()); //_printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, Convert.ToChar(13).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(10).ToString()); _printer.CutPaper(90); _printer.DeviceEnabled = false; _printer.Release(); _printer.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void Panel_productos_Faltantes_Bodega_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.dataGrid1.CurrentCell = (DataGridViewCell)null; this.dataGrid1.DataSource = (object)this.depot.MissingProducts().DefaultView; // setCheckAllBtn(); try { //Create PosExplorer PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); try { posPrinter = posExplorer.CreateInstance(posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, "PosPrinter")) as PosPrinter; posPrinter.Open(); } catch (Exception) { } } catch (PosControlException) { //Nothing can be used. MessageBox.Show("No se tuvo acceso a la impresora o al cajon"); } }
private static void ConnectToPrinter(PosPrinter printer) { printer.Open(); printer.Claim(10000); printer.DeviceEnabled = true; }
public void Initialize(string printerName) { posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); DeviceInfo deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, printerName); if (deviceInfo is null) { PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"指定された論理デバイス名 \"{printerName}\" は不正です。OPOS ADK でこの名前のプリンターが登録されているか確認して下さい。", "プリンター GetDevice エラー"); return; } try { posPrinter = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"不明なエラーが発生しました: {ex.Message}", "プリンター CreateInstance エラー"); } try { posPrinter.Open(); } catch (PosControlException ex) { switch (ex.ErrorCode) { case ErrorCode.Illegal: if (ex.Message.Contains("invalid parameter value")) { PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"指定された論理デバイス名 \"{printerName}\" は不正です。OPOS ADK でこの名前のプリンターが登録されているか確認して下さい。", "プリンター Open エラー"); } else if (ex.Message.Contains("already open")) { PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"接続処理に失敗しました。プリンターが他のアプリケーションで使用されている可能性があります。", "プリンター Open エラー"); } else { PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"不明なエラーが発生しました:【ErrorCode: Illegal】 {ex.Message}", "プリンター Open エラー"); } break; case ErrorCode.NoService: PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"接続処理に失敗しました。お使いのプリンターの不具合の可能性があります。", "プリンター Open エラー"); break; default: PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"不明なエラーが発生しました:【ErrorCode: {ex.ErrorCode}】 {ex.Message}", "プリンター Open エラー"); break; } return; } try { posPrinter.Claim(5000); } catch (PosControlException ex) { switch (ex.ErrorCode) { case ErrorCode.Closed: PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"ソフトウェアの不具合です。お手数ですが開発者へご連絡下さい。ご連絡の際にはこちらのエラーコードをお伝え下さい:【CA-CO】", "プリンター Claim エラー"); break; case ErrorCode.Illegal: PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"プリンターに接続出来ませんでした。", "プリンター Claim エラー"); break; case ErrorCode.Timeout: PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"時間内に接続出来ませんでした。プリンターが他のアプリケーションで使用されている可能性があります。", "プリンター Claim エラー"); break; case ErrorCode.Failure: PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"不明なエラーが発生しました:【ErrorCode: Failure】 {ex.Message}", "プリンター Claim エラー"); break; default: PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"不明なエラーが発生しました:【ErrorCode: {ex.ErrorCode}】 {ex.Message}", "プリンター Claim エラー"); break; } return; } try { posPrinter.DeviceEnabled = true; posPrinter.MapMode = MapMode.Dots; posPrinter.RecLetterQuality = true; } catch (Exception ex) { PluginHost.ThrowWarning($"不明なエラーが発生しました:【{ex.GetType().Name}】 {ex.Message}", "プリンターセットアップエラー"); } }
public void openConnection() { SesionEnt.printerEnabled = false; string logicalName = "PosPrinter2"; PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null; try { deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, logicalName); } catch (Exception exceptionX) { throw exceptionX; } if (deviceInfo != null) { try { posPrinter = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); } catch (Exception exceptionX) { throw exceptionX; } try { posPrinter.Open(); posPrinter.PowerNotify = PowerNotification.Enabled; } catch (Exception exceptionX) { throw exceptionX; } if (posPrinter != null) { try { posPrinter.Claim(1000); } catch (PosControlException posControlExceptionX) { throw posControlExceptionX; } try { posPrinter.DeviceEnabled = true; } catch (PosControlException posControlExceptionX) { throw posControlExceptionX; } try { posPrinter.RecLetterQuality = false; posPrinter.MapMode = MapMode.Metric; SesionEnt.posPrinter = posPrinter; SesionEnt.printerEnabled = true; } catch (PosControlException posControlExceptionX) { throw posControlExceptionX; } } } }
//prepare printer private void prepare() { string strLogicalName = "PosPrinter"; try { PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null; try { deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, strLogicalName); m_Printer = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("error2"); Console.WriteLine(e); } m_Printer.Open(); m_Printer.Claim(1000); m_Printer.DeviceEnabled = true; } catch (PosControlException e) { Console.WriteLine("error3"); Console.WriteLine(e); } finally { //release(); } }
//public Printer(POS.Data.SQLiteHelper Helper) //打印 //{ // //mSQLiteHelper = Helper; // //mForm = form; //} public bool init(bool asasynchronous) //初始化 { async = asasynchronous; //Use a Logical Device Name which has been set on the SetupPOS. string strLogicalName = "PosPrinter"; try { //Create PosExplorer PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null; try { deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, strLogicalName); m_Printer = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); } catch (Exception) { //ChangeButtonStatus(false); /* * System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\POS_Log.txt", "Printer.cs:init():" + * DateTime.Now.ToString() + exception.ToString() + "\r\n"); */ return(false); } //<<<step10>>>--Start //Register OutputCompleteEvent //AddErrorEvent(m_Printer); //Register OutputCompleteEvent // AddStatusUpdateEvent(m_Printer); //Open the device m_Printer.Open(); //Get the exclusive control right for the opened device. //Then the device is disable from other application. m_Printer.Claim(1000); //Enable the device. m_Printer.DeviceEnabled = true; //Output by the high quality mode m_Printer.RecLetterQuality = true; // Even if using any printers, 0.01mm unit makes it possible to print neatly. m_Printer.MapMode = MapMode.Metric; } catch (PosControlException ex) { //ChangeButtonStatus(false); /* * System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\POS_Log.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() + * "Printer.cs:init():" + ex.ToString() + "\r\n"); */ System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\hot.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + ex.ToString() + "\r\n"); return(false); } //<<<step1>>>--End return(true); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult Uyari = new DialogResult(); Uyari = MessageBox.Show("ŞUANA KADARKİ SATIŞ RAPORU ÇIKARTILACAK DEVAM EDİLSİN Mİ?", "UYARI!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (Uyari == DialogResult.Yes) { try { var ekle = db.KasaGunlukToplam.Where(p => p.Tarih == Tarih).FirstOrDefault(); double giderler = double.Parse(ekle.Giderler); double kar = double.Parse(ekle.Kar); double ciro = double.Parse(ekle.Ciro); double duskar = kar - giderler; double dusciro = ciro - giderler; var explorer = new PosExplorer(); var deviceInfo = explorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter); if (deviceInfo == null) { MessageBox.Show("BİLGİSAYARA BAĞLI YAZICI YOK YADA BAĞLANTI KURULAMADI", "ÇEKİRDEK KOD TERS MÜHENDİSLİK KORUMASI!"); return; } Yazici = (PosPrinter)explorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); Yazici.Open(); Yazici.Claim(500); Yazici.DeviceEnabled = true; Yazici.StatusUpdateEvent += (s, evt) => { if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOpen) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı açıldı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOK) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı kapandı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusJournalCartridgeEmpty) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kartuşu bitmek üzere"); } }; Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, " Marketmatik " + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "GÜNLÜK SATIŞ RAPORU" + " TARİH: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "TOPLAM SATIŞ: " + ekle.Ciro + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "TOPLAM KAR : " + ekle.Kar + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "BUGÜN TOPLAM GİDER: " + giderler.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "BUGÜNKÜ KAR'DAN GİDERİN DÜŞÜMÜ: " + duskar.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "BUGÜNKÜ CİRO'DAN GİDERİN DÜŞÜMÜ: " + dusciro.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "----MALİ DEĞERİ YOKTUR---" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "MARKETMATİK BETA V.1.0.2 [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.CutPaper(100); MessageBox.Show("RAPOR BAŞARIYLA YAZDIRILDI", "UYARI!"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Slip Basılamadı", "Hata"); } } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //Peşin Ödeme { if (KONTROL == true) { try { var ekle = db.KasaGunlukToplam.Where(p => p.Tarih == Tarih).FirstOrDefault(); var ekle1 = db.KasaAylik.Where(p => p.Tarih == Ay).FirstOrDefault(); double Oncekikar = double.Parse(ekle.Kar); double kartopla = Oncekikar + AnlikKar; double OncekiCiro = double.Parse(ekle.Ciro); double Cirotopla = OncekiCiro + AnlikCiro; double aykar = double.Parse(ekle1.KasaAylikKar); double ayciro = double.Parse(ekle1.KasaAylikCiro); double aykartopla = kartopla + aykar; double aycirotopla = Cirotopla + ayciro; ekle1.KasaAylikCiro = aycirotopla.ToString(); ekle1.KasaAylikKar = aykartopla.ToString(); ekle.Ciro = Cirotopla.ToString(); ekle.Kar = kartopla.ToString(); db.SaveChanges(); var explorer = new PosExplorer(); var deviceInfo = explorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter); if (deviceInfo == null) { MessageBox.Show("BİLGİSAYARA BAĞLI YAZICI YOK YADA BAĞLANTI KURULAMADI", "ÇEKİRDEK KOD TERS MÜHENDİSLİK KORUMASI!"); return; } Yazici = (PosPrinter)explorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); Yazici.Open(); Yazici.Claim(500); Yazici.DeviceEnabled = true; Yazici.StatusUpdateEvent += (s, evt) => { if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOpen) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı açıldı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOK) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı kapandı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusJournalCartridgeEmpty) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kartuşu bitmek üzere"); } }; Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, " Marketmatik " + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "PEŞİN ÖDEME SATIŞ FİŞİ" + " TARİH: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { if (i == 100) { i = 0; return; } Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString() + " ---- " + dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "TOPLAM TUTAR: " + ToplamTutarTextBox.Text + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "----MALİ DEĞERİ YOKTUR---" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "MARKETMATİK BETA V.1.0.2 [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.CutPaper(100); KONTROL = false; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Slip Basılamadı", "Hata"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Alışveriş Sepetinde Ürün Yokken, Peşin Ödeme Yapılamaz!", "Genel Hata"); } }
public void Initialize(PosPrinter mPrinter) { PosExplorer posExplorer = null; DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null; string strLogicalName = "Printer"; try { //Create PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); try { deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, strLogicalName); } catch (Exception e) { mSend("当前系统中不止一台Printer设备,请设置默认的Printer类型打印机. 打印机异常"); mSend("前往 C:\\Program Files\\epson\\OPOS for .NET\\SetupPOS,运行 ,更改默认实例名为'Printer'"); System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\hot.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + e.ToString() + "\r\n"); return; } try { mPrinter = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); } catch (Exception e) { mSend("创建PosPrinter设备实例失败.打印机异常"); mSend("前往 C:\\Program Files\\epson\\OPOS for .NET\\SetupPOS,运行 ,检查默认实例名是否为'Printer'"); System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\hot.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + e.ToString() + "\r\n"); return; } AddErrorEvent(mPrinter); AddStatusUpdateEvent(mPrinter); //Open the device try { mPrinter.Open(); } catch (PosControlException e) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\hot.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + e.ToString() + "\r\n"); if (e.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Illegal) { mSend("打印机已经被打开! 打印机故障"); } else { mSend("打开打印机失败! 打印机故障"); } return; } //Get the exclusive control right for the opened device. //Then the device is disable from other application. try { mPrinter.Claim(1000); } catch (Exception e) { mSend("请检查打印机电源、连接线及退出其他正在占用打印机的程序,并稍后重试 打印机故障"); System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\hot.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + e.ToString() + "\r\n"); return; } //Enable the device. try { mPrinter.DeviceEnabled = true; } catch (Exception e) { mSend("试图使能打印机失败 打印机故障"); System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\hot.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + e.ToString() + "\r\n"); return; } try { //Output by the high quality mode mPrinter.RecLetterQuality = true; // Even if using any printers, 0.01mm unit makes it possible to print neatly. mPrinter.MapMode = MapMode.Metric; } catch (Exception e) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\hot.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + e.ToString() + "\r\n"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\hot.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + ex.ToString() + "\r\n"); return; } try { mPrinter.DeviceEnabled = false; mPrinter.Release(); } catch (PosControlException) { } finally { mPrinter.Close(); } mSend("打印机正常!"); }
private void SatisiBitir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (form1.KONTROL == true) { try { var ekle1 = db.KasaAylik.Where(p => p.Tarih == Ay).FirstOrDefault(); var ekle = db.KasaGunlukToplam.Where(p => p.Tarih == Tarih).FirstOrDefault(); var Bul = db.Musteriler.Where(w => w.MusteriAdi == SecAra.Text).FirstOrDefault(); double Oncekikar = double.Parse(ekle.Kar); double kartopla = Oncekikar + form1.AnlikKar; double OncekiCiro = double.Parse(ekle.Ciro); double Cirotopla = OncekiCiro + form1.AnlikCiro; ekle.Ciro = Cirotopla.ToString(); ekle.Kar = kartopla.ToString(); double aykar = double.Parse(ekle1.KasaAylikKar); double ayciro = double.Parse(ekle1.KasaAylikCiro); double aykartopla = kartopla + aykar; double aycirotopla = Cirotopla + ayciro; ekle1.KasaAylikCiro = aycirotopla.ToString(); ekle1.KasaAylikKar = aykartopla.ToString(); db.SaveChanges(); OncekiBakiye.Text = Bul.MusteriBakiyesi; MusteriOncekiBakiyeToplami = double.Parse(OncekiBakiye.Text); MusteriYeniBakiyeToplam = MusteriOncekiBakiyeToplami + AnlikSatisToplam; var explorer = new PosExplorer(); var deviceInfo = explorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter); if (deviceInfo == null) { MessageBox.Show("BİLGİSAYARA BAĞLI YAZICI YOK YADA BAĞLANTI KURULAMADI", "ÇEKİRDEK KOD TERS MÜHENDİSLİK KORUMASI!"); return; } Yazici = (PosPrinter)explorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); Yazici.Open(); Yazici.Claim(500); Yazici.DeviceEnabled = true; Yazici.StatusUpdateEvent += (s, evt) => { if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOpen) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı açıldı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOK) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı kapandı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusJournalCartridgeEmpty) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kartuşu bitmek üzere"); } }; Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, " PRESTIGE CAFE " + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "VERESİYE ÖDEME SATIŞ FİŞİ" + " TARİH: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "MÜŞTERİ ADI: " + Bul.MusteriAdi + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "MÜŞTERİ ÖNCEKİ BAKİYESİ: " + Bul.MusteriBakiyesi + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "MÜŞTERİ SATIŞ SONRAKİ BAKİYESİ: " + MusteriYeniBakiyeToplam.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); for (int i = 0; i < form1.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { if (i == 100) { i = 0; return; } Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, form1.dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString() + " ---- " + form1.dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "TOPLAM TUTAR: " + form1.ToplamTutarTextBox.Text + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "----MALİ DEĞERİ YOKTUR---" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "MARKETMATİK BETA V.1.0.2 [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.CutPaper(100); Bul.MusteriBakiyesi = MusteriYeniBakiyeToplam.ToString(); db.SaveChanges(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Veritabanı Hatası", "Kritik Sistem Hatası"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Alışveriş Sepetinde Ürün Yokken, Peşin Ödeme Yapılamaz!", "Genel Hata"); } form1.KONTROL = false; form1.dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); form1.sayac = 0; form1.SonucToplam = 0; form1.AnlikSatisToplam = 0; form1.AnlikCiro = 0; form1.AnlikKar = 0; form1.ToplamTutarTextBox.Text = ""; this.Close(); form1.Visible = true; }
private void raporcikar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (secilenay == 0) { MessageBox.Show("RAPOR ÇIKARILACAK BİR AY SEÇİLMEDİ! ÖNCE BİR AY SEÇİN!", "KULLANICI HATASI"); } else { DialogResult Uyari = new DialogResult(); Uyari = MessageBox.Show("SEÇİLEN AYIN RAPORU ÇIKARILACAK DEVAM EDİLSİN Mİ?", "UYARI!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (Uyari == DialogResult.Yes) { Double AylikKar = double.Parse(aylikkar.Text); double AylikCiro = double.Parse(aylikciro.Text); double AylikGider = double.Parse(aylikgider.Text); double GiderdusKar = AylikKar - AylikGider; double GiderdusCiro = AylikCiro - AylikGider; Double AylikciroMusteri = AylikCiro - MusteriBorcu; double Aylikkarmusteri = AylikKar - MusteriBorcu; var explorer = new PosExplorer(); var deviceInfo = explorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter); if (deviceInfo == null) { MessageBox.Show("BİLGİSAYARA BAĞLI YAZICI YOK YADA BAĞLANTI KURULAMADI", "ÇEKİRDEK KOD TERS MÜHENDİSLİK KORUMASI!"); return; } Yazici = (PosPrinter)explorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); Yazici.Open(); Yazici.Claim(500); Yazici.DeviceEnabled = true; Yazici.StatusUpdateEvent += (s, evt) => { if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOpen) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı açıldı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusCoverOK) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kağıt kapağı kapandı"); } if (evt.Status == PosPrinter.StatusJournalCartridgeEmpty) { MessageBox.Show("Yazıcının kartuşu bitmek üzere"); } }; Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, " PRESTIGE CAFE " + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "AYLIK SATIŞ RAPORU" + " TARİH: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "TOPLAM CİRO: " + aylikciro.Text + " TL" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "TOPLAM KAR : " + aylikkar.Text + " TL" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "AYLIK TOPLAM GİDER: " + aylikgider.Text + " TL" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "AYLIK KAR'DAN GİDERİN DÜŞÜMÜ: " + GiderdusKar.ToString() + " TL" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "AYLIK CİRO'DAN GİDERİN DÜŞÜMÜ: " + GiderdusCiro.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "TOPLAM MÜŞTERİ BORCU: " + musteriborclari.Text + " TL" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "AYLIK CİRO'DAN MÜŞTERİ BORUCU DÜŞÜMÜ: " + AylikciroMusteri.ToString() + " TL" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "AYLIK KAR'DAN MÜŞTERİ BORUCU DÜŞÜMÜ: " + Aylikkarmusteri.ToString() + " TL" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "**************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "----MALİ DEĞERİ YOKTUR---" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip, "MARKETMATİK BETA V.1.0.2 [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine); Yazici.CutPaper(100); MessageBox.Show("RAPOR YAZDIRILDI", "UYARI!"); this.Close(); form234.Visible = true; } } }
public Printer(string logicalName, bool connect) { instance = this; if (connect) { this.profile = null; this.deviceStatus = PrintDeviceStatus.Properly; this.PrintStatus = PrintStatus.Stopped; try { DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null; PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, logicalName); device = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); device.Open(); device.Claim(1000); device.AsyncMode = false; device.DeviceEnabled = true; device.StatusUpdateEvent += Device_StatusUpdateEvent; device.ErrorEvent += (a, b) => { WriteLog("ERROR - " + b.ToString()); }; WriteLog(""); WriteLog("Drucker initialisiert; Status: " + device.State + device); if (device.RecNearEnd) Device_StatusUpdateEvent(this, new StatusUpdateEventArgs(25)); this.connected = connect; } catch (Exception ex) { string s = ex.Source; try { if (device != null) device.Release(); } catch { } throw new Exception("Verbindung zum Drucker fehlgeschlagen.", ex); } } else { this.connected = false; this.PrintStatus = PrintStatus.Stopped; this.deviceStatus = PrintDeviceStatus.Properly; } }