private Window CreateOperationsView(Toplevel top, Window win) { var operations = new Window("Actions") { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(win), Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() }; var quit = new Button(1, 0, "Quit") { Clicked = Program.Start }; var msg = new Button("Show file explorer position") { X = Pos.Right(quit) + 1, Y = 0, Clicked = () => { var result = MessageBox.Query(30, 15, "The title", $"W:{win.Bounds.Width} H:{win.Bounds.Height} X:{win.Bounds.X} Y:{win.Bounds.Y}", "Ok", "Not Ok"); } }; operations.Add(quit); operations.Add(msg); return(operations); }
public bool ShowDialog() { bool okClicked = false; var win = new Window(_prompt) { X = 0, Y = 0, // By using Dim.Fill(), it will automatically resize without manual intervention Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() }; var textField = new TextField(_initialText ?? "") { X = 1, Y = 1, Height = Dim.Fill(2), Width = Dim.Fill(2) }; var btnOk = new Button("Ok", true) { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(textField), Width = 10, Height = 1, IsDefault = true }; btnOk.Clicked += () => { okClicked = true; ResultText = textField.Text.ToString(); Application.RequestStop(); }; var btnCancel = new Button("Cancel", true) { X = Pos.Right(btnOk), Y = Pos.Bottom(textField), Width = 10, Height = 1 }; btnCancel.Clicked += () => { okClicked = false; Application.RequestStop(); }; win.Add(textField); win.Add(btnOk); win.Add(btnCancel); Application.Run(win); return(okClicked); }
public ControlsWindow() : base("Controls") { X = Pos.Right(Program.log); Y = Pos.Bottom(Program.status); Width = Dim.Fill(); Height = Dim.Fill(); Add( btnRestartClient = new Button(1, 1, "Restart client"), btnSkipItem = new Button(1, 2, "Skip item"), statusGroup = new RadioGroup(1, 3, new[] { "_Idle", "_Rare Item", "_Equip" }) );; btnSkipItem.Clicked = () => { Program.CancelScan = true; }; btnRestartClient.Clicked = async() => { Program.status.SetStatus("Initializing restart", ""); Program.CancelScan = true; Program.Restart = true; await Task.Delay(5000); }; statusGroup.SelectionChanged += OnStatusChange; }
public void Bottom_Equal_Inside_Window() { var win = new Window(); var label = new Label("This should be the last line.") { TextAlignment = Terminal.Gui.TextAlignment.Centered, ColorScheme = Colors.Menu, Width = Dim.Fill(), X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Bottom(win) - 4 // two lines top border more two lines above border }; win.Add(label); var top = Application.Top; top.Add(win); Application.Begin(top); Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 0, 80, 25), top.Frame); Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 0, 80, 25), win.Frame); Assert.Equal(new Rect(1, 1, 78, 23), win.Subviews [0].Frame); Assert.Equal("ContentView()({X=1,Y=1,Width=78,Height=23})", win.Subviews [0].ToString()); Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 0, 80, 25), new Rect( win.Frame.Left, win.Frame.Top, win.Frame.Right, win.Frame.Bottom)); Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 21, 78, 1), label.Frame); }
public static void Main(string [] args) { Application.Init(); var menu = new MenuBar(new MenuBarItem [] { new MenuBarItem("_File", new MenuItem [] { new MenuItem("_Close", "", () => Close()), new MenuItem("_Quit", "", () => { Application.RequestStop(); }) }), new MenuBarItem("_Edit", new MenuItem [] { new MenuItem("_Copy", "", null), new MenuItem("C_ut", "", null), new MenuItem("_Paste", "", null) }), }); var login = new Label("Login: "******"Password: "******"") { X = Pos.Right(password), Y = Pos.Top(login), Width = 40, ColorScheme = new ColorScheme() { Focus = Attribute.Make(Color.BrightYellow, Color.DarkGray), Normal = Attribute.Make(Color.Green, Color.BrightYellow), HotFocus = Attribute.Make(Color.BrightBlue, Color.Brown), HotNormal = Attribute.Make(Color.Red, Color.BrightRed), }, }; var passText = new TextField("") { Secret = true, X = Pos.Left(loginText), Y = Pos.Top(password), Width = Dim.Width(loginText) }; surface.Add(login, password, loginText, passText); Application.Top.Add(menu, surface); Application.Run(); }
private void Draw() { textView = new TextView() { X = 1, Y = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() - 1, ReadOnly = true }; textView.Text = @$ "Grimoire Automation Script Helper. Open source by Kelvys B. Visit the project repository at Version = {Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version} "; Add(textView); btnOk = new Button("Ok", true) { X = Pos.Right(this) - 64, Y = Pos.Bottom(this) - 4 }; btnOk.Clicked = () => Ok.Invoke(); Add(btnOk); }
private void InitializeComponents() { _labelSocketIdText = new Label("Socket Id :") { X = 1, Y = 1 }; Add(_labelSocketIdText); _labelSocketIdValue = new Label("0") { X = Pos.Right(_labelSocketIdText), Y = Pos.Top(_labelSocketIdText) }; Add(_labelSocketIdValue); _labelRemoteIpText = new Label("Remote Endpoint :") { X = Pos.Left(_labelSocketIdText), Y = Pos.Bottom(_labelSocketIdText) }; Add(_labelRemoteIpText); _labelRemoteIpValue = new Label("") { X = Pos.Right(_labelRemoteIpText), Y = Pos.Top(_labelRemoteIpText) }; Add(_labelRemoteIpValue); }
public override void Setup() { // Add a label & text field so we can demo IsDefault var editLabel = new Label("TextField (to demo IsDefault):") { X = 0, Y = 0, }; Win.Add(editLabel); // Add a TextField using Absolute layout. var edit = new TextField(31, 0, 15, ""); Win.Add(edit); // This is the default button (IsDefault = true); if user presses ENTER in the TextField // the scenario will quit var defaultButton = new Button("_Quit") { X = Pos.Center(), //TODO: Change to use Pos.AnchorEnd() Y = Pos.Bottom(Win) - 3, IsDefault = true, Clicked = () => Application.RequestStop(), }; Win.Add(defaultButton); var swapButton = new Button(50, 0, "Swap Default (Absolute Layout)"); swapButton.Clicked = () => { defaultButton.IsDefault = !defaultButton.IsDefault; swapButton.IsDefault = !swapButton.IsDefault; }; Win.Add(swapButton);
public WorkerApp() { Data = "WorkerApp"; Width = Dim.Percent(80); Height = Dim.Percent(50); ColorScheme = Colors.Base; var label = new Label("Worker collection Log") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = 0 }; Add(label); listLog = new ListView(log) { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(label), Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() }; Add(listLog); }
public void Run() { //new Example().Sample(); Application.Init(); var top = Application.Top; AddWorkspaceWindow(top); var repositoryWindow = new Window("Repository") { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(_workspaceWindow), Width = 15, Height = Dim.Fill() }; top.Add(repositoryWindow); AddUnStagedWindow(top); var compareWindow = new Window("compare") { X = Pos.Right(_unStagedWindow), Y = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() }; top.Add(compareWindow); AddMenuBar(top); //top.Redraw(new Rect(0,0, Application.Top.Bounds.Width, Application.Top.Bounds.Height)); Application.Run(); Application.Shutdown(); }
public void Bottom_Equal_Inside_Window_With_MenuBar_And_StatusBar_On_Toplevel() { var win = new Window(); var label = new Label("This should be the last line.") { TextAlignment = Terminal.Gui.TextAlignment.Centered, ColorScheme = Colors.Menu, Width = Dim.Fill(), X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Bottom(win) - 4 // two lines top border more two lines above border }; win.Add(label); var menu = new MenuBar(); var status = new StatusBar(); var top = Application.Top; top.Add(win, menu, status); Application.Begin(top); Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 0, 80, 25), top.Frame); Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 0, 80, 1), menu.Frame); Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 24, 80, 1), status.Frame); Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 1, 80, 23), win.Frame); Assert.Equal(new Rect(1, 1, 78, 21), win.Subviews [0].Frame); Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 1, 80, 24), new Rect( win.Frame.Left, win.Frame.Top, win.Frame.Right, win.Frame.Bottom)); Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 20, 78, 1), label.Frame); }
public override void Setup() { var s = "This is a test intended to show how TAB key works (or doesn't) across text fields."; Win.Add(new TextField(s) { X = 5, Y = 1, Width = Dim.Percent(80), ColorScheme = Colors.Dialog }); var textView = new TextView() { X = 5, Y = 3, Width = Dim.Percent(80), Height = Dim.Percent(40), ColorScheme = Colors.Dialog }; textView.Text = s; Win.Add(textView); // BUGBUG: 531 - TAB doesn't go to next control from HexView var hexView = new HexView(new System.IO.MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s))) { X = 5, Y = Pos.Bottom(textView) + 1, Width = Dim.Percent(80), Height = Dim.Percent(40), ColorScheme = Colors.Dialog }; Win.Add(hexView); var dateField = new DateField(System.DateTime.Now) { X = 5, Y = Pos.Bottom(hexView) + 1, Width = Dim.Percent(40), ColorScheme = Colors.Dialog, IsShortFormat = false }; Win.Add(dateField); var timeField = new TimeField(System.DateTime.Now) { X = Pos.Right(dateField) + 5, Y = Pos.Bottom(hexView) + 1, Width = Dim.Percent(40), ColorScheme = Colors.Dialog, IsShortFormat = false }; Win.Add(timeField); }
public void ShowDialog() { var win = new Window("Edit " + DatabaseObject.GetType().Name) { X = 0, Y = 0, // By using Dim.Fill(), it will automatically resize without manual intervention Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() }; List <TreeNode> nodes = new List <TreeNode>(); AddRecursively(DatabaseObject, 0, nodes); var list = new ListView(nodes) { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(2), Height = Dim.Fill(2) }; var btnSet = new Button("Edit") { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(list), Width = 5, Height = 1, IsDefault = true }; btnSet.Clicked += () => { if (list.SelectedItem != -1) { nodes[list.SelectedItem].Edit(); } }; var btnClose = new Button("Close") { X = Pos.Right(btnSet) + 3, Y = Pos.Bottom(list), Width = 5, Height = 1 }; btnClose.Clicked += Application.RequestStop; win.Add(list); win.Add(btnSet); win.Add(btnClose); Application.Run(win); }
public void Dim_Add_Operator() { Application.Init(new FakeDriver(), new FakeMainLoop(() => FakeConsole.ReadKey(true))); var top = Application.Top; var view = new View() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = 20, Height = 0 }; var field = new TextField() { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(view), Width = 20 }; var count = 0; field.KeyDown += (k) => { if (k.KeyEvent.Key == Key.Enter) { field.Text = $"Label {count}"; var label = new Label(field.Text) { X = 0, Y = view.Bounds.Height, Width = 20 }; view.Add(label); Assert.Equal($"Label {count}", label.Text); Assert.Equal($"Pos.Absolute({count})", label.Y.ToString()); Assert.Equal($"Dim.Absolute({count})", view.Height.ToString()); view.Height += 1; count++; Assert.Equal($"Dim.Absolute({count})", view.Height.ToString()); } }; Application.Iteration += () => { while (count < 20) { field.OnKeyDown(new KeyEvent(Key.Enter, new KeyModifiers())); } Application.RequestStop(); }; var win = new Window(); win.Add(view); win.Add(field); top.Add(win); Application.Run(top); Assert.Equal(20, count); // Shutdown must be called to safely clean up Application if Init has been called Application.Shutdown(); }
public JoystickView(ustring title) : base(title) { XLabel = new Label("Raw X:") { X = 0, Y = 0 }; Add(XLabel); XValue = new TextField("0.0000000000") { X = Pos.Right(XLabel) + 1, Y = Pos.Top(XLabel) }; Add(XValue); YLabel = new Label("Raw Y:") { X = Pos.Left(XLabel), Y = Pos.Bottom(XLabel) }; Add(YLabel); YValue = new TextField("0.0000000000") { X = Pos.Right(YLabel) + 1, Y = Pos.Top(YLabel) }; Add(YValue); XDegree = new TextField("180") { X = 50, Y = Pos.Top(XLabel) }; Add(XDegree); XDegreeLabel = new Label("Servo X:") { X = Pos.Left(XDegree) - 9, Y = 0, }; Add(XDegreeLabel); YDegree = new TextField("180") { X = 50, Y = Pos.Bottom(XDegreeLabel) }; Add(YDegree); YDegreeLabel = new Label("Servo Y:") { X = Pos.Left(YDegree) - 9, Y = Pos.Bottom(XDegree), }; Add(YDegreeLabel); }
private void Init() { Modal = true; ColorScheme = Colors.Error; // Creates the top-level window to show var win = new Window("Sleep") { X = 0, Y = 0, // By using Dim.Fill(), it will automatically resize without manual intervention Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() }; win.ColorScheme = Colors.ColorSchemes["Dialog"]; Add(win); // Window Content _sleepModeLabel = new Label("Sleep mode is on, waiting for fingerprints...") { X = 2, Y = 1, Width = Dim.Fill() }; _readCountLabel = new Label("Read: 0") { X = Pos.Left(_sleepModeLabel), Y = Pos.Bottom(_sleepModeLabel) + 1, Width = Dim.Fill() }; _lastReadLabel = new Label("Last User: - 1") { X = Pos.Left(_readCountLabel), Y = Pos.Bottom(_readCountLabel), Width = Dim.Fill() }; var stopButton = new Button("_Stop") { X = Pos.Right(this) - 11, Y = Pos.Bottom(this) - 2 }; stopButton.Clicked += () => { _fingerprintSensor.Waked -= FingerprintSensor_Waked; Application.RequestStop(); }; win.Add(_sleepModeLabel, _readCountLabel, _lastReadLabel); Add(stopButton); _fingerprintSensor.Waked += FingerprintSensor_Waked; _fingerprintSensor.Sleep(); }
public override void Setup() { Win.Title = this.GetName(); Win.Y = 1; // menu Win.Height = Dim.Fill(1); // status bar Top.LayoutSubviews(); var menu = new MenuBar(new MenuBarItem [] { new MenuBarItem("_File", new MenuItem [] { new MenuItem("_New", "", () => New()), new MenuItem("_Open", "", () => Open()), new MenuItem("_Save", "", () => Save()), new MenuItem("_Save As", "", () => SaveAs()), new MenuItem("_Close", "", () => Close()), new MenuItem("_Quit", "", () => Quit()), }) }); Top.Add(menu); tabView = new TabView() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill(1), }; tabView.Style.ShowBorder = false; tabView.ApplyStyleChanges(); Win.Add(tabView); var statusBar = new StatusBar(new StatusItem [] { new StatusItem(Key.CtrlMask | Key.Q, "~^Q~ Quit", () => Quit()), // These shortcut keys don't seem to work correctly in linux //new StatusItem(Key.CtrlMask | Key.N, "~^O~ Open", () => Open()), //new StatusItem(Key.CtrlMask | Key.N, "~^N~ New", () => New()), new StatusItem(Key.CtrlMask | Key.S, "~^S~ Save", () => Save()), new StatusItem(Key.CtrlMask | Key.W, "~^W~ Close", () => Close()), }); Win.Add(lblStatus = new Label("Len:") { Y = Pos.Bottom(tabView), Width = Dim.Fill(), TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right }); tabView.SelectedTabChanged += (s, e) => UpdateStatus(e.NewTab); Top.Add(statusBar); New(); }
public Dialog MenuView(Window previousWin, Player player, Toplevel top) { var gameButton = new Button("Jeu", false) { X = x, Y = y, }; gameButton.Clicked += () => { ChoosePseudoToLaunchGame(player, previousWin); }; var settingsButton = new Button("Options", false) { X = x, Y = Pos.Bottom(gameButton) + 1 }; settingsButton.Clicked += () => { Settings(outputDevice, previousWin); }; var helpButton = new Button("Aide Jeu", false) { X = x, Y = Pos.Bottom(settingsButton) + 1 }; helpButton.Clicked += () => { HelpView(previousWin); }; var creditButton = new Button("Credits", false) { X = x, Y = Pos.Bottom(helpButton) + 1 }; creditButton.Clicked += () => { Credit(previousWin); }; buttons = new Dialog("Menu"); buttons.Add( gameButton, settingsButton, helpButton, creditButton); return(buttons); }
public GeneratorSettingsWindow(GeneratorSettings settings) : base( "Code Generator - Generator Settings") { _settings = settings; var urlLabel = new Label(1, 2, "Server url:"); _serverUrl = new TextField(_settings.ServerUrl) { X = 1, Y = Pos.Bottom(urlLabel) }; var clientFileLabel = new Label(1, 5, "Client file name:"); _clientFileName = new TextField(_settings.ClientFileName) { X = 1, Y = Pos.Bottom(clientFileLabel) }; var typesFileLabel = new Label(1, 8, "Types file name:"); _typesFileName = new TextField(_settings.TypesFileName) { X = 1, Y = Pos.Bottom(typesFileLabel) }; var g1Label = new Label(1, 11, "Types location:"); var g1Holder = new View { Y = Pos.Bottom(g1Label), X = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(1), Height = 4 }; _schemaPlace = new RadioGroup(new[] { "WithCode", "SeparatedFile", "AllSeparated" }, (int)_settings.SchemePlace); g1Holder.Add(_schemaPlace); var exitButton = new Button("Ok") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Percent(90), Clicked = Clicked }; Add(urlLabel, _serverUrl, clientFileLabel, _clientFileName, typesFileLabel, _typesFileName, g1Label, g1Holder, exitButton); }
public override void Setup() { List <string> items = new List <string> (); foreach (var dir in new [] { "/etc", @"\windows\System32" }) { if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { items = Directory.GetFiles(dir).Union(Directory.GetDirectories(dir)) .Select(Path.GetFileName) .Where(x => char.IsLetterOrDigit(x [0])) .OrderBy(x => x).ToList(); } } // ListView var lbListView = new Label("Listview") { ColorScheme = Colors.TopLevel, X = 0, Width = 30 }; var listview = new ListView(items) { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(lbListView) + 1, Height = Dim.Fill(2), Width = 30 }; listview.OpenSelectedItem += (ListViewItemEventArgs e) => lbListView.Text = items [listview.SelectedItem]; Win.Add(lbListView, listview); // ComboBox var lbComboBox = new Label("ComboBox") { ColorScheme = Colors.TopLevel, X = Pos.Right(lbListView) + 1, Width = Dim.Percent(60) }; var comboBox = new ComboBox() { X = Pos.Right(listview) + 1, Y = Pos.Bottom(lbListView) + 1, Height = Dim.Fill(2), Width = Dim.Percent(60) }; comboBox.SetSource(items); comboBox.SelectedItemChanged += (object sender, ustring text) => lbComboBox.Text = text; Win.Add(lbComboBox, comboBox); }
public void Init() { this.TextView = new TextView() { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(MainWindow.TopMenubar.MenuBar), Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill(), Text = "" }; }
private static void CreateInterface() { var top = Application.Top; var chatWindow = new Window("Chat") { X = 0, Y = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill(3) }; var messageWindow = new Window("Send message") { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(top) - 3, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 3 }; top.Add(chatWindow); top.Add(messageWindow); MessageText = new CustomInput("") { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill(), }; MessageText.OnPressEnter += MessageText_OnPressEnter; ChatText = new Label("") { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill() - 3, Height = Dim.Fill(), }; messageWindow.Add(MessageText); chatWindow.Add(ChatText); var menu = new MenuBar(new MenuBarItem[] { new MenuBarItem("_File", new MenuItem [] { new MenuItem("_Quit", "", () => { }) }) }); top.Add(menu); top.SetFocus(MessageText); }
public JsonSettingsWindow(JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings) : base( "Code Generator - Deserialization settings") { _jsonSerializerSettings = jsonSerializerSettings; var g1Label = new Label(1, 1, "NullValueHandling:"); var g1Holder = new View { Y = Pos.Bottom(g1Label), X = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(1), Height = 3 }; _nullValueHandlingOptions = new RadioGroup(new[] { "Include", "Ignore" }, (int)_jsonSerializerSettings.NullValueHandling); g1Holder.Add(_nullValueHandlingOptions); var g2Label = new Label(1, 5, "ConstructorHandling:"); var g2Holder = new View { X = 1, Y = Pos.Bottom(g2Label), Width = Dim.Fill(1), Height = 3 }; _constructorHandlingOptions = new RadioGroup(new[] { " Default", " AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor" }, (int)_jsonSerializerSettings.ConstructorHandling); g2Holder.Add(_constructorHandlingOptions); var g3Label = new Label(1, 9, "MissingMemberHandling:"); var g3Holder = new View { X = 1, Y = Pos.Bottom(g3Label), Width = Dim.Fill(1), Height = 3 }; _missingMemberHandlingOptions = new RadioGroup(new[] { "Ignore", "Error" }, (int)_jsonSerializerSettings.MissingMemberHandling); g3Holder.Add(_missingMemberHandlingOptions); var exitButton = new Button("Back") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Percent(80), Clicked = ProcessInput }; Add(g1Label, g1Holder, g2Label, g2Holder, g3Label, g3Holder, exitButton); }
public DashboardView(TcpSettingsGrid tcpSettingsGrid, TcpPerformanceGrid tcpPerformanceGrid) { Width = Dim.Fill(); Height = Dim.Fill(); VisibilityChangedEvent += tcpPerformanceGrid.VisibilityChanged; tcpSettingsGrid.Y = 0; tcpPerformanceGrid.Y = Pos.Bottom(tcpSettingsGrid) + 1; Add(tcpSettingsGrid); Add(tcpPerformanceGrid); }
public ConnectView() { var label = new Label("IP Address") { X = 1, Y = 3, Width = 50 }; var ipAddress = new TextField("") { X = Pos.Bottom(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(label), Width = Dim.Width(label) }; var userNameLabel = new Label("Username") { X = 1, Y = 5, Width = Dim.Width(ipAddress) }; var userNameText = new TextField("") { X = Pos.Bottom(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(userNameLabel), Width = Dim.Width(userNameLabel) }; var keyFileLabel = new Label("Absolute Path to key file") { X = 1, Y = 7, Width = Dim.Width(ipAddress) }; var keyFileText = new TextField("") { X = Pos.Bottom(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(keyFileLabel), Width = Dim.Width(keyFileLabel) }; var button = new Button("Submit") { X = 1, Y = 10, Width = Dim.Width(ipAddress) }; button.Clicked = () => label.Text = $"{userNameText.Text}@{ipAddress.Text}"; Add(label, ipAddress, userNameLabel, userNameText, keyFileLabel, keyFileText, button); }
public static Window generateWindow(Window baseWindow) { Window loginView = new Window(new Rect(0, 0, baseWindow.Frame.Width - 2, baseWindow.Frame.Height - 2), "Login"); var login = new Label("Wallet Name: ") { X = 3, Y = 6 }; var password = new Label("Wallet Password: "******"") { X = Pos.Right(password), Y = Pos.Top(login), Width = 40 }; var passText = new TextField("") { Secret = true, X = Pos.Left(loginText), Y = Pos.Top(password), Width = Dim.Width(loginText) }; var loginButton = new Button("Login") { X = 3, Y = 19, IsDefault = true, Clicked = () => { var subView = baseWindow.Subviews[0]; subView.RemoveAll(); var costView = DashboardView.generateWindow(baseWindow); baseWindow.Add(costView); costView.FocusFirst(); costView.LayoutSubviews(); } }; loginView.Add( new TextField(14, 2, 40, "Welcome to login view"), login, loginText, password, passText, loginButton ); return(loginView); }
public void DisplayMenu() { var loadButton = new Button("Load the openApi.json") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Percent(20), Clicked = _selectFileCommand.Execute }; var exitButton = new Button("Exit") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Bottom(loadButton), Clicked = _exitCommand.Execute }; _window.Add(loadButton, exitButton); }
public PickerApp() { int i = 0; foreach (var host in GetHosts()) { _apps[i++] = host; } Application.Init(); var top = Application.Top; var win = new Window("Picker") { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() }; top.Add(win); var options = new RadioGroup(1, 1, _apps.Select(a => a.Value.Name).ToArray()); var confirm = new Button("OK") { Y = Pos.Bottom(options) + 1, X = 1, Clicked = () => { Application.RequestStop(); Application.Run(_apps[options.Selected].Top()); } }; var quit = new Button("Quit") { Y = Pos.Bottom(options) + 1, X = Pos.Right(confirm) + 1, Clicked = () => { Application.RequestStop(); Environment.Exit(0); } }; win.Add(options, confirm, quit); Application.Run(); }
private void AddRows(Window win) { _listView = new ListView(_itemSource) { X = Pos.Left(_filterLabel), Y = Pos.Bottom(_filterLabel) + 3, // 1 for space, 1 for header, 1 for header underline Width = Dim.Fill(2), Height = Dim.Fill(), AllowsMarking = _applicationData.OutputMode != OutputModeOption.None, AllowsMultipleSelection = _applicationData.OutputMode == OutputModeOption.Multiple, }; win.Add(_listView); }
public void ShowStatusBarMessage(string text) { StatusButton = new Button(text) { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(HostPane), IsDefault = true, }; StatusButton.Clicked += () => { Top.Remove(StatusButton); }; Top.Add(StatusButton); }