private void GetChannelNames(RealtimeHostConfig config) { if (config == null) { InputNames = new string[0]; OutputNames = new string[0]; return; } var inputDeviceInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(config.InputDeviceID); var outputDeviceInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(config.OutputDeviceID); InputNames = Enumerable.Range(0, inputDeviceInfo.maxInputChannels) .Select(ch => { string chName = null; PortAudio.PaAsio_GetInputChannelName((PortAudio.PaDeviceIndex)config.InputDeviceID, ch, ref chName); return((ch + 1) + ": " + chName); }) .ToArray(); OutputNames = Enumerable.Range(0, outputDeviceInfo.maxOutputChannels) .Select(ch => { string chName = null; PortAudio.PaAsio_GetOutputChannelName((PortAudio.PaDeviceIndex)config.OutputDeviceID, ch, ref chName); return((ch + 1) + ": " + chName); }) .ToArray(); }
void ASIODeviceControlLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { int deviceCount = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceCount(); Console.WriteLine("Device count: " + paHostApiInfo.deviceCount + " default input device: " + paHostApiInfo.defaultInputDevice); deviceComboBox.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < deviceCount; i++) { PortAudio.PaDeviceInfo paDeviceInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i); PortAudio.PaHostApiInfo paHostApi = PortAudio.Pa_GetHostApiInfo(paDeviceInfo.hostApi); if (paHostApi.type == PortAudio.PaHostApiTypeId.paASIO) { Console.WriteLine("\n#" + i + "\n" + paDeviceInfo); if (paDeviceInfo.maxOutputChannels > 0) { deviceComboBox.Items.Add(new DeviceItem(i, paDeviceInfo)); if (i == paHostApiInfo.defaultOutputDevice) { deviceComboBox.SelectedIndex = deviceComboBox.Items.Count - 1; } } } } bufferSizeComboBox.Items.Clear(); int bufferSize = 256; while (bufferSize < 44100 / 2) { bufferSizeComboBox.Items.Add(bufferSize); bufferSize *= 2; } bufferSizeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 2; }
public void Record() { IntPtr userdata = IntPtr.Zero; // is essentially just a null pointer callbackDelegate = new PortAudio.PaStreamCallbackDelegate(myPaStreamCallback); PortAudio.Pa_Initialize(); PortAudio.PaStreamParameters outputparams = new PortAudio.PaStreamParameters(); outputparams.channelCount = 1; outputparams.sampleFormat = PortAudio.PaSampleFormat.paInt16; outputparams.device = PortAudio.Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice(); outputparams.suggestedLatency = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(outputparams.device).defaultLowInputLatency; outputparams.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = IntPtr.Zero; PortAudio.PaStreamParameters a = new PortAudio.PaStreamParameters(); //uninteresting output params cause i cant give it null a.channelCount = 1; a.sampleFormat = PortAudio.PaSampleFormat.paInt16; a.device = PortAudio.Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice(); a.suggestedLatency = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(a.device).defaultLowOutputLatency; a.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = IntPtr.Zero; PortAudio.PaError error = PortAudio.Pa_OpenStream(out stream, ref outputparams, ref a, this.sampleRate, (uint)NUM_SAMPLES, PortAudio.PaStreamFlags.paClipOff, callbackDelegate, IntPtr.Zero); this.isRecording = true; PortAudio.Pa_StartStream(stream); Thread myThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(record_loop)); myThread.Start(); }
public PortAudioPlayer(int channels, int frequency, uint framesPerBuffer, PortAudio.PaStreamCallbackDelegate paStreamCallback) { log("Initializing..."); this.channels = channels; this.frequency = frequency; this.framesPerBuffer = framesPerBuffer; this.paStreamCallback = paStreamCallback; if (errorCheck("Initialize", PortAudio.Pa_Initialize())) { this.disposed = true; // if Pa_Initialize() returns an error code, // Pa_Terminate() should NOT be called. throw new Exception("Can't initialize audio"); } int apiCount = PortAudio.Pa_GetHostApiCount(); for (int i = 0; i < apiCount; i++) { PortAudio.PaHostApiInfo availableApiInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetHostApiInfo(i); log("available API index: " + i + "\n" + availableApiInfo.ToString()); } this.hostApi = apiSelect(); log("selected Host API: " + this.hostApi); this.apiInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetHostApiInfo(this.hostApi); this.inputDeviceInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(apiInfo.defaultInputDevice); this.outputDeviceInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(apiInfo.defaultOutputDevice); log("input device:\n" + inputDeviceInfo.ToString()); log("output device:\n" + outputDeviceInfo.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Init PortAudio and list record devices /// </summary> /// <returns>true if success</returns> public bool Init() { _Devices = new List <SRecordDevice>(); try { if (_initialized) { CloseAll(); } if (errorCheck("Initialize", PortAudio.Pa_Initialize())) { return(false); } _initialized = true; int hostAPI = apiSelect(); int numDevices = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceCount(); for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) { PortAudio.PaDeviceInfo info = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i); if (info.hostApi == hostAPI && info.maxInputChannels > 0) { SRecordDevice dev = new SRecordDevice(); dev.ID = i; dev.Name =; dev.Driver = + i.ToString(); dev.Inputs = new List <SInput>(); SInput inp = new SInput(); inp.Name = "Default"; inp.Channels = info.maxInputChannels; if (inp.Channels > 2) { inp.Channels = 2; //more are not supported in vocaluxe } dev.Inputs.Add(inp); _Devices.Add(dev); } } _recHandle = new IntPtr[_Devices.Count]; _myRecProc = new PortAudio.PaStreamCallbackDelegate(myPaStreamCallback); _DeviceConfig = _Devices.ToArray(); } catch (Exception e) { _initialized = false; CLog.LogError("Error initializing PortAudio: " + e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
public int Open(string FileName) { if (_FileOpened) { return(-1); } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FileName)) { return(-1); } if (_FileOpened) { return(-1); } _Decoder = new CAudioDecoderFFmpeg(); _Decoder.Init(); try { if (errorCheck("Initialize", PortAudio.Pa_Initialize())) { return(-1); } _Initialized = true; int hostApi = apiSelect(); _apiInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetHostApiInfo(hostApi); _outputDeviceInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(_apiInfo.defaultOutputDevice); _paStreamCallback = new PortAudio.PaStreamCallbackDelegate(_PaStreamCallback); if (_outputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency < 0.1) { _outputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency = 0.1; } } catch (Exception) { _Initialized = false; CLog.LogError("Error Init PortAudio Playback"); return(-1); } _FileName = FileName; _Decoder.Open(FileName); _Duration = _Decoder.GetLength(); FormatInfo format = _Decoder.GetFormatInfo(); _ByteCount = 2 * format.ChannelCount; _BytesPerSecond = format.SamplesPerSecond * _ByteCount; _CurrentTime = 0f; _SyncTimer.Time = _CurrentTime; AudioStreams stream = new AudioStreams(0); IntPtr data = new IntPtr(0); PortAudio.PaStreamParameters outputParams = new PortAudio.PaStreamParameters(); outputParams.channelCount = format.ChannelCount; outputParams.device = _apiInfo.defaultOutputDevice; outputParams.sampleFormat = PortAudio.PaSampleFormat.paInt16; outputParams.suggestedLatency = _outputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency; errorCheck("OpenDefaultStream", PortAudio.Pa_OpenStream( out _Ptr, IntPtr.Zero, ref outputParams, format.SamplesPerSecond, (uint)CConfig.AudioBufferSize, PortAudio.PaStreamFlags.paNoFlag, _paStreamCallback, data)); stream.handle = _Ptr.ToInt32(); if (stream.handle != 0) { _Paused = true; _waiting = true; _FileOpened = true; _data = new RingBuffer(BUFSIZE); _NoMoreData = false; _DecoderThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; _DecoderThread.Name = Path.GetFileName(FileName); _DecoderThread.Start(); return(stream.handle); } return(-1); }
/// <summary> /// Start Voice Capturing /// </summary> /// <param name="DeviceConfig"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Start(SRecordDevice[] DeviceConfig) { if (!_initialized) { return(false); } if (DeviceConfig == null) { return(false); } if (_recHandle == null) { return(false); } if (_recHandle.Length == 0) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < _Buffer.Length; i++) { _Buffer[i].Reset(); } for (int i = 0; i < _recHandle.Length; i++) { _recHandle[i] = IntPtr.Zero; } _DeviceConfig = DeviceConfig; bool[] active = new bool[DeviceConfig.Length]; for (int dev = 0; dev < DeviceConfig.Length; dev++) { active[dev] = false; for (int inp = 0; inp < DeviceConfig[dev].Inputs.Count; inp++) { if (DeviceConfig[dev].Inputs[inp].PlayerChannel1 > 0 || DeviceConfig[dev].Inputs[inp].PlayerChannel2 > 0) { active[dev] = true; } } } bool result = true; for (int i = 0; i < _recHandle.Length; i++) { if (active[i]) { PortAudio.PaStreamParameters inputParams = new PortAudio.PaStreamParameters(); inputParams.channelCount = _DeviceConfig[i].Inputs[0].Channels; inputParams.device = _DeviceConfig[i].ID; inputParams.sampleFormat = PortAudio.PaSampleFormat.paInt16; inputParams.suggestedLatency = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(_DeviceConfig[i].ID).defaultLowInputLatency; if (errorCheck("OpenStream", PortAudio.Pa_OpenStream( out _recHandle[i], ref inputParams, IntPtr.Zero, 44100, 882, PortAudio.PaStreamFlags.paNoFlag, _myRecProc, new IntPtr(i)))) { return(false); } if (errorCheck("Start Stream", PortAudio.Pa_StartStream(_recHandle[i]))) { return(false); } } } return(result); }