public void SetPopup(PopupType popupType) { _actualType = popupType; bool isConfirmation = false; bool hasExitButton = false; _titleText.StringReference.TableEntryReference = _actualType.ToString() + "_Popup_Title"; _descriptionText.StringReference.TableEntryReference = _actualType.ToString() + "_Popup_Description"; string tableEntryReferenceConfirm = PopupButtonType.Confirm + "_" + _actualType; string tableEntryReferenceCancel = PopupButtonType.Cancel + "_" + _actualType; switch (_actualType) { case PopupType.NewGame: case PopupType.BackToMenu: isConfirmation = true; _popupButton1.SetButton(tableEntryReferenceConfirm, true); _popupButton2.SetButton(tableEntryReferenceCancel, false); hasExitButton = true; break; case PopupType.Quit: isConfirmation = true; _popupButton1.SetButton(tableEntryReferenceConfirm, true); _popupButton2.SetButton(tableEntryReferenceCancel, false); hasExitButton = false; break; default: isConfirmation = false; hasExitButton = false; break; } if (isConfirmation) // needs two button : Is a decision { _popupButton1.gameObject.SetActive(true); _popupButton2.gameObject.SetActive(true); _popupButton2.Clicked += CancelButtonClicked; _popupButton1.Clicked += ConfirmButtonClicked; } else // needs only one button : Is an information { _popupButton1.gameObject.SetActive(true); _popupButton2.gameObject.SetActive(false); _popupButton1.Clicked += ConfirmButtonClicked; } _buttonClose.gameObject.SetActive(hasExitButton); if (hasExitButton) // can exit : Has to take the decision or aknowledge the information { _inputReader.MenuCloseEvent += ClosePopupButtonClicked; } }
public void SetPopup(PopupType popupType) { actualType = popupType; bool isConfirmation = false; bool hasExitButton = false; _titleText.StringReference.TableEntryReference = actualType.ToString() + "_Popup_Title"; _descriptionText.StringReference.TableEntryReference = actualType.ToString() + "_Popup_Description"; switch (actualType) { case PopupType.NewGame: isConfirmation = true; _popupButton1.SetButton(PopupButtonType.Confirm, actualType); _popupButton2.SetButton(PopupButtonType.Cancel, actualType); hasExitButton = true; break; case PopupType.Quit: isConfirmation = true; _popupButton1.SetButton(PopupButtonType.Confirm, actualType); _popupButton2.SetButton(PopupButtonType.Cancel, actualType); hasExitButton = false; break; default: isConfirmation = false; hasExitButton = false; break; } if (isConfirmation) // needs two button : Is a decision { _popupButton1.gameObject.SetActive(true); _popupButton2.gameObject.SetActive(true); _popupButton1.SelectButton(); } else // needs only one button : Is an information { _popupButton1.gameObject.SetActive(true); _popupButton2.gameObject.SetActive(false); _popupButton1.SelectButton(); } _buttonClose.gameObject.SetActive(hasExitButton); if (hasExitButton) // can exit : Has to take the decision or aknowledge the information { _inputReader.closePopupEvent += _closePopupEvent.RaiseEvent; } }
public void OpenPopup(PopupType popupType, object state = null) { if (OpenedPopup != null) { Destroy(OpenedForm); } var prefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load(@"Popups/" + popupType.ToString(), typeof(GameObject)); if (prefab == null) { Debug.LogError("Prefab" + popupType.ToString() + "is null"); return; } OpenedPopup = Instantiate(prefab, Popups.transform); }
public void OpenPopup(PopupType popupType, BasePopupData data /*,bool isSingleOnScreen = false*/) { _canvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCanvas").GetComponent <Canvas>(); PopupData popupData = _popupDataList.popupDataList.Find(x => x.popupType == popupType); if (popupData == null) { Debug.LogError("PopupManager:OpenPopup The popup " + popupType.ToString() + "you are trying to open doesn`t exist."); return; } // if (isSingleOnScreen) //{ // CloseAllMenus(); //} //ifatuTODO - check if this is needed or corect //Destroy(_currentMenu); //_currentMenu = null; _currentPopup = Instantiate(popupData.popupPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); _currentPopup.Init(data); _currentPopup.transform.SetParent(_canvas.transform, false); // _currentMenu.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // _currentMenu.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); _popupStack.Add(_currentPopup); }
protected void SetupTitle(PopupType type, string titleStr) { // Setup text. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleStr)) { title.text = type.ToString(); } else { title.text = titleStr; } // Setup color. switch (type) { case PopupType.Info: title.color = infoColor; break; case PopupType.Warning: title.color = warningColor; break; case PopupType.Error: title.color = errorColor; break; } }
public bool ShowPopupWithNoData(PopupType type, string _message = null, Action noCallBack = null, Action yesCallBack = null) { if (PopupList.ContainsKey(type.ToString())) { BasePopupSimple popup = PopupList[type.ToString()]; if (popup != null) { popup.SetupData(_message, noCallBack, yesCallBack); popup.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); popup.OnShow(); return(true); } return(false); } bool check = InitPopup(type, _message, noCallBack, yesCallBack); return(check); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // public static PopupBase createPopup(GameObject popupGameObject, PopupType popupType) { if (popupType == PopupType.LevelCompleted) { return popupGameObject.AddComponent<PopupLevelCompleted>(); } SLog.logError("PopupFactory createPopup(): unknown type == " + popupType.ToString()); return null; }
public bool ShowPopupWithData <T>(PopupType type, T slot = default, List <T> slots = null, string message = null, Action noCallBack = null, Action yesCallBack = null) { if (PopupList.ContainsKey(type.ToString())) { BasePopupSimple popup = PopupList[type.ToString()]; if (popup != null) { BasePopup <T> _popup = popup as BasePopup <T>; _popup.SetupData(slot, slots, message, noCallBack, yesCallBack); _popup.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); _popup.OnShow(); return(true); } return(false); } bool check = InitPopup(type, slot, slots, message, noCallBack, yesCallBack); return(check); }
public static Text ShowPopup(string text, Vector2 position, PopupType popupType = PopupType.None) { var popup = Ref.CreateOrGetPopup(); popup.transform.position = position; popup.text = text; var setting = Ref.settingLibrary[popupType.ToString()]; Ref.StartCoroutine(Ref.AnimatePopup(popup, setting)); return(popup); }
// PopupParent 하위로 팝업 생성 public static BasePopup CreatePopup(PopupType popupType) { GameObject prefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/Popup/" + popupType.ToString()); if (canvasTr == null) { GameObject canvasObj = GameObject.Find("PopupParent"); canvasTr = canvasObj.transform; } GameObject popupObj = Instantiate(prefab, canvasTr); return(popupObj.GetComponent <BasePopup>()); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // public virtual void initialize(PopupType type, int popupNumber, PopupParamsBase popupParams) { _type = type; _name = "Popup" + type.ToString(); _popupNumber = popupNumber; popupCanvasGO = Instantiate (ResourcesBase.load(getCanvasPrefabPath()) as GameObject) as GameObject; = _name; popupCanvasGO.transform.localScale =; Canvas popupCanvas = popupCanvasGO.GetComponent<Canvas>(); popupCanvas.planeDistance = POPUP_FIRST_POSITION - popupNumber * POPUP_NEXT_POSITION; popupCanvas.sortingOrder = (popupNumber + 10); popupCanvas.worldCamera = SceneBase.getCurrentSceneClass().getUIManager().getUICamera().getCamera(); }
public Popup(PopupType pt) { = pt; string s2 = pt.ToString().ToLower(); string s = Char.ToUpper(s2[0]).ToString(); for (int i = 1; i < s2.Length; i++) { s += s2[i]; } foreach (Transform t in GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PopupCanvas").transform) { if ( == s) { go = t.gameObject; } } }
public void SendInPopupForUser(PopupType popupType, string message, string connectionId) { _context.Clients.Client(connectionId).showPopup(popupType.ToString(), message); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // public void showPopup(PopupType type, PopupParamsBase popupParams) { int popupNumber = popups.Count; PopupBase popup = PopupFactory.createPopup(gameObject, type); if (popup == null) { SLog.logError("PopupManager showPopup: type == " + type.ToString() + ", PopupBase popup == null"); return; } popup.initialize(type, popupNumber, popupParams); popups.Add(popup); }
public void ShowPopup(PopupType type) { LinkedListNode<string> node = popupsList.Find(type.ToString()); if (node != null) { popupsList.Remove(node); popupsList.AddLast(node); this.SetupNextPopup(type.ToString(), false); } else { this.SetupNextPopup(type.ToString(), true); } Workspace.Instance.SendMessage("DisableInput"); }
public void SendInPopupForAll(PopupType popupType, string message) { _context.Clients.All.showPopup(popupType.ToString(), message); }
public void SetButton(PopupButtonType _type, PopupType popupType) { _currentType = _type; _buttonText.StringReference.TableEntryReference = _currentType.ToString() + "_" + popupType.ToString(); }
private bool InitPopup <T>(PopupType type, T slot, List <T> slots = null, string message = null, Action noCallBack = null, Action yesCallBack = null) { // UpdateContainer(); BasePopupSimple popupPrefab = Resources.Load <BasePopupSimple>(string.Format(ResourcesConstant.POPUP_PATH, type.ToString())); if (popupPrefab == null) { return(false); } BasePopupSimple popup = GameMgr.Ins.InstantiateHelper(popupPrefab); PopupList.Add(popup.type.ToString(), popup); if (popup != null) { BasePopup <T> _popup = popup as BasePopup <T>; _popup.SetupData(slot, slots, message, noCallBack, yesCallBack); _popup.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); _popup.OnShow(); return(true); } return(false); }