public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); List<PopupOption<string>> options = new List<PopupOption<string>>(); if (UnityObject.FindObjectOfType<Timekeeper>() != null) { Timekeeper timekeeper = Timekeeper.instance; foreach (GlobalClock globalClock in timekeeper .GetComponents<GlobalClock>() .Where(gc => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(gc.key))) { options.Add(new PopupOption<string>(globalClock.key)); } } PopupOption<string> selectedOption; if (options.Any(o => o.value == property.stringValue)) { selectedOption = new PopupOption<string>(property.stringValue); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.stringValue)) { selectedOption = new PopupOption<string>(property.stringValue, property.stringValue + " (Missing)"); } else { selectedOption = null; } PopupOption<string> noneOption = new PopupOption<string>(null, "None"); var currentProperty = property; position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, label); PopupGUI<string>.Render ( position, gc => ChangeValue(currentProperty, gc), options, selectedOption, noneOption, property.hasMultipleDifferentValues ); EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); Timekeeper timekeeper = Timekeeper.instance; List <PopupOption <string> > options = new List <PopupOption <string> >(); foreach (GlobalClock globalClock in timekeeper .GetComponents <GlobalClock>() .Where(gc => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(gc.key))) { options.Add(new PopupOption <string>(globalClock.key)); } PopupOption <string> selectedOption; if (options.Any(o => o.value == property.stringValue)) { selectedOption = new PopupOption <string>(property.stringValue); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.stringValue)) { selectedOption = new PopupOption <string>(property.stringValue, property.stringValue + " (Missing)"); } else { selectedOption = null; } PopupOption <string> noneOption = new PopupOption <string>(null, "None"); var currentProperty = property; position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, label); PopupGUI <string> .Render ( position, gc => ChangeValue(currentProperty, gc), options, selectedOption, noneOption, property.hasMultipleDifferentValues ); EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }
public void Show(string text, PopupOption pop) { if (canvas.alpha <= 0) { popup = pop; Title.UpdateKey(text); canvas.alpha = 1; canvas.blocksRaycasts = true; canvas.interactable = true; CurrentSelect = evenSys.currentSelectedGameObject; evenSys.SetSelectedGameObject(Title.gameObject); back.enabled = true; } }
public void Hide() { if (ControlMenu) { if (boxes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Length; i++) { boxes[i].enabled = false; } } Debug.Log("Trato de Salvar"); /*/string saveFolder = PathUtility.GetInputSaveFolder(0); * if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(saveFolder)) * System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(saveFolder); * * * InputSaverXML saver = new InputSaverXML(saveFolder + "/input_config.xml"); * InputManager.Save(saver);/*/ if (tutoriales != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tutoriales.Length; i++) { tutoriales[i].UpdateInputKey(); } } if (optionObject != null) { optionObject.SetActive(true); } } evenSys.SetSelectedGameObject(CurrentSelect); CurrentSelect = null; popup = null; canvas.alpha = 0; canvas.blocksRaycasts = false; canvas.interactable = false; back.enabled = false; }
void OnValueChanged(string code, PopupOption joinOption) { joinOption.SetInteractable(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="resultCode"></param> /// <param name="popup"></param> public ResultMessage(ResultCode resultCode = ResultCode.Ok, PopupOption popup = PopupOption.Default) { Title = resultCode.GetDescription(); Message = resultCode.GetDescription(); Popup = popup; }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override void RenderMemberControl(Rect position) { // Other Targets // Some Unity Objects, like Assets, are not supported by the drawer. // Just display an error message to let the user change their target. if (targetType == UnityObjectType.Other) { EditorGUI.HelpBox(position, "Unsupported Unity Object type.", MessageType.None); return; } // Display a list of all available reflected members in a popup. var options = new List <PopupOption <TMember> >(); TMember value = GetValue(); PopupOption <TMember> selectedOption = null; PopupOption <TMember> noneOption = new PopupOption <TMember>(null, string.Format("No {0}", memberLabel)); if (targetType == UnityObjectType.GameObject) { // Check if all targets have a GameObject (none are empty). // If they do, display all members of the GameObject type. if (HasSharedGameObject()) { var gameObjectOptions = GetMemberOptions(typeof(GameObject)); foreach (var gameObjectOption in gameObjectOptions) { // Prefix label by GameObject for popup clarity. gameObjectOption.label = string.Format("GameObject/{0}", gameObjectOption.label); options.Add(gameObjectOption); } } // Find all shared component types across targets. // Display all members of each one found. foreach (Type componentType in GetSharedComponentTypes()) { var componentOptions = GetMemberOptions(componentType, componentType.Name); foreach (var componentOption in componentOptions) { // Prefix label and option by component type for clear distinction. componentOption.label = string.Format("{0}/{1}", componentType.Name, componentOption.label); options.Add(componentOption); } } // Determine which option is currently selected. if (value != null) { string label; if (value.component == null) { label = string.Format("GameObject.{0}",; } else { label = string.Format("{0}.{1}", value.component,; } UnityMethod method = value as UnityMethod; if (method != null) { string parameterString = string.Join(", ", method.parameterTypes.Select(t => t.PrettyName()).ToArray()); label += string.Format(" ({0})", parameterString); } TMember valueInOptions = options.Select(option => option.value).FirstOrDefault(member => member.Corresponds(value)); if (valueInOptions != null) { selectedOption = new PopupOption <TMember>(valueInOptions, label); } else { selectedOption = new PopupOption <TMember>(value, label); } } } else if (targetType == UnityObjectType.ScriptableObject) { // ScriptableObject Target // Make sure all targets share the same ScriptableObject Type. // If they do, display all members of that type. Type scriptableObjectType = GetSharedScriptableObjectType(); if (scriptableObjectType != null) { options.AddRange(GetMemberOptions(scriptableObjectType)); // Determine which option is currently selected. if (value != null) { selectedOption = options.Find(o => o.value.Corresponds(value)); if (selectedOption == null) { selectedOption = new PopupOption <TMember>(value,; } } } } // Make sure the callback uses the property of this drawer, not at its later value. var propertyNow = property; bool enabled = targetType != UnityObjectType.None; if (!enabled) { EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); } PopupGUI <TMember> .Render ( position, newValue => { Update(propertyNow); SetValue(newValue); propertyNow.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }, options, selectedOption, noneOption, hasMultipleDifferentValues ); if (!enabled) { EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } }
private void CreateUI() { _Panel = new StackPanel() { Padding = new Skill.Framework.UI.Thickness(2, 4, 2, 0) }; _TextureField = new Skill.Editor.UI.ObjectField <Texture2D>() { Object = _PaintColor.Texture, HorizontalAlignment = Skill.Framework.UI.HorizontalAlignment.Center, Width = 80, Height = 80, Margin = new Skill.Framework.UI.Thickness(2) }; #region _TbChannels _TbChannels = new UI.TabHeader(4, true) { Margin = new Thickness(0, 2, 0, 10), HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Width = 200, Height = 20 }; _TbChannels[0].text = "R"; _TbChannels[1].text = "G"; _TbChannels[2].text = "B"; _TbChannels[3].text = "A"; _TbChannels.SetTabSelected(0, _PaintColor.ChannelR); _TbChannels.SetTabSelected(1, _PaintColor.ChannelG); _TbChannels.SetTabSelected(2, _PaintColor.ChannelB); _TbChannels.SetTabSelected(3, _PaintColor.ChannelA); #endregion #region _LayersField and _PUV and _TbBrush Grid layersPanel = new Grid() { Height = 32, Padding = new Thickness(2, 6) }; layersPanel.ColumnDefinitions.Add(90, GridUnitType.Pixel); layersPanel.ColumnDefinitions.Add(50, GridUnitType.Pixel); layersPanel.ColumnDefinitions.Add(10, GridUnitType.Pixel); layersPanel.ColumnDefinitions.Add(45, GridUnitType.Pixel); layersPanel.ColumnDefinitions.Add(1, GridUnitType.Star); _TbBrush = new UI.ToggleButton() { Column = 0, IsChecked = _PaintColor.Brush, Left = true }; _TbBrush.Label.text = "Brush View"; layersPanel.Controls.Add(_TbBrush); _PUV = new Popup() { Row = 0, Column = 1 }; PopupOption uv1 = new PopupOption(0) { Name = "UV1" }; uv1.Content.text = "UV 1"; PopupOption uv2 = new PopupOption(1) { Name = "UV2" }; uv2.Content.text = "UV 2"; _PUV.Options.Add(uv1); _PUV.Options.Add(uv2); _PUV.SelectedIndex = _PaintColor.UV2 ? 1 : 0; layersPanel.Controls.Add(_PUV); Label lbl = new Label() { Text = "Layers", Column = 3 }; layersPanel.Controls.Add(lbl); _LayersField = new LayerMaskField() { Row = 0, Column = 4 }; _LayersField.Layers = _PaintColor.LayerMask; _LayersField.Label.text = string.Empty; layersPanel.Controls.Add(_LayersField); #endregion _PnlFavoriteColors = new Grid() { Height = 22, Margin = new Thickness(0, 2) }; _FavoriteColors = new Color[] { new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), // red new Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), // green new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), // blue new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), // Alpha new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), // white new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) }; // black _PnlFavoriteColors.Controls.Add(new Box() { Row = 0, Column = 0, ColumnSpan = _FavoriteColors.Length }); for (int i = 0; i < _FavoriteColors.Length; i++) { _PnlFavoriteColors.ColumnDefinitions.Add(1, GridUnitType.Star); Skill.Framework.UI.Button btn = new Skill.Framework.UI.Button() { Tag = i.ToString(), Margin = new Thickness(4), Style = new GUIStyle(), Column = i }; string toolTip = string.Empty; Texture2D background = null; if (i == 0) { background = Skill.Editor.Resources.UITextures.Colors.Red; toolTip = "Red"; } else if (i == 1) { background = Skill.Editor.Resources.UITextures.Colors.Green; toolTip = "Green"; } else if (i == 2) { background = Skill.Editor.Resources.UITextures.Colors.Blue; toolTip = "Blue"; } else if (i == 3) { background = Skill.Editor.Resources.UITextures.Colors.Transparent; toolTip = "Alpha"; } else if (i == 4) { background = Skill.Editor.Resources.UITextures.Colors.White; toolTip = "White"; } else if (i == 5) { background = Skill.Editor.Resources.UITextures.Colors.Black; toolTip = "Black"; } btn.Style.normal.background = btn.Style.focused.background = btn.Style.hover.background = = background; btn.Content.tooltip = toolTip; btn.Click += btn_Click; _PnlFavoriteColors.Controls.Add(btn); } _ColorField = new ColorField() { Color = _PaintColor.Color, Margin = new Thickness(2) }; _SliRadius = new Skill.Editor.UI.Slider() { Value = _PaintColor.Radius, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 40, Margin = new Thickness(2), Height = 16 }; _SliRadius.Label.text = "Radius"; _SliRadius.Label.tooltip = "Shift + (A/D)"; _SliStrength = new Skill.Editor.UI.Slider() { Value = _PaintColor.Strength, MinValue = 1f, MaxValue = 100f, Margin = new Thickness(2), Height = 16 }; _SliStrength.Label.text = "Strength"; _SliFalloff = new Skill.Editor.UI.Slider() { Value = _PaintColor.Falloff, MinValue = 0.0f, MaxValue = 1.0f, Margin = new Thickness(2), Height = 16 }; _SliFalloff.Label.text = "Falloff"; _HelpBox = new HelpBox() { Height = 60, Message = "Hold CTRL and drag with Right Click to paint.\nTexture must be read/write enable\nValid texture format:\n ARGB32, RGBA32, RGB24 and Alpha8" }; _BtnSaveTexture = new Skill.Framework.UI.Button() { Margin = new Thickness(2), Height = 40 }; _BtnSaveTexture.Content.text = "Save Texture"; _TbShadowMode = new UI.ToggleButton() { Left = false, Margin = new Thickness(2), Height = 20 }; _TbShadowMode.Label.text = "Shadow Mode"; _Panel.Controls.Add(_TextureField); _Panel.Controls.Add(_TbChannels); _Panel.Controls.Add(_PnlFavoriteColors); _Panel.Controls.Add(_ColorField); _Panel.Controls.Add(layersPanel); _Panel.Controls.Add(_SliRadius); _Panel.Controls.Add(_SliStrength); _Panel.Controls.Add(_SliFalloff); _Panel.Controls.Add(_TbShadowMode); _Panel.Controls.Add(_HelpBox); _Panel.Controls.Add(_BtnSaveTexture); _Frame = new Frame("Frame"); _Frame.Grid.Controls.Add(_Panel); _TextureField.ObjectChanged += _TextureField_ObjectChanged; _TbBrush.Changed += _TbBrush_Changed; _TbShadowMode.Changed += _TbShadowMode_Changed; _TbChannels.TabChanged += Channel_Changed; _LayersField.LayersChanged += _LayersField_LayersChanged; _PUV.OptionChanged += _PUV_OptionChanged; _ColorField.ColorChanged += _ColorField_ColorChanged; _SliRadius.ValueChanged += _SliRadius_ValueChanged; _SliStrength.ValueChanged += _SliStrength_ValueChanged; _SliFalloff.ValueChanged += _SliFalloff_ValueChanged; _BtnSaveTexture.Click += _BtnSaveTexture_Click; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a list of all possible method call chains that result in the given target type. /// Some limits set to keep the possible options under control: /// - Only look for methods from classes with [Receivable] attribute /// - Up to 8 chained method calls /// </summary> void GetGetterMethods(List <Type> types, List <string> path, Type targetType, List <PopupOption> list) { Type memberType = types[types.Count - 1]; if (targetType.IsAssignableFrom(memberType)) { var option = new PopupOption(types[0], path); if (!list.Contains(option)) { list.Add(option); } } if (memberType.GetCustomAttribute <Receivable>() == null) { return; } if (memberType.IsValueType) { Debug.LogWarning($"Struct {memberType.GetFriendlyName()} has been marked [{nameof(Receivable)}] but that is not supported"); return; } foreach (var method in memberType.GetMethods()) { if (method.DeclaringType == typeof(object)) { continue; } if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void)) { continue; } if (method.GetParameters().Length > 0) { continue; } if (method.IsStatic) { continue; } if (method.ContainsGenericParameters) { continue; } Delegate accessor; try { accessor = DataAccessorHelper.CreateGetter(method); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning($"Couldn't add {method.DeclaringType}:{method.Name}: " + e.Message + e.StackTrace); continue; } var returnType = GetterChainCall.GetMethodReturnType(accessor.Method); if (returnType != typeof(void) && !types.Contains(returnType) && path.Count < 8) { types.Add(returnType); path.Add(method.Name); GetGetterMethods(types, path, targetType, list); path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1); types.RemoveAt(types.Count - 1); } } }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override void RenderMemberControl(Rect position) { var options = GetNameOptions(); PopupOption<AnimatorParameter> selectedOption = null; PopupOption<AnimatorParameter> noneOption = new PopupOption<AnimatorParameter>(null, "No Parameter"); AnimatorParameter value = GetValue(); if (value != null) { string label =; AnimatorParameter valueInOptions = options.Select(option => option.value).FirstOrDefault(ap => ap.Corresponds(value)); if (valueInOptions != null) { selectedOption = new PopupOption<AnimatorParameter>(valueInOptions, label); } else { selectedOption = new PopupOption<AnimatorParameter>(value, label); } } // Make sure the callback uses the property of this drawer, not at its later value. var propertyNow = property; bool enabled = targets.Any(target => target != null); if (!enabled) EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); PopupGUI<AnimatorParameter>.Render ( position, newValue => { Update(propertyNow); SetValue(newValue); propertyNow.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }, options, selectedOption, noneOption, nameProperty.hasMultipleDifferentValues ); if (!enabled) EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); }