 public void End()
     if (Boxremain == 0)
         PopUpSystem pop = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <PopUpSystem>();
         pop.PopUpInfo("<size=10>" + "Hi, how do you feel on this new Earth?\nI think you have learned about the situation in different regions during your travels, and you have also generated more thoughts.\nWe all have a dream, that is to let the world no longer have conflicts, and the vulnerable groups in conflict——those women can get more protection.\n This path of exploration will be continued by yourself after you go back. Remember to pay more attention to women, girls and gender issues in conflict.\n Your trip has come to an end. I think you miss what you saw just now. But don’t worry, as long as you go out.\nThat better New earth is right in front of you...\n\nDoc. X" + "</size>");
    public void pickUp()
        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, transform.forward * 2.0f, Color.green);
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
            Collider[] colls = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, 5f); //获取周围物品
            foreach (Collider collider in colls)
                if (collider.gameObject.tag == "pick" && Vector3.Angle(collider.gameObject.transform.position - transform.position, transform.forward) <= 45)

                    if (collider.gameObject == GameObject.Find("APinfo") && APget == false)
                        PopUpSystem pop = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <PopUpSystem>();
                        pop.PopUpInfo("<size=15>" + "Here is Asia and Pacific. They signed 377 peace agreements between 1990 and 2020. However, only 45 of them involve women and gender, which is the smallest proportion. It shows that compared with other areas, there is less extra care for women in conflicts. What caused this phenomenon?" + "</size>");
                        // print("GET22!");
                        APget = true;
                        Destroy(collider.gameObject, 0.2f);
                    if (collider.gameObject == GameObject.Find("EEinfo") && EEget == false)
                        PopUpSystem pop = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <PopUpSystem>();
                        pop.PopUpInfo("<size=15>" + "This is Europe and Eurasia. They have a lot of peace agreements but just a few related to gender aspects. Besides, the local agreement was relatively concentrated in the early 1990s, but declined over time. Does this demonstrate Europe has done a better job of protecting women's rights?" + "</size>");
                        // print("GET22!");
                        EEget = true;
                        Destroy(collider.gameObject, 0.2f);
                    if (collider.gameObject == GameObject.Find("MEinfo") && MEget == false)
                        PopUpSystem pop = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <PopUpSystem>();
                        pop.PopUpInfo("<size=15>" + "The number of peace agreements signed in the Middle East and North Africa is relatively medium compared to other regions, but they are concentrated in Israel, Palestinian Territory, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. Further research on the rights and interests of women in these countries will help us to further explore the extent to which peace agreements affect women and gender equality." + "</size>");
                        // print("GET22!");
                        MEget = true;
                        Destroy(collider.gameObject, 0.2f);
                    if (collider.gameObject == GameObject.Find("Afinfo") && Afget == false)
                        PopUpSystem pop = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <PopUpSystem>();
                        pop.PopUpInfo("<size=15>" + "This is Africa(excl MENA). They have the largest number of peace agreements both in all and gender related part, at the same time the proportion of there is also the highest. So many wars have brought disaster to this place. It is hoped that these peace agreements will enable local women to gain a higher status and lead a better life." + "</size>");
                        // print("GET22!");
                        Afget = true;
                        Destroy(collider.gameObject, 0.2f);
                    if (collider.gameObject == GameObject.Find("Aminfo") && Amget == false)
                        PopUpSystem pop = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <PopUpSystem>();
                        pop.PopUpInfo("<size=15>" + "This is Americas. Interesting, there is a blank of records of peace agreements related to the Americas at the beginning of the 21st century(2000 - 2012). Maybe the lack of data is due to a relatively peaceful period in the Americas in the early 21st century?" + "</size>");
                        // print("GET22!");
                        Amget = true;
                        Destroy(collider.gameObject, 0.2f);