private static PolygonIsland[] GetIslands(Point[][] polygons, EdgeIntersection[] intersections)
                // Figure out which polygons are in which islands
                var islands = GetIslandsSprtIndices(polygons, intersections);

                if (islands.Length == 1)
                    return new PolygonIsland[] { new PolygonIsland(polygons, intersections) };

                PolygonIsland[] retVal = new PolygonIsland[islands.Length];

                // Make new intersections that only know about the polygons in their island
                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < retVal.Length; cntr++)
                    List<Point[]> localPolys = new List<Point[]>();
                    SortedList<int, int> mapping = new SortedList<int, int>();

                    foreach (int index in islands[cntr].Item1)
                        mapping.Add(index, localPolys.Count);

                    EdgeIntersection[] localIntersections = islands[cntr].Item2.Select(o => new EdgeIntersection(mapping[o.Poly1Index], o.Poly1Edge, mapping[o.Poly2Index], o.Poly2Edge, o.IntersectionPoint)).ToArray();

                    retVal[cntr] = new PolygonIsland(localPolys.ToArray(), localIntersections);

                // Exit Function
                return retVal;
            private static Polygon2D[] MergeIsland(PolygonIsland island)
                // Convert into line segments
                Tuple<Point, Point>[] allSegments = MergeIslandSprtSegments(island);

                List<Tuple<Point, bool>> mids;

                // Remove segments that are inside a polygon
                Tuple<Point, Point>[] segments = MergeIslandSprtRemoveInternal(out mids, allSegments, island.Polygons);

                // Stitch together the remaining segments
                //Point[][] polys = StitchSegments2.Stitch(segments);
                return StitchSegments2.Stitch(segments);

                //if (polys == null)
                //    //NOTE: This assumes that the segments form a convex hull, which is likely incorrect
                //    //retVal = GetConvexHull(segments);
                //    throw new ApplicationException("Fix this");

                //if (polys.Length == 1)
                //    return new Polygon2D[] { new Polygon2D(polys[0]) };
                //    return MergeIslandSprtFindAHoles(polys);
            private static Tuple<Point, Point>[] MergeIslandSprtSegments(PolygonIsland island)
                List<Tuple<Point, Point>> retVal = new List<Tuple<Point, Point>>();

                // Shoot through all the polygons in this island
                for (int polyCntr = 0; polyCntr < island.Polygons.Length; polyCntr++)
                    // Shoot through each edge of this polygon
                    foreach (Edge2D edge in Math2D.IterateEdges(island.Polygons[polyCntr], null))
                        // Get all intersections of this edge
                        EdgeIntersection[] intersections = MergeIslandSprtSegmentsSprtIntersections(polyCntr, edge, island.Intersections);

                        if (intersections.Length == 0)
                            // Nothing is intersecting this edge, so add the entire edge
                            retVal.Add(Tuple.Create(edge.Point0, edge.Point1Ext));
                            // This edge has intersections.  Convert into segments
                            retVal.AddRange(MergeIslandSprtSegmentsSprtDivide(polyCntr, edge, intersections));

                // Exit Function
                return retVal.ToArray();
            private static Point[] MergeIsland(PolygonIsland island)
                // Convert into line segments
                Tuple<Point, Point>[] allSegments = MergeIslandSprtSegments(island);

                List<Tuple<Point, bool>> mids;

                // Remove segments that are inside a polygon
                Tuple<Point, Point>[] segments = MergeIslandSprtRemoveInternal(out mids, allSegments, island.Polygons);

                // Stitch together the remaining segments
                Point[] retVal = StitchSegments(segments);
                if (retVal == null)
                    //NOTE: This assumes that the segments form a convex hull, which is likely incorrect
                    //retVal = GetConvexHull(segments);
                    throw new ApplicationException("Fix this");

                return retVal;