        // Create contact points for a capsule and triangle in world space.
        public static unsafe void CapsuleTriangle(
            CapsuleCollider *capsuleA, PolygonCollider *triangleB,
            MTransform worldFromA, MTransform aFromB, float maxDistance,
            out Manifold manifold)
            Assert.IsTrue(triangleB->Vertices.Length == 3);

            DistanceQueries.Result convexDistance = DistanceQueries.CapsuleTriangle(capsuleA, triangleB, aFromB);
            if (convexDistance.Distance < maxDistance)
                // Build manifold
                manifold = new Manifold
                    Normal = math.mul(worldFromA.Rotation, -convexDistance.NormalInA) // negate the normal because we are temporarily flipping to triangle A capsule B
                MTransform worldFromB = Mul(worldFromA, aFromB);
                MTransform bFromA     = Inverse(aFromB);
                float3     normalInB  = math.mul(bFromA.Rotation, convexDistance.NormalInA);
                int        faceIndexB = triangleB->ConvexHull.GetSupportingFace(normalInB);
                if (FaceEdge(ref triangleB->ConvexHull, ref capsuleA->ConvexHull, faceIndexB, worldFromB, bFromA, -normalInB, convexDistance.Distance + capsuleA->Radius, ref manifold))
                    manifold = new Manifold(convexDistance, worldFromA);
                manifold = new Manifold();
        public void Execute(ref ModifiableContactHeader contactHeader, ref ModifiableContactPoint contactPoint)
            bool isBodyA = (contactHeader.EntityA == SurfaceEntity);
            bool isBodyB = (contactHeader.EntityB == SurfaceEntity);

            if (isBodyA || isBodyB)
                if (contactPoint.Index == 0)
                    // if we have a mesh surface we can get the surface normal from the plane of the polygon
                    var rbIdx = CollisionWorld.GetRigidBodyIndex(SurfaceEntity);
                    var body  = CollisionWorld.Bodies[rbIdx];
                    if (body.Collider.Value.CollisionType == CollisionType.Composite)
                            body.Collider.Value.GetLeaf(isBodyA ? contactHeader.ColliderKeyA : contactHeader.ColliderKeyB, out ChildCollider leafCollider);
                            if (leafCollider.Collider->Type == ColliderType.Triangle || leafCollider.Collider->Type == ColliderType.Quad)
                                PolygonCollider *polygonCollider = (PolygonCollider *)leafCollider.Collider;
                                // Potential optimization: If TransformFromChild has no rotation just use body.WorldFromBody.rot
                                // This is likely if you only have a MeshCollider with no hierarchy.
                                quaternion rotation      = math.mul(body.WorldFromBody.rot, leafCollider.TransformFromChild.rot);
                                float3     surfaceNormal = math.rotate(rotation, polygonCollider->Planes[0].Normal);
                                distanceScale        = math.dot(surfaceNormal, contactHeader.Normal);
                                contactHeader.Normal = surfaceNormal;
                contactPoint.Distance *= distanceScale;
        // Create a single point manifold between a triangle and sphere in world space.
        public static unsafe void TriangleSphere(
            PolygonCollider *triangleA, SphereCollider *sphereB,
            MTransform worldFromA, MTransform aFromB, float maxDistance,
            out Manifold manifold)
            Assert.IsTrue(triangleA->Vertices.Length == 3);

            DistanceQueries.Result convexDistance = DistanceQueries.TriangleSphere(
                triangleA->Vertices[0], triangleA->Vertices[1], triangleA->Vertices[2], triangleA->Planes[0].Normal,
                sphereB->Center, sphereB->Radius, aFromB);
            if (convexDistance.Distance < maxDistance)
                manifold = new Manifold(convexDistance, worldFromA);
                manifold = new Manifold();
        // Create contact points for a box and triangle in world space.
        public static unsafe void BoxTriangle(
            BoxCollider *boxA, PolygonCollider *triangleB,
            MTransform worldFromA, MTransform aFromB, float maxDistance,
            out Manifold manifold)
            Assert.IsTrue(triangleB->Vertices.Length == 3);

            // Get triangle in box space
            MTransform aFromBoxA = new MTransform(boxA->Orientation, boxA->Center);
            MTransform boxAFromB = Mul(Inverse(aFromBoxA), aFromB);
            float3     t0        = Mul(boxAFromB, triangleB->ConvexHull.Vertices[0]);
            float3     t1        = Mul(boxAFromB, triangleB->ConvexHull.Vertices[1]);
            float3     t2        = Mul(boxAFromB, triangleB->ConvexHull.Vertices[2]);

            Plane  triPlane       = triangleB->ConvexHull.Planes[0];
            float3 triangleNormal = math.mul(boxAFromB.Rotation, triPlane.Normal);
            FourTransposedPoints vertsB;
            FourTransposedPoints edgesB;
            FourTransposedPoints perpsB;

            CalcTrianglePlanes(t0, t1, t2, triangleNormal, out vertsB, out edgesB, out perpsB);

            float3 halfExtents = boxA->Size * 0.5f + maxDistance;

            // find the closest minkowski plane
            float4 plane;

                // Box face vs triangle vertex
                float4 planeFaceVertex;
                    // get aabb of minkowski diff
                    float3 tMin = math.min(math.min(t0, t1), t2) - halfExtents;
                    float3 tMax = math.max(math.max(t0, t1), t2) + halfExtents;

                    // find the aabb face closest to the origin
                    float3 axis0 = new float3(1, 0, 0);
                    float3 axis1 = axis0.zxy; // 010
                    float3 axis2 = axis0.yzx; // 001

                    float4 planeX = SelectMaxW(new float4(axis0, -tMax.x), new float4(-axis0, tMin.x));
                    float4 planeY = SelectMaxW(new float4(axis1, -tMax.y), new float4(-axis1, tMin.y));
                    float4 planeZ = SelectMaxW(new float4(axis2, -tMax.z), new float4(-axis2, tMin.z));

                    planeFaceVertex = SelectMaxW(planeX, planeY);
                    planeFaceVertex = SelectMaxW(planeFaceVertex, planeZ);

                // Box vertex vs triangle face
                float4 planeVertexFace;
                    // Calculate the triangle normal
                    float triangleOffset  = math.dot(triangleNormal, t0);
                    float expansionOffset = math.dot(math.abs(triangleNormal), halfExtents);
                    planeVertexFace = SelectMaxW(
                        new float4(triangleNormal, -triangleOffset - expansionOffset),
                        new float4(-triangleNormal, triangleOffset - expansionOffset));

                // Edge planes
                float4 planeEdgeEdge = new float4(0, 0, 0, -float.MaxValue);
                    // Test the planes from crossing axis i with each edge of the triangle, for example if i = 1 then n0 is from (0, 1, 0) x (t1 - t0).
                    for (int i = 0, j = 1, k = 2; i < 3; j = k, k = i, i++)
                        // Normalize the cross product and flip it to point outward from the edge
                        float4 lengthsSq  = edgesB.GetComponent(j) * edgesB.GetComponent(j) + edgesB.GetComponent(k) * edgesB.GetComponent(k);
                        float4 invLengths = math.rsqrt(lengthsSq);
                        float4 dots       = edgesB.GetComponent(j) * perpsB.GetComponent(k) - edgesB.GetComponent(k) * perpsB.GetComponent(j);
                        float4 factors    = invLengths * math.sign(dots);

                        float4 nj        = -edgesB.GetComponent(k) * factors;
                        float4 nk        = edgesB.GetComponent(j) * factors;
                        float4 distances = -nj *vertsB.GetComponent(j) - nk * vertsB.GetComponent(k) - math.abs(nj) * halfExtents[j] - math.abs(nk) * halfExtents[k];

                        // If the box edge is parallel to the triangle face then skip it, the plane is redundant with a vertex-face plane
                        bool4 valid = dots != float4.zero;
                        distances = math.select(Constants.Min4F, distances, valid);

                        float3 n0   = new float3(); n0[i] = 0.0f; n0[j] = nj[0]; n0[k] = nk[0];
                        float3 n1   = new float3(); n1[i] = 0.0f; n1[j] = nj[1]; n1[k] = nk[1];
                        float3 n2   = new float3(); n2[i] = 0.0f; n2[j] = nj[2]; n2[k] = nk[2];
                        float4 temp = SelectMaxW(SelectMaxW(new float4(n0, distances.x), new float4(n1, distances.y)), new float4(n2, distances.z));
                        planeEdgeEdge = SelectMaxW(planeEdgeEdge, temp);

                plane = SelectMaxW(SelectMaxW(planeFaceVertex, planeVertexFace), planeEdgeEdge);

            manifold = new Manifold();

            // Check for a separating plane TODO.ma could early out as soon as any plane with w>0 is found
            if (plane.w <= 0.0f)
                // Get the normal and supporting faces
                float3 normalInA = math.mul(boxA->Orientation, plane.xyz);
                manifold.Normal = math.mul(worldFromA.Rotation, normalInA);
                int faceIndexA = boxA->ConvexHull.GetSupportingFace(-normalInA);
                int faceIndexB = triangleB->ConvexHull.GetSupportingFace(math.mul(math.transpose(aFromB.Rotation), normalInA));

                // Build manifold
                if (!FaceFace(ref boxA->ConvexHull, ref triangleB->ConvexHull, faceIndexA, faceIndexB, worldFromA, aFromB, normalInA, float.MaxValue, ref manifold))
                    // The closest points are vertices, we need GJK to find them
                        ref ((ConvexCollider *)boxA)->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)triangleB)->ConvexHull,
                        worldFromA, aFromB, maxDistance, out manifold);
        // Dispatch any pair of convex colliders
        public static unsafe Result ConvexConvex(Collider *convexA, Collider *convexB, MTransform aFromB)
            Result result;
            bool   flip = false;

            switch (convexA->Type)
            case ColliderType.Sphere:
                SphereCollider *sphereA = (SphereCollider *)convexA;
                switch (convexB->Type)
                case ColliderType.Sphere:
                    result = SphereSphere(sphereA, (SphereCollider *)convexB, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Capsule:
                    CapsuleCollider *capsuleB = (CapsuleCollider *)convexB;
                    result = CapsuleSphere(capsuleB->Vertex0, capsuleB->Vertex1, capsuleB->Radius, sphereA->Center, sphereA->Radius, Inverse(aFromB));
                    flip   = true;

                case ColliderType.Triangle:
                    PolygonCollider *triangleB = (PolygonCollider *)convexB;
                    result = TriangleSphere(
                        triangleB->Vertices[0], triangleB->Vertices[1], triangleB->Vertices[2], triangleB->Planes[0].Normal,
                        sphereA->Center, sphereA->Radius, Inverse(aFromB));
                    flip = true;

                case ColliderType.Quad:
                    PolygonCollider *quadB = (PolygonCollider *)convexB;
                    result = QuadSphere(
                        quadB->Vertices[0], quadB->Vertices[1], quadB->Vertices[2], quadB->Vertices[3], quadB->Planes[0].Normal,
                        sphereA->Center, sphereA->Radius, Inverse(aFromB));
                    flip = true;

                case ColliderType.Box:
                    result = BoxSphere((BoxCollider *)convexB, sphereA, Inverse(aFromB));
                    flip   = true;

                case ColliderType.Cylinder:
                case ColliderType.Convex:
                    result = ConvexConvex(ref sphereA->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexB)->ConvexHull, aFromB);

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            case ColliderType.Capsule:
                CapsuleCollider *capsuleA = (CapsuleCollider *)convexA;
                switch (convexB->Type)
                case ColliderType.Sphere:
                    SphereCollider *sphereB = (SphereCollider *)convexB;
                    result = CapsuleSphere(capsuleA->Vertex0, capsuleA->Vertex1, capsuleA->Radius, sphereB->Center, sphereB->Radius, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Capsule:
                    result = CapsuleCapsule(capsuleA, (CapsuleCollider *)convexB, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Triangle:
                    result = CapsuleTriangle(capsuleA, (PolygonCollider *)convexB, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Box:
                case ColliderType.Quad:
                case ColliderType.Cylinder:
                case ColliderType.Convex:
                    result = ConvexConvex(ref capsuleA->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexB)->ConvexHull, aFromB);

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            case ColliderType.Triangle:
                PolygonCollider *triangleA = (PolygonCollider *)convexA;
                switch (convexB->Type)
                case ColliderType.Sphere:
                    SphereCollider *sphereB = (SphereCollider *)convexB;
                    result = TriangleSphere(
                        triangleA->Vertices[0], triangleA->Vertices[1], triangleA->Vertices[2], triangleA->Planes[0].Normal,
                        sphereB->Center, sphereB->Radius, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Capsule:
                    result = CapsuleTriangle((CapsuleCollider *)convexB, triangleA, Inverse(aFromB));
                    flip   = true;

                case ColliderType.Box:
                case ColliderType.Triangle:
                case ColliderType.Quad:
                case ColliderType.Cylinder:
                case ColliderType.Convex:
                    result = ConvexConvex(ref triangleA->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexB)->ConvexHull, aFromB);

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            case ColliderType.Box:
                BoxCollider *boxA = (BoxCollider *)convexA;
                switch (convexB->Type)
                case ColliderType.Sphere:
                    result = BoxSphere(boxA, (SphereCollider *)convexB, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Capsule:
                case ColliderType.Box:
                case ColliderType.Triangle:
                case ColliderType.Quad:
                case ColliderType.Cylinder:
                case ColliderType.Convex:
                    result = ConvexConvex(ref boxA->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexB)->ConvexHull, aFromB);

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            case ColliderType.Quad:
            case ColliderType.Cylinder:
            case ColliderType.Convex:
                result = ConvexConvex(ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexA)->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexB)->ConvexHull, aFromB);

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (flip)
                result.PositionOnAinA = Mul(aFromB, result.PositionOnBinA);
                result.NormalInA      = math.mul(aFromB.Rotation, -result.NormalInA);

        public static unsafe Result CapsuleTriangle(CapsuleCollider *capsuleA, PolygonCollider *triangleB, MTransform aFromB)
            // Get vertices
            float3 c0 = capsuleA->Vertex0;
            float3 c1 = capsuleA->Vertex1;
            float3 t0 = Mul(aFromB, triangleB->ConvexHull.Vertices[0]);
            float3 t1 = Mul(aFromB, triangleB->ConvexHull.Vertices[1]);
            float3 t2 = Mul(aFromB, triangleB->ConvexHull.Vertices[2]);

            float3 direction;
            float  distanceSq;
            float3 pointCapsule;
            float  sign = 1.0f; // negated if penetrating
                // Calculate triangle edges and edge planes
                float3 faceNormal = math.mul(aFromB.Rotation, triangleB->ConvexHull.Planes[0].Normal);
                FourTransposedPoints vertsB;
                FourTransposedPoints edgesB;
                FourTransposedPoints perpsB;
                CalcTrianglePlanes(t0, t1, t2, faceNormal, out vertsB, out edgesB, out perpsB);

                // c0 against triangle face
                    FourTransposedPoints rels = new FourTransposedPoints(c0) - vertsB;
                    PointTriangleFace(c0, t0, faceNormal, vertsB, edgesB, perpsB, rels, out float signedDistance);
                    distanceSq = signedDistance * signedDistance;
                    if (distanceSq > distanceEpsSq)
                        direction = -faceNormal * signedDistance;
                        direction = math.select(faceNormal, -faceNormal, math.dot(c1 - c0, faceNormal) < 0); // rare case, capsule point is exactly on the triangle face
                    pointCapsule = c0;

                // c1 against triangle face
                    FourTransposedPoints rels = new FourTransposedPoints(c1) - vertsB;
                    PointTriangleFace(c1, t0, faceNormal, vertsB, edgesB, perpsB, rels, out float signedDistance);
                    float  distanceSq1 = signedDistance * signedDistance;
                    float3 direction1;
                    if (distanceSq1 > distanceEpsSq)
                        direction1 = -faceNormal * signedDistance;
                        direction1 = math.select(faceNormal, -faceNormal, math.dot(c0 - c1, faceNormal) < 0); // rare case, capsule point is exactly on the triangle face
                    SelectMin(ref direction, ref distanceSq, ref pointCapsule, direction1, distanceSq1, c1);

                // axis against triangle edges
                float3 axis = c1 - c0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    float3 closestOnCapsule, closestOnTriangle;
                    SegmentSegment(c0, axis, vertsB.GetPoint(i), edgesB.GetPoint(i), out closestOnCapsule, out closestOnTriangle);
                    float3 edgeDiff       = closestOnCapsule - closestOnTriangle;
                    float  edgeDistanceSq = math.lengthsq(edgeDiff);
                    edgeDiff = math.select(edgeDiff, perpsB.GetPoint(i), edgeDistanceSq < distanceEpsSq); // use edge plane if the capsule axis intersects the edge
                    SelectMin(ref direction, ref distanceSq, ref pointCapsule, edgeDiff, edgeDistanceSq, closestOnCapsule);

                // axis against triangle face
                    // Find the intersection of the axis with the triangle plane
                    float axisDot = math.dot(axis, faceNormal);
                    float dist0   = math.dot(t0 - c0, faceNormal); // distance from c0 to the plane along the normal
                    float t       = dist0 * math.select(math.rcp(axisDot), 0.0f, axisDot == 0.0f);
                    if (t > 0.0f && t < 1.0f)
                        // If they intersect, check if the intersection is inside the triangle
                        FourTransposedPoints rels = new FourTransposedPoints(c0 + axis * t) - vertsB;
                        float4 dots = perpsB.Dot(rels);
                        if (math.all(dots <= float4.zero))
                            // Axis intersects the triangle, choose the separating direction
                            float  dist1            = axisDot - dist0;
                            bool   use1             = math.abs(dist1) < math.abs(dist0);
                            float  dist             = math.select(-dist0, dist1, use1);
                            float3 closestOnCapsule = math.select(c0, c1, use1);
                            SelectMin(ref direction, ref distanceSq, ref pointCapsule, dist * faceNormal, dist * dist, closestOnCapsule);

                            // Even if the edge is closer than the face, we now know that the edge hit was penetrating
                            sign = -1.0f;

            float  invDistance = math.rsqrt(distanceSq);
            float  distance;
            float3 normal;

            if (distanceSq < distanceEpsSq)
                normal   = math.normalize(direction); // rare case, capsule axis almost exactly touches the triangle
                distance = 0.0f;
                normal   = direction * invDistance * sign; // common case, distanceSq = lengthsq(direction)
                distance = distanceSq * invDistance * sign;
            return(new Result
                NormalInA = normal,
                PositionOnAinA = pointCapsule - normal * capsuleA->Radius,
                Distance = distance - capsuleA->Radius